Zomblogalypse (2022) Poster


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Like watching a dull 90 minute VLOG made by people that aren't funny.
silencer-7255124 May 2022
This sounded good on paper, sadly it failed to deliver so completely that I laughed harder at the reviews giving it 10/10 than I did at the movie itself.

I just didn't find any of it funny, I was bored within the first few minutes and that boredom persisted through to the end. I don't remember coming close to laughing even once, though I admit I did miss a few moments while my mind wandered elsewhere in a desperate search for something more stimulating.

The writing was terrible, the attempted jokes fell flat, and the overall look and sound of the movie was on par with an average 'Asylum' film... without the special effects budget.

The movie did one thing very well though. I really felt as though I were watching a 90 minute VLOG. A really, really boring one. I was acutely aware of the precious seconds of my life trickling away.
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Prismark1025 May 2022
Zomblogalypse started as a web series. Now it has spawned a movie spin off.

After the Zombie apocalypse. Some years later, Hannah, Tony and Miles decide to make a movie about surviving the Zombie apocalypse.

However they turn out to be inept filmmakers. Health and safety is lax, having real Zombies in the film set mean that the production crew start to whittle down.

This is a labour of love for the filmmakers. An absurd Zombie comedy that is part Shaun of the Dead and part Monty Python. Eventually the silliness starts to win you over but this is no Spinal Tap.

It does look a lot like an ultra budget home movie shot on an Iphone. Making movies is boring and so is this at the beginning.

It gets splatter heavy and gore crazy later on, but it is a little too late by then.
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Mostly bad
gwlambert-7061326 May 2022
Although many things can be forgiven in low-budget horror films, poor writing cannot. While there are some funny moments throughout the film they are few and far between. The movie really becomes quite the chore to continue watching beyond a certain point. Campy and irreverent can be quite successful in this genre but this fails to deliver on any level. I recommend avoiding this one.
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Pure rubbish...
paul_haakonsen24 May 2022
Right, well I am not familiar with the web series that the 2022 movie "Zomblogalypse" is based upon, simply because I don't bother with web series at all. So I had no familiarity with this 2022 horror comedy from writers and directors Hannah Bungard, Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts as I sat down to watch it.

And I can't really say that I was harboring much of any expectations to the movie neither, given the rather poor and bad title it had. But still, it was a zombie movie that I hadn't already seen, so of course I opted to watch Hannah Bungard, Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts' movie.

But I have to say that this movie was bad. So horribly, horribly bad. It was low budget, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. But the movie was just not even funny, nor was the storyline even close to having anything worthwhile watching, nor was it entertaining. So it was quite a struggle to suffer through this horror comedy.

The acting performances were wooden and rigid, sluggish and amateurish. But hey, at least that was in touch with the overall feel of the movie. So that had to count for something, in a way, I suppose.

The zombies in the movie were rubbish. It felt like they weren't even bothering to try to make it look like zombies. This was definitely some of the worst zombie make-up and effects that I have stumbled upon in a zombie movie. And believe you me, I have seen a lot of zombie movies.

The movie was lacking comedy, it was lacking horror, it was lacking a story, it was lacking a proper production, it was lacking good special effects and zombie prosthetics, it was lacking basically just about everything.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this one, especially if you want to be entertained by a proper zombie movie.

My rating of "Zomblogalypse" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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WHO gave the first reviews and scored this in the high 8ish? who was that evil mastermind?
Tenren29 May 2022
When I checked for this movie it had a score of 8-ish so I said i'd give it a try. 20 minutes of it made me come back here and write my first review. Please, DO NOT waste your time. This is horrible. Please don't waste time on this, I beg you, don't do my same mistake. As for the movie, it's just bad, not even comically bad, it's just B. A. D.
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johanzetterman26 May 2022
Zero budget movie thats not even funny. Watched abut 30min trying to give it a shot atleast. Will not recomend this to anyone. Dont watch it. The good scores must be from ppl in this movie n their friends.
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Oh look! Reviewers with only one review giving it 9 or 10! That means...
Its freakin HORRIBLE! One review accounts giving the only high reviews are a sure fire sign that the movie is absolutely terrible. This one is not worth watching. The trailer is not even worth watching. The movie is HORRIBLE. The directing is HORRIBLE. The acting is definitely HORRIBLE. The casting is HORRIBLE. The cinematography is HORRIBLE. The wardrobe is even HORRIBLE. There is not one redeeming quality to this movie. Its just plain HORRIBLE. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
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Absolutely Brilliant parody and satire
colin-225204 June 2022
I think there are far too many people reviewing this film - who must have watched it; believing it was a horror. It is not! It is a comedy, and a very good one at that.

