Trigger Warning with Killer Mike (TV Series 2019) Poster

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It Is What It Is: A Very Good Satire
mikstoop27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea what to expect when I started watching this show a few days ago. When I heard Killer Mike on the Joe Rogan Experience, I realized that the show really had some potential to address many issues that are plaguing every western country in the world. And then I started watching....

I think Killer Mike chose some great issues to review; after that, he did what many comic geniuses do: he made fun of them. Not since the Chappelle Show have I seen such a brilliantly written script that plays out perfectly to make people think while also making them laugh at the same time.

For example, there is no doubt that the education system needs to be overhauled. As a high school teacher myself, I believe that we need to educate our kids with life skills if they are not going to college. Since he could only find unemployed adults to use as a focus group, Mike gave his theory on making a way to help people learn better: teaching with porn. It's out there, it's funny, but most importantly, it makes people think. His idea would never work, but at least it is an idea.

When watching this show, don't overthink it. It's not a show that is out to make change. It simply aims to make people laugh while also making them examine the intricacies of our society.
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White British Female with an opinion..
jessicaomura22 January 2019
Killer Mike broke society down a notch with his blunt, dream shattering sense of humour. Twisting each scenario into some real modern day 2019 truths.

I found the series imaginative, hilarious and informative. Which I am not sure how I learnt something whilst simultaneously feeling uncomfortable whilst also feeling amused.

Laughed out loud often, quote worthy moments and addictive topics seeped in controversy. He understands people and I enjoyed watching.
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Laugh-out-loud funny with some strangely moving moments
VoxNZ20 January 2019
Trigger Warning feels like a less extreme, less nihilistic "Who Is America", and doesn't go out of it's way to to make it's participants look like fools, except for Mario goddamn. White Gang Privilege was a highlight, with the idea of The Crips monetizing their brand through selling a soda. Mike has done a show that mixes his serious political views with the satire of Run The Jewels to make a unique, refreshingly humble, comedy. It's not a big budget production, and I can see it getting tighter should there be another series.
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Hear me out
amaniimran17 September 2019
This show was really funny but also really controversial (like killer Mike) and I think that a lot of didn't people didn't like the show because there closed minded and don't like hearing the other side.

I would recommend this show, just take a lot of the saying lightly. But even if you don't agree with killer mike you can't lie this show was funny as hell.

I hope that Netflix dosnt listen to the hate comments and make a season 2 because the show was really well filmed and made. And I also hope they bring back Mario in season 2.
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Awesome show by one of my heroes
cary_howe6 July 2019
If you love Killer Mike like I do this show is for you. Sadly some people don't understand what he's trying to teach but the man is brilliant and amazing at breaking down complex themes into real world terms. I love ya man and I hope there's a season 2. FYI I'm not into rap music, classic rock fan here, I'm a fan of Killer Mike as a human being. If you want to make America great again we need a few hundred million more Killer Mikes. Mike talks common sense and common sense blows away political correctness every time.
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Insightful eyeopening self reflective
mosesredsea22 March 2019
A must see for all generations...a true grass roots film funded to incite thoightful questions about our future as a nation plagued by indentured servitude once at hands of Masters now turned Corporation! Killer Mike is trutjful honest and sincere in his sense of urgency as most know the once sectionized segregated part of most inner cities is now being gentrified! To combate the perpetual never ending cycle of low class indentification solely based on skin tone one must approach as David did advancing upon Goliath! Killer Mike at times comical yet thoroughly points out the magnitude and depth of thought we all need to attack issues and institutions that are outdated and hypocritical to their founding purpose . This movie is the first stone cast to build a Magnificent Bridge which will one day provide passage over troubled waters knowns merely as Usa.
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Mixed at best...
e_b_a18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love Killer Mike. I don't agree with all of his political views but the ways he states his opinions and unapologetically constructs a framework to support them is amazing. His viewpoint is wholly original. I love seeing him interviewed when he catches the interviewer by surprise with how wide-read and unlike their prejudice he is.

I expected the show to reflect that, and there were pieces of it throughout. But at the same time, it felt very much like this was Netflix's cartoon of what Mike is and he just ran with it for the camera time.

