"BoJack Horseman" BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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In hindsight, a strong debut
sarcasticidealist24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(This review contains spoilers not only of the episode being reviewed, but of subsequent episodes and seasons as well.)

BoJack Horseman opened to lukewarm reviews in 2014. Notoriously, this was because many reviewers viewed advance copies of only the first several episodes, rather than the entire first season. Though the series now enjoys roughly universally positive reviews, most of them comment that it took a while to find its feet. As I write this, the debut episode is the lowest-rated normal episode on IMDB, ahead of only the 2014 Christmas special (and just barely). The consensus, then, is that this episode is a poor ambassador for an excellent series.

In hindsight, that's not fair. Viewed in isolation, "BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One" appears to be introducing a somewhat more coherent version of Family Guy, complete with extended, irreverent flashbacks (I am thinking here of the scene in which BoJack subtly communicates to Princess Carolyn that he doesn't respect her enough to have a child with her, which owes much to Seth MacFarlane...as do the unnecessarily prolonged cotton candy-vomiting, Todd's response to BoJack's question "Do people not like me?", and BoJack's clarification of the nature of Diane's and Mr. Peanutbutter's relationship). If that was what BoJack Horseman turned out to be, the debut would indeed have suggested failure - the gag density is too low to succeed as a Family Guy clone, and the show would likely have worn out its welcome even more quickly than Family Guy.

Of course, we now know that BoJack Horseman is no Family Guy clone - instead, it's a dark, character-driven dramedy. With that recognition, this episode looks somewhat better. Obviously, it can't stand as among the series' best - it can't do anything meaningful with characters the audience has not yet been given a chance to know or care about. But it does make full use of its 25-minute run-time to set up characters and relationships that will pay off in later episodes. We see BoJack's idleness, insecurity, narcissism, and self-loathing, all of which will be explored in later, better episodes. We also see the groundwork laid for his relationships with the other four main characters. We begin to see - just barely - the tension between Princess Carolyn's professional and personal lives, and Diane's lack of comfort in her own skin. We see the unbearable lightness of Mr. Peanutbutter, and have him set up as a the Zelda foil to BoJack's Zoë.

With the benefit of hindsight, the episode's major failure is its treatment of Todd, who is initially defined as a taker and a leech, when we now know he is exactly the opposite (season 4's "Hooray! Todd Episode!" makes that explicit). Perhaps more jarring, his implied relationship with "Gabriella" does not work well with his subsequent struggles over his asexuality (how could it be news to him in season 4 that some aces involve themselves in romantic relationships when he has himself done so in the past?).

Less significantly, everything about the early nineties sit-com landscape is perfectly captured by Horsin' Around, from the insipid family-friendliness to BoJack's novelty rap album. That satire is not a well that will sustain a series for any length of time, and BoJack Horseman doesn't draw too heavily from it over its run, but it works here. BoJack's opening interview with Charlie Rose also (again, always in hindsight) contrasts Horsin' Around with BoJack Horseman - the first offers relief from life's "long, hard kick in the urethra", while the second often *is* that kick (that line came back to me when I saw the endings of season 4 episodes "Stupid Piece of Shit" and "Ruthie", for example).

The episode also has its share of animal-based visual gags, which will become a series staple - my favourite in this episode is probably the (anthropomorphic) pigeons in front of Elefante scattering in response to BoJack's bellowing about the cost of bread. Diane's business card and the dust jacket to her Secretariat book introduce the importance of the pause button to fully appreciating the show's humour. The running joke of BoJack composing unwieldy newspaper headlines is also a strong point, as is his response to Princess Carolyn's reference to him masturbating to pictures of himself.

