"Reacher" In a Tree (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Really Moves Along
Hitchcoc8 March 2022
So much packed into around 50 minutes. We don't know yet what the bad guys are up to, but they don't seem to care about revealing themselves. Our friendly mayor is in the pocket of that multi-tasker. And there is a lot of animal feed. We get to see the romantic thing developing but it is played very well. The threesome are developing some great chemistry. Very sad ending that will drive Reacher even farther to get the worst of the worst. This is a really good show--although the violence goes over the top at times.
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Kudos to the writers
Pegasus-1024 March 2022
Mainly for knowing that just saying "VIN" is enough. So many people use the redundant "VIN Number" (and also "PIN Number") that it was a nice surprise to hear the characters use the term correctly; also nice to hear their other snappy dialogue.
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Who's Watching The Door?
wandernn1-81-6832746 February 2022
So it didn't take too long for Roscoe and Reacher to take advantage of being trapped in the same motel room. Figured that would happen. Now the big question, is when does Roscoe die? And to a lesser degree, how many henchmen are going to crawl out of the woodwork for Reacher, or Roscoe, to dispose of? Still, quite entertaining. 8/10.
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Lythas_856 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the begining.. Reacher does not hurt the innocent but if they are going after him, they will put them down without thinking twice.

Roscow was all judgmental about Reacher asking him about Baghdad after douchebag rich guy told her about it.. thing is, he had killed child molesters.. and after explaining that to her.. he gave her line right back to her.. if she had a problem with him killing child abusers cause he needed to know what kind of person she was.. priceless.

Chase scene was alright. Think they nerfed reacher a little cause in the books he usually fights multiple dudes and it only takes a couple of hits to end guys while this reacher struggles a bit.. he kills one and the other he disarms but kicks him straight down near to his own gun and then just watches him get to it.. well, but that was necessary for roscoe to save him and get angry after

did not like the couple whining thing and reacher looking for her approval

anyway, things are picking up and gettng m,ore interesting by the moment.
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im noticing some flaws (still cool tho) lol hahah hehehe
Vanilladietcoke31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reacher is obviously a good ass show with tons of positive traits, but I'm slowly beginning to witness some flaws within the show which are a bit annoying on my part but don't harm the overall experience. The show tries to continue its breakneck pace, however in this episode there are many scenes that send the pacing tumbling backwards such as the myriad of flashback moments about Reacher. I like hearing about the guy but not in the middle of such an intense story and at such random times. The most egregious example of this is when Officer Roscoe and Reacher are at the motel. Reacher starts off the scene by being his usual calculated and careful self, but then the scene starts to become more emotional with Reacher getting to experience brief amount of grief about the death of his brother. This segment is truly wonderful to witness, as we get to see the genuine pain in Reacher's eyes without seeing a straight up breakdown, which was pretty cool. However, this awesome scene is led up with pure confusion as while Reacher is taking a shower and contemplating his loss, staring at the ground with feelings of utter despair, ROSCOE COMES IN THE SHOWER AND A SEX SCENE STARTS!?!?!? When this part happened I jumped out of my seat, but to make things worse, this scene is just so gross out of context. The man is grieving the death of his brother, is this really the time to start having the urge to start "getting it on?" Then there's the fight scene towards the second half of the episode where Reacher sorta acts like an idiot in this fight scene. The guys are shooting at him, and he has a gun, and he runs away instead of shooting. Then, after shooting, he continues to run just like when he had bullets in the first place. All the fight scenes we have seen with him have been extremely intense and simple, yet complex from the mind of Reacher. This felt like more of a mad dash to the finish line in which the main character was a crazy man who knew how to fight (but was really bad at it). The worst part is that this resulted in Reacher fighting someone who he should have easily beaten, but then he knocks this guy out, causing the guy's gun to drop onto the floor. Instead of immediately going for it like he would do, or plan an attack before that would get the gun dropped towards him, the bad guy is able to grab the gun back and point it at Reacher, basically making him a dead man before Roscoe can pull up and shoot him in the head. Reacher could have easily dealt with that, remember the scene with the 6 or 7 guys in jail? HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! HE ONLY USED HIS BARE HANDS AND HIS ENVIRONMENT!!! And then after this, it results in some forced drama between Reacher and Roscoe about how Reacher wanted to take on the action for himself and wanted him to get hurt so Roscoe didn't???!??! What!?!??!!? The goal is to get the job done! What is Reacher on about? He barely knows this girl and now he cares for her like they have been dating for years? I'm so confused. This is not the Reacher I was coming to understand so far. Of course the acting is still amazing, especially from the corrupt mayor, Roscoe, and Reacher. ALSO, I complained about the flashbacks, but they weren't anywhere near as annoying as those two moments I just mentioned. OH, and another thing to address, people are complaining on these reviews about the black girl helping Reacher being some kind of woke woman trying to fulfill some sort of agenda. !??!?!? This scene wasn't even five minutes, why are people making such a big deal about this? Anyways, I did give this an overall positive score, so I have to mention a couple of awesome factors here. The ending scene is brutal and really awesome, showing that the threat is far ahead of them but also more intelligent than they think, and the beginning scene where Reacher explains his Baghdad past was super intense as well. Oh, and Finlay is beginning to become my favorite character on the show here, in which people are being racist or hindering his officer position straight to his face and its super cool seeing the conflict arise from this as he consistently attempts to steer towards the legal side of things while he keeps getting pushed over and over again. He has a strong moral side to him and I respect that. I know I complained a lot, but this episode was still quite enjoyable, and despite my annoyance of that random sex scene, it was quite funny-I will admit that.
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Even better than the previous episode.
LegendaryFang5619 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this was the best episode so far. Easily. The previous episode was a pivotal one. With the progression and development of the storyline, while also an overall good, enjoyable episode. It was the best and most pivotal one out of the first three. I thought this episode topped it.

