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Please do yourself a favor and don't go by the high ratings! Terrible.
4 April 2024
The 10/10 star reviews must have come from people associated with the film itself. Calling this movie a "Classic" or anything else positive is garbage. I couldn't even finish it. Frankly, I'm not even sure what the hell this movie is about and I watched 3/4 of it! Definitely NOT a horror movie. The writing is terrible which contributed to the confusion about what exactly the movie was about. The acting was pretty bad. Only the main actress had a bit of talent. So I hope you will do yourself a favor and skip this one. I wish I could get my time back. I guess I know now why a 2023 movie went straight to Tubi streaming?
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
I can't wrap my head around these bad reviews. This season was Amazing!
20 February 2024
Ok. I enjoyed every bit of this season of "True Detective". Jodie Foster's performance was award worthy. But that's not a surprise, she's fantastic. Same goes for Kali Reis. Actually the whole cast did a great job.

This season was very atmospheric. The dark and claustrophobia of Alaska served as a great backdrop for the story. The writing wasn't perfect but it wasn't as either. I think most of these reviews come from people who didn't full understand it. For the amount of episodes, only six, it got the point across well.

I really enjoyed this season and I don't think I'm the only one. I only wish it had been a little longer.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
I had high hopes. Only to be let down...AGAIN.
12 January 2022
I was SO happy to have Dexter back after the ending of the first series. But it seems the makers of the show got some perverse pleasure at screwing over fans AGAIN. Seriously?! Why? I don't speak for everyone but, I don't think we needed the moral reckoning for Dexter that we got. That's not the reason that we watched it from the beginning. Dexter is a anti-hero, a vigilante. Period. At a time like this in our world I think we just needed Dex back and a awesome distraction. Just my opinion. Disappointed truly.
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Spy (2015)
This movie was hilarious. I'm really getting sick of all the people hating Melissa because they think she is "Fat".
5 June 2015
The movie was one of the funniest I've seen in a long time. I watch Mike & Molly and enjoy it as well. It really makes me angry to see comments made about Melissa regarding her weight. I don't even see her that way. She is a talented funny woman who deserves all the accolades she gets. People are so superficial and petty it's brutal. They only wish that they the same amount of talent that she has in their pinky finger.And for those reading this and thinking "she's overweight too", I am not and it shouldn't matter if I was. Anyways, the cast was excellent and it had action and a god script. I hope she makes lots of money. Good on her.
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I had to give this movie a "1/10" only because "0" wasn't an option.
3 September 2014
Wow...just...Wow. This movie is on my list of worst horror movies of all time. I really wish "0" was a rating option for this crap. I know sequels are supposed to be "not so great" but this is a waste of effort. I'm guessing the makers of the this movie were just thinking of the money. The original was a "B" movie at it's best. Slumber Party Massacre 2 has no plot, not even bad acting but worse and it's ripping off of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" which is one of the best horror movies of all time. I don't get people on here saying it's a "10/10"? Do yourself a favor and just watch the first one and pretend the sequels don't exist. Glad I didn't buy the box set of the 3 movies and rented the sequels first. Paying for that would have been really annoying.Brutal.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
What is wrong with the people who are hating this movie?
6 July 2014
This movie had me laughing from start to finish. It was reminiscent of Miss Congeniality. Sandra and Melissa were made to work together. I love both of these ladies and I am a huge fan of their work. This is a movie for someone with a sense of humor apparently not many people who wrote reviews have one. I cannot wait for the sequel. Hopefully it will be as good as the original. I have seen this one over and over again.. I also love Bridesmaids but this movie is funnier. Can't say enough good things about it! Funny as Hell!

Great chick buddy comedy. Highly recommended.

