Gunther's Millions (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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A Psychological Tale About Being Bi-Polar
PalmBeachG14 February 2023
This bizaar, obscure, eccentric, mysterious documentary is unbelievable but the more you get into it, the more you start to understand the serious underlying them what really happened and how the nature of the disease depression and being bi-polar fits into the narrative. This story just happens to be about a person that suffers from this but is rich and has tons of money who is associated with a pharmaceutical company in Italy who just loves his dog Gunther who is the one thing that gives him happiness. When the dog gets sick he starts experimenting with researching and drugs to help save his dog his best friend. The drugs work and this is how it all begins - but you don't know this in the beginning of the documentary which all seems so bazaar because the dog is living like a billionaire with a staff that are all preselected beautiful people who are being used - another experiment that got out of control. Well known in Italy and also Miami, FL but this is the first time I ever heard of it in the US. It seems like an entertainment value Netflix documentary but with the seriousness of the bio-polar and depression mixed in it takes on another level.
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Wait?! Is this a joke?
MinxVixeen20 April 2023
I can't help laughing while watching this show.🤣🤣

Can't really wrap my head around that this should be a true story about a bloodline of the richest dog on the planet. It's kind of sad that there are so many people suffering and live for under $1 per day while there is a dog who have its own chef, staff, mansion, flying private jet and over 400 million dollars to its name.😳😳

This is so twisted and off that it's actually quite entertaining. Who the heck feeds their dog high quality steak with decorated with gold?

Did this premiere as an April fool? 🤣🤣

Understand me correctly, this is hilarious but soooo twisted... good entertainment but please tell me it's a joke and not really a true story 🤣
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Where do I start?
Stealthy-229604 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of the worst documentaries I've watched in a while. I want to be clear, the rating is not about whether or not I like the Mauricio, which I dont. I'll explain...

Why on earth did the producers think it was interesting or entertaining enough to spend majority of 3 of 4 episodes covering this weirdo's various sex cults disguised as research or companionship for the dog. Good grief 30 minutes tops should have been devoted to that repetitive, cringy, uninteresting drivel.

The producers clearly have evidence that the interviewees aren't 100% honest and on various blatantly lying or refusing to share what they truly know or think. I think it's only by perfect timing they caught mentally disturbed Mauricio at the right time in his cyclical depression bouts that he was willing to open up. This was not to the skilled journalistic efforts or techniques to get him to confront him.

In addition to the lies, there is no true balance to what we are hearing. All the interviews and "analyses" is from dishonest participants of the actual shenanigans. No psychological experts weighing in on Mauricio and the cults, no actual government officials weighing in on the tax fraud and all the money laundering. Literally no real anything from outside the cult world of Mauricio is ever explored in this "documentary."

Furthermore, so little time is even spent on the details of the entire Tax Fraud!! What repercussions came out of it, or etc. They literally devoted maybe 15 minutes of it and went back to the ridiculous lifestyle again.

Then only in the later half of episode 3 do we get some substance on this pathological liar, mentally disturbed and morally bankrupted Mauricio.

Then enters the 4th episode unleashing all the ridiculous lies he, his girlfriend, her father who is an "esteemed" professor, and his mother and her pharma company are all complicit in, especially with this tax fraud, the countess, her fake dead son, and "her" dog, fake dog illness and scheme to publicize the pharma business. It's ridiculous. This family and their companies are so wound up in ridiculous scandals and lies that the real story in this and focusing on uncovering more (what they are still hiding, I believe) is what this documentary should have been focused on.

Then midway through episode 4, more substance is crammed in. So basically this man and his fake dog story is worth billions and they couldn't even hire a dog breeder who can provide basic adequate living conditions for these dogs? I don't know if I was angrier at Mauricio, this Sgrio breeder character or the ridiculous producers who thought this part of the story deserved so little attention and exploration.