The storyline is still developing: even more so now, which makes sense. This episode's the fourth episode; things have to start getting somewhere. And even though nothing seems "clear" yet, I'm not worried about it. Watching it all unfold is entertaining; in this show.

One thing that stood out to me was the differences with the locations in this episode compared to those we've seen up to this point. I think that's one of the reasons why this episode seemed so enjoyable to me. It was a nice change; the atmosphere was different. It gave the subtle impression, "A bigger scope of things." Like what you'd get from a movie.

  • I wonder if there's more to the Baghdad story. That could've been it, and Kliner Jr. Was hoping that it would've been enough to split Roscoe and Jack, even despite knowing the details. I don't know. There could be more to it, or maybe Kliner Jr. Wasn't talking about that particular instance; there could've been more than one. With someone like Jack Reacher, anything's possible. But all signs seem to indicate, "No." Get it? My reference? Nevermind.

  • Jack and Roscoe's relationship has reached the point that most of us, I'd imagine, expected it to at some point. But I have to say: doing it in the shower is unrealistic, or rather very inconvenient, or so I've read. Who knows, maybe they didn't do it in the shower, only the "preceding" stuff. If I'm being honest, that happened a little soon. There are still four episodes left; plenty of time, right? I guess the storyline "has to" advance to a significant point now, so the writers figured it would be best to get that out of the way now; there wouldn't be the time in any of the following episodes.

  • The execution of the fight sequences could use some work; the one, around 31+ minutes in, was kind of hectically edited. There's quite a bit of cutting: in a lesser sense with previous ones, as well. I mean, I'm sure there are much worse so-called "fight sequences" out there, but that doesn't make others that are better but could be much better, better than they are. It seems like Hollywood tends to struggle with fight sequences; maybe it's a lack of time, lack of proper dedication of everyone involved, a lack of someone good and experienced to choreograph them, I don't know. But a "simple" fight sequence like that, which is probably putting it mildly: but still could've been done so much better than it was.

The first 18 minutes were the best; this episode's pacing slowed down a bit after that. But then came the last few minutes, rivaling the first 18 minutes. Even though those last few minutes were exciting and all that, I still think the first 18 minutes of the episode was better. The different locations, different shots: the general feel and atmosphere. The step further of Jack and Roscoe's relationship. All of that elevated those first 18 minutes.

