The Real Story of January 6 (2022) Poster

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Excellent footage, great Interviews.
JustHavingALook24 September 2022
I had the chance to watch this documentary at a friend's house. I dont really follow american politics but hey who hasnt heard of the events of january 6?

So: the footage they got is simply stunning. This is the main reason I'm giving it 8 stars and why I'd strongly recommend people to watch it.

Interviewees are the classic experts you would expect to see on screen. Main issue: some of the explanations th ey provide are rather complicated, technical and frankly... boring.

It would have helped to have some animation, infographic, more text on screen, whatever... to help assimilate that terminology.

I'd say the train that drives the narration is: how could all those people enter the building so easily?

The overall structure of the doc is simple but effective: questions, footage, considerations, interviews... more questions, more footage... you get the idea.

The host has a deep and calming voice and the scenes where he is doing stuff around help to breath and digest.

Overall too long though. Might be me but it's tough to get to the end without feeling overwhelmed.
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Surprised considering it was Epoch Times.
OldGeezer91612 March 2024
There was no bombshells in this documentary. They criticized that some video evidence that could possibly be exculpatory to some of the defendants was not provided to them. There was 144,000 hours. If their lawyers worked round the clock for 1,833 days, maybe they might have found it. There was acknowledgement of the violence & it started by the protesters. A lot that happened was never mentioned. The police beaten with flagpoles & fire extinguishers. They talked about the chemical repellents, but only by the cops. Failed to mention the many protesters that came with bear spray, body armor & some with zip ties.. No telling about the rioters who defalcated & smeared it everywhere. Was surprised considering the right leaning of Epoch Times they didn't push the conspiracies that it was Antifa of an FBI inside job. The cops used less than lethal measures, but even then there is always the possibility of someone being injured. Wasn't like it was Kent State. Ashlee Babbit was one of the first ones breaking into the chambers while the members were still being evacuated. She is not a martyr.
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since March 9 I didn't hear about this till Dec 2023
hayjude-0605928 December 2023
It made me sick, the violence the the over reaction of those that should be trained to handle situations like this, it wasn't a mega mob it was police that also became a mob, also caused many things to get out of hand. They don't mention pelosi much, but it should rest on her head, she had a choice and made the wrong one every time, so I think she should be held accountable, I mean many think Trump drug his feet on COVID, well Nancy laid down and played jacks , she knew what she was doing and on purpose.

This is footage of things they don't want you to see, they'll bash it call it lies. But it's video you can turn down the volume and just watch, Everyone should watch this one and the next set that was released recently.
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Real news
frankaziza13 January 2024
Ask yourself this question...,. Why would 99% of all our media fight to not have 44,000 hours of video of Jan 6 released? Why did senators of both parties call for Tucker Carlson to be fired when he aired a few minutes of the video footage from inside the capitol? If you were a journalist, wouldn't you be dying to look at 44,000 hours of footage from inside the capitol? I never understood how news organizations would want to see less video footage... well I guess I knew why. Now this documentary will show why. This was a hoax, there was no insurrection .,, it was a set up. Starting with provocation from capital police and feds amongst the protesters trying to lead the way through the doors. Thank you to the real journalists that took the time to tell us the truth.
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A Must-Watch Revelation
gotaclearance28 December 2023
Synopsis: Directed by Joshua Philipp, "The Real Story of January 6" is a groundbreaking documentary that takes an unflinching look at the events surrounding the January 6th insurrection at the United States Capitol. In a time when misinformation and confusion have clouded the truth, this documentary strives to provide a comprehensive and objective analysis of that fateful day. Through careful examination of evidence and insightful interviews, it aims to shed light on the hidden aspects of the American people's struggle for truth.

Opinion: "The Real Story of January 6" is a compelling and essential documentary that deserves your immediate attention. This review offers a more positive recommendation to watch this film, highlighting its strengths and the way it masterfully employs key concepts from prominent film analysis authors to deliver an impactful narrative.

Narrative Structure - Robert McKee: Joshua Philipp's use of narrative structure in this documentary is nothing short of exemplary. The film unfolds in a well-paced and coherent manner, drawing viewers into the heart of the chaos and intrigue of January 6th. By adhering to Robert McKee's principles, the documentary keeps audiences captivated, making it an engrossing experience from start to finish.