Instead, we get this PR stunt of his next great idea of a dog sanctuary on an island for the remainder of episode 4. It screams opportunistic and not genuine at all. He's trying to wash away tarnishing his and his family reputation and the producers are accomplices in this new shenanigans. If he truly cares about dogs, donate and revamp the existing shelters and sanctuaries that are in current dire need. He has plenty of resources to truly make a major impact all around the globe for dogs or animals in general. Of course, he won't do that because there isn't any public spectacle or self indulgence for him in simply writing a check. This guy is truly a nutcase with lots of money. Very pathetic.

I only hope that someone more competent comes along and focuses on giving the story's substance more depth, analysis and time. This was a joke.
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Gunther's tax shelter
jgreco73 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix's latest documentary, "Gunther's Millions," a prank that leads viewers by the nose to find a hoax, is as much about tender mercies as it is about legal tender. In fact, three fourths of its content amounts to nothing more than a come-on, a teaser for a tawdry tale about one greedy family's scheme to hide their millions. But the filmmaker elaborates, embellishes to inflict on viewers the same scam that the pharmaceutical tycoon Mauricio Mian has been inflicting on the general public and the Italian government since the 1990s. To arrive at the "big reveal," viewers must first listen to the tedium of amoral poseurs, apparently convinced that they were in the employ of a wealthy German shepherd. One in particular is a spokesmodel whose aim in life seems to be tanning and bead wearing. Either intellectually deficient, unprincipled, or both, these hirelings, eager to prostitute themselves, follow the money. It takes them to "Entertainment Tonight" at Madonna's Miami estate and finally to Italy's pleasure-seekers and lowlifes. Duped into believing they're members of a new pop group or subjects of a sociological experiment, they frolic and romp under the watchful eyes of men in lab coats. Soon enough it becomes obvious to them they're being videotaped as well, but never mind--it's all in service of a greater good: the pursuit of happiness (and also, by the way, creating a master race).

Perhaps the irony of this waste of time dawns on them now, that the good doctor's pursuit wasn't sociological, but economical: in fact, how best to circumvent Italian tax laws. Their shock at discovering this news seems unreal, just as unreal as the supposed intentions behind this show, which begs the question: who's zooming who?
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Not Interesting or Entertaining
jacqui-296-574544 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's just not a story worth watching here. At the center of the story is a man who's an attention seeking, sleazy liar, tax evader, sexual deviant and NOT a dog lover. Additionally the story is not interesting. He basically made up a big lie to avoid paying taxes, and used his money like every other spoiled guy on women / sex which he tried to justify with an idea of an "experiment" that has zero legitimacy. Now he's old and depressed because he alone. Why? Because he made no real investment in relationships or in a quality life. Hundreds of millions of dollars and accomplished nothing. So we're suppose to feel sorry for him? Stupid.
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An Odd Tale, but a Good Doggie
atleverton4 February 2023
This is a bizarre story of a man working through some psychological issues while being absolutely wealthy. The documentary does a very good job of telling you the story he told the world over the years, and then, bit by bit, unravelling the true story. The heart of this story is a scam artist, who unlike others in his profession has the virtue of sometimes telling the truth. Because of this, he does end up being somewhat sympathetic. There is tax evasion on a massive scale, which the Italian government seems to have forgiven him for, and there is also a question of animal abuse, but it is unclear how much he knew of what was going on. There's also a quasi-sex cult shrouded in the veneer of a science experiment. It is definitely worth a watch.
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Pretty story that could have been told in much less time
Novaj98 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can sum up this "documentary" with a few comments:
  • This is a 4 part series which could have really been done as one 90 minute movie - there's a ridiculous amount of filler
  • Literally every new section of the documentary follows the same formula - some people talking incoherently, said people acting coy and saying they shouldn't talk about what they're asking them, then, as the music swells, they finally give the big reveal - music stops - some new character is revealed saying "my name is so and so and I am (insert super secret plot point that's supposed to be shocking here)
  • Several "shocking reveals" that are neither shocking no revealing
  • The whole story is basically one sad guy with a crapload of money inherited from his family and his quest to figure out what to do with his life - that's it - end of story.

