Death Factory (2014) Poster


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Stereotypes, Weirdness and Ed Gein - Oh My!
allfleshisgrass11 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Quick Summary: a literal bus-load of stereotypes get stranded in the desert just by a museum for serial killers, where a man with... some kind of accent has brought back a Justice League of Mass Murderers so he their brains and gain their knowledge? or power? or both?

Quick Review: OK so I really enjoy the film Waxwork (which has various monsters and killers brought to life via magic) so this seemed like it might be worth £8. No, no it wasn't and that's a shame because it's a really good concept, loads of real life serial killers (which I have an interest in) in a slasher film (which I have an interest in), great, it's just the execution (pun intended?).

What's wrong with the execution? Most glaringly the 'protagonists' (read: victims) are horrendous, most offensive are the 'Goth' twosome, as written and dressed by someone who has never even been on the same side of the street as someone in a counter-culture and 'slutty bimbo' character Candi who actually screams about breaking a nail, although the Goths die first, and once that bit of misrepresentation is out of the way it's a lot easier to sit through. We also have religious maniacs, a fitness fanatic (who reappears when you least expect it brandishing scenery, I liked that bit) and Auntie May who talk jus' like yowa white butt think she gonna talk, she's boarder-line racist and she's the best character in the film so that should tell you how bad they all are. It's odd because there really seems to have been some knowledge put into the casting and portrayal of the killers; I dunno, maybe the team spent all their time at home reading about old killers and don't know how real people work?

The editing is askew too, cutting at strange times, not discretion shots, those I can understand (even if they are disappointing, show me the gore dammit!) just cuts when cuts aren't necessary or when scenes are. I thought I'd fallen asleep and missed bits at least twice, both of which were in scenes involving Ed Gein - odd. And there's some very strange plot points...I've put the spoiler tag so to hell with it (pun intended) Jack the Ripper strips off to reveal a hot girl in naughty underwear. That's the weirdest plot 'twist'/'misstep'/'madness' but exemplary I think.

Is it worth watching? Of course it is, all of these cheap horror films are worth watching once and there's some entertainment to be had; is it a good film? No. Is it so bad it's good? No, it's just bad - as bad as the lightning effects it uses, but you should be able to get through it, I did and I'm impatient. Like a lot of these films they'd benefit from a bigger budget remake with a script writer who's at least been to a Metal concert if not talked to some of the others there, or better yet, an actual Alternative.
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I gave it a chance..
hiryu_rhys16 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love my horror films and I can enjoy the B-movies but I literally had to force myself to sit through this entire film.

The acting was sub-par and the casting of characters was terrible with over the top, extreme stereotyping. I would of even went as far as saying whomever designed those characters is a bigot.

The plot was not overly complicated initially to follow, but the story went from somewhat understandable and ended up into the bat s**t crazy territory. I honestly have no idea what the ending was trying to convey.

Someone should of told the script writer to use the KISS principle and not over complicate the plot. Now to go look for my next horror movie to watch :D

===Spoiler Alert=== If you enjoy movies about a group of misguided social rejects, trekking across a desert area in a bus for no apparent reason just to die. You might have a reason to start watching it. However, the whole part where we get 6 dead serial killers summoned so we can play a game of "Highlander" and the victor of the fight takes their "power" (which this film explains really nothing about that), makes it really hard to stick with the movie. ==End Spoiler==
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windy99919 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I made it almost to halfway through this dreadful movie.

Everything about it seemed poor - the writing, the performances, research, the lighting and camerawork - all bad.

It isn't because it was a small budget - that doesn't make for a bad movie; this was just sloppy. I cared nothing for the plight of the characters and even found myself feeling slightly embarrassed on behalf of the serial killers!

I gave it a 2 for a couple of decent one-liners.
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My Review Of "The Butchers"
ASouthernHorrorFan1 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen Judd's serial killer showdown, "The Butchers" takes a lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek approach to bringing some of the world's most notorious killers together on screen. The plot has the six killers coming to blows with a group of travelers whose bus breaks down outside of a ghost town turned tourist trap focusing on the life and crimes of these vicious serial killers. The crap goes down when Semi's character, JB, sets out conjure the killers, whom he shares a kindred spirit with, then is interrupted by the arrival of the stranded group.

"The Butchers" has a creative concept going for it, bringing together these infamous killers. All of whom are just as likely to go for each other as the collection of victims thrown in their path. Judd plays up the fun side of horror with overdrawn characters that have no real dimension, acting only as meat for the grinder. The acting is as low budget as it gets in this sort of shtick, but there is no real attempt to pass the characters off as anything more so isn't too annoying. There are a few actors that give decent performances and the direction Stephen Judd takes telling the story make it understood that this is cheap, sensationalized, slaughterfest fun.

