Curse of the Scarecrow (2018) Poster

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Flat. Thin. Yawnfest.
vengeance204 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this today & found it to he pretty flat in all honesty.

I seen another film like this one recently, I think judging from the "Known For" section it's the same person who made this. That one was also a Scarecrow themed horror.

The films plot is thin and isn't too dissimilar to the horror film I mentioned above which this woman director made.

The film is boring, nothing really exciting happens. The plot, pacing & scenes don't really wow enough to be redeeming or even remotely memorable. The sound quality on the DVD was also terrible. Had the volume full blast on my Laptop & still couldn't hear what these ladies were saying. Not good.

The Scarecrow vissuals were great & scary looking admittingly.

Overall not great. 2/10
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Appalling Film
kevin146611 February 2021
If these actors passed the audition I would hate to see those that failed! Wooden acting, unconvincing dialogue and actions. The idea was ok but the story is very poor. Don't waste your time watching this.
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Horrible, just horrible!!
timothyj_frasier18 November 2018
What could have been an ok "B" Horror Movie turned out to be one of the worst pieces of garbage I've ever unfortunately sat through! Hard to believe somebody actually funded this joke of a film! One good actress in the entire cast.
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Truly Dreadful.
davey18413 November 2018
The start of the story was quite promising. I watched it for 50 minutes hoping it would improve. It certainly did not. The only person who deserves any credit for acting is the main character June, played by Kate Lister. The other two main actresses should be working at the checkout at Asda at best. Their performances were absolutely awful. As for the story line, I will give give you an example of how bad it was. 'All the lights in the house suddenly go off, while one of them is sitting in the bedroom. Next thing you know a torch appears in her hand as if by magic'. Truly pathetic story writing that a 7 year old could produce. Good luck if you choose to watch it. Hope you do not waste as much time on as I did.
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Ten buck budget...
ant36au12 December 2018
...produced a two buck movie and that just about sums up this atrocious excuse for a horror movie.The acting was absolutely abysmal from everyone,which in turn tells you how bad the director is,or,how little they cared.I could go on further but really,there is no point,the entire movie sucks in every way,shape and form from beginning to end.
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Some of the stupidest characters ever put to celluloid
OerbaChocolateShake12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My brain hurts after watching this. Here are some of the reasons. I basically spoil most of the movie.

1) the Curse of the Scarecrow apparently happens during night, and yet you have these idiots who willingly go out and mess around in the dark. That main point is made pointless at the end.

2) every one save the lead actress lacks a functioning brain. Her two friends are absolute fools. The psychiatrist or whoever she is has an idiot plan to go into town and send for help when they could all leave together. She then messes around on her way to the car and then proceeds to run through the field instead of back to the house. The other goes out to the barn to look for the gun. She notices the scarecrow behind her keeps getting closer but doesn't shoot it. It kills her, of course. I thought she was endearing up until then. Victim of bad writing.

3) local looking for his niece (who died because she was a flat out idiot too) holds the two girls at gun point demanding to know where she is. They tell him and he still has them at gunpoint until he is killed. He shoots the moronic psychiatrist who somehow survived after running into the fields.

4) main girl tries to reason with scarecrow in something similar to Halloween 5. He seems to listen to her until the moron who got shot by Uncle Imbecile saves the girl. Suddenly she's a big bad hero and has one of the most cliched one liners ever. You're no big hero, honey.

Dunno if the ending is a set up for a sequel but I'll leave it the one "surprise." By saying that, you can probably figure it out well enough.

Fun to watch and riff on if you know what it is. It was a scarecrow movie and that's what I was looking for so I'll give it 4 stars. It's failing grade but it's entertaining to some degree.
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NotAFakeReviewer16 October 2020
Not good and the director himself has reviewed this and gave it 10 😂

He bigs up his actresses which is admirable and the acting in this is fine given the shoddy script.

Film looks good, maybe just get some other people to work on it and give it some polish.

