
13 Reviews
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Star Trek (2009)
Good, but the target audience is old and young people who like the original star trek
30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'm a Next Generation, Piccard/Janeway Star Trek fan. The original series was comical and everything after Next Generation was pretty weak.

Having said that, this movie is targeted towards pre-teen dorkisauris and anyone who's still alive that watched the original star trek series. For the modern day, average sci-fi buff, this movie offered little draw, except for the concept of destroying worlds and the fights between the rogue Romulans and the Federation.

Also, the movie did not flow like the Next Generation based movies have. It jumped from point to point and if you did not know everything about the history of Spock and Kirk, you might have had to rewind it just so you caught everything. For the average ADHD viewer, this might not mattered anyway.

And uh so Spock just happens to be on the SAME PLANET that Kirk ends up on? Uh OK, I'll believe that one.

Overall good cheese, but I have high standards for Star Trek thanks to Piccard and Janeway. If I wasn't biased towards them I might have given it a 7.
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10 years ago it would have been a good movie
30 September 2009
It just wasn't up with the times in terms of effects, I think as a kid I would have liked it but now as a supposed adult, I found it a little ridiculous.

Acting was sub-par except for the main Josh character.

Quite a few disconnects in editing.

Didn't like the girl main character, she was too model-like, not sci-fi enough.

I think another movie just like this came out last year with Canoehead Reeves that I remember. That movie was better simply because the effects were better. The acting was also sub-par in that movie but I liked it better than this one.

Sci-Fi not up to par lately. Going to review Star Trek next.
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Passengers (2008)
wasn't great but ending was good
7 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Thought this was another bomb chick-flick the wife had picked out. Acting was pretty bad except for the main guy character who was likable. Hathaway was OK I guess, maybe it was just cheezy editing or something.

I was about ready to fall asleep until it started getting weird about half way through. At first I thought it was your typical melodramatic nonsense. Didn't get it until the end so I give it a six for being unpredictable.

The ending was pretty good. I did not expect that at all. I can usually predict about 19 out of 20 movies. This is one I didn't figure out until the end.

Would have given it a seven if the acting had been better. Maybe even an eight. I'm sure this story has been told before in other versions. Anyway that's all I have to say about this one.
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Fatal Rescue (2009)
This movie was god awful
29 May 2009
The story obviously had potential. Your typical tragedy/thriller with a few twists, heart tugs, etc.

There's one thing this movie lacked: Good acting.

The acting was on the level of a porno, maybe one step above it.

Other thoughts.

I'm not sure why the husband was yelling the whole movie. I couldn't stop laughing, at first I thought it was a comedy skit.

This is what happens when you read a review on blockbuster that says a movie was good. It had to be a paid poster or someone associated with the movie.

The kid's speech impediment was driving me crazy.

This movie would not make the USA network. That's how bad it was. It *might* make Lifetime for a unpaid movie.

This movie made my top 10 list of all time worst movies.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Not great, but pretty good
29 May 2009
Some of it a little unrealistic, but will be a movie I remember in a year. Fairly good effects, a little cheese here and there, but overall pretty original.

Looking forward to part 2.

other thoughts:

Sci/Fi people should really like it.

Characters are fairly likable (not crazy about Bella). Pretty good casting.

Wife is a big fan, I wouldn't have probably watched it otherwise but glad I did.

I liked it because I don't live too far from the area. There was some good scenery although obviously most of it wasn't in Forks (lol).
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My goodness, another hilarious movie
29 May 2009
OK, if you're a woman who's got aggression issues, you might like this movie. Hate your significant other? This movie is for you. For the guys, it will be a bag of laughs.

It's sad when former award winning actresses have to do cut rate movies.

The only really good part is the last 10 seconds. Even that was a load of cheese.

My wife is picking the worst movies lately. This is what you get (I) for letting my wife pick movies based on reading reviews on movie rental sites.
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Hot Rod (2007)
Laughed about 3 times
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Best part of the movie is the first 5 minutes. This movie obviously tries to capture the essence of Napoleon Dynamite but fails miserably. Main character is completely unlikeable and jokes bomb one after the other.

If I was 12-14 years old, I probably would have liked it. That's the target audience here.

