Hyde, Jekyll, Me (TV Series 2015) Poster

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Enjoyable and ultimately engrossing
schooltheresaseem16 May 2020
This K-drama starts off a bit slowly, however, the episodes definitely get better and better. There are also a couple of slow episodes later, so I feel like this K-drama perhaps did not need 20 episodes. Nonetheless, the final few episodes are worth the wait. Hyun Bin, charismatic as ever, seems to carry most of the episodes, but the supporting cast have their respective moments. I've since learned these K-dramas have some recurring themes, e.g., prior meetings of the two leads earlier in their lives (destiny), relationships beginning with a bit of hostility ultimately resolved, and conflict with a parent or the parent of a romantic partner. With an interesting plot reflecting the personal and professional troubles of a man with a dual personality, we eventually learn all the details of the trauma that caused his dual personality and how he resolves his issues, finally creating a life on his own terms. One detraction / disappointment: the drama never resolves / spends enough time on Jang Ha Na's production of the Wonder Circus in Wonderland. Still, it was time well spent during 'safer at home'.
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Thought Provoking!
Namratha1018 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Very interesting premise and the lead actor is a joy to watch! Is Multiple Personality Disorder really a disease that needs curing or are the split personalities all sentient beings deserving of a continued existence? What happens if two very different personalities embodying the same physical male body, fall in love with the same woman? Who has the right to love and to live? These are some of the questions raised by this drama. A very enjoyable tale until about the last few episodes, where it becomes a bit anticlimactic due to one of the relationships being left a little too late to develop. The chemistry between the leads is also not quite where it should be but overall definitely worth a watch just to see Hyun Bin in action as both Jekyll and Hyde!
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Hang in there for the ending
deborah-9917226 August 2021
I came to this drama post CLOY, in search of more Hyun Bin. Well, nothing beats CLOY, of course, but I thought the storyline here was a fascinating premise, and HB did a great job with his two selves, especially towards the end. Episode 19 is a heartbreaker. Unlike other reviewers, I did not feel the story was out of balance or that one character was more likeable than the other. They were two parts of one man. And when those parts begin to merge, we witness the pain and surprise for each character.

The FL here is wise about the heart, memory and human behavior. I appreciated the fact that she is often the emotionally smartest one in the room and is given the most perceptive lines. Of course it would have been nice if she had a life that was depicted outside of these two men. Unfortunately, her main job is to be the foil.

The two things that made this hard to watch are the two villains. Both are so over the top. I really wish the writer and director had taken it down a notch or two with these guys. Evil capital E is exhausting. I hated when they were on screen (and sometimes skipped through those parts). Too much of their storylines is unbelievable. The scenes with the hypnotist-therapist were especially a slog.

As a total experience, this drama is dragged down by the two villains and the slow pacing of the middle episodes, which all undermine the curious intelligence of the premise. HB is best towards the end, when his acting is more nuanced.
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Slow, measured story of growth and development
Rita_Roy15 January 2019
Reading the relatively not so favourable reviews on other sites, I wasn't expecting much. However, I have found Hyun Bin's work quite reliable so I gave it a go. The first two episodes were slow going but I am really glad I managed to get beyond that. Ah the payoffs are sweet. Wonderful characters, beautiful layered romance, amazing supporting actors and a thoughtful psychological drama. Loved it.
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Interesting Premise, some failed aspects of plot for me
leahcubed16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
6/10 is my rating. This is a 2015 South Korean Romantic comedy drama with 20, 60 minute episodes

Being a chaebol with a dissociative identify disorder (multiple personality disorder) Gu Seo-jin (Hyun Bin), leads a very complex day to day life where he focuses on his health to an obsessive degree. He tenaciously holds onto his inherited wealth and position by keeping careful control of his alternate personality, Robin, who is his polar opposite. Where Seo-jin is cold and ruthless, Robin is warm hearted and giving. Robin emerges whenver Seo-jin's heart rate exceeds 150 so this adds to Seo-jin's determination not to do anything that would accelerate his heart rate. He sees Robin as a weak character and an embarrassment to his family which would form an obstacle to his ambitions. Jang Ha-na (Han Ji-min), is the daughter of one of Wonderland's fomer employees who was the ring master of the park's circus. As the owner of the park, Seo-jin would like to get rid of that component as it has not earned sufficient ticket sales and interest to make it profitible. However, Ha-na just returned from many years in the United States where she worked with Cirque du Soleil to learn new ways to bring fresh esntertainment for a dying industry and want her chance to lead it to success. Her first challenge is to convince, or coerce if she must, Seo-jin to renew his contract with the circus. Interestingly, after years of keeping his alternate supressed, Ha-na has a way of spawning events that accelerate Seo-jins heart rate and bring Robin out. Ha-na has an immediate dislike for Seo-jin but develops romantic feelings for Robin.