The special effects are a blend of CGI and practical effects. The CGI is within reason and keeps focus on the occult aspects displayed. The majority of the kill scenes and gore are practical methods that, although on the cheaper side, work well to create some gruesome moments. The blood and guts of the horror elements are the real treat in this film. Some of the scenes actually come off better than other moments, even for a low budget film there is some pretty sweet moments in "The Butchers". Just keep in mind this is a fun romp where carnage is king. Thankfully the dialog stays short and in context to the situation so I was able to enjoy the film more than I would if the writing required the actors to get theological, or wordy. The sound effects and overall atmosphere does good to keep the energy level up on "The Butchers" so I didn't really feel any lag.

"The Butchers" is not a deep, witty, horror story. The film stays pretty straight horror, leaning toward a comedy edge. The real sell is the blood and gore which for a low budget film gives good gore. The highlight of this one is the killers themselves. On screen, as they clash with one another and the victims, the story becomes really entertaining. "The Butcher" may not appeal to all horror fans, mostly because of the simple story, cheap thrills and gimmicks, plus some of the effects fall short of when it comes to being effective. However, for what it is, this is a fun, entertaining indie horror worthy of a once over. There is a lot things that are disappointing, but there are also some moments that really shine.
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Simply horrendous
jthaule14 December 2020
This film has exactly three good things: the location, the original main villain and the music. The music is a good tribute to the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and single handedly lifts this film from a 1 to a 2.

Apart from that the casting, the acting, the lighting, the editing, the dialogue, the plot and the sound is so bad it couldn't even pass for a student film. Especially the casting, which is truly bad considering this film tries to include historical serial killers.

Also, the film has no proper ending, and there are several scenes that are so disjointed it seems like there are missing reels.
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an honest review
hudsonda417 September 2014
I'm at 9 minutes into the movie and I stopped to count how many extreme stereotypes I've seen so far. There are 9 so far. That's right. Nine minutes in and nine extreme stereotypes are in the movie so far.

9 minutes 22 seconds. 10 extreme stereotypes so far.

9 minutes 30 seconds. A pair of extreme stereotypes just reached epic stereotypical traits.

9 minutes 50 seconds. 11 extreme stereotypes so far.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. Not only has the acting been laughably bad so far, the characters are such extremes that it's comical to watch each one as they get revealed.

14:53 had to pause the movie because i couldn't take anymore. I'm only going to continue just to make sure the plot holes I've seen so far are as enormous as I think they are.

24:30 The most racist stereotype I have ever seen in a movie.

26:50 The new most racist stereotype I have ever seen in a movie.

Guy trying to hide behind a window accidentally punches(?) it at the worst possible time. And I'm done. Screw this movie.
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Embarrassing in every possible way
manuelasaez17 March 2015
One of the worst movies I have seen this year, and I have seen plenty.

The acting? Abysmal.

The premise? Sophomoric.

The special effects? Laughable and poorly implemented.

This movie was seriously worse than a SyFy original movie, and we all know just how bad those atrocities can be. The only redeeming quality about this movie is that I was able to turn it off 40 minutes in. It was simply a horribly made film, written and directed by people who lack the vision and talent to ever do anything other than third-rate C-movies. Avoid this like you owe it money. An abomination in every conceivable way.
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jsilosphd11 August 2018
Because it has to be a comedy, right? It stretches the imagination that anyone would think of this as anything else, it's so packed with outrageous stereotypes, epicly bad acting, gratuitous sex just shoved into the story like the director had to fill a quota, and perhaps the worst dialogue in all of cinema history. Listen: It's even worse than "Is it raining? I hadn't noticed." [Four Weddings and a Funeral-but who doesn't know that?)

Accordingly, I loved it. It now ranks at #1 in my list of "Movies So Bad I Can't Stop Watching Them," displacing Point Break for the first time in 20 years. I love how hard the actors are working (you can see them working their drama class training); I love how seriously the film portrays itself. So earnest. So committed. So sad.
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TV Movie in all but Name
silvio-mitsubishi4 March 2023
Poorly-made, with the appearance of a cheap TV movie - very shabby special effects, banal script, illogical plotting, extraordinary expansions and contractions of time, but most of all the most blatant collection of stereotypes: the jock, lecturing on fitness the whole time; the soldier with the murky (presumably deniable) recent history he tells to the first person who asks; the preacher, well over six feet and with a southern accent, the point of irritation; the saucy, feisty women of colour; the doe-teed youths, desperate to fall in love with each other.

