
14 Reviews
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Pardon Us (1931)
not one of their finest moments
16 March 2006
Stan & Ollie's "Pardon Us" is not one of their most memorable films, and not one of their funniest. Stan and Ollie are send to jail for selling beer, they later escape but are recaptured. The plot seems pretty thick compared to comedy films of that day, and there seems to be less attention paid among the scriptwriters on jokes and funny moments. The running gag through the movie is Stan's loose tooth, which makes him sound like he insults everyone. It's not very funny, and gets extremely repetitive and thus predictable. And if you look past that joke, then there isn't much left to laugh about about.

And that is pretty much the problem. Not once during the movie did I laugh. Just a halfway grin on occasion. So it remains just a little film, that you watch, and then forget. There are of course a few half funny moments, Stan trying to get comfortable to sleep in his and Ollie's bed at the prison. The scene at the dentist, the scene at the prison school (with Finlayson, who makes his usual - but still great - mimics) and the ending of the film are all OK moments, but not that much more. There's an extremely huge amount of singing in the movie. Singing at the prison, and while Stan and Ollie escapes, they hide as black workers on a cotton farm, leading to classic "negro-spirituals" and similar. It's not bad at all, but it drags on a bit too much.

So all in all, too much regular movie'ish plot, and too little solid comedy. It's not a bad film at all, but far from being a Stan 6 Ollie classic.

A few years later, the boys would make "Sons Of The Desert", a master example on a classic Stan & Ollie movie. And it success "Pardon Us" in every way possible.
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The Big Noise (1944)
not a classic, but not too bad either
22 September 2005
When I saw this movie the first time, I was greatly disappointed, and thought that the boys really had lost it. But after watching it again, I realised this view was a bit unjustified.

The movie is about Laurel and Hardy taking a job at a private home as detectives, to protect a bomb (called "The Big Noise" - thus the title of the movie) from people wanting to steal the bombs, and sell it to foreign nations.

The big flaws that this movie has, are particularly the little kid of the house trying to tease and annoy the persons in it, particularly Stan & Ollie. This may sound like fun, but it truly isn't. And the only the kid really managed to annoy, was me. Also the scene of the woman of the house trying to seduce Ollie wasn't my thing (a scare attempt to enter some love in the movie?), and finally the nazi segment. This segment is particularly disappointing, because it shows a Japanese officer saying "Heil Hitler", and the Japanese did no such thing.

But apart from that, the movie has some good scenes. All scenes with Stan and Ollie at their room in the house are hilarious. For instance Stan's unpacking of the things, when the woman trying to temp Ollie sleepwalks with a knife into the room, when Ollie disappears inside the wall (don't ask) and the card playing. Amongst other noteworthy scenes, are the dinner scene at the house and the bunker scene in a train.

So, not a classic and with flaws. But still having some original and hilarious moments.
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A Matter of Justice (1993 TV Movie)
A matter of INjustice
26 June 2005
This short series depict what is a struggle for two parents who lost their son. An the makers of this series, tries all they can, to emphasise big sympathy for the parents, and particularly the mother, Mary Brown, played by Patty Duke. But that simply didn't work for me.

I found Patty Duke's to be so mean, that even super villains would have a hard time to reach her level. In that respect, it is impossible, to be anything but horrible. The problem with these movies, are that they only work, as long as the viewer is exactly in view with the opinion of the writer and/or director, as soon as the viewer merely questions the biased patriotic viewpoint expressed here, then it falls flat.

I can't understand the huge support there is for Mary Brown. During the film, she ruins the life of her granddaughter and the granddaughter's mother, by kidnapping the granddaughter. She is sop convinced of who is guilty of what, that she takes law into her own hands, and commits great cruelty towards the granddaughter's mother, without any proofs. And also she is mean and cruel to any one, in her attempt to get all things, her mean way. A true deranged fanatic. So, in all, in the scenes, where people had a hard time to keep the eyes dry, because it was so beautiful, I had a hard time not to vomit.

The granddaughter's mother, Dusty, who suffered during the entire series, is apparently more evil than the devil, according to the creators of the show. To me, Dusty is the hero of the series, her and her daughter, those two living a happy life together, would be beautiful to me. And the director, when filming the "oh-so-happy" scenes, after the Mary Brown conducted kidnapping, fails to realise, what evil it is, to rob a young of her mother. But this show seems to have nothing to do with reality or truth, even the word "justice" in the title, couldn't have been used more incorrectly.

