The Heretics (2017) Poster


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Fairly entertaing, won't inspire awe
themick200824 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie that doesn't appear to have much of a budget, The Heretics is fair entertainment. It deals with a dark theme, the process of summoning a demon into the body of an unwitting young lady. If you are disturbed by the subject, as my wife was because of real life events, I would suggest you don't engage this movie at all. Otherwise, dive in, but don't expect a reinvention of the whole demonic genre.

The lead character in the movie, Gloria, is portrayed as a beautiful but troubled young adult who is plagued by a series of reoccurring nightmares. Years ago she was apparently kidnapped by a cult and barely survived a strange ritual that left most members dead. She works on her past trauma through a recovery group with the help of her girlfriend, Joan. Gloria is chloroformed and kidnapped by a mysterious, scarred figure, Thomas, and taken out to a shack in the middle of nowhere. He is a former cult member who claims to be trying to save Gloria's soul.

As the movie progresses, they are some minor twists in the road but we can see the curves ahead of time. There are no earth shaking surprises. Thomas initially appears to be the heavy but we can quickly deduce he is sincere. We figure out Joan is very involved in the cult through her increasingly psychotic behavior. The dialogue is not particularly clever or original.

Through all of this, The Heretics remains a watchable film. The atmosphere is dark and foreboding. The music is ominous. There is not an over-reliance on jump scares or a CGI blood fest and body count. Tension is maintained. When we do finally encounter the appearance of the demon it is dark and a bit unsettling.

The acting of the two main characters is good. Gloria seems genuinely baffled at her deterioration from beauty into a disgusting creature. Joan is menacing in her emergence as a remorseless cult leader.

My only problem comes with the actor who played Thomas. He keeps a bug-eyed wonderment on his face for the entire movie. It's almost as if he is playing the character for laughs. He reminds me of David Arquette's performance in the "Scream" series. I just never took him seriously.

Aside from that, The Heretics is a decent scare. There are worse ways to spend an hour and 27 minutes of your life. It only drags a little at it's worst and makes your skin crawl with the creeps at it's best.
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muddled story squanders potential
SnoopyStyle6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gloria Farrow survived a cult kidnapping when all the members sacrifice themselves. She is trying to recover with other trauma survivors including her new girlfriend Joan. She gets kidnapped again. The cult's work is not finished.

I like the psycho girlfriend and I even like her reveal. There are issues with how the reveal is done and the muddled premise of the brother sister relationship. It's all a little muddled. The reveal could be done later. Honestly, I'm not sure what's happening in some of the scenes. The editing is abrupt which adds to the confusion.
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It is Okay
bsx-0538416 August 2018
This movie is pretty much a well worn tale, and low budget. There had been many movies with higher budgets, that with better marketing, were hugely profitable. If you are time constrained, yea, this is probably not a movie to see. However, it is not a bad watch, is okay, and beats quite a few higher rated flicks. This will not blow your mind by any means, but it entertains. Shrugs to the ppl complaining about acting, which is fine in an okay way.
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From Ehhh to Wait WHAT just Happened!!
nayishah23 September 2019
To be honest...I almost turned the movie off when it started off slow. But I told myself....wait...give it just a few more minutes, and I am glad I did!! When the movie got going, it did not disappoint with the creepiness and a few scares that made me jump. I like the surprising twists it gave causing me to sit on the edge trying to figure it out. I'm definitely going to watch again especially to see if I notice anything new.
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Stevieboy66623 November 2020
Just finishing watching the UK TV premier of this on a channel that specialises in horror. Sadly this Canadian film is quite typical of the instantly forgettable stuff that they screen. Described by some as a body horror movie we basically get an attractive young woman fitted with a wig of balding hair and a couple of cheap looking demon wings stuff on her back. The acting was generally OK but the movie as a whole was just silly and poor, I was glad when the end credits rolled.
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Rising demon
TheLittleSongbird14 June 2018
'The Heretics' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing if unoriginal premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws are here present in those films, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Heretics' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is very little to recommend in 'The Heretics'.

Lets start with the positive, and sadly it is the only redeeming quality. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky, despite the rather direct to video schlocky way it's generally shot (apart from the odd nice one) and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less unsettled and never gaining momentum. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and all of the acting is lacking severely, seeming to think that screaming your head off a good deal or going through the motions counts as good acting.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace and film drags on forever, never recovering until finally getting slightly intriguing to the ending when something sort of finally happens. Even the ending however is botched, due to being so incomplete-feeling and hard to swallow. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense.

A lot of 'The Heretics' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or unsettling.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, while the horror elements are unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of horror. Some badly sagging momentum too and a lot of weirdness. The direction is leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it, and the music doesn't really fit, sounds cheap and like it belonged somewhere else entirely.

