"X-Men '97" Mutant Liberation Begins (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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this episode is...wow
chickenjackson20 March 2024
Incredible what this animation team were able to fit in one 30 min episode about a team of genetic outsiders. Not just retro style but bringing more subtleties of expression and emotional depth. Action without losing exploration of character and bonds in such an economy of space. There were allusions to so many storylines as well as foreshadowing of many more. Amazed how they were also able to show visually not just tell with words the complexity of the relational history between members as well as deep concepts of human relations (timely to even current events). This is the best of what has made the x-men story shine over generations.
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Was not expecting it to be this good
technomicah20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its a great return to the original show. There's alot of talking, but its not slow. I very much appreciate the respectful tone coming off the heels of Xavier's death.

I can 100% say that I had the lowest expectations for this show. I can't say it was my fault since there was already alot of negativity around this show well before it's release.

The animation is technically better than the original. Its taken the classic feel and made it for 8k TVs. Some of the close-ups are a bit Archer-like disturbing from the heavy lines. Its a style and we cant fault them for that. Its maybe lacking on the inbetweening but that is a minor complaint. The animation is spectacular where it counts. Plenty of sakuga for music videos. Its not Toei animation (like the original intro) but a high end brand of Korean animation.

Voice acting is great. I read they re-casted the main characters. I was mistaken. A few voices were re-casted but I didn't notice before I looked it up.

The story is captivating. The original show has gone in some very crazy directions, so this seems to be right on par. Cant wait to see where it goes.

From what I read prior to its release I was prepared to not watch it in order to preserve my memories of a good show. Even though the old run didn't end in the best way.

A very welcome return that I was not expecting. I was 8 years old when the first episode aired. I remember that day and how I followed the story back then. Not a show that needed to be done, but it was done well and I'm giving it super applause.
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finkaidan21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently watched the old x-men cartoon about a year ago, so it's still fresh in my mind coming into this show. I have not been disappointed at all! This episode has so many moving parts to it among the x-men team. Xavier being gone and Magneto being involved is such an interesting arc. The love between Remy to Rogue. This new Storm arc which had me gasping. I can not get enough of Wolverines one liners, who else would respond to a distressed pregnant woman saying "he's here" with "who, apocalypse?" I was on the floor with laughter. There is definitely darker tones to this show which I like as well. Can't wait for the rest of the season, it's going to be a good one!
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This show is amazing!
and_mikkelsen13 April 2024
The first episode had my attention, but after this i am fuldt hooked! This elevated everything! Incredible animation and a complex story with a whole lot more emotional depth and consequences that can be felt!

This episode had some of the best elements from the X men universe! Trying to find your place in a world that hates you! The themes and Magneto's speech still feel very relevant today! Humans will always fight that which they fear and do not understand!

Animation was superb with some breathtaking sequences! Honestly one of the best animated cartoons i have seen! Everything feels so organic and the fight scenes are fluent and creative!

This show has just begun, but I can feel the passion for the source material, and I think this will be an unforgetable journey!
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is this marvel or i'm on something ??
Abo-dahm2 April 2024
This episode is genuinely one of the best episodes of 2024.

From the start of it i was really hooked enough to watch the whole series in 10 hours NON STOP,

the plot was just "Epic" and well executed.

THE ACTING , and oh boy about the acting .. magneto's voice actor was a top tier performance , i can say legitimately that he got his place in an even top tier list such as ( Arthur morgan, omni man , duth van der linde , and much more incredible voice acting performances ) other voice actors in this series was "Good" .

PACING the pacing was really shocking in this tv show Considering that it is Disney who made this show , Second ep and my mind has been blowed, like it is fast but not rushed up You know ? . CAN'T WAIT FOR THE OTHER EPS TO COME OUT.
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An All-Time Great Episode
earconomics2421 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The second episode of X-Men '97 is a stunning achievement. Beginning with open suspicion and lingering resentments between old enemies, the episode maneuvers through a trial echoing the Dreyfus affair and a populist crowd storming a government building that can only bring to mind recent events in American history. The show may be set in 1997, but the issues of prejudice and discrimination it raises are as present today as they ever were, and the tragic events at the end obscure any easy answers to those problems. I haven't seen a piece of fiction that so eloquently reflects the turbulent issues of today in a long time, and all this complexity shines through as Rogue's down-home parlance and Wolverine's bromance with Morph bring the nostalgia in spades. A masterpiece, pure and simple.
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Astonishing follow-up and more 90s Comics Tribute!
mellowgeekstudio20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think this one was even better than the pilot, which was amazing. They are actually the Magneto arc from the comics and, by the looks of it, Madelyne Prior as well! Honestly I didn't see that coming at all and it puts a wide grim on my face. I am full on board now and seriously hope they don't drop the ball after this astonishing beginning (pun intended). If they keep following the 90s comics this close this is gonna be the best X-Men project on screen ever, the likes of which I have been expecting and being constantly disappointed since the first movie from 2000.

Oh, and the fact the freaking Storm loses his power and ditches the X-Men was the perfect icing on the cake. I know it was supposed to be a tragic, emotional moment but I hate that character thanks to the way the voice actor chews the scenery harder than anyone on every single line she delivers! If she stays out for long, or maybe the whole season, this is gonna be perfection. I know it is too much to ask, but the hope on this show has allowed me to dream again.

