
14 Reviews
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Not great or even necessary, but still pretty good
17 November 1999
I realise that many people don't like this film. It is probably due to them comparing it to the other two. This isn't really fair since the first two are two of the greatest movies in history. Taken by itself it really isn't that bad. I was glad to see how the Corleone family would continue after Michael died. And I also think the final shot of Michael on the chair was a very powerful shot. I saw Michael's life flash before my eyes at that moment.
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Gummo (1997)
Something about it...
30 October 1999
While I'm not about to call this a masterpeice and rank it up there with Star Wars or The Godfather, this was a thoroughly enjoyable film. I wasn't expecting much, and some scenes were long and boring, but I don't regret watching it. It seems the main purpose of the film was to show nothing but trashy people doing trashy things. It's scary because there are people who really live like this. It was disturbing and kind of enlightening at the same time. Also, the scene where the kids shoot the "bunny" is absolutely hilarious.
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Beautiful, entertaining, and wonderful
30 October 1999
This has been one of my favorite movies for longer than I can remember. The film is beautifully shot, the relationship between Nathaniel and Cora is deep and beleivable. Wes Studi is great as the vengeful Magua, and should have been nominated for an Oscar for his performance. Also, this movie has one of the most fast paced, heartbreaking, and just plain great endings in movie history. If you haven't seen this, you should go out right now and get it. You won't be disappointed.
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The Searchers (1956)
Simply the greatest western ever
30 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
After being disappointed by John Ford's "Stagecoach" I wasn't really expecting much from this film. I didn't think John Wayne could act to save his life, but now I have a new found respect for him. His change in character was simply facinating from him wanting to save his neice to (spoilers ahead) wanting her dead after learning she's slept with her captor. It was interest you to know that this was not nominated for any Academy Awards. Injustice, to say the least.
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High Noon (1952)
I was expecting more
30 October 1999
It's not that this was a particularly bad film, it's just that after all the good things I heard about it, I was expecting to be blown away. I guess thats a problem with a lot of people though. Movies are rarely as good as the hype. Still, it felt like it was dragged on just for the sake of having the film take place in real time. Gary Cooper's performance is great though, and Grace Kelly has never looked better.
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Shane (1953)
I loved this movie
26 September 1999
Yes this movie is simplistic. Yes the acting is not all that great. But there was still something that drew me into this film. I grew up in the woods and so I guess what I loved about Shane was the setting of the movie. Absolutely beautiful. Throughout the whole movie I could not stop thinking about how much I would like to live there. I think it is George Steven's second best work (the best being Giant).
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Incredible movie experience
26 September 1999
While I don't think that anyone can name the absolute greatest film ever made, this is definately in the top 3 (The Godfather is my personal favorite). Welles never wasted a shot. Every performance, camera angle, editing, everything is perfect. It really makes someone wonder how Welles did not win the "Best Director" oscar in 1941. Directors today can only wish to achieve what Welles did. Truly a magnificent study in greed and corruption that no one should miss.
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Avoid at all costs
26 September 1999
Let me start by saying that Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn are 2 of my favorite performers. Therefore I figured that since they were together in this film that it should be an incredible movie. That was a mistake I hope I never repeat. First, it was appaling to see someone as intelligent and talented as Katherine Hepburn playing an airhead that NEVER SHUTS UP!!!! Cary Grant's performance was ok as far as the acting is concerned, but all his lines are lame and I thaught his character was almost as annoying as Katherine Hepburn's. Could have been much better. Especially if it was never made. The Shawshank Redemption, Spartacus, or Terminator 2 were much more deserving of a spot on the AFI's top 100 list than this dud.
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Can I have my 2 hours back please?
16 September 1999
I am horrified at all the positive reviews I am reading about this movie. I practically had to have people pin me down and hold my eyes open in order to finish watching this boring crap. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen, the lines are soooooo stupid, and the characters are not interesting. I found it hilarious that the blonde girl (I've forgotten every characters name. oh well) who was supposedly so set in her "not until I'm married" ideals, gives up her virginity as soon as someone tells her that she loves him. I guess it doesnt matter since her character was never built up anyway. Don't waste your time on this one. Oh, and don't be fooled. The ending is not emotional or anything either.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Top o' the list
16 September 1999
I can't believe people told me this was a horrible movie. I spent quite some time avoiding it because of the negative feedback. Now that I've finally seen it, all I can say is WOW! This was a truly great movie. Great acting, great dialogue, and it is not as violent as some people make it out to be. Definitely a must see.
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The Shining (1980)
Only above average
16 September 1999
I felt that I should comment on this film because I did not think it was all that great, while other reviewers seem to think it's the greatest and scariest movie ever made. Now don't get me wrong. I thought it was an ok movie and definitely worth a rental. However the film seems very amature. Kubrick does not build the story up very well before Jack starts going nuts. Also the film editing seemed half asked. I also did not find this to be a very scary film. Kubrick was definitely a skilled science fiction director, but horror does not seem to be his forte'. 6/10
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15 September 1999
I drove 45 minutes to the nearest theatre to my house opening night only to find the movie was sold out. I thaught that this movie MUST be good. I finally got in the second night (only because I got my ticket eary in the day). My friend and I joked about how we could sell the tickets for quite a profit to people who could not get in. I wish I would have. My heart did not race for one second throughout the entire movie. There were piles of rocks, sounds of sticks breaking, and some stick figures hanging from trees. The only time I was even remotely scared is when my gobstopper supply was running low. The rest of the time I was just pinching myself trying to stay awake during the 45 minutes of the three characters yelling at each other. I'd recommend saving your money and time rather than see this.
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The Godfather (1972)
2 September 1999
I have seen many many movies and this is simply one of the best. My 2nd favorite film of all time. If you havent seen this film, get up and go to your local blockbuster. Forget that, just go buy it since you'll want to view it many many times. Be sure to get The Godfather Part II while you're there.
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A masterpiece
2 September 1999
I've always been a fan of thought provoking movies. Needless to say I am a big fan of Kubrick's Clockwork Orange. It is a terrifying piece that seems all too real. I would not recommend it for the kids, but if you're looking for deep, thought provoking drama, this is it.
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