No show of any depth has a pilot that stands among its best episodes, and BoJack Horseman is no exception. But, looking back, "BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One" makes meaningful contributions to what the show ultimately becomes, and nothing more could reasonably be asked of it.
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Worst episode of the entire series
z-0086718 March 2020
Don't end this series with this episode please. When i first watch, i quit it after watching this episode. But 2 days later i watched 2nd episode and i love it! Now i finished the whole series and it's my favourite show. Just don't judge it from it's 1st episode. I know it's bad. You really need to watch this. After 6th, maybe 11th episode, you'll LOVE IT. I'm sure
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It doesn't invite you to be a fan of the show, but it's enjoyable once you are a fan.
szyslak-6130326 October 2020
I must admit that I rebuffed BoJack Horseman the first time I've sat down to watch it. I felt this first episode was missing something, and I didn't give a shot to the second one... Fortunately, I came back, because I would lose a brilliant show. Technically, it failed as a pilot for that reason, but my thoughts on this episode have changed watching it in hindsight. I think they offered a very complete presentation of the show: the first handful of jokes of animals conserving their instincts and tastes of animals, the non-linear narrative, the use of recurring jokes that, as Mr. Peanutbutter said, get funnier every time, the quick transitions between scenes... all those elements define the show and you can recognize them since the outset. Also, we watched the first segments of the straightforward 90s sitcom, Horsin' Around, including the ridiculously dark series finale. The downfall of BoJack, two decades later, was precisely established. he does awkward observation or jokes in the least accurate moment, he screws it up whatever he is involved in, he spreads selfishness, he oscillates between the hyper-high self-esteem and the pessimism and self-disrespect, he alternates between the total honesty and the subtle insinuation. There is also a fantastic presentation of the top-level cast. Todd gets troubles with a Mexican cartel, Mr. Peanutbutter appears to take out the worst of BoJack, Princess Carolyn deals with BoJack as her agent as her attempt of boyfriend in opposites ways, and Diane has her first conversation with BoJack. The revelation that she and the dog are together was great and unexpected. A solid pilot and, thereby, a solid episode.
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Don't read this review!
andrewmortonen1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Disclaimer! Writing the reviews is my way of learning english. So i will do mistakes, and you don't need to read this. Only for myself.

"BoJack Horsman" is one of my favorite TV shows. I very love it. So now i have watched first episode of it. Just meeting main heroes: Bojack, Todd, Diana, mr. PeanutButter.

I say it one more times. Very love this TV show. It is one of the TV shows that i finding even more realistic, in behavior and characters of heroes, then it other movies and TV shows
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kick in the urethra
KittyEmpyre6 December 2021
Well, I enjoy this episode less every time i watch it, despite never really ending up disliking it.

Many would declare that this is a terrible introduction to the tone of the series and it doesn't prepare us for the themes that would be tackled in the future, but i think the real issue with this first episode is that it's just slow and forgettable, many of its plots are irrelevant to the future of the show and even for what they serve, being wacky jokes in an adult animated comedy, they don't really stick.

Despite its flaws there are things that this episode does well, it introduces the 5 main characters and each one's relationship with each other pretty effectively, and as it is the first episode it kicks off the chain of events that would develop through the rest of the show, something i'm very grateful for.
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Edvis-19977 July 2019
Wasn't really funny or something just basic introduction with plot.
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A pretty weak start to an overall amazing show.
ovexteam28 July 2022
This episode is...interesting to say the least. It feels extremely different to the rest of the show with it's weird and uncomfortable humour, litter of cutaway gags, and just overall meh writing. I will say it's definitely a very good introduction to the main characters and their personalities and it did get a couple of laughs out of me on my first few watches. I especially like the opening scene where BoJack goes on Charlie Rose and is asked the question "what have you been doing for the past 20 years?" and he's unable to respond. I thought this perfectly set up the theme of the entire first season.
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The Bojack Horseman (Rewatch) Review, First Episode
caupolicanre22 November 2023
Well.... this is my first review, and the first of many to come, especially for this tv show.

This is my first TV Show rewatch, why starting with Bojack Horseman? Because is one of my top 5 favorite series. At the time I watched it, I think I didn't appreciated all of it (including messages, characters, relations, and plenty more things), despite all this, I really enjoyed it and it really hit me in many ways.

Starting with the tv show again, made me feel strange, getting a lot of flashbacks of watching Bojack Horseman for the first time, and the feelings I was going through at the time.

It's a very good pilot episode for the series, it presents perfectly this series context.

Watching the introduction of each character reminded me of some of their plots and stories to come (only the ones I remember from the first time I watched the series).

The last scene (Bojack talking with Diane) felt very intimate, besides being it the first time they spoke. But one quote of Bojack resonated the most with me: "I'm responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast!" The fact of Bojack realizing that he is the only one who can change his life and the way he feels, already gives us a preview of how he feels when confronted with his thoughts and feelings.

