Erasing Family (2020) Poster

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A Powerful, Engaging Documentary For All People
brianhart5 January 2021
Victims who don't know they are victims. Many people know of family situations where a child (young or old) only has a relationship with one parent and avoids discussion of the other. While this may be due to "estrangement" (an abusive or neglectful parent), much more often the parent still in their life acted out of vengefulness and vindictiveness and manipulated and indoctrinated the child to fear and hate the other parent while they needlessly "protected" them from their normal, loving parent. In our modern society, it's hard to accept that the family courts and other professionals can be duped and manipulated through false allegations, restraining orders, and then issuing sole custody orders to these pathological parents that (beyond their own delusional awareness) emotionally and psychologically abuse their own children - Using them as pawns in serving their own vulnerabilities.
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Don't ignore the cries of our children
deejay-5868318 February 2021
PARENT ALIENATION is very real. Awareness needs to be raised about it immediately. Once children have grownup, the years that they have missed, are gone forever.

Children have a right to have access to both parents, not just one. It creates a severe mental health issue on both child & the alienate parent.
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A great film to start much needed discussions.
iamlacka7 February 2021
Ginger has shined a light on a problem that has been unrecognized all over the world; especially within the world's court systems. Education is key to solving the problems of parental alienation. And Erasing Family is a great film to watch to start the necessary discussions needed for developing solutions. Solutions that will benefit the children and parents involved; instead of the legal system.
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A must see very eye opening
vonshellshort19 February 2021
This helped me as a wife and mother having a blended family I am seeing the effects of Parent Alienation and how we must be mature enough to disagree without erasing the other parent and family.
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Families Reunite and Heal
michelley-6320212 February 2021
Anyone who is or knows a child of divorce who has no relationship with one of their parents should share this film. May it heal all broken families and change the nature of the adversarial family court system.
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mrscottbradbury21 October 2021
Erasing Family is an incredible and eye-opening documentary highlighting the pitfalls and downstream costs to children and society, due to the systemic separation of families in the US family courts. My family has personally experienced many of the issues identified in the movie and the stories found in Erasing Family can be found in every corner of the country. You most likely know multiple families adversely affected by Family Law Industry. The tragedy in these stories is real and the trauma is very real. The best you can hope for is that it never happens to you or your children.

The separation of families in the US is a $21 Billion industry annually, and made of megalithic institutions such as the Bar Association, Family Law Attorney Offices, employees of the courts, and the Title I-VD funded State offices (think of the jobs for enforcement, evaluations, human services, Guardian Ad Litem's). These groups oppose children's human rights to have both parents responsible for their care because supporting equality may eventually put some of them out of work. These groups oppose parental equality as a job mandate. In most states you can find a Bill proposing a presumption of equal shared parenting, and in each case you can view witness slips by the Proponent Group of the Opponent Group. Each Bill from these states has a list of opposing witness slips and here you will find family law attorneys and their employees opposing children's rights and parental equality. This is for their profit. You will even see the Bar Association as well as the other state funded agencies, including social workers. If these groups oppose equality, how can they be objective when representing us in court or during their evaluations? We have a systemic dismantling of the American Family and finally the world has access to a highly credible, objective, and accurate source of the truth surrounding the broken American family.

I know all children and parents of alienation no longer feel alone in their tragic experiences after watching the shared stores in Erasing Family. I hope and pray that more visibility leads to cultural and legislative change in the near future, for our children's sake.
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Family Law, Dependency Law, Criminal Law - All to harvest us and our children.
henry_corp19 February 2021
A film superbly shot, non abrasive expose addressing the overt and subtle issues of parental alienation. How it effects parents, and most importantly children. The film transcends race/classism in the system, and gender biased advocacy groups/womens groups. There are deeper rooted issues that involve racism and gender biases by the system, but such hot topics are set aside so a calmer tone can reach a larger audience and cause us to expand on our own and in our mind so we can continue the conversation ....

-Brevard County, FL

"Youtube comment"

Ginger Gentile of Erasing Families

Thomas Fidler president of the Fathers Rights Movement (based out of Alaska)

Kash Jackson - Restoring Freedom

Melissa Isaak - Fathers Rights attorney

Cassie Jay - director of "the Red Pill"

Desmond Meade - Florida Restoration for Rights Coalition (Florida Felon Voting Rights and racial reforms)

Deborah Oppenheimer and writer-director Mark Jonathan Harris - Movie "Foster" (horrors of foster care)

