
7 Reviews
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Donnie Darko (2001)
I thought it was an artistically ambiguous movie at first, but nope...just a bad movie.
13 September 2008
This movie made absolutely no sense to me (and I'm not a stupid person...IQ in the 140's) until just before it ended...meaning I just sat there for about 90 minutes wondering what I was watching. I get the time travel bit, but I still don't see any point in the two hours of rambling and nonsense.

There was a great idea here, but the movie makers (not sure which one to blame) failed miserably in executing on the's like they assumed everyone else was on an acid trip too. I wrote that jokingly, but now that I think of it, that could very well be the reason!

I'd like to be able to say something positive here, but nothing comes to mind...just two hours of me thinking "Blah, blah, blah...oh, there's Patrick Swayze, weird...blah, blah, blah...oh, I remember that song...blah, blah, blah." and 90 minutes into it, "Oh, so that's what was going on...better late than never I guess."

Seeing that this movie had a rating over 8 stars made me want to give it a chance, but in the end, I just kept wondering if the world has gone mad. To those who call this a masterpiece, remember...just say no to drugs.
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Reminds me of a cheesy porno, but the acting wasn't quite as good...
10 September 2008
I can't say I thought it would be a nail biter, but I love Randy Couture and figured it was worth a shot. Poor Randy...acting just isn't for him. And whoever OK'd his screen tests should be punished for it. Of course, that's not to say that anyone else in this movie can act either...the acting is on par with that of porn or the reenactments you see on those crime TV shows.

I've never acted a day in my life and I know I could have delivered lines better than the actors did.

To really accentuate the poor acting, the writing was ridiculous (both storyline and scripting). It's really hard to believe that this script actually made it past the person writing the check to fund this piece of crap.

The fight scenes aren't much better either...between the "heat seeking arrow" scene and Randy Couture doing some MMA training with his body guards, it took me about 20 minutes to realize I wasn't even going to have a little fun watching this thing.

I loved the Mummy movies, but I thought the first SK movie was pure cheese and this one ups the ante even further. It's really hard to believe Stephen Sommers (the original writer/director of the Mummy) was involved in this one.
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Sunshine (2007)
Rated R....for Retarded
21 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to follow, yet tearfully predictable. The premise had potential to be entertaining, had the writing/directing not been so poor. This film gives you zero background information to know what's going on on earth or to make you care about the characters. It also has no real scientific talk to explain how planting a big bomb on the sun will actually work. You never see earth or how the lack of sunlight affects it. There was more than one time in the movie where the "special effects" were so vague that I couldn't do anything but have no idea what you're looking at, things don't even make sense, etc. Forget the money I spent renting this...I just want that two hours of my life back. Having said how displeased I was with this abomination of a movie, I'm actually very fond of Cliff Curtis and several other actors in this film. Pure stupidity.
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Fun movie, definitely worth watching, but could've been done better
25 August 2007
This is a great story that could've been done 100 times better. I think they tried to cater to kids so much so, that it actually became borderline patronizing to kids and flat out alienated adults. As far as the acting goes, it was average at best...not bad enough to ruin the movie completely, but bad enough to detract from it.

Overall, I would still recommend this movie, especially for families with kids of all ages, as I think it would be entertaining for kids of any age (even 30 year old kids like me!).

There are definitely holes in the plot, the acting is average at the very best, but I'm still glad I watched it. One thing I couldn't help think is this; It's too bad someone like Spielberg didn't get his paws on this one! Could've been the next Goonies. With better writing and directing, this could have been a classic. I'm generally not a fan of remakes, but this one should be remade!
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This movie makes the movie "Spaceballs" look like a documentary.
8 December 2006
Let me summarize this one...

Borderline retarded cone-head aliens (with Ozzy Osborne's hair and unibrows that extend to the ear) teleport down to earth and take over the planet.

"Why?" you ask? Gold! No evil unibrow alien society would be complete without a Mr. T starter kit! Fortunately for mankind, in the year 3,000 a group of GEICO cavemen guys cook up a plan that involves thousand year old fighter jets, nuclear weapons and M-16 rifles...

The story is so ridiculous that it actually shows in the acting. Decent actors like John Travolta and Forrest Whitaker looked like they belong in low-budget TV commercials...obviously because they couldn't get into the script.

I honestly don't think a studio could make a movie suck this bad if they actually tried to make it's just one of those rare instances where everything fell apart. This was literally the worst movie I can remember seeing.
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So bad, I was actually laughing...
26 November 2006
It's an interesting story, but an A&E documentary would make for better entertainment.

This movie wasn't even mildly entertaining and was unbelievably inconsistent and of the worst movies of any type that I've seen in a long time.

The "special" effects were only special in the "Special Olympics" sense of the word. They basically had a microscopic picture of wood grain for when the spirit goes through doors or railings. For longer distance trips, we got to see a helicopter ride on fast forward. In fact, the cinematography was almost as bad as that of the "Blair Witch Project". :)

I will admit that I was scared when I got done watching it...scared that this commercialized piece of crap might turn a profit...after all, their real ingenuity was in the marketing (trailer).
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Click (2006)
If you're a mature young adult and driven to be successful, this movie is a must see!
25 November 2006
After reading some of the reviews here, I actually registered on IMDb just so I could address some of the crap people are saying bout this movie.

Some people are saying it's not funny and they're not American. Not living in our culture every day, my guess is that a lot of the jokes went right over their heads. This is obviously not the movie's fault!

Those offended by the unnecessary "raunchy" humor need to wake the f--- up. If you were ignorant enough to go see an Adam Sandler movie and expect a wholesome family movie, you deserved to see a stuffed duck's butt-hole get ripped open. To the parents who took their young children to a PG-13 movie with Adam Sandler, you deserve to explain why that duck's butt-hole was ripped open! There are plenty of wholesome family movies already out there...this movie was made for the younger adult crowd and being a younger adult (29) I'm glad they made it exactly the way they did.

I think it's ridiculous how anyone could bag on the acting. For one, it's supposed to be a "cute comedy", not Oscar material. Secondly, I think the acting was actually quite good for a movie of this genre. For example, it was almost creepy how much the guy playing the grown-up version of Sandler's son reminded me of Sandler...the way he talked, facial expressions, etc. For a second, I almost thought it might be Sandler in makeup.

The people saying it's a dumb story or too serious/not realistic are either not human or they're simply not mature enough to get the point, period.

In addition to there being tons of humor for everyone, there are lots of little "inside jokes" for long-time Sandler fans, which I think is a nice bonus.

Bottom line......

For the 25 and older crowd who've been out of college long enough to understand what a rat race that life can be, this movie WILL make you think. However, if you're also driven to be successful and have a family you care about, this story hits especially hard...hard enough that it will make you cry and maybe even change the way you live your life.

That said, if you also happen to like Adam Sandler and his brand of humor, this movie could be one of your favorite movies of all time.
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