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The other-side history worth to watch
nttung14 July 2016
I have to say first, I come from Vietnam and back to the war, do you think the American did not rape woman or kill children? or American again are the good guys while Vietnamese communistic people were the bad one? Think about it. No side are good or bad at all in some areas. The movie was worth to spending time to watch. If you really are an open-minded person, it is interested and stunned as well. Otherwise, I swear you would vote the film 1 star as many others did. Two-side story always better than one-side. At least, I know another story beneath the victory-story demonstrated by the Allies. It is hard to see, of course, but the should be some reason why the German have to go to the war, right?
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Telling the story from the other side..
petko_1664 November 2015
Well, I almost fell from the chair when my grandmother first told me that Germans were in fact nice to them, and the real psychos were (some) soviets. Also in fact, all death camps, except those in soviet occupation zone, were proved to not to be a death camps - what proves nothing against holocaust, but it is kinda interesting. Especially whilst considering claims in USA about soviet propaganda during the cold war.

We are being told about the atrocities of Germans, and "goodness" of allies in europe, but merciless cruelty pattern against civilists of so called good guys repeats in japan, Vietnam, juhoslavia and in the middle east. It also looks like the so called dictators in arab countries are in fact very intelligent and admired by their own people, while being propagated in our TVs like pure evil savages.

About film: Although some statements in Hellstorm are hard to believe, this documentary is important puzzle in the maze of finding truth. It is relieving to see something different than monolithic point of view.
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Not Perfect, But Very Good
fitnessgirl-9820327 July 2015
First became aware of atrocities against Germans through an Author named James Bacque. Crimes and Mercies was a chilling book, as was Other losses. The book - A Woman in Berlin, was just as cold, and terrible to read.

This film covers many topics, and issues, I'd not known about. The movie makes me very angry at the lies, and cover up. That people are taut to hate Germans of that era, for being pure evil. But what of the treatment by the victors? How do you make sense of that?

Soldiers were not the only targets, so to were women, children. Young, or old, it was irrelevant and disgusting.
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The most important WW2 documentary of the last decade
somethinginteresting-0567313 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pay no attention to the organized front who have rated this film poorly. If you want the truth about atrocities against the Germans, you won't find it through any mainstream sources. This is the truth. Period. Disciples of the official legend hate this film, as they do any that sheds light on the truth. As cliché as it sounds, the truth does not fear investigation. This film has been banned so many times from different places, that alone should make you wonder...WHY!? Because the enemies of truth are afraid people might just come around someday, and then they lose their hold on our minds. This film doesn't cover much about the Holocaust at all, yet you'll notice all it's detractors can only talk about their beloved Holocaust legend. This is REAL history, inconvenient history. Atrocities happened from both sides, doubt it not. But we NEVER hear about those committed by the allied countries, against the defeated Germans. This is a must see!
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A Different Prospective Outside of the Hollywood Narrative
defendcanadians21 February 2017
I personally never really had much of an interest in WWII as I already had a general idea of what happened, and why it happened though many of the Hollywood films I had watched in the past. Or at least that's what I thought. This documentary, however, literally sent shivers down my spine as it truly put the old saying "there are 2 sides to every story" into perspective. The documentary was very well made, and the facts were well presented.
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An excellent documentary
alen-nani6 March 2017
Let people inform themselves with more viewpoints and then let understand how they think it was in World War II. After nearly 40 years of life, I have a chance to see something like this. "Greatest Story Ever Told" was the first documentary that showed us the other side of history. I think that there is nothing wrong in this. I read even that is banned in many countries around the world. Why? If history is that we all learned in school the truth, I do not see why people who are going to review what happened in that horror,some of them ended up in jail. The truth needs to be known, whatever it is.
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Shows the Sadism of the "Good Guys"
Tanya_359x15 August 2018
One of the most important historical documentaries to see. With this documentary, the scape-goated victims finally get their stories told. Hard to watch, yes. Fact-based, unlike a lot of what was taught in history class or what they show in hollyweird. Those innocent men, women, and children did not deserve such barbaric and atrocious deaths, especially when their people did not commit genocide themselves.