Think - Count Arthur Strong does horror !
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Quite marmite
pffxsqnsb21 June 2022
You are either going to get the humour or not and in that way the film is a bit like marmite- you will love it or hate it. The acting is wooden but that is part of the humour. It is good fun and sends up the genre. Watch it for what it is: a fun take on mass produced zombie films and don't expect it to be scary or horrific just very tongue in cheek.
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Another great franchise ruined by feminism
AdamGreenwood2 June 2022
I am torn. As the original Adam from the web series I was distinctly unimpressed to have been recast for the big screen version of Zomblogalypse... ...but I am also extremely and performatively woke, and it's famously a major part of our liberal agenda to gender-flip beloved male characters in order to ruin them, so I'm duty-bound to rate this a 10.
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Fun British Comedy on a Budget
adamemann30 January 2023
I went into this movie expecting to be disappointed after seeing the IMDb rating but after about 90mins of smiling ear to ear I can safely say that I really enjoyed what the movie offered.

Zomblogalypse is unlike any other Zombie movie i've seen and with there being zombies in it I assumed it was supposed to be a horror which it isn't. The movie is a comedy through and through, with lough out loud jokes all the way through. It reminded me of Spaced, especially the character of Tony who is like Mike in that.

The only bad thing about it is the budget was obviously very low and it can look a bit cheap at times. Some of the Zombies look convincing while others don't in some scenes which is weird. When the gore is good it is very good and funny. One guy gets his legs pulled apart and all his bowels fall on top of another guys head which made me laugh lots.

Worth checking out and more so if you like British humour.
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Watch it for yourself
EyeLikeHorror9 September 2023
This movie was made on a tight small budget, yes you can tell but don't let them put you off. These folks have done an excellent job creating something with so little.

I'm not going to bore about plot.

There's reviews with meanings and interpretation of ZomBlog so rate it low, just sit back, play the movie, open some popcorn, have a snuggle, watch it to make up your own mind. Movies can just be enjoyed for what they are and this is one of them. Its nothing flash, not a CGI spectacular, Oscar worthy, it's a low budget horror comedy made by people passionate about the genre. Support these filmmakers and British film industry.
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Why did it have to be a clown zombie
nogodnomasters16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Three inept survivors of the zombie apocalypse in York, England live in a library and do on line blogs. They decide they want to do a movie about the zombie apocalypse during the zombie apocalypse and advertise on line offering perks to participants.

The film is done horribly in an "Ed Wood" fashion. In one scene they tape 10 year old frozen chicken legs to a man and he runs through the woods to attract zombies to film. The body count is of little consequence to our non-acting film makers who stiffly read their lines.

The film is a cult comedy. For some it will be so bad it is good. Others it will be so bad it is bad. It appears they used locals from York to make the production. It you liked this, you might try out, "Dave made a Maze." Bad film I enjoyed.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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It's a solid 7 but really a 6.6
MiLo2525 May 2022
I made this film and I'd like to give it a 6.6, as all the best modern horrors and comedies are rated, but I'll have to settle for a 7. It's in the middle there. Not a 10 but certainly not a 1.
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I'm confused why people hate this.
Glazeifyy28 January 2023
It seems like a good-bad movie, never took itself too seriously and kept me interested. I feel like people expected something else when they decided to watch this movie, fast pace scary caught on camera style zombie film like rec. It's not that or even trying to be that it's a funny movie. Most of the humor is dry and dumb, (just my style) but the humor in this movie doesn't come from the written jokes it comes from how, garbage it is. They're obviously aware that the sets were not convincing as well as the makeup and acting, that's the point, this movie is supposed to be bad. But it's not supposed to be boring or not entertaining. If you fell asleep or stopped watching this movie out of boredom, then it's fair to say you didn't enjoy it, leave a negative review. If you watch the whole movie and you don't get bored, I implore you to give this movie a decent rating.

