Voodoo Possession (2014) Poster

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Lacking coherency...
paul_haakonsen25 January 2014
Granted, I am not overly into the rituals, myths and mysteries of voodoo. But still, I am finding it rather interesting. And having read the synopsis for the movie, I decided to give this a go. With Danny Trejo on the cast list, it couldn't be all bad.

I found this movie to be a mess, to be frank. The storyline was really jumpy and was basically everywhere and nowhere at the same time. As such, then the movie as a whole turned out to be less than enjoyable. Especially because the audience sit there without really knowing what is what and being unable to find a red thread throughout most of the movie.

"Voodoo Possession" doesn't make use of million dollar effects, but still, they pulled off the movie nicely enough. Whatever effects were there, were used nicely and served their purpose well enough.

As for the acting, well people were doing good enough jobs. Just a shame that Danny Trejo didn't have a bigger role in the movie. Aside from him, then I can't really claim to be familiar with anyone there. And it is nice to see a movie with all new faces from time to time.

I didn't particularly enjoy this movie, so it is a mere 3 out of 10 stars from me.
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Amateur awful low budget film.. Avoidable
med77_9924 January 2014
Well if you are looking for a cool Horror film, then look else where, as Voodoo Possession adds nothing new to the genre, and is not any way a scary or thrilling movie. First of, i hate how these movies try to make attractive posters that has nothing to do with the film, the poster you see here on IMDb is quite misleading and looks cool, which is not the case with movie itself. Also using big names to market a film is a cheap thing to do, here they managed to pull Danny Trejo to appear in brief scenes, which add nothing to the movie as a whole.

The Plot : it follows a young guy WHO travels to Hiati to investigate the disappearance of his Doc brother who was trying to use Voodoo to help heal mental illness, the older brother is helped by his girlfriend who is a journalist and gathers up a crew to accompany the older brother to help find out what happened to his younger Doc brother, once arriving in Hiati and into the mental hospital, creepy things start happening and the movie starts to dig in deep into Psychology and family dynamics which was more of boring drama than Horror.

The worst thing about the film is the acting, most are complete amateurs, very poor acting that one can tell that these are actors. Even Trejo seemed out of it. Some actors actually show their excitements in being in a movie, total lack of professionalism.

The other parts of the movie making was all amateur work, poor direction and camera work, awful soundtrack and score, poor audio editing. The movie screams low budget. And i don't have anything against low budget films, i had my share of watching some and they still managed to offer something good, but this one is truly awful.

I can understand the effort and the desire to make this movie from the people behind, but they lack big time in producing something that looks cool and professional. If id make movie like this, i wouldn't want people to pay to watch it, maybe just post it for free on the internet. In short, total amateur work here, low budget film that lacks in all areas with cheap marketing strategies, not scary at all, avoid it.
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An un-scary and un-thrilling Voodoo Possession
TheLittleSongbird23 March 2018
'A Voodoo Possession' had a somewhat interesting idea, though not one that blew me away and as said already voodoo is not something usually watched by me. Danny Trejo also had me interested, one doesn't see him in good projects often but he tends to be one of their least bad aspects. Expectations were not exactly high but it was not as if it was watched with the want of it being bad.

My attention was sort of grabbed by the opening scene, which was the most unsettling 'A Voodoo Possession' got. The best thing about the film is the set, which does have an atmospheric creepiness that deserved better film. Like as was said in my recent review for 'The Cloth', also featuring Trejo, 'A Voodoo Possession' otherwise manages to be a complete mess at the end of the day. It wastes everything that the film was seen for in the first place, and ruins a not bad premise with execution that describing it as sub-par is being far too kind.

What few slightly competent effects 'A Voodoo Possession' has is eclipsed completely by the pretty abysmal standard of the rest for a vast majority of the film. The acting also could have been worse, but that is not to see it was great or note-worthy because that's not the case. Most don't seem comfortable and look inexperienced. Trejo himself is not enough to save things, he is not in it anywhere near enough, his role and scenes don't contribute majorly and he tends to try too hard.