+ May They Rest in Peace +
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Biased and Inaccurate
georgestaggidis7 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, before someone watches a film, one should pay attention to who are the makers of that film. In this case, we should all bear in mind that Thomas Goodrich is a known white supremacist and the books that he has written are about white supremacy. He is in favor of the nazi propaganda that Hitler was the good guy in ww2. So, what kind of film can this actually be? Something based on nazi propaganda. No one denies that the German people also suffered during ww2 and after it. That is a fact. But the facts stated here are just not accurate and unsubstantiated, as the film does not use any form of citing for its information.

I did watch it, just for curiosity. One grand example of misinformation and propaganda is the fact that it states that 300.000 or more people died on the Dresden bombings by the allies. This isn't true. It has been proved both by numbers given by the Red Cross and also by other independent agencies' investigations both past and recent, that the number was around 25.000. Goebbels just went and added another zero (250.000) to that number and presented that number to the German people and to the then public opinion in order to gain sympathy from world outcry. It didn't of course work. The rest of the world was not brainwashed as some of the Germans were. So, this film actually accepts Goebbels propaganda as truth, which comes as no surprise since the makers of this film are white supremacists. Moreover, the Eisenhower death camps theory has never been proved. Yes, some German prisoners of war were mistreated while in captivity. This is a fact. But to go from that to the perverse theory of the Eisenhower death camps is a huge leap and an unsubstantiated one too. There are more things mentioned in the films as facts, which however are not facts, but unsubstantiated claims. Do your research outside of white supremacy sources and you will debunk most of this film.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that during the invasion of Germany by Russia, many women were indeed raped by Russian soldiers. This was a huge atrocity committed by the Russian soldiers. Who is to blame for that? Well, as mentioned, the Russian soldiers. But first and foremost one should blame Hitler, because if he had surrendered as he should have after Stalingrad, when he knew he had lost the war, then he wouldn't have forced the allies to a massive invasion of Germany in order to end his perverse regime. In his madness, selfishness and lust for power, he couldn't accept defeat. The rape of the German women and the blood of all the Germans are in the hands of Hitler and his regime above and before all others.

You want to know the facts without white supremacy bias? You want to hear live witnesses talk about facts? Watch the BBC documentary "1945: The Savage Peace".
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So much for Uzi msm.. 30 years wasted
rockztoor10 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Many are picturing the holocaust , given that this is probably only thing, we have been hearing about for the last , how long ? Since 1970s ? Anyway.. Its kind of depressing ,not seeing the document but harsh reviews in this context , given by some unknown angry punch.. The actual documentary is demoralizing, and reality is even fifty times worse now, if you can believe that ,somehow . Many things seen in the documentary , is suppressed...But why ? Seems to me, our education system is very biased... But what way ?? And how would you ever know ,without context or any comparisement ? They are indeed always talking in past tense ,about Germans.. Saying Germans where evil, and they hated Jews .

OK . Next logical question 99% of people will ask , is why ? And watching some "industry media" documents ,don't seem to give any intellectual stimulant, to these kind of questions... Also credibility issue ,given the infinite number of oversights, mistakes and pure lies !!!

Anyone who watch this documentary ,has to realize ,that its independent work. And its not backed by big universal companies... But hey, Neither was Metallica ,not for very long time in early years ... So.

Where to go from here ? What is the Geo-political atmosphere today ? What was Hitler so upset about ? This is documentary is labeled as "nazi propaganda" , so what they have have to gain . Last time i checked ,these people don't even have state anymore ... And what demography, nationality, ethnicity, class this material is directed to ?

When asking, what is it for ? And then what ? Whats the next step ? Where, person will have to make a philosophical decision, for his own idealistic beliefs..And therefore renounce, the principle teachings of other people ( and by other people ,i mean , public school , public media machine, literature, and so forth...)