Concluding, terrible. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Nothing new here but well done
jmbovan9 September 2019
Minor twists that are shocking, but they are done well. Nothing new is explored in this film, but what they do they do well. If this is your type of movie, it is a pleasant time spent.
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Best Seen if Brain Dead
zandertowne15 June 2019
It's just weak, or lazy, when the only way to infuse suspense, horror or even surprise, into your movie is to resort to dreams, or visions. You know, the kind of thing you don't have to justify, or explain, or worry about, because the character wakes up or "snaps out of it"? The filmmakers just took up screen time and had a "trailer moment" that ultimately isn't earned or deserved.

Or how about the weak, obvious dialogue; like when a character asks someone with facial burns "Who did that to you?" instead of "What happened to you?" because the writer needs it to lead to an explanation of who did it and can't figure out a more believable way of leading to it. Or how about having someone call with a clue (that they wouldn't believably think to share with that person) only to deliver the news and then say "I have to go now" since the ONLY reason that scene exists is so the first character can learn what the second character knows.

I checked out before it was over because I was tired of having my intellect insulted by the deficiencies of the writers. You might find enjoyment if you're watching it AND you're brain-dead... or if you don't let the lack of decent acting, writing, plot development, realistic characters or scenes, or quality direction stand in your way of wasting an hour and a half with a movie.
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Not sure where all the hate for this movie is coming from
mikedegroot25 July 2018
Yeah, some of the acting in this film is certainly not going to win any awards, but it's really not that bad at all. I've seen much worse from A list actors (I'm looking at you everyone in Killing of a Sacred Deer). And honestly, for an indie movie, it's easily on par with many I've seen.

Visually the film is very good. There are some nice shots, solid practical effects, and good locations. The story isn't revolutionary but I did appreciate the few twists, even though the ending left a little to be desired.

Overall I've seen much worse and this one is worth a watch for horror junkies.
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Just plain bad acting
train107731 May 2018
I feel like i just witnessed a new low in acting skills. I don't think any of them is credible. I'm not sure what to think about the story. It has potential, but the actors do not convince me in this movie.
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Definitely one film all horror fans who want something more than just a jump scare should see
KarlFranksMrGeeky22 April 2019
My spoiler free review for The Bloody Asylum that can be found at WordPress, Mr Geeky blog:

The Heretics is a really impressive award winning Canadian film directed by Chad Archibald. Who also wrote the story, and whose previous films include The Drownsman, Ejecta, and Bite.

The subject of cults has been depicted in horror films countless times before. The Heretics does bring something different to this horror sub-genre, among other things by touching on psychological aspects. The film has twists, turns and surprises that keeps the film engaging and makes it feel different to many other films of its kind.

There is some quite unexpected depth to the film, and this is due to the performances of the cast. The standouts being the three leads, Nini Kiri who portrays the lead character (star of the TV series The Handmaid's Tale), Joja Cadence, and Ry Barrett.

The sparing use of practical and CGI effects never overwhelms the story or characters as they tend to do in many horror films nowadays. The film-makers create a really effective atmosphere of dread, and at times mixing reality and nightmares so as to put the viewer in the confused mind set of the characters. Some sequences staying in the mind long after the film has ended.

There is a really effective use of sound, cinematography, and editing. However what would have enhanced the atmosphere of the film would have been a more gritty grindhouse feel and look. Unfortunately at times the film-makers also fall into the trap of using loud music and sounds to generate scares, which threatens the effective atmosphere they built up by being far more subtle in their approach. This does not harm the film as a whole. It is unpredictable, right up until the very end, with engaging characters that have enough depth so the audience cares about their fate.

The Heretics is one of the better horror films I have seen in the last few years, and is definitely one film all horror fans who want something more than just a jump scare should see.
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Doesn't deserve all the hate
mixedblood746 September 2019
I agree with some of the reviewers that this movie was actually better than expected. I get the acting is not on par with other movies but we're not talking about A-listers here. There was substance with some nice twists and the story, although not completely original, was still entertaining. Coming from an avid horror cinephile, there's far worse out there. This one's worth your time.
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ron_ramacciato17 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
That's what the protagonist gets? His life on Earth was a living hell and sucked balls and then after supposedly saving the day, he is going to be tortured for eternity?? What a complete screw job. What's the message here? Evil conquerors all even when the plan is foiled? Whoever wrote this is either a hopeless pessimist or a hopeful satanist
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Watchable .. but by no means exceptional
sjalkarjadottir5 August 2018
The movie feels very much like a low budget movie. There is limited scenery, a very limited cast and the effects are simple. While i did not hate the acting, i also did not consider it noteworthy much. There was a little bit (translates to quite a bit...) overacting on the "evil" person .. and very little character development or character altogether on the other people. In fact, none of the characters is fleshed out at all .. . So after watching the movie, they are all quite forgettable.