All that aside, we still don't know what happened to Joe and the second victim; who did it. The underlying storyline behind that, the overall storyline of this first season, is continuously unraveling, of course, yet it still doesn't make much sense. It seems like there is much more to it than the specific details we know so far, although the overall "thing" going on could be "it." But this season seems to be getting closer to a turning point regarding that.
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Leofwine_draca21 May 2022
A solid if unspectacular episode. Some good darkly violent moments but a step away from the suspense with a shoehorned-in romantic sub-plot and some gratuitous nudity to boot which I wasn't a fan of. A shame American shows resort to such a cookie-cutter approach.
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Terrible writing.
jeroen-1068 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is full of bad, cliche writing. As of late it seems most shows are ruined by the writing, not by direction or acting. It's a trend on streaming services, perhaps because great writing is a long process and time is extremely limited?

In this episode, the female cop Roscoe is okay with dumping bodies on an airfield 'to keep state police out'. That is an unrealistic scenario. Even despite what's going on. She would never do it.

When she looks at three dead bodies, stacked, with broken limbs caused by Reacher post-mortem and exit wounds on the front (he shot them in the back), she is okay with that behavior based on him explaining his actions as a soldier in the past?

She'd be an accomplice to murder, regardless of the outcome of the case! It's absurd! Terrible, criminal actions like do not get justified if the case ends well for them. How on Earth are we supposed to sympathize with these characters?

And why does Roscoe try to wipe away her evidence of being in a car with 3 dead bodies by casually wiping off parts of the car with her sleeve? She'd never catch all the potential spots where she touched the car. Why not use gloves?

Even then she'd leave evidence all over the place - the gloves themselves or a blonde hair is enough as DNA evidence.

In the previous episodes we've seen crime scenes being contaminated where the camera shows us Roscoe and Reacher walking over bloody footprints on the floor.

Why is Reacher completely devoid of emotion? Is he autistic? Does he have Asperger's? He didn't seem to be emotional about the death of his brother at all.

What is this? A kids show? Did the writers give up?

How is this show getting 8.0+ ratings for individual episodes?

The only impressive part of this show is Reacher's jawline.
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Tacky and filled with clishé's
aboalhyjaa12 March 2022
This is the worst episode by far. This is a good show but this episode was just bad. Felt like watching some 2000 something movie. Every. Single. Minute.
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In a Tree
Prismark1013 April 2022
The episode wants to make Jack Reacher to unearth his more human side.

When he reaches out to Molly, he is forced to talk about his brother Joe.

Reacher also develops a romantic attachment with Roscoe.

All the time having an inkling that there is a mole in the police department and elsewhere.

The Kilner's are a powerful family and well connected. They also are dealing with a lot of animal feed.

I did groan a bit at the end when Molly got lost stepping off the train.

The bone crunching violence from Reacher keeps the series moving alone.
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shefchenko17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So...Reacher could beat 4 guys in prison, but here he wasn't able to do it to 1 guy? Then he kicks him, and while the Spanish/Mexican guy is on the ground, Reacher doesn't go forwards to finish it, but waits till the guy pulls out the gun?!?!?!?!? Is that for kids now? Full embarrassment mode.
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Molly Beth's Story
lavatch8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this fourth episode, Reacher and Roscoe have to fight their way out of an ambush as they are chasing clues. It is clear that someone is always one step ahead of them. Is there a confederate in the police force? Are the powerful Kleiners using sophisticated listening devices?

Reacher's brother Joe was clearly getting close to penetrating a major national or international counterfeiting ring prior to his death. Joe's lover, Molly Beth, is bringing papers to Reacher that may reveal details of Joe's research.

Unfortunately, Molly Beth becomes another casualty as Reacher, Roscoe, and Finlay cannot connect with her at the train station. Molly Beth dies in the tunnel. This is another tragic milestone in the saga.

In this segment, there was an intriguing flashback section with the young Reacher brothers getting into a fight with other boys at a military base and potentially ruining the career of their father. One poignant scene shoes Joe, the older brother, covering for young Jack.