I was wondering how they were going to make a 4 part series about a dog and his money and, well, they didn't.
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As far as I am concerned Netflix engaged in false advertising for this and they owe me an apology.
sbharbison5 February 2023
I've never given anything a single star before. I would give this zero stars if I could. I consider entertainment fraud. This "documentary" has four episodes. The first two episodes are boring and ridiculous. The truth is revealed in the third episode. That is when you realized you have been tricked into watching something.

The Netflix trailer for this shows a woman claiming, "It's a true story, I worked for the dog". I don't recall ever seeing such blatant false advertising for any type of film much less one that is presented as a "documentary".

Netflix sunk to a new low here. I have never paid any attention to who created, wrote, or directed anything TV or films. But this is the third "documentary" I've seen recently (the others were on other channels) that was definitely not a documentary. A documentary is based on or re-creating an actual event, era, life story, etc., that purports to be factually accurate and contains no fictional elements. When you start a series with the lead character talking about a few people that were very important to his life but those people never actually existed, you are not making a documentary.

Henceforth I will keep a list of the people associated with this type of production and refrain from watching anything else they are connected with.
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Straight up guys, not good
kelsey-8839216 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I made a whole ass account and I never leave reviews. I love documentaries even crappy ones. But guys this was straight up. Unless I'm completely missing the point of it. This kind of doc that just withholds information for the sake of keeping the audience interested is not interesting and confusing. Did they know the whole thing was a lie the whole time while making this?? It was just bad story telling. And why is am I made to think this guy was a good person and had inspired people? He was trying to selectively breed people??? He obviously a sick individual and that was not portrayed at all.
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We've been punked
martzytartz9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a despicable story. Essentially, a rich guy found a sensationalized way to evade taxes and instead of experiencing any consequences, he's given face time on a global platform. Probably being paid for it. The age old story of ignorant patriarchal privilege. Well done Netflix and shame on the creators of this series. The exploitation of these dogs was infuriating, not just by "The Trust" but also by Netflix. Dogs don't care how much money they have, they care about love and attention.

I'm hoping the Italian government and animal rights groups take actions against Mauricio and Carla. I'd watch that doc.
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A doggone great doc!
waggs-ny2 February 2023
If like me, your understanding and expectations of what this show was going to be are far different from the amazing results then we are Kindred Spirits. I thought this was going to be some silly reality show series but what It ultimately becomes is what should have been the very first reality TV show. I can't even begin to explain how little the general premise of the show coincides with the actual narrative and backstory. I set out to watch this as a Time filler before putting on a movie but it was so gripping that I ended up binging the entire thing in one night.