The story itself is alright i guess. In terms of complexity i rank it slightly below a "X-files" episode with the monster of the week.

For me, it was OK. I kept (half) watching till the end ... was it scary? Not at all.. Was it gross? No, not that either.

Oh and about the special effects. Pretty much a bald-cap and a bucket full of slime is what was used 80% of the movie it feels.
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If you like good movies then please move on
JShaft3318 September 2019
If you are a fan of good acting, solid plot, attention to detail, rational actions and bad Canadian accents - this is the movie for you.
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neil-433556 June 2018
I watched this movie by accident - falling hook line and sinker for the media's BS claims (probably) that "Hereditary" (a completely different movie) is the scariest movie of the year.

I honestly think there is not one redeeming thing to taken away from this 87 minute opus to bad acting, bad story and the "I've seen it all before" school of storytelling - it felt like well over 3 hours! Nina Kiri is very attractive though, well at least at the start and she goes quickly downhill from there - she's the only reason the movie gets two stars - really, don't waste your time.
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Better than what I expected
joshjack-356806 April 2019
I bought this DVD a couple days ago. And i really didn't expect much until i watched it. It was a lot better than my expectations. It does have originality and a dark setting compared to most horror movies that circles along the satanic cult type setting.
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Hey! It's her phone!
nogodnomasters24 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Gloria (Nina Kiri) was kidnapped by heretics who wanted to bring back their god Abaddon, a Hebrew demon during the Chinese Lotus Moon...It's all good. Now she is in group with her outspoken friend Joan (Jorja Cadence). It isn't long before she is kidnapped by a member of the group which gives us a long sequence of plot twists.

Not the worst Hebrew demon, Chinese moon out there, but it had a lack of characters and those that it had lacked charisma and decent lines. Might work as the extra Redbox half-price rental.

Guide: F-word. Sex. Partial nudity
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A nice body-horror fantasy movie
IzzyMaeDoorite10 June 2018
"The Heretics" definetely has a lack of character's development (expect the lead gal's transformation) but the Black Fawn Films' scripts are better time after time. Jayme Laforest brought another good idea of phisical metamorphoses (his previous work titled "Bite" is one nasty love letter to Cronenberg), and Chad Archibald visualized it in his own way that already has an amount of fans.

Acting sometimes feels pretty poor but Nina Kiri is an awesome decision for the really hard part of Gloria, kidnapped-then-saved posttraumatic girl which worst fear is the cult to come back for her. When it actually happens and when she slowly loses her human form, Nina isn't confused to be scared, wicked and brutally deformed. Ry Barrett and Jorja Cadence are also well done but their characters could have a better prehistory as this is really wanted closer to the film's climax.

"The Heretics" is great at visual point but needs a better storytelling provider. Black Fawn Films shouldn't get stuck on Laforest's work as he isn't good in characters' disclosures. The movie has its few chilling moments but this isn't enough. Archibald already proved he can make a spellbinding puctures but let's hope his next work will put the detailed story on the first.
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Missed opportunity
iluvpizza214 March 2019
I read about this and thought that the premise was interesting. So I sought out this movie., but i was disappointed by the execution. Feels very amateurish, in all aspects - acting, story, cinematography, etc. I am okay with low budget becuase lot of the best indie gems are very low budget but sadly this is no gem. I had high hopes but was let down.
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bumbray9911 July 2020
This movie really caught me off guard, it's not what you think folks, but it's definitely a good horror movie!
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Not bad
cotterpolt6 September 2018
I think the acting was good perhaps the writing was off or directing. The story was good so I'm going to point toward the writing which is needed to develop the characters right. The actors tried with what they had. I'd recommend no problem to a B movie fan like myself. One thing I am getting sick of is the "not a happy ending" BS. Someone started that as a new twist about a decade ago and now there is no such thing as a happy ending anymore. Which makes it actually depressing in the end. A bad societal norms that has come along if that makes sense. Overall B+ for my B movie love
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If you like documentaries on fishin or golf, this should be up your alley
darkandwickeddreams11 September 2019
Probably the worst movie I have ever seen on demonic integration. The plot moves along like a documentary on fishing or golf; I would not recommend this picture for good horror. If you are looking for stories on demonic possession and integration, try watching the Exorcist series on Hulu. It has great stories, and even heart-wrenching plots.
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Moxy91631 May 2019
Would have been a decent movie. All the way up until the end I was ready to give this a decent review and then at the very end the entire movie was ruined.
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Utter Garbage
adam-dowd10 September 2019
I've seen children's school plays that were more interesting, had better dialogue, and were more well thought out than this heap of crap.
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