Is this correct ?
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Difficult to Watch - Painful Truths and Often Untold Realities
muchonews14 August 2015
This is a brutal documentary that covers the reality of the attacks on Germany. It is hard to read the few negative reviews here on IMDb as the information they call lies is clearly discussed in the film (Dresden bombing death toll is clearly explained in the film and factual, no lie is made up).

What makes this difficult to take in while watching is the horror but the bias as well. Obviously Hitler took aim at the Jews and the film seems to take a "tit for tat" approach to this. There are undertones of something biased here and you will hear it from time to time (take not of this). The producers take notice to highlight where Russian "Jews" who were involved could be cited as opposed to simply calling them Russian bureaucrats. You can pick up on a slant here and there for which there is no excuse but something biased in the producer. It would be interesting to hear a story about Japanese and WWII told by this same producer. That said you will also notice the adjectives utilized by the commentator are indeed "colorful" and often painful to hear. At first I had wondered how "biased" this might be but then I recalled that I know of many other documentaries that discuss these events as well but of course minus any colorful commentary and simply stating dates, times, numbers, etc. Had this same commentator worked on those documentaries they would have had the same adjectives and painful descriptions used.

Now, I am a member of an audience many who see this cannot say they share with me. I am a first born American of Hungarian parents. I grew up learning the truths of WWII from that perspective. Is this film filled with fact, yes! Is it biased, yes but not to the extent as to dismiss anything presented outright. Many of the stories presented however are not cited (they are told but not shown by who is saying this or another resource referenced). One can easily say the "first person accounts" recited in this film are simply made up (they could very well be).

But the most important factor to walk away from after seeing this is not who deserved what, how justified anything is that happens BUT...that war itself is perverse and evil in the truest forms. It is a sick depravity that dreams about it and glorifies it's actions. If a simple mugging or murder for lust is evil then rest assured this scale of violence and death is beyond anything you could label as lawless or unwarranted in a normal society. The horrors of the atrocities wrought by the victors in all wars is evil and this film highlights them in detail. America has no knowledge of anything of the sort. For in fact, America has invaded countries, bombed villages, towns and cities, etc. Vietnam, Korea, the Middle East and of course the Germans, Hungarians, Polish (after all anyplace the Germans ended up winning was now treated as a target).

In closing, if I could create a law it would be this: At the mention from any person that another people, person our country should be wiped out, killed or targeted they should be punched in the nose. Then sent to work for nothing more than shelter and food in a hospital, mental asylum and orphanage for a minimum of 5 years.
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Still poorly made, but your getting there!
salokinsekwah28 May 2015
Oh wow... Again, the atrocities committed by the allies have ALREADY been documented! Take a look at "a woman in Berlin" the book and a movie, they were done well. the book was made DECADES AGO! Again NOTHING NEW. At least this is marginally bearable than that other pile of filth. Seriously, no scrolling text, actual narration and some editing and NOT ripping scenes from other works. I've have already watched half a dozen docos and movies that have covered this, i will bite my tongue off if this can be classified as "new". Still, i'll be able to type about how new Stormfront/KKK films shape up.
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Eye opening and disturbing
karuspery14 December 2016
It was nice to feel honourable and believe that we walked the moral high ground regarding WWII. When I think of all the comedy shows such as "Alo Alo" and "Fawlty Towers" who openly mocked the Germans as well as the steady stream of Hollywood films demonising the German people, I am aghast at the power of the media, able to actually control public opinion through the emotions of laughter, hatred and fear. After much research of which this film was part, I feel utterly ashamed of what was done to the German and the Axis peoples in my name. It is clear that we have all been duped by powerful forces that continue to run all media and governments from the shadows. Anyone saying otherwise is either a fool or has a dog in the fight. No, not in my name. Churchill et al were war criminals, in my opinion. The various aspects raised by this documentary I pursued through many books and footage available and I can only come to one conclusion; the Germans were innocent victims of the international clique of bankers.
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Flawed but valuable insight into the horrors of war....
s327616913 December 2015
Hellstorm is a contentious documentary. It looks behind the nice polite image crafted by the victors of world war II. Of the allies as good and virtuous and the Germans, evil incarnate.