In fairness, a lot works against them. The dialogue does make one cringe, with a lot of cheese, intentional and unintentional, is incredibly awkward and there is an equal amount of nauseatingly cloying and over-sentimental melodrama. The characters have very little development and not enough personality to make one relate, some behave like idiots and make decisions one gets frustrated with them with.

For a film about voodoo and possessions, 'A Voodoo Possession' offers nothing new. Even worse is that it's often incoherent, with such aimless and all-over-the-place and sprawling plotting, and then it's too obvious to be scary, too dull to be tense or suspenseful, too cheesy to be fun and too ridiculous to be thrilling. None of those positive attributes are present at any thing and all the negative attributes are plastered all over.

Visually, 'A Voodoo Possession' is chaotic and drab apart from the set, and the music and sound generate no atmosphere let alone suspense, being over-bearing instead.

Overall, a couple of good points but a complete mess on the whole. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Voodoo possession more like doodoo possession!!
Falks7235 February 2014
I had low expectations for this movie and not even those were met! It was definitely one of the worst scary movies the I've ever seen, if u can even call it a scary movie!!

The acting wasn't terrible but I definitely wouldn't say it was great. There is not attachment to the characters created, I can't even remember the names of any of them. So I couldn't care less when any of them were killed. And the so called monster was more like a giant cockroach so unless you are afraid of bugs it's not scary at all.

The so called special effects were horrible and clearly low budget, especially the terrible stabbing scenes that were so unrealistic and left a lot to be desired. The music choices failed to create any suspense or even evoke the slightest bit of emotion.

It was difficult to be scared of any of the possessed characters in this movie, each time they came on screen they made us laugh rather than create any terror.

Overall the storyline was a bit hazy and hard to follow as it kept jumping in and out of different worlds, this was also hard to follow as the movie failed to hold my attention.

This movie was missing a "falk in the road'
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A hat too big!
Patient44428 January 2014
Hmm, "Voodoo Possession" wanted to be quite the movie I'll tell yea! The plot was better than most, and you can tell a serious effort was put into this one, possibly, it's the budget that killed it. Can't believe I'm saying this, but, a bigger budget in this case could have translated into a good movie.

So, what exactly will you be into? Well, overall OK acting, good plot, nice characters, but it couldn't really spread its wings at other chapters, like effects, jumps or even a nice built tension coming from the audio part. So overall I gave it a 5, cause it really seemed to have tried, but cause of the lack of money, failed to deliver more. I mean, even the set, considering you can't afford much, they found something quite OK and they manage to make the most of it.

Of course, a movie like "Voodoo Possession" is not something I would normally recommend, unless you wanna throw an eye on the indie section, if you want more, then try "Extracted", has somewhat the same plot, not a horror tho, but one great movie.

Voodoo Possession, made a hard start for itself beginning with the name. Shame too, the idea wasn't all that bad.
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Don't watch unless possessed
kosmasp30 November 2014
Actually maybe just don't watch at all. Even if possessed. I have seen worse movies than this, but that doesn't make this any better or worth while. Even an expanded role for Danny Trejo does not help the movie at all. He's is seen in bits that "explain" the why ... sort of. Not that it matters or you'd care.

The acting isn't really good, though the characters do not really have that much flesh to them to make them rich. The effects are OK though, especially considering the small budget the movie probably has. If you have a heart for that, you might be inclined to like this a bit more. Otherwise as stated: watch something else instead
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nogodnomasters1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with mom (Nancy La Scala) apparently being involved in some kind of voodoo as she kills herself to protect her sons Cody (David Thomas Jenkins) and Aiden (Ryan Caltagirone), the latter of which witnesses the event. We then flash forward to the future where Cody is a mental hospital doctor who has gone missing in Haiti. Aiden and Bree, (Kerry Knuppe) his news reporter girlfriend take off to Haiti to investigate his disappearance.