Spoiler altert. What was most suprisiing to me about this one was that many people really liked it. There were those, like me, that did not like it but there were a surpising number of people that liked it enough to rate it a 9 or even a 10. I liked the basic premise. Having someone with dissosiative identity disorder that really only had 1 alternative personality is very unique. Especially when the alternate personality is good but the main personality is somewhat cold and heartless (evil). I thought Hyun Bin did an amazing job of acting like two totally different characters. It was amazing because they really did look and act so totally different it was easy to buy others thinking they were different people. I loved the secretary, he was so supportive of the male lead regardless of whether he was Seo-jin or Robin. He was just a really nice character. There was a cute secondary romance. I liked, early on, when Robin and Ha-na were almost super hero like in their acrobatics and I thought that would be a component of the story. But it was only a weird aside because it was only an episode or so where they were being very energetic and acrobatic. Later she would be trapped in places and I would wonder why she didn't just use her circus skills. They also set up about how she was going to change the show and it was going to be new and spectacular but we only saw a snippet. And Robin's character also underwent a dramatic change from this hero like savior to just the nice guy once he and the main girl started having their romance. In the beginning Ha Na thought that Robin was Seo-jin's brother but when she knew that he was an alternate personality she still treated him like he was completely separate. When Seo-jin started to get better she was adamant that she only liked Robin to the extent that Robin did not integrate and Seo-jin willingly remained mentally ill so that she would have Robin. It was obvious she also liked Seo-jin but she would be such teenage girl like fixation with Robin that she was actually cruel to Seo-jin in her insistence that she only loved Robin. I thought it became very annoying how she continued to treat Robin as a completely separate person and even did things to solidify that additional personality. I hoped she would accompany Seo-jin as he was developing that other side of himself and realize that he really was also Robin as well. In the end she did but it would have been better, in my opinion, if she had watched the movies with him and observed that evolution. There were parts where the plot seemed to drag, particularly after all the major conflicts had resolved and it was just about her relationship with the male lead. I found it hard to like her when I felt like she was almost Munchausen with him and his mental illness. It was very selfish for her to insist that Robin stay and that she was only in love with him. If you can imagine sometime when you had no recollection of an event, such as black out drunk, and how distressing it is to wonder what you did during that time. For DID patients that is a common occurance. So for her to encourage and insist on the alternate personality was cruel to Seo-jin who had to experience those blank time periods. I also felt it was stretched to 20 episodes, like there was only content for about 16 episodes but it was stretched to 20. It ended well with her together with Seo-in and he was cured. I recommend this series to those that like mental health shows. It has a different take on certain aspects of the disorder than "Kill Me, Heal Me." Very unique concept in there being only 2, essentially, personalities, and the main one is the "evil" personality.
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Lovely series
pewill-016308 May 2019
Wow, this is a lovely show,with an interesting theme of multiple personality disorder (although I am not sure how medically correct som e of the details are ). The two leads,Hyan Bin and Ji-min Han, are adorable,with, I think, great chemistry. The settings are beautiful,and the supporting actors are all brilliant. The show is funny at times and also has some thriller aspects, so plenty to keep a viewer watching. Other than the downside of rather intrusive theme songs,I recommend all 20 episodes to make you smile and also to make you think.
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Didn't realise Hyun Bin was also in this!
Irishchatter12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So after being disappointed with "Crash Landing on You" , I was looking for the Webtoon version of this series and wasn't able to find the whole thing online. So instead, I used good ol Netflix instead and while watching the rest, I didn't realise Hyun Bin was also on this and he killed it man with his changing personas. Now my only complaint is that the 20 episodes was long winded and wanted to finish it in one go (finished at 6am, stupid I know). However it was an addicting series to binge like both Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min were just very cute together, I think also Han Sang Jin played the wacky mischievous villian pretty darn good, I loved how in the near end he made Bins character draw in front of a serious conference like wtf with that scene man xD