I felt, watching this episode during this time in my life, that I needed to be reminded that "I'm responsible for my own happiness".
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Very Strange
Hitchcoc30 January 2021
I only watched this because my son recommended it to me. I just finished the first episode. I will take the word of other reviewers that this is terrible but the rest of the series is quite good. Every series has to have a setup and this one is worse than most. It shows us its hero who was part of a ridiculous 80's family sitcom where he adopts three kids. Don't ask. He is half horse and half man and..... See you after episode 2.
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setht-1014211 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why some people think bojack started off weak. The show is insane start to finish.
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Bojack Horseman's pilot episode gallops into our hearts with a mix of humor and pathos
ziancara13 April 2023
Bojack Horseman's pilot episode is a solid introduction to the world of the show, providing a glimpse into the life of a former sitcom star who is struggling to find his place in the world. With a mix of humor, pathos, and self-reflection, the episode sets the stage for the series to explore themes of fame, success, and mental health.

The episode begins with BoJack (voiced by Will Arnett) being approached by his publisher, who is eager to get his memoirs published. However, BoJack hasn't even started writing them, and is too depressed and despondent to even try. His agent and ex-girlfriend, Princess Carolyn (voiced by Amy Sedaris), suggests that he work with a ghostwriter, but BoJack is resistant to the idea.

What follows is a series of hilarious misadventures as BoJack tries to come up with ideas for his memoirs, including a failed attempt at writing a novel and an ill-fated trip to a bookstore. Meanwhile, Princess Carolyn is dealing with her own problems, including a rival agent and a troublesome client.

One of the strengths of the episode is the way it balances the humor with the darker themes of the show. On the one hand, there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, such as BoJack's encounter with a group of hippies and his ill-fated attempts at writing. On the other hand, there are also moments of genuine pathos, such as when BoJack reflects on his past and the mistakes he's made.

The episode also does a good job of introducing the main characters and setting up their relationships. BoJack is a complex and flawed character, but we see glimpses of his humanity and vulnerability throughout the episode. Princess Carolyn is a tough and competent agent, but we also see her softer side when she tries to help BoJack.

Overall, the pilot episode of BoJack Horseman is a strong start to the series. It sets the stage for the themes and characters that will be explored throughout the show, while also providing plenty of laughs and entertainment for the audience. With its mix of humor and heart, the episode lays a solid foundation for the following episodes to build on, and leaves the viewer eager to see where the story will go next.
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amirn85323 March 2021
A mediocre starter for a great TV show! It did goof job on setting up the story world but... Plot is loose and underdevelop, full of unnecessary flashbacks and expositions and too many uncooked jokes!
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Just a Start
hridouane2 December 2021
So, I've heard about the show a while back, and only now decided to give it a try, since I just turned 17. Right now, it's just like an average comedy. Some jokes aren't well placed, but I got through some, so for now, I'll give it a chance. I know it doesn't get that better until later, but it's not a bad start.
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Not terrible, but not great.
aidoshinsler28 May 2021
Probably in the five worst episodes of the whole show, but some parts are somewhat funny, and there are some classic BoJack moments in there. Overall, I still enjoy watching it during rewatches.
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A Disappointing Beginning to an Amazing Series
aidricalamea22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A confusing backstory. It is a very odd premise wrapped in unlikable characters and mediocre jokes. Todd is an odd character you have a hard time sympathizing with. He exists solely to be lazy and remind BoJack of his breakup with Princess Carolyn, a character we don't know, only to see she is his agent. Very odd. Lacks all of the realistic emotion that makes this show great. Some of the puns were funny though. Overall a disapointing and unemotional episode - 3/10.
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Some Effort Is Made To Be Entertaining
nebohr24 February 2021
The Humor Is Not Offensive, Unlike What We Usually Encounter These Days. Which Is A Plus. Bo Jack Is Aimed, We Feel, At A Demographic Encompassing Mainly Young Men, Recently Of Legal Age, Who Don't Yet Know Any Better Than To Watch.
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Don't judge the whole show by its first episode, please
InnessIchor13 December 2021
I'm a huge fan of this absolutely amazing series, but even I have to admit that this start was relatively weak. The show needs some more time (typically 6-8 episodes, sometimes 11) to grow on you. After that, you'll probably love it.
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geniusmec16 February 2020
Why not make an animated show with humans ? Why are half of them animals? Like a lot of animated shows , BoJack uses animal in place of humans. So you have animals who talk and animals who serve drinks. The most stupid part is that the animals and humans go into sexual relationships. Even get married. Nonsense. How can you feel a show if you are watching horses talk about life . Rubbish.
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