"Arrow" Welcome to Hong Kong (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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"I Need My Family To Live" (8x02)
Sam_Ash_7623 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode dealt with a lot of the emotional fallout that came with the end of the season premiere. There was a ton of stuff to love this week, from the fantastic performance of Katie Cassidy to the awesome action sequences towards the end of the episode.

It isn't flawless, the episode has some issues when it comes to the flash forwards... which are still the worst part of "Arrow" Season 8, they were also the worst part of season 7. The flash forwards interrupt very important moments during this episode for a story line that I and many other viewers have absolutely no interest in. I understand that they're setting the stage for the spin off... however, regular CW seasons are 23 episodes long, I'm very sure that they would've had the time to just develop the characters and story lines when the show actually begins.

With that core negative out of the way, I really enjoyed the present sections of this episode. I've always been someone who liked Season 3, one of the less popular seasons of the show and all the callbacks with the virus and Tatsu were done flawlessly. The fight choreography of this episode was a standout too, it had quite a few great sequences between Oliver and the people he was fighting.

The twist at the end with Lyla and the monitor was something that I was kind of expecting, given that some news spread a couple of weeks back about her becoming Harbinger. It was still a great scene though.

Season 8 continues to impress with an episode that deals with a lot of emotional fallout. I'm really looking forward to Thea coming back next week, I've missed her character.

  • Good Hong Kong Story line.
  • Excellent Set Up For Crisis with Harbinger.
  • Awesome Oliver Moments With The Monitor.
  • Great fight choreography.
  • "I Need My Family To Live" moment was a standout.

  • The flash forwards genuinely feel so intrusive upon the main story line, it makes me angry sometimes when they interrupt some really good scenes. Roy Harper is no longer in them meaning that, for me at least, there is absolutely zero reason to be invested or even pay attention.

Score: 9/10
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markq-7565430 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode took us back to Hong Kong and brought back Katana. It was over all a good episode, good fights and it was cool seeing Katana again. We also had great scene by Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy and how the destruction of earth two effected them. Laurel felt alone, knowing her home, family and friends were gone. As for Oliver he feels guilty letting all the people die. It also hurt him to see Tommy and his mother did again.

The end credit scene was good though, Lyla knowing of the monitor and his doings is cool. It'll also be interesting to see how Diggle and the rest take to Lyla knowing I'd Monitor.
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Honor the Dead by Fighting For the Living
ThomasDrufke24 October 2019
There's a refreshing sense of urgency with this season that has been missing over the last few years. Most likely due to the limited 10 episode arc, but it's still worth noting how much more fluid this seasons story seems to be. They have eliminated the extra character arcs and kept it to Oliver and The Monitor, hopefully that continues.

Fantastic acting by Stephen Amell has also helped anchor this year so far. Whether it be his few scenes with Susanna Thompson and John Barrowman last week or his emotional scene with Tatsu in this episode, you can tell hes putting everything he's got into the show this year.

Dare I say the flash forwards weren't terrible this week? At the very least they presented a cohesive arc involving JJ and Connor. I'll be the first to say I can't remember a single thing about the future story last year, and I can recognize the promise of their dynamic and what it could mean for the rest of the season. Will it ultimately change my mind? No shot. But I wasn't completely tuning out this week.

I won't begin to understand what that Lyla twist may mean for The Monitor arc in general, but that's not exactly the type of turn I was hoping for. I don't feel like ARGUS/Lyla need to be a huge part of season 8, as there's so much else to wrap up. However I'm open to it, and going back to Nanda Parbat is an interesting development for next week.

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nph19-195-81228923 October 2019
I expected this season to start off with a bang, but I never expected it to start like this. This is Arrow back to the basics with twists and turns at every corner. It's just building and building the momentum for Crisis on Infinite Earths.
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Holy Crap!!!
acorbo-4058023 October 2019
This episode was insane! The Hong Kong setting was awesome and the return of Katana was great. Also that surprise villain totally caught me off guard and was an awesome treat! The only flaw with the show is the flash forwards, which the show would be better without, but everything else was fantastic. Also Katana should totally be in the female spin-off!!! Overall this episode was amazing!
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iamrupaidutta23 October 2019
So far The Final Season of Arrow is something else... Episode 1 is the love letter for all the Arrow lovers and beautiful portrayal of Season 1.. Welcome to Hongkong is the Tribute of Season 3..This episodes bring back us down to the memory lane...Thanks to the Writers for such episodes and bring back nostalgia for the True Arrow Lovers..
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Another masterpiece of season 8
vishwajeet-0655823 October 2019
Great episode , again nostalgia in every moment. This season is going break all the records. Entry of tatsu was awesome ,oliver being badass again is so good to watch. Laurel now writers are showing respect to her character. Want to rate 15/10 if possible
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A homage to season 3!
RahulM00723 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode fittingly titled "Welcome to Hong Kong" is amazingly choreographed and the acting from both Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy is top notch. The second episode of the eighth season payed tribute to the season 3 flashbacks unlike the season 8 premiere which payed tribute to season 1.