It's pretty good but again the episodes were long winded even if it was a binge to watch!
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Thoroughly enjoyable and interesting themes Excellent acting from the leads
marrang5523 February 2020
The series was fantastic. I loved the main leads, and thought their acting and chemistry worked well. Would have preferred if the ludicrous kidnapping of the doctor was left on the cutting room floor as it spoilt the credibility of the film. Why this film was not a massive hit is hard to understand, The themes were a joy, the plot unpredictable, The acting superb. It had humour, intrigue,heartbreak and haunting music. I will watch it again. Some reviewers were critical of the female lead I do not know why . For me her acting was superb. I would give her 10 out of 10. As for the male lead he would get a ten even if he could not act; gorgeous; he is a superb actor who managed the role very well.indeed. Well worth watching
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Interesting Take
newkrejados10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nowhere near as on-point as Kill Me, Heal Me - in fact, this one leaves gaping holes both in the narrative and living with DID, Still, it provides an interesting glimpse into the alter's reality and how s/he might feel/react to no longer being relevant. If you're into fluffy implausibility, this one will do just fine - the first few episodes are particularly engaging. If you're looking for the usual, thought-provoking Hyun bin fare, you should probably give this one a pass, though.
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Why Was There So Little Love For Seo-Jin?
fake_moviestar2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hyde, Jekyll, Me was an interesting show, but ultimately fell short in my opinion. Ironically, Kill Me, Heal Me (with the exact same premise) aired at the same time as this drama, and so I couldn't help but compare the two, even though I watched them separately months apart. Hyde, Jekyll, Me was definitely the more realistic (I use this term loosely, of course) of the two, with doctors that made more logical decisions, and personalities that were more grounded and normal. The bad guy wasn't over the top and had a legitimate reason for his actions. The FL was naturally conflicted and showed genuine emotions and reactions.

That being said, Kill Me, Heal Me was absolutely the superior watch. This show often felt a bit slow to me, while KM,HM was full of action and interesting subplots. I enjoyed KM,HM far more, and wouldn't really recommend this unless someone really was a big fan of one of the lead actors.

I also felt that they did Seo-Jin's character SO dirty!! Yes, Robin was the warmer, more emotive personality, but I honestly felt like Seo-Jin was way more interesting. And how awful that everyone loved Robin so much that they were weeping at the thought of him disappearing, and Seo-Jin was treated like the unfortunate leftovers. I was pretty disgusted at this plot choice, and while the ending was happy, it kind of felt like everyone only accepted Seo-Jin because of the attributes that Robin left behind. The one redeeming character who was always looking out for Seo-Jin and Robin and loved them both was Secretary Kwon, who was the MVP of the series.

Ultimately this ending left me rather annoyed and unsatisfied, and because of it I feel the whole show was just okay.
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Best final episodes ever
svgcryq26 November 2021
I've watched this series a few times now and each time I see more and more to like. The two leads are amazing. Hyun Bin is so convincing in play two characters that I keep expecting them to meet. The first couple of episodes are played more for laughs as the broad brush strokes allow the Jekyll and Hyde characters to differentiate themselves from each other. After that the characters become more and more nuanced until in the end you love both and they break your heart. Even though it may not be the best HB series (some of the supporting actors are wonderful, others a little irritating), it made me cry more than any other. He is amazing in it, such a layered performance. Part comedy, part thriller, all romance, its pace accelerates and the ending is excellent.
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Quite average
hanalisss13 August 2023
Offers a blend of intrigue and romance for those seeking a relatively straightforward watch. The series explores the concept of split personalities in a modern setting, adding an element of mystery to the storyline.

The drama benefits from the performances of its lead actors, particularly Hyun Bin, who brings depth to his dual role. His portrayal of two distinct personalities showcases his acting prowess and keeps viewers engaged.

The romantic elements of it are sweet and heartwarming, providing moments of genuine connection between the main characters. The chemistry between the leads adds to the appeal of the series.