2.8 is unfair this is an awesome bad movie.
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Like the web-series... only more so.
Jonsyko25 May 2022
If you stitched 9 episodes of the Zomblogalypse web series together, it wouldn't be as great as this. This has all the ridiculousness of that, but with a feature-length plot, and slightly better camera work.

For me, the film has a handful of laugh-out-loud moments of comedy gold.

The film could probably use a tighter edit, but for the most part it's fine, and there's a faster overall pace than many episodes of the web series.

I advise those unfamiliar with the show to watch a few episodes before seeing the film, to get to know the lead characters better.
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Good laugh
lukebytheway1 June 2022
Love the take on this film. Overall got tons of good humour and the special effects are really good,

I'd recommend watching it for a light hearted good time.
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The Office meets Shaun of the Dead (and a dash of Seinfeld)
stewsith30 January 2023
Zombogalypse is a wacky horror comedy that feels like the three way love child of Shaun of the Dead, The Office and Seinfeld. Centred around three inept people who think the world revolves around them, the trio has already been surviving in the Zombie Apocalypse for a decade. Finding themselves bored, they decide to make a movie about their life and rope in a bunch of other survivors with the promise of things they don't actually have.

The movie is told in the "Vlog" style, with characters either holding the camera or being filmed by others who are all other characters in the movie so there's a found footage/documentary feel to everything which lends itself to the humour. If you like The Office or Parks & Rec then you'll like this style of shooting, with characters delivering candid interviews to camera in between the action and some genuinely funny improv.

The three leads are likeable in the same way we like the cast of Seinfeld - they are pretty horrible people that really only care about themselves but it's the wacky scenarios that they get into which make them endearing. Tony is a crazy gun nut that loves blowing up zombies and re-enacting Metal Gear Solid. Hannah is a happy-go-lucky book lover who runs from the first sight of a Zombie. Miles is indifferent to the Zombie threat, wanting to sipping tea from a china cup while slapping the hands of hungry Zombies away with an umbrella as if they are a minor inconvenience.

Despite all the horrible things they do in the movie (a lot of people die in pursuit of making their film!), you still find them likeable. Much of this is down to their childlike passion to make their movie and obliviousness to all the pain and terror happening to everyone around them.

Their film crew come in the form of some truly talented actors who do some impressive improv and frantically run around trying to make an actual movie whilst Hannah, Tony & Miles play Spielberg.

Those looking for some Zombie chaos will also be pleased as there are some really frantic and gory moments in the second act, culminating in a horde of fast zombies (or "Fastards" as Tony calls them) descending upon the film shoot. When there's gore it's mostly practical effects and there's plenty of intestines and flesh being torn out to satisfy gore hounds.

If you go in looking for a scary, serious Zombie movie then this film isn't for you. If you want fun characters, great gore and enjoy British humour then you'll absolutely love it to bits. There's also four seasons of a YouTube web series (also called Zomblogalypse) to check out which the same creative team started making a decade earlier! Whilst the movie is kind of a retelling of the web series, it's still very much worth a watch and oozes with love for the zombie genre.
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So funny
vickyparry-4539725 May 2022
I have now watched this 3 times! I can't get enough. It's so funny and daft! It's so British I wonder if some of the reviewers on here simply don't get the humour! I'm gutted for them as they are missing a treat! In a magical land. Somewhere between Spaced and Spinal Tap, these goons picked up a camera and started making us laugh.... Now only my fourth sitting.
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Zomblogalypse is a daft, clever, extremely British zomcom delight.
Experi-Mental-Ferguson14 September 2023
Firstly I'd like to make this clear...this movie is really, really, awkwardly British. Sometimes it's deliberately awkward, bumbling and loose like some of our greatest sitcoms, and I for one am bowled over by the performances from Miles Watts, Hannah Bungard, and Lyndsey Craine, and how they play their scenes and off each other.