I loved every moment of the episode. From the various amazing fight sequences to the heart to heart talks in both the present and the future. The conversation Connor had with his adoptive brother J.J delved more in their strained relationship and how that came to be.

The returns of Tatsu aka Katana and China White was brilliant and fit in the episode perfectly. The heart to heart talk Oliver had with Tatsu was incredibly emotional.

The episode had several amazing fight scenes, but one that stands out is the elevator scene. This scene so much reminded me of season 1 episode 21 where Oliver saves Walter Steele from the clutches of Malcolm Merlyn.

Mia and William's brother-sister relationship has grown quite a bit since last season. Mia is protective of her brother and cares about him deeply. This was particularly evident in this episode. Mia is worried that something will happen to William. It is quite sweet how Mia says William in the final moments of the flash forwards.

The end reveal showed Lyla Michaels working with the Monitor. This raises some questions. How long has she been working with the Monitor? I guess Lyla Michaels is officially the Harbinger of the Arrowverse.

The absence of both Renee and Dinah was noticeable in this episode. Hopefully they will appear in next week's episode. It was great how the writers and producers integrated Renee and Dinah into the season 8 premiere.

So far, we have not seen present day Star City yet. Perhaps, episode 4 will primarily take place in Star City. Next week's episode will be set in Nanda Parbat which will see the return of Thea Queen. I am extremely stoked to see her return.
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Next on the Nostalgia List: Hong Kong
highmarksreviews23 October 2019
Arrow clearly established in its premiere that the nostalgia-driven storylines merged with Crisis on Infinite Earths progression can make for winning results. "Welcome to Hong Kong" further reinforces that statement by piling on more action and drama as it returned to a pivotal season three conflict.

I approached this episode with slight trepidation though. Season three's flashbacks were some of the more forgettable and bland elements of the show in general. Inevitably, some recycled plot points from that era didn't translate flawlessly here, but thankfully there were more compelling character interplays that helped smooth those areas over.

Katie Cassidy's Earth-2 Laurel had what I consider to be one of her strongest outings yet. Seasons six and seven never managed to bring her the convincing redemption storyline she needed so desperately. With the destruction of her universe, the seeds have finally been sown for that to happen. Cassidy's acting was on-point. Fierce, desperate and ultimately sad with just enough hope left to fight another day for what is right.

Stephen Amell also delivered another fine performance. Oliver is now burdened by the loss of an Earth and his "family" over there. His distrust of The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) only makes sense, but is justified by the core reason he fights so hard to get what the cosmic god wants. His family.

The episode was also brimming with callbacks to season three, including the return of a critical plot device and not one, but two classic characters making one last appearance. One of them was of course Rila Fukushima's Katana. Though her role relatively minor, she helped bring out the emotional notes the episode needed to hit.

As far as action goes, "Welcome to Hong Kong" continues the insanely fast-paced, brutal set pieces that "Starling City" put together. The fights still feel fresh and visceral, with Antonio Negret (a director with a particularly good action resume) capably and stylishly tracking each punch and kick, with some subtle choreography and location nods to past Hong Kong fisticuffs.

One major weakness were the flash-forwards. Charlie Barnett's JJ and Joseph David-Jones's Connor Hawke had their rather compelling brother moment, but nothing else that happened in the future mattered in any major way. No action, no serious plot progression or team building. Arrow has struggled with this story arc since the mid-point of season seven and it needs to find a concrete purpose for future Team Arrow.

"Welcome to Hong Kong" is a superb sophomore chapter in Arrow's final run. While it's return to an uninteresting point in the show's history may warrant skepticism, the emotional weight of the premiere and the looming Crisis carries the episode through without a hitch, with top-notch performances from the main cast. The return of familiar faces and cool action scenes bolster it further, but the show needs to fix these flash-forwards. And they better do it quickly.
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Not very well written
pintaxandre7 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have no problem with the show using nostalgia for its final season, but not when there is a plot hole every 30 seconds. The rhythm is insane and almost everything is rushed. Diggle is here for no purpose except plot facilities and being a henchman as usual. By the end of the episode, the overall plot of this season has very little evolved. Stop relying on nostalgia and make a good story for a change. That's why the first seasons were good, not because Katana and China White are in the episode. I hope it gets more consistent in the next episodes because a whole season of episodes just like this one will be painful.
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Doing the Final Season Right
Anonnamus5 February 2020
After that epic season premiere, it was a tough act to follow. Welcome to Hong Kong continues its blast from the past journey by bringing back old friends and old weapons. For the most part, the episode was mostly enjoyable and it was wonderful seeing old familiar faces. My only complaint is the flash-forwards. Arrow: The New Class is not a show I care to watch, and I resent being taken away from present day action to be forced to follow whatever drama the children are facing. It was bearable when Roy, Rene, and Dinah were there, but they apparently retired to Boca Raton or something. It almost makes me root for the Crisis to end badly, only to prevent any chance of having to see them again. Arrow is kicking the crap out of its final season with its fine balance of excitement and nostalgia, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
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Fun action but forgettable story.
cruise0126 October 2019
3 out of 5 stars.