Good luck on your futures, just need some more staff, some budget and second/third lookovers
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Only way is Essex vs the Scarecrow
Hayden-860557 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting in this was laughable the "Scarecrow" was a man with some straw for decoration and a bag over his head, the camerawork was pretty shoddy and the music sounded like some royalty free music you'd get on YouTube.

It was actually pretty fun to watch though, me and and my friend were laughing our heads off as the woman stated that the Scarecrow comes "every twenty years" for about the fiftieth time, a bizarre scene was when a pair of lovers crept back to the house to make love and are killed by the scarecrow, despite being terrified before to even go there.

1/10: Low-budget B movie horror fun
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Hated this movie and where is the other brother
jcroak-1817420 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe how horrible this movie was. I hated everyone in the movie, I was glad that they were killed. The worst person was psycho babble b***H, she was horrible, they could have all gotten away if they were smarter. Psycho babble decides that she will take the car and get help, while the other two stay where they are 'safe'. they could have all gotten in the car and left, no too hard. they keep looking at a picture from their childhood. There are two boys and a girl, however the missing brother is never mentioned. VERY Bad movie
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"Does anyone have a mobile phone or anythink?"
parry_na2 October 2020
A problem with feeding on so much fictional horror content - as I do - is that often you can have a sense of déjà vu. This happened with 'Curse of the Scarecrow' - about half way through, I wondered if I had seen it before and had forgotten. The film I was actually thinking of was 2019's 'Tooth Fairy', which in turn had reminded me strongly of 2018's 'Scarecrow Rising'. They had all been directed by Louisa Warren, often using many of the same players and locations.

Warren, like Andrew Jones, has proven to be a prolific director (and occasionally actor) of micro-budget horror films. Also like Jones, she seems to have liking for dolls and scarecrows as villainous beings. Once more we have a predominantly female cast menaced by a bloke with a sack on his head. The three main women are flawed - in fact, apart from June (Kate Lister), quite hapless. The peripheral male characters are wetter than wet.

The production is afflicted as low-budget films often are, and none of this would matter at all if the story or characters were in any way interesting. Sadly, despite some competent performances, they are not, and the dullness that hits you after the pre-credit sequence begins is never fully shaken off. If we could care more for the characters, and not have their various plights and tragedies overtly hurled at us, then things would be a lot more successful. As it is, Warren's films have thus far been interesting without being compelling (of the ones I have seen).

