Road Trip Romance (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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cheevers-6381215 May 2022
The sister of the bride doesn't know what church her sister is getting married at?? Come on!!

Hallmark movies are generally lame but enjoyable but this was really,really lame. Yet I continued to watch.
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Another so-so entry for Saturday night from Hallmark
Jackbv12315 May 2022
This is pretty much what you'd expect. There are no great highs or lows or any surprises. Like so many movies about being stranded or a bad road trip, the only tension was if Megan would get to the wedding. It doesn't really matter what the obstacles were but there were definitely a flight cancellation and a car break down.

The tone and style of the movie reminded me so much of Cross Country Christmas. The silliness was a little too much at times. The sequence where everyone added "eth" to the end of every verb got annoying. But otherwise the Renaissance Fair was a highlight.

I tend to enjoy Natalie Hall, but not always. I did not like the character Megan in the early stages. I thought she was unnecessarily mean to Alden. But she and Corey Sevier had modest chemistry.
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My least favorite Natalie Hall movie
dawalker-5432015 May 2022
She's one of my favorites but didn't care for this movie. Something didn't mesh. Not sure if it was the dialogue or the chemistry but I was disappointed.
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I like Natalie Hall but this was a terrible movie, especially when compared with April's A Royal Runaway Romance
MichaelByTheSea15 May 2022
I really enjoy Hallmark movies, even the mediocre ones. But this is one of the worst Hallmark movies that I've ever seen. In fact, I was frankly stunned at how bad it was- and I like Natalie Hall. Admittedly I'm not the biggest fan of Corey Sevier. He was fine in Heart of the Holidays but I just don't see him as a romantic lead. But his casting wasn't the problem. The story was the problem.

Road trip romances can be fun because it gives a couple a chance to get to know each other (and we get to know the couple). The classic that set the standard was It Happened One Night. And Hallmark just had a far far better one than this 5 weeks ago with A Royal Runaway Romance. I also liked Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow, A Christmas Detour and even Cross Country Christmas.

But this road trip was a thoroughly unpleasant disaster (and not in a fun way). It was also wildly unrealistic and full of ridiculous coincidences starting with the chance meeting, the identical weird business sector, the identical ugly briefcases, the complete shutdown of Denver airport, the behavior at the car rental counter, the theft, the accident, and the borrowed truck. And the shared Seattle/Denver/Wichita connection.

And then there's a long list of the just plain annoying aspects of the movie:

Natalie Hall's character was rude and selfish in a few scenes that were way over the top.

And what's with the high school grudge?

Who doesn't listen to music or even talk radio on a long car ride?

The cringey Renaissance Festival ("in the middle of nowhere") was beyond nerdy and the refusal to allow phone chargers very irritating.

The rock music montage of the couple "enjoying" the festival was anachronistic and just awful.

But there was probably nothing as annoying as listening to the characters make every word end in "eth" over and over and over (it soundeth like fingernails on a blackboard)

The maid of honor wrote a toast suggesting they "tar and feather" the bride's Black future husband? Really?

The puns. Ugh.

The bride's best friend (a really annoying character) never met the best man?

The wrong church?

I could go on, but this Hallmark movie lover would like those 2 hours back.
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Sad state of affairs for the "new" Hallmark
klyfton16 May 2022
One of the worst Hallmark movies I've seen. If this is a sample of the new direction Hallmark is going they are in trouble. I like the lead actors. The screen play is the problem.
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So stupid
dgvskwsz15 May 2022
I usually love Hallmark movies, but this is incredibly bad in every way: the plot is juvenile; the acting exaggerated; the directing uses the same gimmicks repetitively during the festival; the dialogue is immature.

I've been wishing it would get better or be over since the first couple of minutes. I'm an hour and a half in, and the first one isn't happening. Thank goodness the second will.
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I'm not sure it deserves 3 stars
eeyore677122 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was being generous. I only watched the first 40 minutes and had to quit. Everything about this movie was too predictable, and I normally don't mind that. It's part of the reason I watch Hallmark movies - enjoyable, escapist, a little romance, a little comedy all thrown together.

I'll start with the 2nd to the worst part. I've driven that trip from Denver to Colorado Springs to Wichita so many times. This didn't look like any of that highway. The town where they had to spend the night in the tent (which was when I turned it off) was too backwoods to be believable. Unless they turned west instead of east, they wouldn't find all those trees either. So bad choice on location.

Now for the worst part. It was that toast the friend read. It was silly and a bit goofy, which isn't what bothered me. The line about we'll tar and feather him. Really, Hallmark? In poor taste for anyone, but what were you thinking when the groom is black? Wow. I almost stopped there and wish I had.