The bad guys should all be so familiar, but Jack the Ripper turns out to be a woman in a mask and with a Dick van Dyke chimney-sweep Bert accent (no spoiler, she is in the cast list), Ed Gein, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer are so keen to emphasise their one identifiable aspect that they forget to be bad. The pamphlet for a serial killer museum hints at a 'mystery killer', but we get two and it is never clear why.

Gore, such as there is, is strictly 1970s Giallo-standard; likewise gratuitous sexuality. If I was looking for a comparison, I would suggest a less memorable episode of Supernatural - it even ends as if setting up for the next episode but, on the evidence of this, a sequel is unlikely.
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Another bad indie horror
Leofwine_draca29 June 2023
THE FACTORY is one of those horror films that sounds good in concept but turns out to be a real load of nonsense. The problem with it is that it's another low budget indie production which means bad script, bad direction and bad acting. A busload of cliched characters head off to a serial killer museum but find themselves stalked when the killers come back to life and look for new victims. The blood and gore is in short supply here but one of the characters is a martial artist so we do get a handful of fight scenes randomly shoehorned into the mix. What's most irritating is the level of excess on display in the acting.
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0/10... Ignore the critic... Yeah it's not Shakesphere, but it's entertaining at least. My rating 8/10
fontroy512 July 2014
Okay, I am not saying this is something that is going to get tons of awards, but the idea is interesting on it's own. I bought it for a tenner, expecting something below average, I love horror what can I say. Although I was surprised firstly the serials killers did act like how they were in real life even some fun elements, but I find it funny the only critic gave this 0/10, that shows worth of that critic. Anyway, they are caricatures, but as with horror the most annoying die first. The critic also does not seem to how understand how unlimited stupidity is, referring to the fact they read the book. Of course we as watchers will know it's bad idea, but then we have fortunate fact of knowing they are in a horror movie.

Sorry for the rant, but this was not a hugely bad movie, it had some surprises and outside of small annoyances never felt I need to stop watching. I give it eight, good way to pass the time and one twist is genuinely clever...

The ending, well that shows the critic who reviewed did not even understand what had happened... Plus some of the character's broke out of their clichés which was refreshing.
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Serial Killers, Inc.
tdeladeriere23 March 2015
In the introduction, a hillbilly woman is (somewhat disturbingly) beaten and killed by who appears to be her violent ex-boyfriend, before said goon is killed by the lady's son. I'm still in the process of sorting out how this fits into the whole storyline, but maybe that's pointless, as proved later.

A few decades later, that same son has grown into a bearded and broody hunk. He's part of a group of disparate individuals heading to the desert for some sort of spiritual enlightenment trek. There's a preacher and his dull girlfriend, the goofy best friend, the sports fanatic, 2 bimbos, 2 worthless goths, a fat foul-mouthed lady, etc.. Halfway through, their bus breaks down and they hike to a ghost town. The same ghost town that, earlier on, a salesman "bought" the rights to the Death Factory Museum from an unsuspecting local. The poor chap must have been the only left resident in town. After some accidental sexual witchcraft, the 2 goths awaken the spirits of legendary serial killers like Ed Gein, Jack the Ripper, and a a healthy handful of others (including a bare-chested lethal vixen I couldn't recognize, but maybe she was only there for gender equality). The broody and hunky son makes it a mission to save his reluctant posse by absorbing the spirit of said killers, then there's some capoeira, and the Devil, and it just stops making sense.

If you agree to not try and make sense of the very messy storyline, you will probably be pleasantly entertained by the varied shenanigans. All the killers have great presence (except maybe for the aforementioned vixen, probably because she has no back-story in our collective pop consciousness). They are strongly portrayed, have threatening presence, and are prominently featured. There's lots of actions and gruesome killings, some refreshing nudity, the plot twists keep on popping until the very end, there's nothing to be bored with. Just leave your expectations at the door and enjoy the heartfelt ride.
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So bad I couldn't finish it.
amydelaney-5696918 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've managed to sit through some absolute tripe but this takes the biscuit. It was suffocating to watch.

The introduction seemed like it was going to be one of those openings where it turns out to be a film within the film because the acting was so over the top, but it turned out to be a dream sequence and it only went further downhill from there.

The characters are all 2D clichés, the acting is awful all round, the script is ridiculous (eg. 3 people who've just met go to look for other members of the group and "search" a room where there is clearly no one else, just stacked chairs and junk. Then proceed to make out with each other for...reasons? *eyeroll*).