Character Development - Syd Field: Although a documentary primarily deals with real-life events and individuals, it still needs effective character development to engage viewers emotionally. "The Real Story of January 6" introduces us to a range of people involved in the events, presenting their motivations, actions, and dilemmas. This character-driven approach, aligned with Syd Field's principles, enables us to connect with the story on a profound level.

Cinematic Techniques - David Bordwell: The documentary skillfully employs cinematic techniques that elevate its impact. Through stunning visuals, such as aerial shots of the Capitol and intimate interviews with key witnesses, the film harnesses David Bordwell's emphasis on visual storytelling. These techniques not only provide a visual feast but also convey the gravity of the events, immersing us in the story.

Positive Recommendation: "The Real Story of January 6" is not just a documentary; it's a powerful journey into a pivotal moment in American history. It effectively employs the principles of narrative structure, character development, and cinematic techniques to create a mesmerizing and enlightening experience for its viewers. This documentary is not to be missed, as it encourages critical thinking, offers a nuanced perspective, and challenges preconceived notions. In a world filled with misinformation and bias, "The Real Story of January 6" stands as a beacon of truth and clarity. Don't hesitate to watch this thought-provoking and impactful documentary; it's an absolute must-see for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the events of January 6th and their implications.
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The actual truth for once
tyrellscott-7525210 February 2023
Really surprised that this documentary is an outlawed by now seems how it's the only thing out there that's screaming at the top of their lungs the truth and atrocities that happen on that day I can tell you I watched many many many atrocities being carried out by police officers that game I didn't see any arrests but I saw many police officers assaulting people with weapons I don't want to go in any more detail but it was bad bad. It culminated in them murdering multiple people that day and then trying to flip the script and say that it was the people that showed up to protest that murdered cops which never happened not even once and the real story once people actually know what really happened they need to dig into why all those officers committed suicide cuz I highly doubt that it was really suicide and if it was suicide it was because they knew that they crossed the line and that they were garbage human beings.
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Not Biased Review
nightshadow-187627 November 2023
So looking at other reviews you can clearly see the writers bias and what way they lean politically. That being said this points out some interesting moments in time during the riots and gives as bit of insight of what may have gone down on Jan 6th but 100% the truth you be the judge.

It is interesting the video and the narrative that the people give in this documentary. I don't think some facts and the light this shows on the videos can be disputed, however after re-watching parts of this, it does leave some open questions and those I will not bring up in this.

I am going to say that I do not lean right or left, but right is right and wrong is wrong is where I am basing this review and you will have to make up you own mind given some of the "facts" given and what you hear the commentators say.

Overall this brings up some very good points and that just maybe this is pretty close to the truth of what really happened on Jan 6th.

You have to watch this and be objective I think if you do that you will get at least something out of it .

In Addition I think no matter what side of the fence you stand on , if you watch this with a open mind you will walk away a little better informed and will be able to formulate some good questions and opinions. If you go into this with a closed mind and think you already its garbage or 100% the truth (like a lot of the reviews on here) then watch it just don't give a Biased review because your trying to change someones mind, let them make it up for themselves.

To summarize I got a lot out of watching this and I think its worth your time it may give you a better understanding of some things.
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Compare to bipartisan solutions findings
davidkinson31 December 2023
If only a group representing both parties could question people under oath. I'd believe their answers over anything that is a produced "documentary."

I also believe the warnings given by former advisers and cabinet members. They were in the room for this and many other situations. They are openly warning us.

A darkness initiated what had to be defended as a consequence.

Were there people who walked calmly through the building? Yes. So How did they get in? Was ann allowed in initially. No. Force was used. Then defense was used. One even entered knowing a weapon was aimed directly at the point of entry, thereby giving mortal warning that entry was not permitted.

Way too many who worked side by side with those who perpetrated these actions have warned us. And way too many people have said they voted or said things they know weren't true, out of fear of retribution.