The allies did indeed commit as many atrocities as their axis counterparts. The cruel and unnecessary bombing of Dresden, for example, was something I was familiar with. As was the numerous rapes and murders committed by Soviet and other allied forces. I was not familiar with Soviet Ilya Ehrenberg. Indeed, looking at documented evidence that's readily available such as this excerpt from an article from Wikipedia:

"Ehrenberg also encouraged the mass rape of German women and children between the ages of "8 and 80", his propaganda is partially responsible for the 2 million Germans raped within the months following the fall of Berlin."

A shocking insight into the attitudes of the time that poisoned both sides of the conflict.

That said, its my opinion that this film does overplay its Jewish message. I can not see, for example, why Ehrenberg's Jewish background is relevant to his actions? I'd also be inclined to question claims that many of the Commissars who encouraged the rapes were Jewish. I personally, can not find evidence to back this claim up. Again too, I'd ask why this is important? I'd also question the claim that the standard of living in concentration camps mirrored those of the average German in surrounding neighborhoods. The last claim seems absurd to me and borders on offensive.

If you can look beyond the conspicuous flaws in this documentary, there is a lot of awful, awful truth on offer here that can be verified if you have the time and the stomach for it. Its important too, as it reminds us what terrible things wars are and how its the innocent and harmless average person who suffers the most. Lets take on the opening message from this film and say no to any more wars now and into the future. Six out of ten from me.
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White Supremacist, Anti-Semitic Propaganda
thomas-cary30 August 2015
I'm not sure whether this can be graced with the name "documentary", for it contains little fact whatsoever. It plays along with the old trope "the victor writes the history". Yet this is not the case; for instance, the narrative that Hitler fixed the German economy (when in reality, it was Hjalmar Schacht), the narrative of Dresden being completely demilitarized, which is a relic of German propaganda. Or that the rapes in East Germany were the biggest mass rapes in history, which is an invention of the Post-War defeated Germans. Or that the German people didn't know about the Holocaust, which is an invention of the Post-War defeated Germans.

The film is an exercise in tu quoque - it tries to whitewash the awful crimes of Germany in an effort to make both the Soviets and the allies appear worse. It states that it is the fault of the victorious entente that Post-War Germany's economy underwent hyperinflation, which can be blamed on the terrible mismanagement of the economy by the Weimar government, principally their printing of money. They refer to Hitler's award of Time magazine as a good thing, when if they had bothered to read even the wikipedia article on the topic, they would have found that the Person of the year award is granted to "a person, group, idea or object that for better or for worse...has done the most to influence the events of the year", hence the award to Iosif Stalin, Ayatollah Khomeni, etc.

The notion that the Germans had been forced into war is, again, ridiculous. Germany invaded Poland as part of its project of "Lebensraum" in the east, which involved (as per Generalplan Ost) the systematic execution of untold millions of people. Germany was hardly forced to reduce eighty per cent of Warsaw into rubble, or starve hundreds of thousands of Dutch people, or kill one hundred Yugoslavs for every soldier lost to partisans.

Everyone committed crimes during WW2: the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the fire-bombings of German cities (although their efficacy is often unfairly demeaned), the mass rapes that were committed by both the Soviet Union and Germany, the Bataan Death March and the Crimes of unit 731, and the Holocaust. Things like the Rhine Meadows Death Camp, however, are fantasy.

Hellstorm is trying to combat a problem which doesn't exist. The German people of WW2 are greatly sympathized with (moreso than the Soviets, despite their much greater woes), and trying to antagonize the Jewish people is unproductive, as is the claim that they are in control of the media. One parting thought about that: if Jews do control the media, then why do we hear about Israeli atrocities against Palestinians? When a Jew is killed by a rocket attack, we hear little about it bar a brief mention, and yet Palestinian citizens killed by overzealous retaliation, quite rightly get a lot of media focus, such as Baby Ali last month.