It's just a manipulative little show, and very horrible, horrible, horrible!
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The peak of the Marx Brothers
15 April 2005
This, the sixth of the Marx Brothers' movies, must be considered one of their best, if not their absolute best. As opposite to most of the movies before this, then "A Day At The Opera" actually has a stable plot. The movies before this, had a story line so vague, that you can hardly call it a plot. Whereas it here shows, that the brothers' comedy evolved best when within the frame of a plot. Groucho's jokes and "babble" is so much better here, and Chico's and especially Harpo's gags are superb at any time in this movie. The classic scene, with all people crowded in Groucho's (Otis B. Driftwood) cabin, must be the Marx Brothers' greatest scene in here, even the selection of who's to come into the cabin is perfect, right from the engineer, over the young woman who looks for Aunt Minnie (that's actually a classic in itself) to the maid who has to mop up. What also makes this scene so great, is that there is so much to watch at once, so you can see it over and over again and discover new stuff. Because we automatically focuses on who comes in, which means, from the engineer first comes in, we normally don't pay attention to the maids to chance the sheets anymore. But I watched them constantly over the entire scene is interesting, and then watching the scene again, only keeping an eye on the engineer(s) etc. I guess I'm biased. The other really great scene is the very underrated scene with Detective Henderson trying to find Harpo, Chico and their companion Ricardo Baroni in Groucho's room. This is also where Groucho get's to fire some of the greatest jokes in the movie ("I notice the table is set for four" "That's nothing. My alarm clock is set for eight" - "The last time I was in this room there were four beds here" "Please! I'm not interested in your private life, Henderson.") A truly wonderful scene, and Robert Emmett O'Connor's role in this movie is greatly underestimated. But the movie have many more great scenes, like when Herman Gottlieb finds Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Baroni smoking and drinking in his (Gottlieb's) office, that picture is simply unpriceable. And of course the ending scenes of the movie is a smash too. With Lassparri (who is Baroni's opponent) singing and performing in an old Italian setting, when suddenly he has a battleship behind him.

The plot in the movie is quite simple. Both Baroni and Lassparri is in love with the same girl. Lassparri is famous and Baroni is not, but the girl, Rosa Castaldi, prefers Baroni. And the Marx Brothers' efforts lies mostly in bringing the two lovers together. It may not be a master-plot, and the love scenes may not be that funny. But it holds things together, and secures that the jokes and gags aren't meaningless.

People are often complaining about the songs in this movie, and true, they are not my favourite, but the other Marx Brothers movies also had songs, and compared to those songs, then "Alone" and "Cosi-Cosa" isn't so bad. I did however find the obligatory piano and harp playing a bit silly, since all this kids, who clearly exaggerated their laughter was somewhat embarrassing, even though the piano and harp melodies (the latter being a "re-make" of the "Alone" - which had previously been sung in the movie) are very good. The only other singing, is the inclusion of "Il trovatore" by Verdi, which is used magnificently, and is simply wonderful.

All in all, then I am so puzzled, when people announce Duck Soup for the Marx Brothers' greatest. This one is far better than it on all accounts. Groucho's lines, Chico and Harpo's gags, the co-cast of the movie, the songs, the plot, all is better on "A Day At The Opera" - a true classic.
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King's Game (2004)
The best danish movie of this decade
9 April 2005
I always knew, that this movie was one to watch, and one which would be of interest of me, so when I got the chance to see it, I didn't let the opportunity miss. But never did I know, of how great I would find this movie. Mainly, you see movies, which you find good, bad or indifferent, but rarely you see movies that are truly captivating as "Kongekabale" was for me. I guess it depends on what kind of movie you like. I like movies, where I can't predict it all, with complicated plots, that you sit and try and figure out, while watching. And all this I got with "Kongekabale".

It's about a reporter getting a leak about the husband to the woman who might get in power after the next election. But that's just a layer, the top of the iceberg. It suddenly evolves to a huge amount of layers of lies, cheats and people that literary would kill for power. And the spiderweb just evolves and evolves.

The movie is based (although in exaggerated form) on real events, and even though the plot is exaggerated, it surely sends a message about current politics all over the world, and how people behave with power.

The actors play well, and the directing and script is top notch. The movie is perfectly balanced, and also some remarks makes you laugh on occasion, without it sounding odd or out of place. And the ending itself is so amazing, that I couldn't believe it.

A masterpiece. Watch it!
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Columbo: How to Dial a Murder (1978)
Season 7, Episode 4
Columbo learns about movies
9 April 2005
A very good, and above average, Columbo episode. This is caused by that it makes small variations from the classic scheme. The motive of the murder isn't present at the beginning, which is something, that really improves the movie. Columbo is playing up against Dr. Eric Mason (nicely played by Nicol Williamson), who doesn't loose his temper as much as the characters that Columbo previously met.