These are the grassroots Hero's i have been supporting. (ever notice how POLICE dont support family law reform, ever notice how White Feminists dont support family law reform). It would appear parental alienation is a dual political party, BIPARTISAN secret agreement linking the criminal court cabal and the family law cabal with cops and social services hmmmmm. If you follow history of eugenics the harvesting of children from at risk families (slaves) the stripping of their identity from mom and dad, the propensity to prioritize abortion over equal rights (parents), the wretched fall out from the foster care industry, you will see direct parallels to slavery. Imagine a system of governance that attacks indigent at risk families, and when the system meets unified parents it sows division in natural dysfunctions exacerbating this, embedding conflict picking a winner and a loser creating second class parents in the family unit. What an irony the ACLU, the NAN, the NAACP civil rights dont pay attention to the effect on the community of parent alienation. Not an irony that the NOW, and LWV fight any effort for family court reform, and the havoc broken homes cause swell the criminal justice system prisons and jails so you will never see law enforcement communities ever support family law reform or especially fathers rights (be it that they are in the business of incarcerating men/fathers). The list goes on....

Many thanks to Ginger Gentile for this work of art. Shes an angel .... thanks from me, and the black community sincerely.
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People everywhere need to see this!
jacobbrown897 February 2021
Understanding the perspectives of other families is getting lost in this world where we are surrounded by technology that allows and encourages us to cut out or erase those around us :(

Please watch this and share with others!
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What an excellent film touching on a subject which is so pervasive yet rarely discussed or brought up in the media
TruthSeeker4Life23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am a child of divorced parents. The divorce between my parents was so horribly bad that it would eventually be used in case law in California because of how nasty the divorce had become, and that was especially due to the lawyers involved. The lawyers play on the parents, instill things into their psyche, get them anxious, concerned about being attacked, so the get them to attack preemptively. My father was a very successful surgeon. He was first generation from Chile. He was completely self made. By the end of the divorce, my father was bankrupt, depressed, and had to work incredibly hard at the age of fifty years old to reestablish himself, which he did, and I will never forget how hard my father worked to get himself back on his feet again, which took him at least a decade. But at the same time, it hurt our relationship because he was so focused on working and trying to get himself back to the lifestyle he had known for most of his life that he was unable to spend as much time with me as he would have liked. However, he did spend an incredible amount of time with me considering the circumstances. My mother hired the worst type of lawyer, got her angry, made her feel like she deserve red more than she did, but most of all, made her think the divorce and legal battle would not hurt me. My mother had her reasons for wanting to get divorced, and they were valid reasons, but the way the legal system was setup, well, it mainly benefits the lawyers and the government because as this film points out, a lot of fathers end up paying child support to the government in the form of interest.

The worst thing about the divorce was how it affected me. In second grade, I was told I was dyslexic, taken from my regular class, and put in special ed with kids who had serious cognition issues like down syndrome etc. It destroyed my self-esteem. I hated school and would eventually drop out in 10th grade because I hated special ed and always felt as though I was inferior to my peers. By the time I was 21, I had acquired my GED, and began community college. I didn't do well the first semester at all, so my mother suggested I go to the special ed department and get myself the help I always received during 2nd through 10th grade. I spent an entire day getting evaluated. I waited a week for the results, and I found out a week later that I never had a learning disability in the first place. It was one of the most bitter and sweet moments of my life because I knew I was no longer inferior to my peers, but I resented the school system for all those years they made me feel as though I wasn't good enough. To make matters worse, the schools get more money based on special needs kids, and we are talking A LOT OF MONEY, so always get a second opinion from someone outside the school system, and do not mention they had already been diagnosed with anything, so they start with a clean slate with the clinician.

The entire reason I was doing so poorly in second grade was because my parents divorce was ongoing, I was severely depressed, and that's why I wasn't behaving properly or had any desire to excel or do well in school. As someone who has recently graduated with my masters in Clinical Psychology I can honestly say that this should have been so obvious to staff at my school, but what I realized by high school was the district I was in was sending all their problem children to special ed, which is why so many of the kids who were there in high school are like myself, psychologists, lawyers, and successful people. Most of them didn't have a learning disability, but rather, a tough time at home, and when you're depressed and have low self-esteem you do not want to excel and also want to rebel against the system which you think has wronged you, and has wronged you.

I was fortunate enough to have a course where Dr. Judy Ho was a guest speaker almost one year ago today. She is a great person, and she truly wants to help people and future clinicians. I was very impressed with her and how she comes across. I could tell she really wanted to give everyone in the class the insight and information for us to succeed in the profession. She is certainly someone I aspire to be like, and I will always be thankful for her suggesting to the class how we can become forensic psychologists without having to go back to graduate school and instead getting certified which is what I will be doing very soon because I want to help families and especially kids in situations like these. As much as I hated going through what I had with my parents divorce, it has given me the tools I need to be an excellent clinician, and I was fortunate enough to find this out when I finally started working as an intern with children in an elementary school setting.

