Patient Seven (2016) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • A man, unexpectedly and suddenly, pulls out a knife and holds it to a woman's throat, threatening to cut it and kill her.
  • A few references to unorthodox medical practices, such as electroshock therapy.
  • A patient's mom frequently saw visions and hallucinations of her dead and bleeding out, the side of her neck slashed.
  • A mother runs at her daughter with a knife and tries to kill her.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In the beginning of the movie, the camera pans down a hallway with the sign "authorized personnel only" and we see two mentally unstable people in what looks to be prison cells. They both appear to be in distress.
  • The whole atmosphere of the movie is honestly quite unsettling and disturbing. Individuals who have been in mental/criminal institutions and/or who have had past trauma dealing with places like this, or really bad experiences with psychiatrists/therapists, should be very cautious of this movie.
  • A mother stabs at a door (behind it is her fearful child) and screams "Open the door! It's your mother, open the door!"
  • Beware of this movie if you have any sort of history with mental illnesses, trauma, or mental hospitals/asylums! A lot of the content can be quite triggering for those who have been through things such as that in the past.

See also

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