
41 Reviews
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Wonka (2023)
It caught me by surprise
12 March 2024
I admit that I don't care or modern musicals, especially in cartoons. I watched Wonka streaming on Max with the sound turned off and with subtitles. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it and found it very charming and reminiscent of old fairy tales. The acting was very good. Timothy Chalamet was so endearing that I made me rewatch Dune. Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa? Whose idea was that but it worked. I scored it an 8 because it's a Musical. Sorry. I was never a big fan of Wonka #1 and found Wonka rather mean. The remake with Johnny Depp was not much better. I think I liked this one more because there's a certain pathos to the story.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Absolutely perfect
13 May 2023
I've watched this over 3 times and I am never bored. I keep learning about how terrific Seals are. I keep bookmarking the la la la scene where I can hear the Little Darling song play. Direction is so good. It's obvious that a real Seal wrote this because Pratt tells the journalist not to sign in Whatsapp because it's compromised. It is since Facebook took it over. I ended up reading all the other 4 books and ordered the latest. Hope this series continues. Number5 is a real warning to anybody using the computer. The government knows everything to type on a keyboard. Jack Carr is the real deal. Perfect.
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Father Stu (2022)
20 September 2022
This was not the movie I expected to see. I Thought it was about a priest who once was in a motorcycle gang and became converted. I had never heard of Father Stu band certainly didn't expect to have tears running down my cheek in the end. Moviw is very moving and for the first time showed respect for my religion. Father Stu Long is like the priests I have none in my life faithful and unlike what the mainstream media portrays them.