Please do a better job with the writing and make sure you are sensitive to and respectful of all the characters and of the audience. This was a big fail.
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rbbkxf29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be a cute love story but it's just bad love story come on hallmark!! Please make a better love story.this movie at first I loved it but the middle and end is not good.
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aclarkcountry23 May 2022
I used to tune into every single Hallmark Channel movie when new ones premiered, but this one...nope. The whole festival was way too drawn out and long. The Hallmark writing department must be scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find a decent script. This was unwatchable. I suffered through it though because I like the two leading actors a lot. The two didn't have any chemistry whatsoever and I felt like they were over acting during certain parts. I hardly paid attention to this one. Definitely a one time watch for me.
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Rollicking road trip romance with a side of Renaissance and wedding!
cgvsluis17 May 2022
This was a middle of the road the romance which had some brilliance and some awkwardness. The whole girl must get home for her beloved sister's wedding and obstacles keep cropping up worked well. Getting paired up with an old high school nemesis worked well. Having both into the same very niche mechanical toy market...was not only weird but unrealistic, especially as both appear to travel with Barbie doll suitcases set up by a five year old.

I thought the lead actress was great (Natalie Hall) and I liked the male lead (Corey Siever) most of the time but there was some awkwardness at the Renaissance Fair that didn't seem in character even if he was not athletically inclined.

Overall there were some beautiful moments between our two leads...on a stack of hay bails and on the dance floors, probably enough for me to recommend the film to romantics out there. But I would recommend this with the strong warning that there is some uncomfortable awkwardness.

(Yet again Hallmark has killed off the father of the bride. I am not sure if this is an intentional attack on parents and more specificity the family unit, but I have really noticed this trend over the last couple of years.)
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Romance on the road
TheLittleSongbird15 November 2023
'Road Trip Romance' (2022)

Opening thoughts: Expectations were not high for 'Road Trip Romance', despite being impressed by a good number of Hallmark's 2022 films. Natalie Hall is very take and leave, with a high number of average and less films and mostly ones where she herself is not good. Corey Sevier is also variable, though he is good when the character is written decently and when he has a good leading lady. The premise has been done to death many times, including on Hallmark and twice already in the 2022 output.

Really wanted to go against the grain and hoped that 'Road Trip Romance' wouldn't be as bad as has been said, but sadly this reviewer does have to agree with the panning. 'Road Trip Romance' is a very bad film and among the worst of the 2022 Hallmark films. The worst since 'Butlers in Love' in fact. There were some very good films that year for Hallmark, with 'The Wedding Veil', 'North to Home' and 'Presence of Love', but this was a major misfire.

Good things: Only the scenery is good.

Bad things: And even that is not served very well by the flat and too simple photography and some choppy editing. None of the performances are good, with both leads being very weak. Hall tries too hard and comes over as very affected and clinical and Sevier is very vanilla in personality and looks lost. Their chemistry is really lacking, with no wit or charm between them, in a relationship that never really develops or gels. None of the characters are interesting or easy to like, basically tired genre cliches.

Furthermore, The music is too constant and over-scored, not uncommon for Hallmark but this is one of the worst Hallmark films in this regard for this year. The direction is characterless and leaden.

The script is full of cheese, over sweet schmaltz and awkward. The story is paper thin and very dragged out, while also having nothing new whatsoever with a very familiar formula that pretty much plays out exactly as expected with no spark. The ending can be seen from miles off and it is one that is too neat.

Concluding thoughts: Concluding, very poor.

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Road-trip romance
facondra28 May 2022
Really liked the show. Kept my interest. Really like Natalie Hall, fabulous actor. It was cute, funny and romantic. I watched the show because Natalie Hall was on it and I'm glad I did because I r really liked it.
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Awful Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst Hallmark movie I've ever seen and I love Hallmark movies. Their arguing was constant and so irritating. The storyline was horrible. There were so many implausible situations. I hope Hallmark doesn't continue this trend. The women's corsages and men's boutonnières were on the wrong side. You would think they would know better. What friend would tell the sister to go to the wrong church!
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Devolves into something ridiculous and unwatchable
EPMD5726 May 2022
The movie starts out like many other Hallmark movies. After 30 minutes or so, you find yourself watching something so ludicrous that you can't believe the actors kept straight faces when making it.

I don't think this is worth having on, even in the background while doing other things.
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Pass on this snooze trip
fctcsarahcross15 May 2022
Another HM movie that I wish I never DVR'ed. Storyline has been done much better in other movies. The characters lacked chemistry. The mother's acting was atrocious! How can someone be that bad and still land a part? Spent way too long at the Renaissance Fair and those accents from the couple they met were so annoying. Unwatchable. Couldn't make it to the end. Looking forward to the upcoming summer movies with higher hopes.
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Road Trip? What Road Trip?
rabscuttle-911872 July 2022
At a Hallmark-movie level, I thought this would be a fairly entertaining, if somewhat predictable, road picture as two antagonizing characters slowly fall in love with each other while driving across the country to their destination - a friends wedding halfway across the country.