This darkness will always be defeated with the tiniest bit of light.
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playinem1 January 2024
The truth is finally coming out about the greatest travesty of Justice in American history. The last desperate wheezing gasps of the duplicitous anti American bad actors have already been spilled on this page but all of us who matter are aware of the facts. We KNOW the truth. We recognize the lies. How our government could stray so far from its original intent is heartbreaking but, we cannot be permissive or even lax in addressing the treason of the people who attack our nation and people on so many different fronts. The stolen election. The border. The "forever" wars. The Covid debacle/hoax. The staggering Afghanistan "cut and run" withdrawal. The "menagerie" in DC. The national debt. Our dismal Weimar Republic economy. Crime and the disintegration of our social fabric. The situation in the US is beyond critical. Our enemies are now clearly identified. I'm an old man...not much I can do about any of this but I hope and pray that true patriots will emerge and help destroy the evil forces that have firmly taken root in our country.
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Shocking facts
joeyford-553426 November 2023
It is funny that people on here attacking the journalist are attacking something in the past but not the video and the interviews that prove what they are saying is true. This documentary exposes the fact that the entire 6th January operation was a Nancy Pelosi puppet show with between 30 and 100 federal agents in the crowd as agitators. It also shows how there were 4 people murdered that day, all unarmed, and 3 outside of the capital building. It is a continuing disgrace to our country as these mostly peaceful protesters are being put in jail for years for just attending this event while the hundreds of thousands of BOM and antifa Protesters have been much more violent and are not being arrested. When they are arrested you have more ones like the vice president who bailed them out. It is now Going into 2024 and we are learning more and more each day about how Nancy Pelosi withheld 40000 hour's a video that proves that she was behind this plot to discredit Trump and his followers. We know now that AOC was lying when she said that she had PTSD from being there because she was actually a few blocks away in her office. We know now that the whole fire extinguisher murder story was 100% fake. We know now that many of the doors were unlocked from the inside and held open by security guards smiling and taking selfies. Very impactful movie.
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acrawf-5373016 January 2024
A big part that left a bad taste in my mouth was this movie's writer had multiple paper articles shown on screen. They used their writer as their source, and made it look like it was any other article. Deceiving.

Also, Luke Coffee -they omitted the reason why he was charged, and convicted, was he did use that crutch to push at the officers. These details, any many others like these, were not addressed, slanting this movie to the right.

But it is a movie to grow support. This seems to be targeted to casual political watchers to give talking points on supporting the narrative that our government is lying to us. It has a ton of holes.
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you're misinformed, acrawf
ka-4612618 March 2024
To reviewer acrawf-

Misinformation in his review; Luke Coffee has not been convicted, in fact the officer in question testified at his trial that there was no contact. The lack of evidence to support the charges presented by the DOJ is why, despite this trial wrapping up in Jan '24, no verdict has been forthcoming nearly 2 months later. The judge has held this matter under advisement for nearly two months since bench trial without presenting any verdict, this case bears watching. Especially because there are others on the docket with the same judge and similarly standing in the gap to providing a shield hoping to protect Rosemary and those trying to help her.
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hjshqqj25 February 2024
Never in the course of history has an insurrection occurred by unarmed individuals. On January 6 the people that attended the rally happen to be among the most heavily armed people in this country. Yet not a single one had a weapon on them. And you expect us to believe that this was an attempted overthrow of the government - by UNARMED people? That is patently absurd. Trump is on camera after the rally ended telling everyone to "peacefully protest." President Trump is not culpable at all for what occurred, by a relatively small number of the attendees of the rally. In comparison, BILLIONS of dollars of damage, tremendous amounts of criminal activity, was done in American cities following the George Floyd incident, with no arrests. SMH.
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Excellent Documentary!
CocoSea11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is an excellent must see! Of all the violent political riots in The United States of America post-2008, why did the one on January 6 2021 procure so much attention and denunciation? I do not support rioting or violence. I do not even support protests and demonstrations (I don't think they accomplish anything needed by most long-term). I feel horrified by the Capitol footage and the facts in this film. I have feared for this nation ever since January 2009.

The Real Story of January 6 does a Pulitzer Prize worthy investigation into the fuller face of the January 6 political riot at The United States Capitol. We learned in this film that President Trump asked days before January 6 to secure The Capitol; others failed to do that. Injuries; deaths; abuses; failures; negligence; and lies are devastatingly all in this film.

I feel proud of The Epoch Times' incredible investigative journalism in this film. I hope the Pulitzer Prize Board acknowledges them.
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