The one thing I can offer both as a professional and as someone who has endured the worst type of divorce is for parents to stop making the divorce and separation about yourselves! The moment you have children your lives no longer are about YOU but about "US" as in "FAMILY" and even if you divorce your spouse they will always be family and will always be connected to you through memories and the blood you passed on through your children. If you are going through a divorce do not talk badly about the other parent, do not try to manipulate your kids, do not try to do anything you normally wouldn't do! Kids are for more sensitive than most parents realize. Kids may not be intelligent enough to know what is going on, but they are far more aware when it comes to FEELINGS, which as adults get older, we forget all about! Everything we do in life is about feeling! Every action you take is based on a feeling before a thought! You don't want to succeed because it THINKS good but because it FEELS GOOD! Everything we do is based on our feelings and the intention is either to experience a feeling or avoid a feeling and then that's where our thoughts come into action. Jesus said that those who spend much time with children find their way to heaven far quicker than those who don't spend any time with children because children are here to remind us of who we really are, and that is, sensitive and feeling beings, but after trauma and hurt we learn to shut those feelings off and go with our thoughts which only lead us to dissatisfied lives, fear, and guide us to places that leave us unfulfilled. If parents were only to be more like their children, and find themselves again, then they will be far better parents, and if divorce occurs, they will be far better divorced parents for the benefit of their children and their own mental and emotional well-being.
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A powerful look at division caused by misinformed courts and reckless attorneys
jjpthe1 March 2021
A true, emotional journey into the lives of children and parents divided by divorce. Parental Alienation is not new but only in the last 10 years has it been exposed and nowhere as well as in this film.
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The best parental alienation film
tjmoonan25 February 2021
As an alienated father of a beautiful daughter that I have seen a total of 70 minutes in the last 23 years, this film touched me. I am glad to see the information getting out and the hope I've seen dwindling is restored. I strongly suggest that everyone see the film, not just for the education but for the love you will see that is available to all families.
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A film that should make you FEEL your way into ACTION
sherylbrinsonmassage11 June 2021
Just watched this film, Thank you those who produced it! I run a teen suicide prevention program and this film illuminated even further the emotional struggle our young people face and even more so those who have been caught up in the terrible divorce system that needs to be reformed!
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Powerful, accurate documentary
smp-8272130 March 2021
For someone who lives this sad reality every day, I was deeply touched by this documentary. Many times we think we are alone, but the reality is the system does not seem to have any boundaries. Hope this documentary raises awareness of our cruel reality.
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kevinternes26 January 2022
Yes, Courts and those in the court system ARE PRIMARILY LOOKING FOR PROFITS!! SECONDARILY- REVENGE for their past family trauma- usually from a mother. Not the present members years later.
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16 Years and Counting
jyvtyvjgb27 January 2022
This film is a much needed documentary. It affected me deeply and I cried through many parts. I hope many more documentaries like this are made to raise awareness about the effects of Parental Alienation and how it is lifelong on all sides.
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Finally this is being brought to light!
graydavid-4097127 January 2022
This dynamic is a mental health crisis that is impacting millions. Not only am I experiencing this myself but I know dozens of other parents and children going through it as well. The impact on society is underestimated and needs to be addressed. Courts need to enforce repercussions for parents that choose revenge over the well being of their child.
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Must watch for all
rgvandy26 January 2022
This an outstanding documentary!! Absolutely spot on what takes place in the family court system. To have a Judge come on and give their viewpoint about mental matters and even state that family law attorney's also cause issues via their own mental health says a lot right there.

This should be shown when people go to divorce classes that some states require or better yet make mandatory involving in all child support matters.
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Very enlightening!!
drizzyp27 January 2022
This film is very well done and does a great job of showing us what no one wants you to know. I highly recommend watching this film, especially if you have divorced parents or have parents going through a divorce.
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Groundbreaking Film
seankuhlmeyer27 January 2022
Erasing Family is a groundbreaking film that explores the disastrous effects of parents alienating their children from the other parent after separation/divorce, and it does so by focusing on the people the family-court's always ignore - the children. This insidious form of child abuse and domestic violence of the other parent scars the children and the targeted parent for the rest of their lives. See this film!...
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A great documentary about a family law system that has failed our children
profdavidwang27 January 2022
A very well done documentary that will stimulate conversation. Unfortunately, some lobby groups (lawyers and feminist groups that falsely believe PA is used to justify male child abuse) continue to try to sabotage the ratings of this important film. Watch this and learn about this horrific form of parental child abuse, where one parent tries to remove another parent from a child's life.
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Interesting watch
jodunn-6090126 January 2022
Thank you for producing something that is heart felt and real for so many. This should be seen by all family members it will help to stop people from being able to erase family.
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joanna195627 January 2022
This film affected me deeply. My granddaughter was alienated from my son and our whole side of the family. I wish everyone going through a custody battle could be forced by the judge to watch this!
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