This movie was recommended by a friend. This helps explain a lot about them.

Probably the worst movie I've seen in years. Seriously this might have been funny in the 80's, but it's still so dumb that it makes potty humor look good.
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Inside Man (2006)
Not bad, but some of the delivery was really cheesy
14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, a pretty good story. Why we like to see bank robbers get away with the crime is interesting. This type of movie can be done over and over and you'll still want to watch it. The twist in this movie is one I haven't seen before, and drew me in to watch it when I was temped to let it go for better things to do.

Owen's performance was the highlight. I thought Denzel was good (his usual), but Foster's performance was a little uncomfortable, moreso to some of the horrible lines she had to deliver. I would have given it a seven if it weren't for that aspect of the movie.

I didn't realize until I was writing this review that Spike Lee was the director. That might explain some of the cheesy lines and nonsensical conversations.
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
Good ending
28 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While most of the movie was predictable (tough young guy pays dues, wins respect of peers/teacher, works through his demons, gets the girl), it had a better than average ending.

I didn't really care for Kutcher's performance, although not bad, it's hard to take him seriously. I would have given this movie an 8 had it been someone else who didn't remind me of his goofy characters on TV shows he's been on.

Kostner gives the movie credibility, plays his role well.I have typically enjoyed almost every movie I've seen that contained his presence. Definitely tear worthy for the last 15-20 minutes.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Not as good as #2, but still great
8 May 2007
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OK, enough action animation. I realize part of the draw on spiderman is the kid friendliness and "wow factor" but like King Kong, they went overboard on the animation. I would imagine most women found it to be overboard.

Seeing Harry die and the "no" borough tears to my eyes. You really feel for him (assuming you saw Spidey 2).

It's funny how Peter gets out of all his relationship problems simply by a bad guy entering the scene. Now, that's entertainment. Wish life were that easy! Thanks to the producers for not adding the Hollyweird factor. You can still have passion and love without pedophilia and/or gross sexual misconduct.
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Babel (I) (2006)
Crash International
8 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the international version of crash. How UN-original.

Hollyweird brings you more child masturbation and horny naked teenagers to get their point across, since they've lost the ability to do that without appealing to pedophiles.

Pitt's (one of my favorite actors) acting is horrible. When he's crying on the phone after he finds out his wife is OK, I feel nothing. Did anyone notice that the angle his wife was shot at wasn't very realistic? Just awful.

Now the whole nanny's expedition back into the USA was good stuff. Anyone with kids was probably feeling the heat when she left the kids in the desert. That's the only reason I gave a 4 instead of a 3.

Hollyweird need to learn something from the Spiderman series. People like wholesome entertainment, NOT child porn, teenage drug use, and an outlook on the general degradation of America. Such an embarressment.
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For someone who had not seen the original, it was good
7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
And having Nicholas Cage die while at the same time feeling sorry for him is a rare combination that only this movie could achieve. Almost sheer brilliance. This has not been done since City of Angels.

I will have to see the original though, as I'm sure it's probably better. Since Hollywood can't produce anything original anymore, they have to do offer updated versions. This may or may not be bad or good I don't know. I read someone elses review who was extremely critical of the way the producer took this movie, adding his twist to it, and saying it was not worthy. I obviously can't say until I've seen the original, but I think updates of well written movies should be updated to match today's environment so they are more believable.

Another thing, the movie had Nicholas Cage in it, so you KNOW it was going to be semi-cheesy. I usually can't stand Cage but he played his part VERY WELL in this movie. Kudos for his performance.
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Crash (I) (2004)
racism is bad, m'kay mr mackey?
7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Decent acting throughout the movie although the rapper was probably the best actor in the movie (forgot his name). Beyond predictable from start to finish. Yes I got emotional when I thought the girl got shot, that was a tear jerker for sure, but something about this movie was so artificial (in typical 'hollyweird' fashion) that it just didn't leave me with anything to feel for in the end. Maybe it was the characters not being genuine enough, maybe it was the portrayal of certain stereotypes we've all come to know and not appreciate. Hard to put a finger on it.

This is one of those movies that seems like a bunch of short B rated movies coming together in one collossal pile of "I told ya so". Worth seeing but is this movie worthy of the hype it got? Not really.
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