To be continued....
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Reacher shapping into an interesting charachter, but only if newly introduced tropes don't ruin it all.
aboethius5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rated episodes 1-3 at 8 stars. This could be up there too but I have to punish this one episode, and hopefully not many more. I was enjoying this show until they decided they needed to add the trope of the tough Black female PI whose phone call scene was horrendously uninformed, cringy, and contradictory. It does nothing but to reveal how uninformed these moronic showrunners are about basic things in life, so I have to wonder if I trust them to get anything else right. This phone calls presents Reacher as someone who is breaking social norms by not presenting the correct amount of grief or emotion, but it is actually the clueless trope who is breaking social norms. After briefly expressing her condolences, she then goes on to insult Reacher twice because she does not agree with how business-like and seemingly unemotional Reacher is being. That is the point of the trope, right? She is the only person tough enough to talk to Reacher like that, right? Well, that stupidly ignores that we already have a female lead playing that part well. These show-fools are so caught up in presenting their trope that they fail to see how inappropriate she actually is. So it is doubly frustrating that they present Reacher as the one in the wrong. Inserting herself into events out of nowhere and with only 5 seconds of background she goes on to criticize the grieving person. That is ridiculous! Maybe she is also playing the bad-mother trope which is something nobody wants in a show like this. So the trope does nothing except to prove Reacher's implied point that sometimes condolences are baloney and meaningless especially considering how she becomes self-centered and defensive only two seconds later. Nice contradiction there by the way - the so-called "tough lady" becomes a defensive snowflake over mere neutral words by Reacher. BTW morons... just about nobody knows how to handle the death of loved ones or how they are supposed to grieve publicly. It is not something that is taught. We do not have funeral rehearsals. People generally fall into two camps. There are those who become self-centered and put their grief above that of anyone else who may also be affected. Or, I think most decent people eventually learn that all you need to do is just show up and support others. Reacher's version of showing-up is about bringing his brother's killers to justice and that is perfectly reasonably. I don't know how well the trope knows Reacher's bother, but another part of showing up is making those kinds of phone calls. Yes, we can view this phone call psychologically and merely as a notification-of-death call. Those can be difficult and tiresome to make when you have to make a lot of them. How dare this idiot trope criticize the substance or style of that call by Reacher! Do you fools not realize how many calls you may have to make when dealing with a death. Are we supposed to sob on every darn call to the police, insurance, or the mortuary... you fricking morons? No!!! We show-up and handle our business!

So, maybe this conversation makes sense in-person and Reacher won't talk about his brother with the lady. But that would be BS; He does talk about him all the time! DUH!!! Or, maybe this conversation would make sense if we are told that the trope was also close to Joe. But it was not presented that way.

Other than that, I really like Reacher's character. It adds a level of like Sherlock Holmes that was not in the Tom Cruise version. I mean.. this Reacher is even sharper. But he is also caring of animals and kids, and not the unemotional thing they try to make him out to be. Of course, he does not wear his emotions on his sleeves. But that is perfectly fine most of the time. Most of that stuff from other people is performative baloney anyways. Even grieving is social performative BS most of the time, but most people won't admit that or are even too ignorant to see that. But I suppose it serves many useful purposes too, so it is not all BS.
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Nothing changes
dannylee-7808210 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We finally learn what happened in Bagdahd and it's nothing crazy. I am ok with that reveal. I wish they didn't reveal it until a little further down the road because it added to the murkiness of his character. Until now, we couldn't really tell if he was a high functioning sociopath or a good guy.

I guess they dumped the body because there's no water and long term parking in airports is off the radar? Still a little weird considering the smell it would give off.

Roscoe and Reacher - finally the tension is relieved. Nice pair. They seem to be dealing with so many enemies that are basically omnipotent. A whole organization against three people. Reacher feels like more than one person but seems that the odds are stacked against them.

So far, I think the series is slightly weak. There is nothing wrong in execution, but something just feels slightly off. Consistent otherwise, though.
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