The third main character, Joanne Nicholls, should have a special mention, since she is not only played extremely well - by Kim Cattrall, later of "Sex And The City" fame (however her role in this movie is the complete opposite, a true romantic who has her teddy bear as her true companion) - but also that her unbalanced character adds well to the movie plot.

And ad with that, some great incidental music, good directing spots (particularly in a wordless sequence with Columbo and the dog trainer), a generally good script(rarely have I laughed so much in a Columbo movie, and the many references to old movies - particularly Citizen Kane - and psychology are well-put and well used), and that Peter Falk seems in top shape makes it a great movie, and a Columbo classic.
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Columbo: Double Exposure (1973)
Season 3, Episode 4
disappointing Columbo
10 October 2004
I must admit, that this episode of Columbo, is one of the "least good" I have seen. And it's defiantly a disappointment, looking at the era it's from, as the early/mid 70's was vintage Columbo.

If comparing it to the much better episode, "Publish Or Perish" which is from the exact same time, then "Double Exposure" lacks a lot of things. It lacks some nice direction touches (like the famous clip of a murderer hiding the deceased, is shown in his glasses, in an earlier episode. Or opening 'bombing' in "Publish or Perish"). The way Robert Culp (as Dr. Keppel) responds to Columbo's persistent inquiries seems forced and the character starts to look rather silly (in the non-humorist way), and he defiantly lacks the reliability of previous "crocks".

Also, it because clear, quite early, that everyone is aware of who the murderer is. And Columbo states (too) early, that he knows it all, which leaves the final end as an anti-climax, as all he needs is the striking evidence.

Of course the episode contains good moments, like the scene at the golf course. But all in all, not Columbo at his best, or even at his high average.

(5 out of 10)
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Columbo: Étude in Black (1972)
Season 2, Episode 1
12 June 2004
After starting watching the re-runs of old Columbo movies, I thought they would all get about the same vote from me (6). But apparently I'm now starting to see differences in the movies. It happened in some of just previous episodes, that showed some pretty genius directing, and it shows in this one, but in the negative way.

The movie was so boring, that I sometimes found myself occupied peaking in the paper instead of watching (never happened during a Columbo movie before!), and sometimes it was so embarrassing that I had to look away. The directing seems too pretentious. The scenes with the "oh-so-mature" neighbour-girl are a misplace. And generally the lines and plot is weaker than the average episode. Then scene where they debated whether or not to sack the trumpeter (who falsely was accused for the murder) is pure horror, really stupid.

Some applause should be given to the "prelude" however. In this episode, a lot of focus is given on how the murderer tries to secure his alibi and hide the evidence etc. I really liked that. But alas, no focus on how Columbo reveals all this. And the "proof" that in the end leaves Columbo victorious is the silliest ever.

Rating: lies between 4 and 5
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an ok movie, but it doesn't deserve the high praisal it gets
23 April 2004
After watching Kill Bill 1, I though of giving it a rating of 6 (out of 10) here, but after reading some user comments here, I decided to give it 5. Originally I wouldn't have made a comment about it, but many things prompted me to. I won't give a summary of the movie, as that has been done plenty enough times here.

Anyhow, I am not big against the film, as my rating shows, I find it quite an average movie, and therefore I do not understand the comments often stated, that either you love the movie or you hate it. I am not a person sniffing at the high amount of violence within the movie, I just don't the point in that. The problem with it is, that it all seems to cover for an extremely weak plot, a woman seeking revenge and consequently kills each of the persons she wishes revenge for. This is filled out with non-exiting combats, and no matter how many thousands of people the woman fights at once, she always wins, so the movie is also predictable.

A thing I also don't understand, is how high people praise that Tarantino doesn't let the movie go chronically, and claims this to be a sign that this is an highly intellectual movie. Apparently no one knows, that this has been done before. I do like the jumping back and forward in the history, and the small little direction details, but this alone can't a movie great.

I divide the movie into two parts, the first I found was rather good, this was the part until after the japanese anime part (actually I think that the anime was the peak of the movie), all that came after this was nothing special. Also I don't understand why the movie was seperated into two parts, it seems just like an attempt to create more fuzz and interest about the movie. People argue, that the movie shouldn't continue after the massive battle in Japan. But as I don't see it as a 'peak' but merely a way to fill out the 1½ hour, this argument doesn't work. Furthermore there was many things that didn't make sense and made the movie made up, like when the bride wakes up of the coma, she knows that it has been four years. How on earth can she know that exactly four years passed, when she just woke up of the coma??? And towards the end, when Sofie goes to the toilet, why does she go via the stairs on her left, which means she had to pass all the dancing people and walk far more, than if she took the stairs on her right? Finally, then Tarantino doesn't make enough out of the 'bad' guys (and girls), they seem like puppets and not real humans. I know many other directors doesn't do that either, but I had expected more from Tarantino.