Low budget horror comedies, on these micro levels never work, because the writing, the directing, the comedic timing is off and doesn't exist. Yes, whilst some sequences just fail and come off as, well, far more awkward because they're missing the mark, and this is due to poor performance-choices, and comedic timing, that's all I have to say negatively in relation to this gem of a film.

They really have made a fun, engaging, horror zomcom. The filmmaking trio are really pushing beyond their limits, and instead of trying to pull off more than they can chew and failing, they embrace the low-fi nature and weave it masterfully into their film. It is rather ingeniously done. I have to hand it to them, many directors have used the found footage genre as a way to best hide imperfection and their movies low-fi underpinings, but, that is not apparent here. It is just another way to tell their story, and a lot of the shots are very sleek and clear, there is no shakycam overuse here. And that is what makes this so brilliant, as the genre and its mechanics are never really used to fall back on, to validate certain quality issues.

I have been involved both as a Kickstarter-er/Crowdfundee on many small productions, putting money forward to various films, and earning credits (that I don't deserve) and om other projects that I had a creative hand in, and know the areas these films exist in, and know the hard work, love, and great care that goes into such things, so maybe I am a little biased, but only because I have experience in these low budget filmmaking realities.

I salute Tony, Miles (who needs to be cast in more stuff, also BBC, this guy would make a hilarious Doctor Who), and Hannah for their talent. Also, praise the heavens, a low-low-budget horror comedy actually ends up being what it is... a bloody good laugh/laff.

There are so many highlights, especially the first production meeting. That scene, and everyone involved is firing off on all cylinders. The chemistry and vibe, the writing, it is jjust superb.

What is so particularly fun is that is is ever so British. So British I think American audiences, or anyone outside our island will not engage with the humour like a fellow awkward Brit would.

Then again, that's what sets this film out from the rest of the shoe-string-budgeted straight to VOD fair that's released frequently. It works.

It looks good, the effects work, the writing is smart, and, in how idiotic the three leads are, within these characters there is such a relatability, outside of this absurd situation, these situations can be applied to every day life. And, you can't not laugh, nod and fewl familiar.

The film is so realistic, as to the realities of trying to make a film with your mates, it speaks to you, and conveys that passion, grit and frustration - that is the films advantage, in comparison to other films of this genre/scope.

The charm comes from these three bumbling, rather clueless idiots, who, you can't help but love. And the poor souls that end having to contend with Miles' arrogance and ego, and put up with the trios nonsense - full stop! Which allowed certain actors to steal the scenes they were in, such as: Aaron Dennis (whose character basically works as the audience, responding in the way any one in real life would), and Peet Torkussen as Peter Ronson, the health and safety manager who each time he appeared really got me giggling.

Ignore all the negative reviews, and go into this knowing that it is a movie made by lovers of movies, lovers of the craft, the comradeship of getting together and making a film, and having a blast whilst doing it. The movie embraces its naff VFX and ocassionally bad gore gags, which feeds into the whole movies DNA. It is joyously unpretentious and loving to the art of making film.

Making a film is tough, and then putting it out into the world for others to maul for the pure sake of it, it's always going to be a tough ride. Luckily, I think based on how much this made me chuckle, and sometimes out loud, which is a rarity for most films, I can't deny that its awkward, sloppy, silly charm worked on me, and will you.

The concept of this feature is strong. Yes, people will compare it to the not too dissimilar Cut of The Dead, but this is doing its own thing. It is in so many ways satirical, especially the elements of the narrative where the character's elude to Kickstarters and Perks, the almost absurdity of it, the weird politics, but also the importance of it, who is in so many ways personified in the character of Lyndsey, played by Eating Miss Campbell's lead actress, and star in the making, Lyndsey Craine, who is so sweet, so innocent and charming, another actor who steals the film each time she's on screen.