This series goes to show truth is Stranger Than Fiction because if you had written this and acted it out for an audience no one would believe you but in fact I think mostly we get the full story without spoilers I will say it is one of the most touching it odd stories one can imagine to have been true.
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P.T.Barnum Lives
glennduncan200318 March 2023
With out a doubt the biggest collection of delusional, disgusting, egotistical, manipulative people I've ever seen in a limited series. No one speaks any truth for fear of legal entanglement. Every party involved has a vested interest. There is no one to cheer for here. Millions & millions of dollars wasted. Absolutely zero achieved. When you ponder the good that could have enhanced the world for many, but ends up just being squandered for even more ego fulfillment, you'll feel sick. Endless schemes, scams & blatant lies. The only redeeming quality of the limited series is that at least the makers were attempting to get the story out, but you can tell that their hands were tied due to legal ramifications.
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Is this a huge joke on humans?
kermithh5 February 2023
It's laughable for anyone to score higher than 1, and even that doesn't reflect how subpar the documentary is. But it is the result of pure stupidity. I made it through to about the middle of the second episode and noticed how mentally tired and blasé my brain felt. I still can't tell if it's a joke or a documentary about mental disability, I apologize for the choice of words but how else to express either the producer or the actors in this farce. Finally, one has to question why Netflix wants to air such garbage in the first place, and who watches it and finds it watchable to then rate this higher than 1?
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This is what's wrong with people
MajBlade23 February 2023
The spokes guy at beginning was at least honest when he said he wanted to be a tick on the dogs ass for the rest of his life. Everyone here is showing the worst in humanity I dont care what there motivation was. Yes it was this old woman's money to do what she wanted with but her giving it to the dog was the first act in a horrible horrible play of humanity, Instead of leaving this money to even say an animal shelter or green peace she left it to her dog. Which shows her absolute inhumanity. And this is why people over the ages have pulled down these people eventually. But then the people that came out of the woodwork to suck at the teet of this guy Mian just boggles the mind. This reminds me of when they do documentaries of ponzi schemes and everyone on screen is trying their hardest to make excuses for what happened. We know what happened greed, excess and money.
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Weird and overall rather boring
luann-lewis18 February 2023
After the first couple of episodes, I started fast forwarding because it just wasn't interesting enough. Sure, the overall story was fascinating and took great twists and turns, but it could have been told in about two episodes. It got very repetitive VERY REPETITIVE and tedious to watch. Whoever made the editing decisions must have been too close to the project as the same analysis of the main character was repeated as well as sections of the dog trust, etc etc. Now I'M getting repetitive but IMDB won't let me post this review until I have 600 characters. This documentary doesn't have that same excuse.
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A Story Of Lies
lordgeniuz2 February 2023
From the view of the full documentary it is a fun, entertaining and twisted story with an ending more simple that we may think. Music, sound and questions asked created and maintained and intrigued viewer. Some of the interviewers behind the scenes may have come across a bit strong. We must always remember that a true story may never be found. It is however hard to tell reality from creation not just within the story but within the full documentary when including glamorous shots. Overall another rich get richer entertaining piece. Recommending as an entertaining tale of lies. On rewatch list....
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Who let the dog out!!
mysay-97-58108620 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is getting 3 stars because of Gunther the dog.

This was a pre-quel to what would be the beginnings of reality tv. I am pretty sure there has to be a knock off of Big Brother and The Bachelor in here. At least that's what it seems to me.

But then getting into the "real" aspects of the creepiness of the story and OMG what an absolute nut job this guy is. The poor dog, well not a poor dog, that's how I got pull into this farse of a story; the dog seems to be well cared for and not poor.

I can't believe Netflix paid for this crap.

Nor can I believe these people are willing to show their faces in it.

Don't waste your time. It's all a hoax about a rich demented sicko.
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Boring & Shallow people adding no value to the Universe
doveyvictor2 May 2023
Depressing and dull show about a spoiled, mentally ill man who indulges his fantasies and bad ideas while everyone around him tells him he's a genius and spends his Mother's money. Only likable thing is the gorgeous dog....grotesque people embarassing themselves trying to be cool....super boring. Get your finger ready to fast forward the mind numbing dialogue, bad acting and stupid story line. I truly hope these dopes didn't make any money off this waste of screen time. They really are the worst specimens on the evaders that I hope Italy busts and slaps heavy fines on...fraudsters and narcicissits..I feel contaminated...
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Smart, interesting, fun story with layers!
careyannie2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this documentary. At first, I was expecting the story of his rich dog and his opulent lifestyle. I was also curious about the human administration behind it all.

The story turned out to be so much more! It just kept on getting crazier and crazier and kept me interested. I completly DISAGREE with the critics who say it should have been made shorter: the stories had layers and the way it was presented made perfect sense. At first we were presented the short version, then the behind the scenes, then the truth and finally going even deeper finding the human reasons behind the truth... It even (i'm pretty sure, purposely) leaves you wondering if this version of the truth is the whole truth after everything. There probably could even be a 5th episode!

I think if the story would have been presented any other way, I might have left disliking the man, but this way, I kinda felt for him. You see so many stories of wealthy people using other people in the most horrible ways, but this guy was just looking for the magic receipe for happiness because he couldn't find it for himself: he was definately not perfect in all this, but he wasn't a monster either. I would have most definitely not left seeing it this way with a short 90 minutes documentary!

It was interesting, smart and fun! I think there is also place for these types of stories in this world :)
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