To re-iterate my overall message - don't watch this "documentary". I have, and now I live with the knowledge that I wasted one and a half hours of my life on it.
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Great Documentary
raabobi22 August 2016
Such a welcome breath of fresh air to watch a different point of view on the war other than the filtered propaganda of the west and film makers of the USA. I found it to be fair and non bias, just from a different perspective, the film does not allocate blame, just some food for thought and the truth from the other side. i think that people are far to quick to brush aside any thought process and simply accept things the way that they have been presented over time.. i too thought that movies like Schindlers list were based on truth before doing a bit of research..

i found difficulty sourcing it on Youtube but finally was able to stream it off Ancreport, another good documentary in the same line is The Greatest Story never Told and David Cole on Aushwitz. both are done very well for the obvious limit in budget
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Truth is truth however unpalatable
berniebosma2 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is little in the documentary that I had not already read about. Corroboration from numerous sources has amply verified the atrocities committed. The bombing of Dresden alone ranks as one of the great war crimes of modern history. It is incredible to realise from many of the comments here that so many are unaware that it was Churchill who initiated the terror bombing of enemy cities. Hitler eventually retaliated and that is the only part usually heard of in books and movies, with the omission of the word 'retaliated'.

The crimes of the Soviet soldiers and the depth of the barbarity have now passed into common knowledge, but it took a long time to do so.

It is good to see documentaries such as this beginning to appear to balance the propaganda so prevalent for so long. This does not put Nazi Germany on the side of Good, but it does however reveal that their enemies were little better.
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Were they the greatest generation?
steen-2881721 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary tells the German side of events against the people and surrendered soldiers by allied forces in WWII. We all know that Hitler was mentally unstable. That he permitted atrocities against civilians in allied cities,concentration camps and labs. That some of the German soldiers did acts of terror against the citizens of lands that they occupied. If we go by this then what the allies did to the German people is justified or is it? What gave the allies the right to commit atrocities toward the German population? The allies allowed their hatred to lower themselves to that of the Nazis. It is amazing that the losers side of the war is always unjustified by some individuals. We can point the finger at both sides in WWII. Germany never bombed a city in the USA, but yet we bombed their cities filled with civilians. It is never right to take an innocents life in war. It is never right for your action to simulate that of your enemies. War is hell I know from personal experience. When ones actions against civilians transforms to that of the enemy who is the real enemy?
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A view from the other side
thaicoons7 January 2016
Since Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told filled in some major gaps in the dominant narrative of WW2 as a battle of good of evil in which strangely enough the winners, the good guys, are such champions of liberty and human rights as Stalin or Mao, which has to make one wonder about the moral of that tale, this is now a historical overview of the events during the allied invasions and the immediate post-war period. It's very hard to watch, even if one still sees the Nazi Germans as cartoonish characters bent on world domination. Nothing justifies mass raping, killing and pillaging, yet is is exactly the kind of justice the victors dispensed on traumatised civilian population. German POWs fared even worse, ending up in concentration camps in Poland and as slaves in Siberian gulags.

The world is not monochromatic, that much should be clear and it seems to be a moral imperative for every thinking person to learn the alternative views of history and then do his homework to see what historically checks or does not, but we should definitely not be taking Soviet post WW2 propaganda at face value.
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Nazi Party Broadcast
steven-drew17 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sleazy, right wing propaganda. Cant remember anyone forcing Hitler to invade Poland ? Cant remember anyone forcing Hitler to carpet bomb innocent people in London, Birmingham, Coventry, Liverpool ? Cant remember anyone forcing him to Chose the Final Solution ? What a load of Sh/te this Docu is. There are statements being read out and no name or witness reference given , Statements about the Allies bombing Switzerland ,Allied planes targeting children in school playgrounds ?? oh come on ! that is desperate crap, totally one sided opinions and absolute lies. It states how Hitler had brought Germany and its economy from the brink of disaster after the 2nd World War , WHAT ? It was massively strong and in great shape before the whole world declared war on Him ?