Walberg deserves an Oscar but let's be real. Hollywood would never promote a movie that mentions God in a good light. I was shocled to learn that he didn't have fake body makeup but gained 30 lbs to make this movie. Great film.
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The Batman (2022)
So disappointing
19 April 2022
Glad I didn't pay to see this movie as I caught it streaming on HBO Max. I wasn't bothered by the violence in the beginning but as the film progressed it made little sense. The most glaring mistake was Pattinson as Bruce Wayne. Ok when he was Batman but why would a billionaire have greasy long hair covering his face. Made him look like a derelict. The overlong movie had a ridiculous ending and it's obvious they're planning a sequel with two villians. Gonna skip it next time. Can't understand why my friends loved it/
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Reacher (2022– )
Thorughly enjoyable
4 February 2022
As a great fan of all Reacher novels, I rate this series a 10. Although in books, Reacher is 6'5, the actor is 6'2 but the camera work is cleverly done to sustain that image. I loved the storythat kept close to the original book, The Killing Floor. Flashbacks were well done and the casting of characters were perfect. I can't wait for season 2. 3. 4 and .....
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
Fell in love with one of the characters
16 January 2021
Just finished the second season and while this is a pretty hokey series, it's interesting enough to keep watching. I became enchanted with little Dorothy, the monkey face daughter of Niles. As a grandmother of six girls, I just thought her adorable and wanted to comfort her when she was upset. Its easy to understand why her father loves her so.
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River (2015)
River and Stellan rocks
10 December 2015
It took me the first ten minutes to love this series. Can't boost it more than that. I don't know when that song, 'I love to love' came out. I can't get it out of my head and have added it to my Amazon Prime library. I play it constantly on You Tube. The cast is full of great actors. The editing and direction moves the action right along. I watched all six episodes but I don't see how they can be a series 2 because this completed the story. Nicola Walker will always be Stevie to me. Before that I knew her as Ruth on MI-5. Great actress. This should have been nominated for a Golden Globe award. For those who think this is like the 6th Sense, "I see Dead People", it's not. What River sees are not dead people but figments of his imagination and it is him who puts the words in their mouths. Very intriguing script.
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Will make you appreciate America but much, much more
24 September 2014
What I found most interesting about this movie was learning Obama's background. Not much has ever been written about his father. Even though it is unlikely that he wrote his'Dreams' memoir, he actually believes in his father's agenda. This film explains finally why Obama does what he does. Why he sympathizers with rebels. Why to him, America is an imperialist country and must be brought down to 3rd world status. He has succeeded beyond everybody's expectation. America is a great country with very stupid and naive voters. If only the media had done the vetting that D-Souza did. we would be spared. I recommend this be taught in all public schools. Unfortunately, the academic world is filled with Marxists who hate this country as well as Michelle Obama.
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Tombstone (1993)
This movie proves Oscars are a joke
27 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a connoisseur of westerns but whenever this is on TV, I end up watching it again and again. It is the very best western I've ever seen. Val Kilmer is the real star of the film. He was not nominated for a Best Supporting Oscar. Neither was the movie nominated. Martin Landau was just OK in Ed Wood. Val Kilmer's every line in the movie is memorable and quotable." I'm your huckleberry." "Why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave." " My hypocrisy knows no bound and so much more." His death scene brings tears to my eyes and is real acting. The Oscars no longer care about talent only marketing. I no longer pay attention to them anymore.
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Movie may be great but is complete fiction
2 September 2012
We should know by now not to learn history from film and the truth is far more interesting. Number one, the battle took place during the War of 1812 and Aubrey is fighting the Americans. I mean can you imagine the French having such a superb ship, a technological wonder? No the super ship was actually the U.S.S. Constitution-Old Ironside. So why was the date and the enemy changed? Director Weir said that the producers worried that the American audience would feel funny about rooting for the British. Since the Americans were funding the movie, the French became the bad guy. It's interesting that Old Ironsides is still in great shape and is in Boston. By the way the reason the ship was so hard to sink is that it was made by live oak only found in the Americas.
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A First. A Sympathetic Republican
15 February 2010
This is the first time Hollywood has ever presented such a compassionate, sympathetic portrayal of a Southern Christian who also happens to be a card carrying NRA member. I was blown away by Bullock's performance. I'm not a big fan of Bullock but she was absolutely great in this role. I had heard a lot of praise about this movie but felt it would be over dramatic. It wasn't. The acting was superb and if I didn't know that this was a very true story I would think that someone made it up out of a Sweet and Low. there was an unnecessary dig at Pres. Bush at a government agency. That's not surprising. After all this is Hollywood made. As long as it didn't come from Bullock's mouth it was believable. Civil servants are always Democrats.
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Another Hollywood Hogwash Remake
17 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Am I the only one sick and tired of politically correct propaganda movies that exploit classic films to get an audience? I would never had wasted time watching this movie if I had known that the screenplay was ghostwritten by Al Gore. The original film starring Michael Rennie was made during the Cold War when we were all frightened of nuclear proliferation. At least that was a real fear. This horrific remake has alien civilizations ready to destroy all humans because we are destroying the planet. The only way we'll be destroyed is if we go back to being cave dwellers. Electricity is bad people. Even electric cars are a no-no.Yeah right! What arrogance to think that the human race can destroy a planet billions of years old because a lamebrain non scientist like Al Bore said the planet is heating up. Listen folks, he made a fortune selling carbon credits to morons. Hollywood is full of hypocritical morons who ride around in Helicopters and jets but we're supposed to save energy.I just wish they'd stop making bad movies like this.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Very Important American film
3 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew Eastwood could act? But more than that the script is excellent Walt Kowalski is a dying breed, a Korean War vet who grew up in a politically incorrect era. His type is dying out and we may all be the worse for it. The best line of the film is when the young Sue thanks him for being good to her brother and compares him to her traditional father. When Walt tells her that he's traditional too, she says, " But you're an American." 'Being an American is unique. We have the freedom to speak freely whether we hurt feelings or not. That kind of language mutes hate and becomes bantering. Political correctness and multiculturalism is destroying what made this country great. Bigotry and prejudice will be eliminated by exposure not legislation or sensitivity training which just makes it go underground. Basically Kowalski is still a good man, not perfect, but good and decent. I loved this movie and will own it when it comes out on DVD. bet it makes more than MILK.
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The Tracker (2002)
Slow but Unforgettable
12 June 2008
This was a DVD rental that took me completely by surprise. The story of three Australians using an aborigine tracker to hunt for a aborigine man wanted for raping and killing a woman unwinds slowly as they cross the wilderness. Untimately it's about racism and the head soldier is a racist who treats the tracker like he's not human. He kills innocent natives after questioning them about the fugitive's whereabouts. It's the tracker's performance, however,that steals the film. I recognized him from the movie Walkabout when he was just a boy. Now he's a man in his fifties, playing the fool in the film but grinning knowingly at the events that challenge the hunt. Fortunately, not all the white men are portrayed as evil. I found myself thinking about this film days later. Truly remarkable film-making.