Don't listen to the hate and judge for yourself :)
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Another wicked installment in the Underworld series.
20 January 2012
I really love the franchise. This was everything I wanted and more. Not going to give away any details or spoilers, but I was truly happy with outcome. Kate Beckinsale was awesome as usual. The new girl "India" who played Selene and Michael's daughter was better than I thought she'd be. This movie had more violence and action than the others which I liked. I've heard some critics saying that it was terrible?! I would like to know what movie they watched! It was really nice to see a Canadian boy as "Quint", one of the Lycans. I'm going to get the blu-ray when it comes out for sure. The movie was awesome, wicked and blew my mind.
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The Rite (2011)
A sobering movie if you believe it IS real and it DOES happen.
28 January 2011
Anthony Hopkins who is a self proclaimed to be unsure about what he believes regarding religion did a pretty good job in this movie. People who are expecting it to be gory and "heads spinning'" are going to be disappointed. To truly get something from this movie one must have a knowledge of faith in some form. I always know that a movie made a real impact when people are walking of of the theater there is complete silence. The movie is not perfect of course and does embellish points but it gives the real fundamentals of the act of exorcism. I enjoyed it and left with an almost peaceful feeling, much like when I left the movie Stigmata. Let's just say it left the crowd with something to think about.
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People were expecting this movie to be something it wasn't meant to be. It was Beautiful.
15 January 2010
I loved the movie. I'm lost as to why EVERYONE hates this movie. It wasn't meant to be a visceral, dark, gore movie like those that have been coming out these days. I think people are looking right past what it was meant to be, and is. It is a story of a child brutally murdered, but that's only one part of the story. It isn't a true story, it's FICTION. The fantasy and sweet emotion were meant to give a beautiful idea among all the horrific things that people commit on earth. That there may be a wonderful place in between (Hope). It was not meant to be a horror or thriller movie but an inspiring, uplifting movie despite the sadness. I'm not saying it was perfect but it certainly was NOT as horrible as people are saying. I enjoyed it. I was scared, I cried, I laughed and was entertained. Isn't that what a movie is all about?
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Outlander (2008)
Great ride.
20 June 2009
I really enjoyed this movie. It had all the aspects you could look for in a action epic movie. The CG was very well done and highlighted the intense scenes between the main character and the Morwen. I really recommend this for a night of popcorn and great excitement. Jim was believable as the hero, not to mention he's not that hard on the eyes :) Sophia Myles was fantastic as always. Somehow she is totally believable in every character she portrays. In conclusion this movie was like Alien/Brave heart/Predator/and Lord of the rings all in one. Some may find it hard to conceptualize but those with imagination will fall for this one. 9/10!
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Laid to Rest (2009)
13 May 2009
Bad.Bad.Bad. I spent most of the movie laughing, sadly. Did Bobbi Sue have breast implants or just Porn star sized implants? I hoped she didn't think that looked natural. She is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. I'm serious. I feel bad for her. And her husband directed and she produced this movie? I wonder why she got the lead role? The script writers are just as much to blame. The characters were "over acting" to the point of being pathetic. A monkey at a typewriter could have done better. Steer clear for the love of horror.


I need to watch something good.
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Emotional and fantastic movie.
15 January 2009
I really enjoyed this movie. Especially the acting of the main characters. Whatever prejudice certain people take from this movie are brought on themselves. It was simply what one man experienced. Yes maybe he did add a few little bits to meet Hollywood's standards, maybe he didn't? But whatever the case mistreatment of prisoners goes on all over the world in many countries and there are bad people who do bad things. So putting down this movie and getting upset about it's content just because you are from there is silly. I'd say if you are from the said country then you are biased and should not hate because of it. I think he was courageous and I feel for him.
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Great movie.
31 December 2008
My best friend recommended this movie. I wasn't sure what to expect...This was a funny, romantic and slightly raunchy flick! I highly recommend it! The dialogue and "burns" were fantastic. I laughed so much that my throat and my stomach hurt. Jason Segel was great and endearing and sweet. He is destined for many god things, considering he had a hand in writing it. Another flick with himself and Paul Rudd will be out soon. Unique and surprising. I watched the "Theatrical version" but I bet the "unrated version is even funnier. Good times for all. Also the scenery was beautiful. See it. Seriously. The puppet scene is hilarious.
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Dark Floors (2008)
If you are looking for a real horror movie...this is a 2 hour fin rock band advertisement.
30 December 2008
Wow. I saw this on the net a while ago. It looked decent. Being North American and not being into "death metal bands". I thought it would be pretty good.

This movie makes no sense no matter how many people try to rationalize it. I'm not sure what they were thinking when they wrote it. I feel sad for the 3 main characters who might have had a chance , had it been a real horror movie.

Basically they just took a death metal band and used them as the villains/monsters.

Unless you are into Gwar or something of that nature, I suggest you pass on

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Worst movie EVER.
24 August 2008
I just wasted 80 minutes of my life watching this trash. What the hell was that? No one fought back. All they did was scream. I mean there is "unrealistic" horror, sure. But this was "UNREALISTIC" horror. If you can call it that. I heard Dante was a "great" horror director. I guess I was dead wrong. The cover makes it look pretty good and then ...nope. I recommend Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2. Most of the time I just laughed, and not good laughter. Just because it was pathetic. It just goes to show that the cover of the DVD can really be deceiving. I don't think I will ever watch a Dante movie again. Don't waste your time. Not even 1 out of 10.
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Funny Games (2007)
Why Naomi? Why? What were you thinking?
10 July 2008
I love Naomi Watts. She's a brilliant actress, but what the "bleep" was she thinking with this piece of trash?? She even Executive Produced it!!! She may be the only good part of this movie, great acting on her part.

If the "submissive"guy had been "done" like he had. It would have been much better. I absolutely hated Micheal Pitt, was annoying.

That ending,and the "creative" (sarcasm) camera work was horrible.

All that bloody trouble and NOTHING to show for it. And the little guy? Huh?

If you are thinking of seeing this DON'T waste your 5 bucks.

Terrible. If you like Naomi go watch Eastern Promises.
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