Though the film is about Miles, Hannah, and Tony, making a movie about, well, themselves, as the heroes/budding vloggers/filmmakers, who are still in the grips of a zombie apocalypse, trying to recreate what had already occurred, it is the supporting cast that makes certain scenes sing.

The film is partly a found footage, mock-doc feature, with a few extra CCTV cameras used as alternative sources of footage, working off its own insane rules, that feels uniquely like territory that hasn't been fully exploited by the powers at be... you know the guys, the bigwigs behind some producer desk, rinsing it of all its singularity. And that's to this films advantage.

This was a delightfully silly, bonkers movie.

That end sequence, with the leads looking up at the work they have achieved, that spoke volumes to how long these guys have been working towards this movie, that final moment where they can go, "This is it! We did this!"
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Zomblogalypse watch now!
jessicawest-5640624 May 2022
If you are wanting to watch a zombie film then this is the film to watch! Amazing! I've seen this at a film festival and it was brilliant. If you want zombies and you want comedy then this is the film for you. Watch this now! Absolutely brilliant.
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Yes, it's possible to have a fresh take on a zombie comedy movie!
BungoProudfoot24 May 2022
If you didn't think the Zomblogalypse web series could get any sillier, you were wrong! Zombies join a metaverse of gore, comedy and general pratting about. Of course this movie made by a small team doesn't have millions of dollars behind it so you're not going to get blockbuster special effects but the effects and make-up you do get are great!

If you like your zombie movies on the lo-fi side with a generous dollop of British humour, and even a layered plot line, give it a whirl. A previous reviewer kept mentioning the filmmakers names over and over again which I won't do as it seemed a bit shoehorned in. Just keep hold of your brain and enjoy yourself.
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Whoop Whoop
OldKaka24 May 2022
If you're looking for a great use of your time then Zomblogalypse is the way to go. I recently watched this movie and to put it plainly, it was like watching a(n) puppy run. A totally crazy experience.

Directed by Hannah Bungard Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts and starring Lyndsey Craine, Andrew Dunn and Joanne Mitchell, Zomblogalypse told a completely fun story.

Zomblogalypse is a(n) comedy horror movie about characters who embark on a journey of zombie survival movie. Despite the obstacles, big and small, the characters in the movie, as well as the viewers, still meet a great end. The performances from Lyndsey Craine, Andrew Dunn and Joanne Mitchell illustrate the narrative of this movie with such a viable effort. Consequently, this film ended up being as strangly awesome as it is.

Zomblogalypse intertwined visuals, audio, and plot in a very crazy way.

It was as if Hannah Bungard Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts combined the characters, the setting, and the valued objects within the film and then threw them into a mixing bowl to create a giant serving of great roast. As a viewer, chewing and pondering on the quality of my roast, I couldn't help but think about how sweet it tasted. The flavors of the film blended so great-ly that I considered getting a(n) puppy for emotional support!

This story of zombie survival movie is a triumphant effort on Hannah Bungard Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts's part in making viewers weep with joy.

Overall, I found Zomblogalypse to be crazy, fun, and strangly awesome! It is a great plate of roast, seasoned with the theme of zombie survival movie, and sure to leave you with a lingering sweet taste in your mouth.
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Lots of laughs and gore!
wevans-822587 September 2023
This was a really enjoyable film from start to finish! Plenty of laugh out loud moments from the main three characters (who remain likeable despite their near total lack of self awareness and callous disregard for the lives of their film crew) and all the extended cast.

There were lots of nice nods to various horror films throughout which were fun to pick up on as well as many quotable lines and a fair few scares (especially in the 'Fright Room/Fastard sequence).

It's clear to see that this was a labour of love from all involved and that definitely translates into the screen.

Will there be a sequel? I hope so.

Will definitely be watching again!
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