However, the drama falls short in terms of delivering a completely compelling narrative. The pacing can be uneven at times, and the execution of the split personality concept may not fully live up to its potential.

Despite its shortcomings this drama remains an option for those looking for a relatively average yet entertaining drama experience. It offers a mix of romance and mystery, making it a decent choice for viewers seeking a familiar and relatively undemanding storyline.
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Suspense through stupidity
druberwolf16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was very poorly plotted. If the pathetic doctor Kang had said who had kidnapped her, which she had plenty of time to do, the series would have been wrapped up early.
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I cried my eyes out.
elsamirre15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best drama ever. But I'll rank with my heart and guts.


First episodes were really awkward. A lot of overacting, bad (I mean BAD) special effects) unrealistic interactions between the characters. For instance, Ha-na falling for a Joker-like grin, some kind of creepy contraction of Robin's face. An d how they flirt, so fake. I felt like dropping the whole thing right away, but after watching so many K-dramas, I knew better. And I was handsomely rewarded.


Not many side stories. I hate it when side stories take over.

I liked all the characters, even the villains, one of them acting like he belonged to a mental facility, the other one actually being a victim.

The show adresses a lot of serious matters such as what it means to be human, what it means to be alive, how it feels to witness one's own memory/identity fade away along with the right to end one's own life to preserve one's dignity.

The love story.

Well, I'm still confused. I guess it's just how one should feel when faced with such a situation. I finished watching yesterday, but I spent a lot of time thinking about it today. Throughout the whole show, I kept thinking of ways for Robin to survive. I could foresee quite acurately how the story would end. Still, I didn't want to believe it. I prayed for some miracle to happen, something like growing a clone so Robin could have his own body. Crazy, right?

I liked that Hana only loved one man. Or allowed herserlf to love only one man (let's just remember that Seo Jin was the one she confessed to, and Seo Jin was the one to propose...) At some point she does suggest she should be allowed to love them both.

I liked that Hana helped Robin get a life of his own, so he could die a man, instead of disappearing like an illusion. I liked that he left traces behind, just like any of us try to. She gave him a real life.

I felt for Robin when he started to lose his few, precious memories. This is when I cried like crazy. You know all thoses movies where a nice AI/robot's memory is deleted by some villain? Doesn't that always bring tears?

Did Robin die, or did he survive? I have no idea. Come to think of it, a person is but a set of memories and abilities. So, Robin survived? Then again, isn't self consciousness a part of being a human too? Is Robin trapped inside someone else's body? Did he leave his memories with Seo Jin and flee? He does wonder about having a soul, and there is this missing memory about the marriage...

Still. There was that final kiss. I don't know if it was meant like that, but it was way more realistic, heartfelt, deep and passionate than the other ones. Seo Jin was eager of course, he had been waiting for so long. But it felt like a conclusion that everything Robin was after all shallow and incomplete, since he was only a fragment of a person. If I were him watching, I would have felt jealous, of course, but not only that. I would have felt insignificant. If I were by his side at that very moment, I think I would have said that neither him nor SeoJin were complete before the cure. In the end, I want to think that they really merged, like in The Dark Cristal.
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Enjoyable despite falling short
wheatley-2023029 January 2023
I watched this because it is graced by Hyun Bin: his presence raises anything a notch. And he is great in this, giving us two opposites that gradually come together.

Also great was Han Ji-min, who successfully embodied her character's dilemma, engendering considerable sympathy for her situation, despite the unreality of the central plot device. She particularly excelled in her emotional scenes.

Somehow, though, these strengths did not combine to make this one of the best K dramas. That might be because the central plot device I mentioned is rather too contrived. It is also true that some of the other actors do not deliver to the same standard. This is supposed to be a tear jerker, but I shed no tears.

Nevertheless I enjoyed watching Hyun Bin and Han Ji-min. They deserved a better series than this.
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Great series
nihall-7980611 August 2020
One of my favorite Korean TV series. I especially liked the script and the acting. I definitely recommend you to watch.
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Well-acted and scripted drama
svgcryq29 December 2020
This is a very interesting take on the theme of multiple personalities. The main character exhibits two personalities- Seo-jin and Robin. Both are played by Hyun Bin whose capacity to embody these two very different characters convincingly is very impressive. The main storyline is compelling and despite some irritating minor characters (especially leader of fan club and father) it really drew me in. Hyun Bin is excellent in this and the screen play is very good. This is a very entertaining drama.
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Disappointing but love the actor
elbehar20 March 2023
Being a huge fan of Hyun Bin i was disappointed in this series. Too corny too "fake" for my taste. The masculin make up was not real enough. Especially around the lips. Especially on the lips. Yes he has very kissable lips but the colour is a bit too much for a the character. Sometiles the acting, Hyun Bin's acting was a bot extreme... unnatural.