He had all these really amazing ideas. I loved some of the execution. But I was left with a real sense of honest dishonesty. What I mean is, while they made no attempts to paint anything fake, and instead spoke directly what they were feeling. But you could totally see so much of the trickery used by editing and other shady tactics in reality TV to try and tell a tale, often bending reality to make that happen. It seems like every episode, they went in with a story to tell, and had to massage things and change stuff to make that story work.

Then there were these sudden train-wrecks that felt like they were supposed to be Earth-shatteringly important revelations throughout but just fell flat, like Mario somehow becoming this unlikely villain in the series.

Every episode went like this: "So there's this thing that white people take as normal. And it hurts black people. So I thought we would do this new, challenging thing that still operates under the same rules as they do, but do it 'black style'. We went to a bunch of people and they said it wouldn't work. We tried it out and it failed. So then we figured out how to do it to better create the goal we were looking for. And it seemed to be going well. Too well! So we had to create some drama somehow. Well, after the drama we created ended dramatically, then we finally road-tested it. Most of the responses were apparently and transparently just awkward and confused. So we had to manufacture some responses that better suited our story. End moral. Roll credits."

But along the way, there is this very honest approach to real problems. And I wish he had done it better. It did leave me with some bigger questions. But instead of, for instance, starting your own religion in response to a white Jesus, why not look into the overall destructive nature of religion and the sheer meaningless vein you tap into Religion throughout. You had to take something meaningless and try to inject your own meaning into it, while operating under the social constraints of what you consider religion to be. You could have been asking why those constraints are there. Why does it all feel devoid of meaning?

A lot of times, the actual answers to these problems kept resurfacing. But, instead of going down the roads that were obvious, Mike keeps plunging headlong down the same cliches he is trying to fight, not to destroy the cliche. He'd rather rebuild that cliche in the likeness of the old one. I saw this with Crip Soda: "Hell's Angels are a gang that has merch and Crips don't have merch so let's get merch for Crips!" instead of "Hell's Angel's have merch! Np gangs should have merch! Let's see about stopping that!" just as an example.
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Killing it Killer Mike
corallee-f20 January 2019
I absolutely loved this 6 episode season. I hope there is more to come. I think that this show hits on some very HUGE topics that just are not being discussed about in the light they should be. This entire show is like a bulldozer smashing stereotypes and trying to create real change of mind. I laughed the entire way through and really thought about some of the concepts at leg nth. Beautiful done.
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Contrived garbage
gilajustin22 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Killer Mike is a bully. Calling Mario a racist just because Mario had differeing opinions. I mean Mario is one opinionated and irritating mf but Killer Mike made a clown out of Mario, humiliated and disgraced him, I really don't know if it was a desperate attempt to keep the show interesting or just plain bullying tactics.