It's awful, don't watch it. It's not even fun to hate watch, it's plain bad.
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It's entertaining horror
davannacarter13 December 2014
Another poster took this movie too seriously and ended up turning it off halfway through. I wanted to stop watching too at some point until I realized this movie wasn't predictable at all. This is not supposed to be a scary horror movie. I repeat: this movie was not made for scares. It was made for entertainment in the same vein as Tremors, From Dusk Til Dawn, and John Carpenter's Vampires. Like those movies, this one is set in the desert. Also, like those movies, this movie was supposed to be a supernatural action/adventure movie rather than a horror movie.

What's a supernatural action/adventure movie? It's an action/adventure movie with supernatural villains. It's not meant to be horror. It's simply meant to be entertaining. It's the type of movie you put on when you're bored at night, you have beer, you have chips, and you just want to watching an entertaining movie to make you forget your worries. That's why I gave this movie 10/10. It's mission was simply to entertain me and forget my cares and it succeeded.

So if you're home bored, with beer and nachos, and want a supernatural desert movie in the vein of Tremors, From Dusk Til Dawn, and John Carpenter's Vampires, then go with Death Factory. And make sure not to take it seriously.
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not bad!
leahdragon11 June 2020
Fun little flick! Sure, its cheesy and heavy handed but frankly, i like that in a horror film. Nothing earth shattering in the realm of horror- as far as plot, pretty standard "summoning dark forces" fare- but an interesting twist via the use of serial killers. All your favorite real life skeezwads are here, including gein, dahmer, and a creepy new take on jack the ripper (honestly impressed with that one.) Annoying sterotypes youll enjoy see getting killed-seriously, try not to cheer when the goth couple gets their comeuppance- including the gratuitous bimbos providing the requisite T&A the genre demands, and a few actually likable people to root for. Auntie May proves that she is, indeed, not one to f*** with and my favorite character. I want a spin off starring her, wherein she takes down demons with one monstrous flick of her wig. And how often are the main villians African American? Semi Anthony is quite luscious and plays a good meanie. Some good fight scenes towards the end, including an impressive spin kick. All in all, the kind of fun horror i enjoy, not too serious and just a good time. :)
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Loved the Story and Cast
pcdoctormario29 June 2015
I really liked this movie and the story has a ton potential. There's the stereotypes and typical characters but they add extra spice and their own touch that make it very entertaining to watch. The movie progresses very well as far giving a back story and walk through and preparing the audience on what is to expect. I did have a problem with the "good guy" in this movie; Not enough back story on him to make him someone to go up against the serial killers and his acting was the worst of all of them. The supporting cast was really good. I really liked the preachers's wife and her little back story was enough to make you feel for her.
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Death Factory
a_baron23 August 2015
Where to begin? Well, this film is certainly original. A man who appears to be a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide turns up at a small isolated complex of buildings somewhere on the border of the Arizona Desert. Having tracked down and exacted revenge on the men who murdered his family, he already considers himself to be just about the baddest dude on the planet, but wants to go one better. He does this by summoning up six notorious serial killers, intending to kill them again and absorb their wickedness, or something like that.

Having murdered the owner of what was to be a serial killer museum, his plans are interrupted by gatecrashers, a group of people from a bus that has broken down two or three miles away, but they are all grist to the mill.

The big question is how many if any of them will escape? As one of their number is killed by this dude then brought back to life by a woman who wrote a dissertation or at least a paper on this sort of magic, that is probably the least important question to ask.

What else has "Death Factory" to offer? A bit of lesbian sex, some passable special effects, and the revelation that Jack the Ripper was really a woman. "The Omen" it ain't, but it certainly doesn't deserve some of the bad reviews it has received here.
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Fun movie doesn't take itself seriously
Tuv2328 April 2023
I came in skeptical, expecting a boring D movie tier film, but it made B movie tier instead! The beginning I was like "Oh no the camera quality is a bad sign" but it was only for the beginning sequence for effect, after that it's more movie standard quality.

The blood and gore is relatively tame, and at times not very realistic..but neither are serial killers coming back from the dead. The movie doesn't take itself seriously and just wants to give you a good laugh at these over the top characters run around.

The obligatory sex and nudity may be a turn off for some, or a hard on for others, nothing extreme. The ending was pretty cheesy, but again, B tier.

I'd give it a chance for people who like horror comedy.
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Funny, but shockingly appalling
jamieknibbs116 May 2021
7 because of the laughs it brought. Acting is shocking, storyline is actually ok.... But a lot more could have been done with the film. Opening scene makes little sense to the rest of the film.

I'd advise giving this film the swerve!
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