While in Haiti they cross over into the whatever and must face demons from their past at which point I had to ask, "Why did they go there?" They turned what was a poorly acted and written film into one that wasn't worth watching all together. Most of the filming was done inside a building. Trejo plays Kross the assistant who literally read his lines. Ryan Caltagirone has done better.

The film doesn't need to be in your Danny Trejo collection. It doesn't pass the smell test.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Spoilers follow ...
parry_na23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One thing worse than being a patient in an understaffed, dilapidated mental hospital in Haiti is to be visited by a group of quick-talking, squabbling young hacks determined to uncover the institution's secrets whilst dishonoring local beliefs, moaning about the lack of a Starbucks, and shoving their cameras into patients' faces.

Hunky main man Aiden (Ryan Caltagirone) has also come here to search for his brother, and is alarmed to find the place possessed by some demonic force. Hence the film's title. Splendid-faced Danny Trejo, who is perhaps best known for his appearances in three 'From Dusk Till Dawn' films (as well as a plethora of others) appears briefly as Billy Cross. Other characters are sadly so flat that they barely register.

We have to trust that the asylum is in Haiti, as everything occurs indoors and the simple sets betray the low budget on offer. "I'm having trouble processing all this crazy s***," fey Duane Dubois (Abe Spigner) remonstrates at one stage, which gives you some idea of the level of erudition on display here – but he has a point. The story, other than an asylum possessed, is a jumble and so flat are the scares (although the climactic effects occasionally ascend to the impressive) that the effort required to work out what exactly is going on doesn't seem worth it. Even the music score (usually a dependable way of enhancing mood) is underwhelming, all but disappearing at moments of tension.

Ultimately, this emerges as yet another badly made unengaging horror attempt with screaming passing off as emoting (with Caltagirone the main culprit): daytime soap opera drama interspersed with wailings of demonic forces. The 'touching' ending featuring ('SPOILER') the two reunited brothers sobbing and telling each other how much they love each other is particularly nauseating. Why would a supposed powerful spirit spend so much time concerning itself with this bunch of shallow show-offs is anyone's guess.
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africe23 June 2020
What a waste of time! These writers did not research anything that had to do with voodoo. Or possession! Don't waste your time. The only thing that could have helped this movie get a 2 rating would be gratuitous nudity. And it had none hahaha.
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sjmaynard23 March 2019
That was a painful watch. I highly recommend missing this movie!
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Not that great! 2/10
leonblackwood26 July 2014
Review: I was expecting this movie to be full of zombies with a totally terrible storyline, but it actually wasn't that bad. The acting was pretty bad and Trejo was only in a couple of scenes, after they had plastered him all over the poster, but the film is watchable, for a low budget independent movie. The monster near the end looked completely ridiculous, but I got the whole Haiti Voodoo magic concept which wasn't badly written. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty corny, but the reason why it is watchable is because there is some sense in what the brother is trying to do. Basically he is trying to find his brother who has passed over to the evil spirit world and he has to fight demons and his sketchy past. It's not the best storyline but I have seen worse. Anyway, if you want a movie t watch in the background then this isn't bad but it's definitely not to be taken seriously. Watchable! 

Round-Up: I hired this movie thinking that Danny Trejo was going to be in it, but he's only in a couple of scenes. Most of the movies that I hire with Trejo on the front cover is a total distribution ploy to get you to hire the movie because he is usually is the best thing in it. Its not because he is a brilliant actor, its basically because he usually kicks butt and his movies are so bad that they actually become funny. Apart from that, I haven't heard of any of the actors before so I can't really comment on there previous work or there careers. I personally don't think that I will see the actors again because they weren't that amazing. 

I recommend this movie to people who are into there voodoo type movies about a guy trying to find his brother who is tramped in the evil spirit world. 2/10
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