I watched it till the end only yo see him throughout each episode.

The story could be a little better and the acting too, but sometimes you keep watching till yhe end jist to keep admiring your favourite actor.

All in all a complete disappointment. Not really worth watching unless you want to see some beautiful manliness.
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Wonderful...briliant performances, intelligent plot... a joy
Betty_t_11 August 2020
This is a wonderful story of love, personal growth... a journey about overcoming emotional blockages, learning to listen to intuition... The characters and their interactions are superbly constructed... they need all the 20 episodes to complete their journeys. The story could be read literally or metaphorically, as different sides of one own self in need of acceptance, I believe. Hyun Bin's performance is superb, really captures the character at its core... Not to be missed! Just be patient with the first part of the first chapter.
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Booring !
lekharaman3 October 2020
Don't watch ! It's a pain to watch Hyun bin in this boring role after watching crash landing on you. Same goes for Han ji min wherein one spring night is so much better . I am just trying to get through by fast forwarding it.
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Just watch it - you won't even realise it is in Korean
shirleyporri-949528 June 2021
Suspenseful, exciting, brilliant acting especially Hyun Bin, he makes both parts totally different and believable. He never ever does a bad drama it's alway brilliant. This especially tugs at you in every possibility direction. It has a pace that keeps accelerating. Everyone involved does a brilliant job. It's a drama to see again and again.

Beautiful music that sicks in your head. That ties in so well with the drama. Just watch it. Before you know it you will be binge watching it.
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More dimples needed, but very good!
chilligrrl16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this series and highly recommend it. Mr Dimples (Hyun Bin) plays the lead male role very well, but sometimes i was confused who was who. I'd say not wearing glasses when he was one personality was a dead giveaway on who he was, and in saying that why did he not need them?

The story could have ended at multiple points in the show, but just when you thought you'd get to a conclusion something else happened starting the storyline on a whole different tangent. The whole cast was brilliant, but the cousin very annoying at times as he was a bit too comical at times and not evil.

A little heart-wrenching in the end and the girl went through so much and not lose her own mind, but in the end the dimples appeared more often as the smile on Hyun Bin returned which made me very happy!
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One of my favourite K-dramas
plazmakeks31 October 2022
There are many nice K-dramas, but then, there are some "the best of". And this is the one. So, the ending was satisfactory, which is not usually the case when K-dramas try to go "deep". Not only it is an interesting subject, you have a great romance and plenty of funny scenes, but you will also get some interesting views on human psychology that will NOT hurt your intelligence. And there will be a tiny bit of "above our compression" moments, but beautifully woven into the story. So, just enjoy it. No need to know anything else. This K-drama has more "soul", heartwarming and feel-good moments than 10 newest American shows.
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Another unreal depiction.
cryspyne26 August 2021
I will not be brutal but I have to. I was bored, story was nice but too long. I watched whole series by skipping it , I just wanted to know if Robin will survive and he didn't.

In order to have happy endings ,we need to realise that things don't have to be alright or picture perfect. I can understand writer thoughts that curing mental illness should be the end but it's not always that easy.

I would like love stories to be little selfish, little bold , little dark and with a twist.

PS: I am glad it's over!
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eclaridge21 May 2022
I usually really like the two leads in this series and it had been recommended to me by friends. I was really looking forward to this show but just was unable to ger into it. I watched two boring episodes and then, based on friends, tried to carry on . I just couldn't get past the 3rd episode..I may try again later if I can't find other series but it really needs to improve. Perhaps I was expecting too much so if I wait and try later I may like it. Sorry but I can't give it more than a 4. It's subjective but I have to rate it as i eee it. If I give a 9 or 10 s it takes away from the purpose of this site. Very disappointed especially given the two leads.
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