I hope the whole Super group got paid for making a fool of themselves. They were so desperate to work with someone famous I think they sold their souls to the devil.
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Don't sleep on this mad provocative, innovative and new
dylanyo-9324528 July 2019
This isn't simple satire nor some borat prank upon the low hanging fruit that is the general populace of 'Merica. This is Killer Mike sharing a wealth of perspective on hidden subcultures and how they might interact in an imaginary world... ours. No really, it's a fascinating look at just how unique american cultureS are.. and possibilities for communication and overlap. It's very smart, incredibly brave and funny as hell. I don't know how you don't binge all the episodes in one long day.... but I hope that there are more coming.
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Absurdity, Hilarity, and Controversy!!!
chriscarlisle256 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is amazing simply because it is educational and funny! It has some highly absurd and controversial moments and opinions and that is what makes it awesome! The interactions between people is where this show shines, and it really shows how absurd this country can be. Killer Mike actually manages to be a great narrator, teacher, rapper, comedian, and businessman throughout the series. You could learn a lot from watching the series, and even if you don't agree with a lot of what is expressed you will still enjoy and be entertained by most of it. **Spoilers: One of my favorite aspects of the show is how Killer Mike put together a supergroup of completely different people from completely different backgrounds to do a song together! There was a Black Cowboy, a Black Native American Moorish dude, an Albino Black Activist, a Jewish opera looking harp playing Lady, an oversensitive homosexual dude, a quiet satanist punk rock looking dude, a Black feminist lady, and an apparently racist white nationalist dude! It was insanely hilarious! I also loved the Crip-a-Cola and Blood Pop business ventures that were a collaboration between the Crips and Bloods. The Church of Sleep is also something I'd back in real life!
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Possibly my new favorite show of all time
opherlikespie31 January 2019
Prior to this showing up in my Netflix feed, I had no clue who Killer Mike was. So I went into this show with absolutely no preconceived notions of me enjoying it, I didn't go into it with any sort of bias towards or against Mike himself. Now that I've seen the show all the way through twice, I think I'm allowed to say that this show is absolutely hilarious in the way it both presents itself and how Mike goes from real life issues to pure unadulterated satire. Not only does he make 'on the street' satire like Eric Andre, he ACTUALLY goes through with things and sees them through till the end, pushing for something joke-like and actually doing it all the way to the end. It's something that I've never seen done before. Only a 9 out of 10 because I wish the episodes were a touch longer and just a bigger season in general would be nice, the more content the better. Definitely recommend!
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Uneducated brotha trying to act is embarrassing and racist.
lil_beaner26 February 2019
I needed an unbais opinion so i watched 3 episodes. For one the only thing killer mike has for this show to how ignorant most people are about our US history. He does impose some good discussion topics, but in the wrong context. Its funny to watch him try so hard to accomplish something for "blacks" only to find for himself that what he does has no value in helping anyone, even African Americans, and he just makes himself look like a dumba$$. I say read a book first, do some research, and trying to help one race is not the answer. The more people segregate themselves from being different the less we see each other as equals. We are all equally different, im sorry I dont see colors in people unlike Mike. This is not educational or helping anyone, rather a step backwards. This show should get kicked off Netflix and the rest of the shows funds should just go to charity instead. Why does everything have to be about race, what set your in, or what crew your rolling with. Why cant it be about the journey he took to help others embrace his culture and how he felt in past and the present... goes to show you just because you have money doesnt mean your smart... please dont watch this. Sorry mike you cant rap and you are terrible at films.
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Best wake up call for humanity
janvierb28 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is one of the best on Netflix. It goes deep with breaking barriers on a whole different level. This mostly focuses on black community.
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jszeliga-8485228 September 2019
Are you kidding me!?! I will start off by saying I was PREVIOUSLY a big fan of Killer Mike's music, but this is just straight up ignorant. So you go from being segregated and having to buy products from strictly black merchants, to choosing to segregate yourself by choice? Lame af, you're just pushing yourself right back into the same cycle by perpetuating your own demise. Don't think for a second you're doing anyone any favors, or building up the black community by pushing this bs. You're just once again separating YOURSELF! I honestly am in awe at the ignorance this shows about who you really are. Couldn't even make it past the first three minutes, just a waste of mind space. We are all ONE! But as soon as your seperate yourself you just become apart of the problem. You're no better than the people who you think you're trying to destroy. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense... I'm sad to say you just lost a fan and it didn't take very long you goon
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This show makes you think a lot
mavinizhon23 January 2019
This is pro black show, so you need to watch this with a open mind. But the show helps shine light on deeper topics.
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A recomended watch
jaye7220 January 2019
Never heard of Killer Mike, will look out for more of his stuff.. Edutainment and real fun to watch, binged the lot in one evening..
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Best tv series in recent years
bronsonbm-0088025 January 2019
If you don't rate this series a 10 it's because you've been triggered. Period
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A Moron Recorded
wivavog13 September 2019
Just an absolute idiot lol. Foolish people like this are ruining the world. Doesnt understand 90% of what he says. Yet trys to come off super deep and intelligent. right........ just like his music this show sucks , an makes anyone associated look like an idiot as well. Its That potent lol. I recommend anything else.
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hilarious what we need right now kind of show
fractalsandnuts22 June 2020
It's the BLACK "Nathan for you", I was in tears laughing and learning at the same time. Well done Killer Mike and crew.
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Crip-a-Cola? or Blood Pop?
Kane_Beasty28 July 2020
This show was just awesome! mike's creative ideas for each episode were vast and he gives you a look into the reality of the world we live in. would recommend this to everyone to watch!
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