The only problem is they hardly spend any time in the car at all. First of all, the film wavers between our couple and a distracting bachelor party/wedding rehearsal taking place hundreds of miles away. But worse, just a few minutes into the trip, their car is disabled and they spend almost half of the film stranded in some strange small town where all sorts of festivities are taking place and meeting far too many oddball characters.

The lead actors are likeable enough I guess, but there are too many distracting and annoying supporting characters. If the film would have just focused on those two and all their misadventures while driving, then they may have just pulled off a decent road trip picture. But we get almost none of that. Just a lot of tiresome caricatures, predictable dialogue, and preposterous scenarios all around.
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It wasn't great.
meshugeh-shiksa22 May 2022
Megan was a bit annoying - stilted, rude, petty, stuck in her high school glory days. Alden was beyond awkward. The powerful love between sisters that made this crazy mess necessary? Yeah I think I have more of a connection to the delivery driver.

The bride's best friend was a TERRIBLE person, she was annoying, selfish, and tried to make it more about her than was necessary. And her hair - would you really not do anything with your hair for a wedding?

You know that awkwardness you feel when you're wearing lipstick and don't want to get it on your teeth? The exaggerated way you move your mouth and enunciate everything...that's the feeling this whole movie gave me. Exaggerated, awkward, too practiced to have any feeling behind it.
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Just plain stupid!
qlorlane21 May 2022
I love Hallmark movies and really like Natalie Hall, so I assumed this would be a cute movie, but Ugh it's just stupid and really awful! Nothing in the storyline makes sense in real life the acting and entire plot is just painful! So I keep trying to give Hallmark the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like the "New Hallmark" is heading towards complete failure. The list of movies I can't bear to finish watching lately is getting really long and I like very few of the new actors and actresses who can't act and have zero chemistry with anyone. Sad day to lose my favorite channel.
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Been there,seen it before.. Because,well.. It's a Hallmark movie!
ts-000015 May 2022
All that i can say.. It's hard enjoying a movie,when this Hallmark formula has done in years past.

Honestly could go to sleep,wake up & feel nothing of relevance was missed.

Although the leads have done other enjoyable products,what basically failed them here was again the overall theme.

What next.. Hallmark? Will you recycle in topic,but call it something new.

Also why choose music that had a Christmas feel,during a few renaissance scenes throughout?

Cinematography is always decent enough,but otherwise not making my rewatch list.
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Really good
qygshc29 May 2022
This is actually really good. I love the story, and all the details adding to it. I don't know why people are saying why it's bad, I love how there is challenges and they actually do it. I love this so much!!!!!! OMG THE END WAS MY FAVORITE PART BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED , TONGUE TWISTER!!!
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Hallmark movies as bad as ever
drbreakwell15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that 2 supposed successful businesses can be that incredibly stupid. Not to lock a car, take their phone, or purse, and then buy a crap car instead of looking into another rental or bus ticket. Then trust a "GPS" ap to take another route, get lost, the car breaks down. In a town practicing Renaissance Days won't kept them charge a phone, yet use a stove to make coffee? Speaking using thy and thee is dumb. And the remainder of the movie is typical Hallmark garbage. Boy and girl partner up and then one gets mad at the other and then at the end makes up. Hallmark had better re-think their reason for making movies. The best ones have been the "murder/mystery" movies. They were at least well done.
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Now I remember why I didn't watch it when it premiered!
dahotnessk7 August 2022
I love the leads in this movie, but this story wasn't written properly at all! I tuned in about 15 minutes in to see the future bride and groom delivering the silly puns. Immediate unnecessary dialogue, very annoying. That bridal party scene, O..M..G! If it was 5 minutes long, it was 4 minutes and 30 seconds too long. I couldn't believe the level of amateur acting, silly script and poor delivery that was crammed into one scene! The remainder of the movie I kept it on low volume while doing other things and completely forgot they were actually on a road trip trying to go somewhere. Silly silly movie!
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mommad-6390919 May 2022
It's just bad -the hair, the makeup, the wardrobe and most of all the acting. Some performances were adequate; most were worse than a kindergarten Christmas pageant!
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Terrible Script, and direction
ronald-7798118 May 2022
The two leads in this show are good actors but were given a dud of a script, and direction. I can see the Road Trip trope that has been very successful for Hallmark with some of the best Rom-Coms Hallmark has made. This was terrible though with a bad screen play that gave the movie no chance. I can't understand how Hallmark can miss the boat so badly when there are hundreds of good ROM-Com books out there that would make great Hallmark style movies.
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Well, That Was Horrible
therusticapothecary27 May 2022
I have nothing positive to say about this movie. It was truly awful and should never air again. Ever. The plot, storyline, acting, everything was a disaster.
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