There are a few good scenes. Nancy (Warren) being stuffed with straw is my favourite. With less restraint on blood and gore, it would have been even more effective. The ending is satisfying and seems to be setting things up for a possible sequel. My score is 5 out of 10.
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Just NO
jamiea-2289926 March 2021
Will watch any horror movie new and old and expect acting to be of the era It was made!!! This is a relatively new movie so the acting should have been of a good standard at least but my 6 and 11 year old could have done a better job wow!!! If the acting had been done better this might have actually been a good film.
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contact-0209118 November 2018
Loved it! Deffo worth a watch its B movie magic! A stella cast! Led by three wonderful blondes. Deffo gets a thumbs up from me! 10/10
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Curse of the scarecrow good watch
jeffreyc-3256720 August 2019
I really enjoyed this British horror film good effects and well acted. Nice scenery and cool locations. The scarecrow was very convincing and in my opinion played a key role. Crackinig goose
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Not Nearly as Good as It Could Have Been
Uriah4313 November 2021
According to local legend, on a cold winter night some time back in the 1800's, the people of a small village killed a man they thought had stolen from them by hanging him on a cross in the middle of a cornfield and letting the crows peck him to death. Just prior to dying, however, he swore a curse upon them and for that reason his soul returns in the form of a scarecrow to that same location every 20 years and kills anybody he finds wandering about the field where he was murdered. Fast-forwarding to the present day, a young woman named "June" (Kate Lister) is recovering from a traumatic episode she experienced 20 years earlier when she and her brother "Carl" (Tommy Viles) witnessed their parents being killed by a scarecrow in a small village not too far away. Her therapist, "Karen" (Cassandra French) has almost convinced her that the trauma she experienced has caused her to imagine the assailant was something unnatural and the best way to convince her otherwise is to return to that same house in order to obtain closure on this horrific incident. However, when she calls her brother to let him know that she is coming to visit him at that same house where he now lives, he stridently advises her against the idea because of the legend which has the scarecrow coming back that very night. Not long afterward she is told by the authorities that her brother committed suicide. Now, more determined than ever, she makes the decision to revisit the house and takes her good friend "Nancy" (Louisa Warren) and Karen with her for support. What none of them realize, however, is that sometimes old legends have an element of fact behind them and the scarecrow is there and waiting for them. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this movie had a pretty good foundation to build upon but the director (Louisa Warren) just wasn't quite up to the task as it lacked the horror and tension necessary for a film of this sort. Likewise, other than possibly Tiffany-Ellen Robinson (as "Chanel") and the aforementioned Kate Lister the acting could have used some improvement as well. Be that as it may, while this wasn't necessarily a terrible film, I didn't think it was nearly as good as it could have been and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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Great comedy
superboomshack7 September 2022
This film had me laughing throughout. Of all the wrong decisions I have seen people make in horror movies, these dummies take the prize. Every decision they made was head scratching and laughable. I am sure I even saw scenes where they were trying not to laugh. If you want comedy, watch this steaming garbage................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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English Scarecrow Movie....
wandernn1-81-6832748 March 2021
There's been quite a few scarecrow movies over the years. This one is not one of the good ones. I can't say that I liked it at all. 2/10
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A Modern Tale with the air of Great British Horror Films of the 70's !
timodo29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Force of "Curse of the ScareCrow" is a Whole New Hierarchy of Talented & Beautiful British Women ! Shannon Holiday is the Highly Acclaimed Writer that Started this Brilliant Ball Rolling . Louisa Warren Directed this Horror-Fest with a Deft Touch & a Discerning Eye . The Story is Highly Reminiscent of the Old English Amicus Movies , with the Great Acting & Lovely Ladies ! Alluring Blonde 'June' , Marvelously Played by Kate Lister, is a Survivor , along with her brother 'Carl', of a ScareCrow Attack 20 Years Ago . A Road Trip ensues , consisting of 'June', Her best friend 'Nancy' & June's' Psychiatrist 'Karen' heading to the Old Farm to finally Sort out 'June's' Feelings . 'Nancy' is Portrayed by Beautiful, Full-Figured Louisa Warren & 'Karen' is the Slightly Older Prepossessing Cassandra French . Tommy Viles plays a Duel-Role as the Unfortunate Brother 'Carl' & the Deadly & Deathly 'ScareCrow' . Absolutely Stunningly Divine Tiffany-Ellen Robinson makes a Brief , but Completely Memorable , Appearance as 'Chanel' , the Slightly Amorous Local Small Town Girl , well meaning, but looking for Fun ! Tiffany exudes more Sensuality with the Turn of Her Head & Showing a little leg than a Porn Star does throughout her whole Career ! Darrell Griggs as 'John' , 'Chanel's' Date for the night; & Tim Freeman as 'Dean', 'Chanel's' Worried Uncle Round out the Cast ! All the Acting is Well Above Par, The Location & Film-Work is Exceptional , & the Backgroud Music is Spot-On ! I'm Looking Forward to Seeing More of these Talented Individuals ; & Possibly ..... Hopefully a Sequel !
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Surprisingly enthralling
lennieh4 January 2020
Yes this film has no budget Yes it is obviously rushed Yes at times the editing is appalling and Yes everyone is trying really hard against time and monetary constraints

However The cinematography is beautiful Locations are great Story is enthralling and does leave you wondering The cast are good and emote but struggle with poor dialogue and obvious are improvising half the time, The music elevates the atmosphere in to being genuinely scary

If you can cope with that this is a very watchable film, and one I would like to see remade with a bigger budget, the same cast and director and a longer production schedule
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Funny and scary!
pxeshared8 October 2020
I loved this film and have followed this production team for some time now. Becca Hirani was excellent as always, Kate Lister brought the action and Tommy Viles has a nice cameo! Keep it coming. 👏🏻
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