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Bella (2006)
Oh, Please
10 November 2007
This is not an Oscar movie. Movies like this don't win Oscars. There's no naked Gwenth Palthrow or foul mouthed Julia Roberts. There's no nudity, period. Yes, it is heart warming and demonstrates good family and moral values. It also has a very positive insight into Hispanic families which is quite sweet. While it starts out slow and you know what's going to happen, the unique direction showing the future before it occurs can be somewhat disconcerting but when you finally learn who Bella is, you can't help but get a lump in your throat. But those who think there's hope for Hollywood are naive. This is an independent film from a new production company called Metanoia whose mission is to produce good family features. I wish them luck But since they couldn't even get a distributor for Bella only word of mouth will help. I wish them well
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
7 September 2007
First of all, I am not a huge fan of westerns but this movie was absolutely captivating because of the sheer power of good acting. I think that Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are two of the finest actors today. Bale steals the movie but credit must be given to the direction which includes closeups of the actors. Great story based on Elmore Leonard short story. Good writing is the key to good movies and it is so seldom seen today. I can't imagine how Glenn Ford played the Crowe character in the original so I'll have to rent it. Right now I view this as the best movie of the year so far. I recommend it highly and hope that it signals a return of good writing to the cinema.
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Shooter (I) (2007)
Disappointing version of a great book
29 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What a shame Stephen Hunter didn't write the screenplay because it certainly would not have ended in such a typically Hollywood way. The original hero was a Vietnam veteran sniper. Natually, Hollywood had to include a Senator spouting nonsense about the Iraq War being all about oil and that the government always lies because money rules the world, blah, blah, blah. Hunter's Bob Swagger is a true hero who only killed people trying to kill him. The ending of the Shooter just makes Swagger look like a killer. The best book of the series if one called Black Light. It's fantastic but I'd rather never see it get made if they're going to destroy the character.
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The Departed (2006)
I was never a Leo fan but...
3 November 2006
...I came away from The Departed with the firm conviction that he should win the Academy award. His Character Costigan is so memorable, poignant, tough, smart and tragic. By all means, all the acting is great. Kudos to Wahlberg, Sheen and Damon. Jack Nicholson is over the top but so what. The film is full of tension yet it's not the kind that makes you nervous but rather it's the type that is thrilling and exciting. There are not many films made today that I can sit through twice but I'd sit through this one again and again just to watch Leo deCaprio act. I'm looking forward to his Blood Money film for the same reason.
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Last Holiday (2006)
Predictable but who cares?
30 May 2006
I actually ended up watching the DVD of this movies 3 times and I smiled throughout the film and laughed each time. So far everyone who watched it with me also came away thoroughly enjoying this movie. And what a surprise Queen Latifah was. She's a very talented actress. Her Character was sweet, charming and strong. The acting was uniformly good. These are the kind of positive role models that are missing from black films. LL Cool J was also a surprise although not as skilled an actor. It was also very interesting to see a place I had never heard of and to discover that the Grand Hotel Pupp really exists.I'll bet the jet set will end up going to the Czech Republic now
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White Voices (1964)
I thought this was a comedy
23 April 2006
I can't quite get the previous reviewer because when I saw this movie in the Apollo theater on 42nd Street,back in the '60's, it was billed as a comedy. It was a hilarious sex romp. The hero who pretended to be a castrati would romp with the wives of the senators who thought their mates were safe with him. It was a typical Italian comedy with some sad overtones and an unhappy ending but still enjoyable. Oddly enough, my husband saw it in Okinawa when he was serving there. He is the only other person I know who saw this movie. He, too, found it hilarious. I wish they would put this and other Italian classics like Made in Italy on DVD.
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The Lightship (1985)
Are you kidding?
7 November 2005
This has the absolute worst performance from Robert Duval who sounds just like William Buckley throughout the entire film. His hammy melodramatic acting takes away from any dramatic interest. I'm not sure if this was deliberate scene stealing or inadvertent but it's the only thing I can recall from a truly forgettable film. This picture should be shown in every amateur acting class of an example of what not to do. Thank God, Duvall went on to bigger and better things and stopped trying to effect a cultured accent. He is a good character actor but that's about it. Klaus is so much better. His performance is muted and noteworthy.
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Hollywood fiction at its most liberal
7 October 2005
For some strange reason, Hollywood seems to have created the illusion that that dreaded blacklist was the fault of a drunken Republican Senator, Joe Mccarthy. It would be nice if just once, the truth was out there for all to see. The blacklist was initiated by the studios who were cowards and could have stood up to the government. Good night, and Good Luck is well done but a fraud. I remember watching Ed Murrow in the '50's. He was boring. As for the HUAAC, he never addressed the underlying issues of communist spies in Hollywood which turned out to be true. Those writers and actors were pawns of the Stalinists because there are very few bright bulbs in la-la land. So far I've read only one decent review of the film.That's by James Bowman of the NY Sun.
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Word of Honor (2003 TV Movie)
Amazing Don Johnson performance
7 August 2005
I had never heard of this movie but I'm a great fan of DeMille. I was totally blown away by Johnson's performance. He's way more believable than Sean Penn who always overacts. Johnson's performance is subtle even when he breaks down at the end. Great Great great. There's a great line in the film about the media being a giant conglomerate only interested in exploiting human tragedy for big bucks but calling it a search for truth.(Funny how apt this is with the NY Times looking into the adoption of Judge Roberts' kids) If this had been a feature film, I'm sure Johnson would have been nominated for an Oscar.The rest of the cast was so so but it doesn't make any difference. When Johnson is on the screen, the film is riveting. I also thought it was great that his son played him in the flashback scenes.
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Sean Penn is miscast So is UN
18 April 2005
Sorry, I have to disagree with the other reviewers but I found Penn's acting a distraction. He shows grief by keeping his eyes at half-mast. His performance is very poorly done. Kidman is very good and the story while predictable is interesting. Kidman needed a stronger leading man. Kevin Costner would have been a better choice.The UN setting is of great interest particularly when it's so much in the news but I have to disagree that it makes the UN look good. It is a totally useless organization that shys away from the word genocide so that it won't be forced to intervene to save lives. Maboto, may be the fictional country in the movie but Rwanda, the Sudan and Zimbabwe are not. The UN has nice headquarters in NY but it should get out of town.
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The Village (2004)
Bad Marketing
30 July 2004
This movie is not at all what it is being marketed. It is not a horror film. It is not very scary at all but it does have

moments of suspense. It is very clever and one that will keep you thinking about long after

you leave the theater. Though not as good as the Sixth Sense, it's better than Signs.

Even the complaints I had about the stilted acting and slow

direction is explained away by the plot. I thought it was a very, very clever love story.. I recommend it but people should keep an open mind.
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