I feel sorry for the innocent people of Germany who eventually suffered due to this monster but I am sure they are too intelligent to believe , even a small percentage, of this drivel.
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Hated by the media
siwv4 May 2016
This documentary brings the horrors of war committed by the allied powers to light and infuriates those who no little about WW2. As you will see from the load of one star reviews it received calling it anti-Semitic it brings forth some uncomfortable facts. In reality this is no different from any other great documentary as it allows the facts to take the spotlight while also offering some opinion. As far as the critics who fall back to crying anti-Semitism I would like to remind you that facts cannot be anti-Semitic.

To end this review I would like to remind you that the victors write the history books and tend to leave uncomfortable facts out of them.
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Nazi propaganda
randwilliam27 November 2015
Where to begin...amazing that this work worthy of (of course) Hitler, Goebbel and the rest is actually given a real airing. Pure new-Nazi (or, really, just plain Nazi) propaganda. Look, the only people that are going to read this because of the 10-line business are Nazis themselves. Just embarrassing to see such crap put out here with no recourse to say in short what it is. So here is to Hitler, whose sole claim to fame will be that he was right up there with Stalin and Mao as the worst mass murderers of modern history. I see I am still short of the 10 lines. How many lines does it take to call a Nazi a Nazi? Well, I will go on. Mein kamp and all that. You've just got to be ignorant enough to spout 10 lines on this ridiculous book to be posted when one word is enough.
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Uncovering Allied War Crimes
thesoulhunter-8418910 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary uncovers some of the most horrifying war crimes committed in WW2! Some people claimed the information in this documentary was wrong, the number of deaths exaggerated, but more and more proof of this atrocities get uncovered...

Phosphor bombs found / Causalities at least 250k (German): Google -> epochtimes.de Geschichtsluege Britische Phosphorbomben

The Allies committed a war crime by using phosphor bombs to kill hundred-thousands of civilians, mostly women and children. The number of deaths was actually 10x higher than claimed by the Allied, the Dresden bombing killed more people than the Nukes dropped on Japan.

German prisoners tortured by Allied interrogators: Google -> theguardian.com Nazis tortured Secrets of the London Cage

The confessions made by Germans on the Nuremberg Trails might be unreliable, torture makes you confess anything, no matter if true or false.
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Twisted And Inaccurate Propaganda
spagettilegs11 December 2015
The second world war was a very brutal one, with terrible crimes committed by both sides. This 'documentary' however is pure propaganda.

From the moment the narration started, the emotive language being used made me feel a bit uneasy to the point where I would pause the movie and check these 'facts' online and 9 times out of 10 they were inaccurate and in many cases greatly exaggerated.

If the Nazi's were around today, they could not have done a batter job of twisting history and making out that Germany was an innocent victim in all this.

No doubt this propaganda movie is cherished by holocaust deniers.
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A documentary about a very expensive secret what swallows millions of dollars per year on propaganda.
versuchspost7 February 2016
As an American or ENGLISHMAN or Russian I would be also in PANIC in view of this movie !!!

I would write that they deserve it or I would take 80 year old war lies to cover up the crimes of my country or I would write it is antisemitic and than I would rate this movie with one star in the hope that no one sees it.

I would think the other side must be wrong...they have to...they must be wrong !!! Just think that there were not the monsters as our propaganda has put them. How would our crimes are justified ! As Mr.captain America I try to find a way out and I would think back and do not remember one damn single day since my birth that my country was not involved in any war and I would think: f++k what now...

This is a very important movie - MUST WATCH !
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Excellent and Informative
husainsadat16 November 2017
Just because Hitler and the Nazis were at the helm in Germany does not mean that you cannot point out atrocities visited upon the general German populace at that time. There were no heroes during the second world war. Churchill, Roosevelt and later Eisenhower are all culpable for the deaths of civilians in axis countries.

Hellstorm does an excellent job of pointing out these atrocities. Sinead McCarthy's poignant narration, combined with brilliant production on a shoestring budget, touches this sensitive and politically incorrect topic in a way that will leave you tearful and thoughtful after you watch the documentary.

10 stars
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