The episode continues with Oliver and John getting prepared for whats coming. Which they revisit old enemies for help. It delivers on the fight sequences and action but story is dull and forgettable. Laurel is struggling on what happened to Earth 2. Which a greater threat is upon them.
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Didn't like at all.
jeffreycrippen-2844627 October 2019
I totally disagree with most of the reviews. Hated this ep. No story and totally wasted the hour. At least no felicity which is best part of this season
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Great episode!!
jamiulsoldier27 October 2019
This episode was great. Laurel as the Black Canary is awesome, writers are now showing proper respect to her character. Harbinger is here! Great story, action... everything is great!!
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Arrow continues to deliver a great episode in its final season, giving us nostalgia but keeps it fresh
Holt34424 October 2019
We continue where we left off, instead off being on Earth-2 we begin in Hong Kong where we once followed through flashbacks in season 3 and there is a lot of throwbacks and references. There is a lot of character development from the end of the first episode which resulted in the destruction of Earth-2 so we get to see Laurel go through with that and Katie Cassidy actually delivers a good and believable performance. The writing of the episode is solid, pretty good in terms of dialogue and world building. The fight choreography is stunning to look at, quality entertainment. Camera work and cinematography is on point, good work to the crew!

Rila Fukushima as Tatsu and the well known Katana is something I loved, she's perfect for the role and seeing her return in the final season was a good sight. The relationship and friendship that Tatsu and Oliver share is amazing, I love seeing them act together it's a pleasant sight. Something I've been thinking about as I watched the episode was that how much nostalgia there is from the characters and having not as huge ensemble of characters, in my mind it makes for better character arcs as there is more screen time for the first few heroes and it's the duo of Oliver and John. Seeing them teamed up just them is something that you should enjoy every minute of as their chemistry as friends IC and OOC is just excellent and exciting to watch and experience. This was again a great episode, I'm loving the pace of the episodes how they do one episode for one story arc with it all being in one huge epic arc, I can't wait for next episode where a familiar character comes back.
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Title says it all
ninjaboyballer24 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season of Arrow is off to a wild trip down memory lane. It's also very fast paced and gets going quickly. I really liked the appearances of Katana and China White. The performances by Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy were also really solid. The flash-forwards were also better then last episode with some decent performances. The action is also really good with some really good camera work on the fight between China White and Katana. Plus what is going on at the end with the monitor and Lyla? Can't wait for next weeks episode!

Final rating: 9.2/10
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pretty good
markus_sm23 October 2019
Overall i think arrow (and the flash, legends, supergirl, the gifted and others) is kind of cringy and cheap, but this episode is one of the better ones. camera work was cool, writing was ok, only 2/10 cringe factor, and it was a nice tribute to season 3.

9/10 for a 6/10 show
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verdict is flashforwards are like a commercial break.
ThunderKing621 July 2020
The only positive about the Flashforwards is the interaction between Diggles sons. Other than that since season 4 I haven;'t cared much for these flash scenes.

A tiny step down from ep 1. Still, a good episode with tons of cool drama.

Nevertheless, The verdict is a good episode.
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A nice episode...
keerthankrupanandam23 October 2019
It was a nice episode overall... But I think I am gonna cry after a long time at the end of this season... This series is so much emotionally attached to me... And I love it.... Can't wait for the crisis
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Ya that virus
himanibhatia-8089514 December 2019
The writers, the directors, the whole crew ihas done a marvelous work. This couldn't get any better. Thanks to this season we are experiencing the whole show again. It's heading towards a great direction. One thing that got my attention was the son of bronze tiger is not all fighting but a genuine characterized person who gets his way through talking too.
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brendan-083529 November 2019
I used to love this show but I have to say I'm pleased this is the final season as the first two episodes have been rubbish. Just ridiculous plot and storylines, just totally pointless, maybe it should have finished last year
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Brilliant start
tmccheyne28 March 2020
Wish they didn't do the flash forwards...ruins it..confuses...keep with the Arrow.
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