Six claws up, bub.
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Incredibly Powerful
brent-basil22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit it, I was a skeptic. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this series, as it seemed like a cynical cash grab.

The first story was good, but this has solidified me. So much character development, and a plot that moves at an exciting pace. This truly feels like an honest, natural successor to the original series.

I'm excited to see how Scott and Jean grapple with parenthood. I'm interested to see where Storm's story takes her now that she's lost her powers. I am eager to watch Magneto's growth. With so much laid down in just the first two episodes, I'm definitely anticipating great things to come.

Welcome back, X-Men. You've been sorely missed.
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Weighty and consequential
thegreendrinker21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is even better than the last. Whereas the first episode was an exciting yet breezy in/reintroduction to the show, the second establishes the themes and the stakes.

The endless back and forth between the humans and mutants quickly comes to a boil at the UN headquarters. I am not in to "both sides" rhetoric for every situation (sometimes one side is much or somewhat worse than the other- critical thinking should be used to discern which group's values and actions align the most with your own), but I do love conflicts that make everyone empathizable. Magneto's idea that oppressors must be fought against because following decorum and the rules doesn't always work is compelling as is X-Cutioner's legitimate grievance against the harm caused by Magneto. Of course, Xavier's non-violent approach to dealing with conflict also has its merits.

The episode also makes it clear that this new series won't have everything revert to status quo at the end of each episode. In the plot of this one alone, Storm is robbed of her powers and Magneto more solidly aligns himself with Xavier's ideology. That sense of consequence is sorely missing from even many live action shows so it was nice to see here.

Can't wait for the next episode!
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Character dialogue becoming awkward when you can't animate lips
ofbodin-966-48552023 March 2024
The plot is still interesting and engaging, but I've been noticing a pattern here, and that's how the show VERY often zooms in awkwardly or shows the character with their back turned to the camera while they talk to avoid showing a character's mouth during conversations. The dialogue itself is well made, but we need to see more EXPRESSION in the faces of the characters to truly empathize and relate to the situation they're in. I don't need to see people's back turned to the camera during 50%of their dialogue...

This needs to stop. It's really annoying and they need to ensure that the animators are doing their job well AND have the budget to do it. NO SHORTCUTS!
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Don't Make Me... Let You Down
kyliemm24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, just wow.

Magneto standing trial was the whole highlight of this episode. Except maybe Wolverine saying Apocalypse was here and Jean telling him it was actually the baby. That was close. X-Cutioner came to deliver some judgment to Magneto, but Storm stopped it and ended up losing her powers, which was quite heartbreaking.

Of course, Magneto was not happy and literally lifted his trial to space. He had the moment to just kill every single juror., but decided not to in order to make good on Charles' will and what he would have wanted. This is what I call good writing. I really felt for Magneto and the pain he was put through, but he was willing to try just for Charles and the rest of the X-Men.
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Mutant Liberation Begins
Prismark1021 March 2024
With a cliffhanger that showed that Professor X left the School for the Gifted in his will to Magneto.

The X-Men find that their enemy is now the leader of the pack. Magneto now has to demonstrate that he genuinely believes that Mutants can co-exist with humans. When previously he advocated that the natural order of things were that Mutants would soon replace humans.

Cyclops is sceptical fo a start and so are humans. They want Magneto on trial at the UN for his past crimes.

The episode is very much rooted in the beginnings of the X-Men comics. The discrimination Erik Lehnsherr saw and faced.

The riot scenes outside the UN Court with the Anti Mutant Crusaders very much references the Capitol Hill riots of 2021. Once again the X-Men hold a mirror to the real world.
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Better Than Ep1 on Writing but Not on Action
infinitetyler22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's funny how X-Men TAS featured both some of the best and worst writing. 97 doesn't disappoint on that front. Some of the moments around Magneto are truly powerful, especially for a comic book cartoon. But some other moments around Magneto make "he was in the Amazon with my mom researching spiders" look like Hemingway. It's not just his writing that's uneven, but it's really prominent with his character in this episode. The "I gotta do better, senator" moment... give me a break.

Episode 2 is a bit more "high brow" than the first one and spends a lot of time grappling with moral and social issues. That probably makes some people happy, but I prefer the more action-oriented episodes when I'm watching a show about people with superpowers. Magneto throws down a couple of times, and that's always fun, but it's difficult to say whether the additional attention to story and character development make up for less mutant mayhem.

I'm not a fan of these gun-arm FoH characters, and why is Morph a regular member of the team suddenly? Didn't he die, resurrect evil, turn good, leave, come back towards the end and ultimately retire due to stress? When did he get the ability to copy other mutants' powers? That's a game-changer. This show uses nostalgia as a sword and a shield to keep the viewer compelled while simultaneously distracting from its flaws. Maybe they'll explain everything in a later episode(no they won't!).

The series isn't bad so far, but there's a pervasive vibe of sad cello music playing throughout the entire thing. I don't remember feeling this depressed after watching/reading X-Men, but imho if you loved TAS you'll probably like it. If you're a comic book purist you'll probably hate it, and if you're a normie or a film person you'll probably just be like, "Okay. Sure. Enjoy your kids' show."
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