Regarding all the extaggerrated blood-shed, then I did find it quite amusing. But the predictability of the fights, and the super-human powers that bride apparently must have, made the fighting scenes as ridiculous as the old fight movies it tried to ridiculate.

Pulp Fiction was a great movie, this is mediocore, all this said, then I was dissapointed when it ended so soon, and I will probably watch the sequel, but I don't have high expectations.
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Embarrassing, plain and predictable
24 January 2004
It's an old saying that in the classic danish film period, no movies emerged that wasn't masterpieces. This movie proves, that this is far from the case.

Frøken Nitouche is about a nun and a soldier getting married against their will, with someone they haven't seen. They both meet each other and falls in love without knowing who each other are. The plot of the movie is extremely plain, and the ending can predicted by all after less than ten minutes of watching. So you sit in the end and only waits for the ending to happen, so the movie will end. An even worse factor is the musical aspects, every five minutes everyone seems to have the urge to burst into spontaneus singing - even though the moment is totally inappropriate - and the songs are ridiculous and a waste of time. And how the nun Charlotte is praised to be the top-'boy' of the convict, and seems to matter more to the leader than all the other nuns together gives the movie an un-real aspect.

The entire movie raises up to, that we should identify and cherish the three leading characters (the nun, the soldier lad and the man who brings them together, and plays the leading role), but I can do neither. A few funny moments and clever lines saves the movie from total disaster, but all in all a great dissapointment. This is in no way a disaproval of Dirch Passer, who was one of our greatest actors and humourists, but this is just too silly and stupid.
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Mostly plain stupid
8 July 2003
I have always been a fan of Dirch Passer, but I have realised, that many of the 'good old' danish movies just aren't good. And this movie isn't. The movie is often so embarrasing that I just couldn't take it. The poor lines, the not-funny jokes, the predictible plot: Two guys fight against the big government etc. And of course they beat up all the others and rejoice in the bar. The worst part was Lily Broberg, the woman who comes in and commands the two men to clean their house up and how to behave, that would perhaps thrill some people that a woman bosses two guys around, but it isn't good entertainment. Well, the good guys win, the bad guys cry, and the young couple who loves each other gets married. Without an interesting plot, without being educationable, without featuring interesting dialogues and without being funny the movie falls flat. Dirch Passer is a great actor, and he does his best, and he and Poul Reichhardt are funny in the scene speeded up where they clean the house.

So 3 out of 10
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one of the most awful films ever!
12 August 2002
It is very rare indeed that I have to give "1" as a rating, but in this case I had to. All the magic from the first "Ducks" movie was gone. The plot was boring and predictable, there wasn't any funny lines, and you could say that there wasn't anything in the movie that you could use for anything. Actually the movie could be said to give many children a wrongly subjective opinion on many issues.

I rate this 1 out of 10, but only because 1 is the lowest, could I give minus points I would.
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Brazil (1985)
All in all a great film
10 July 2002
Being a Python fan, then of course a had to see this film directed by Terry Gilliam with Michael Palin (fairly under-used) in the cast. The movie is set in the future although, compared to other of it's kinds, a very near future. The capture of mr. Buttle is a fantastic opening, and it is the perfect way to introduce the system and it's military police work. And when we later meet the famous terroist mr. Tuttle, you wonder why he is the enemy of the state, because he is better at fixing the air-condition then the others? The minus of the story is the love story of the film, at the beginng the female character is skeptic towards of "hero", but suddenly she makes a U-turn, which makes the film a bit unreal, it seems that a love-story just has to fit into the film, but it doesn't. However the ending of the film was amazing, it was just what the film needed, I understand that in the US they wanted to put another ending, I don't understand why, the movie needed that ending, other wise it wouldn't be as good.

7 out of 10 stars.
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Oggy and the Cockroaches (1997–2018)
A really nice cartoon
22 August 2001
I normally never watch children's programmes, but whenever I see that "Oggy" is on, I always take the time to watch it. To me it doesn't seem like a cartoon for children, it is very adult like. With it's strange futuristic buildings, and weird animals it is quite political. And of course it is great fun.
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