
89 Reviews
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Gondoruwo (1981)
Offensively dull
14 April 2024
A bottom of the barrel piece of Indonesian horror that challenges viewers to not fall asleep while it focuses almost entirely on troubled family dynamics. There are some psychotronic moments of goodness but much of it is packed into the first 15 minutes, fooling the viewer into thinking that this is going to be a rip roaring good time of bloody murder and black magic. Alas the film quickly shifts gears to finger wag at the family for not being more religious; dropping its Amittyville Horror vibes for something that feels more akin to one of Ron Ormond's patience testing productions. Even when the supernatural aspects are brought back into focus they are so poorly done, lacking any sort of tension or atmosphere, that it is only marginally more exciting then seeing the tepid family drama unfold. Steer clear unless you are an Indo exploit comptionist.
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Barbara (1970)
Worthless, navel gazing drivel
11 January 2024
This film follows a group of navel gazing, new age types as they enjoy a vacation on island off the coast of New York. For those thinking that this might be some fun exploration of hippie culture (Psych Out), offer up a psychotronic on new age ideas (Simon, King of the Witches), or some bizarre imagery (An American Hippie in Israel) I suggest you look elsewhere as this film lacks all of those aspects. It has more in common with cheapo 60s sexploitation flicks (specifically the roughies) than any notable bit of hippiesplotation. Instead we're treated to half-baked diatribes about showcasing how these people are enlightened enough to look down on everyone else while also lacking even the iota of self-awareness required to see that they are just the same. Their psueod-intellectual ramblings are on par with insipid drivel spouted during Animal House's pot smoking scene; offering nothing of substance other than perhaps a snapshot view of what a bunch of privileged boomers thought a hard life looked liked. Beyond that we're treated to a lot of sex scenes that are very much of that era and almost always lacking in consent from one or more participants and the film disgustingly presents the end result of these encounters as satisfactory for everyone involved. I guess this film is notable for featuring several scenes of man on man action, including several that much more roughie esque. Which I can't say I've seen a ton of so there's that I guess. Normally I'd end my review with an attempt at suggesting this for some audience, no matter how niche, but I hate this one too much to attempt to justify anyone seeing it. I'm going to disagree with Stephen Thrower on this one, we're better off with some films being lost.
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Unique and interesting documentary
7 January 2024
This is one probably one of the most unique documentaries that I've ever seen as we're treated to stories about hoboes from professional actors (ala When Harry Met Sally's couple anecdotes) and there are quite a few fun things to witness. These stories are brought to life not just by the powerful words of their story teller but also by re-eneacments that are all shot with the same grimy camera that captures the rest of the film; offering a feeling of authenticity to even the more fantastical of these tales. It all comes together to feel like you are sitting around a fire listening to the old timers talk about how it all used to be before the world moved on and left their little slice of existence to be a little less colorful. Beyond the engaging story time moments we get some really fun footage showcasing hobo lifestyle that honestly feels really unique. The true highlight though is the soundtrack which features many a hobo themed tune and some of them are quite fun. The film does romanticize the lifestyle pretty heavily, giving the viewer the impression that with just a little bit of street smarts that they too could bum around the United States (circa 1967 at least). Still it is worth watching for just how unique it is as the filmmakers seem to genuinely respect their subjects and do not stoop to the level of exploitation that less reputable individuals might have while making this film.
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Bizarre and inept drive-in flick
6 January 2024
This odd little movie offers up elements of 60s spy thriller, science gone amok, gore, sexploitation, and mondo all rolled into an unweidly package. Tossed in are some of the most amateur actors you'll ever see. Their deliveries range being so wooden it feels surreal to so overly-dramatic it breaks the scene. But the bad acting crowns are easily reserved for the actors in this who can't even get through their lines without stuttering or otherwise mangling them. Additionally the dialog these people are delivering is quite often ludicrous, with many lines feeling so unnatural that it feels like aliens wrote the script. I will say that this is not a fast paced movie, its enjoyment almost entirely hinges upon if the viewer can handle 90 minutes of bad writing and bad acting. Even among fans of low budget, drive-in fare this is probably going to have a niche audience but I do think that it will have an audience that will appreciate this weird little flick.
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Violated! (1975)
Interesting if so rape revenge flick
3 January 2024
This is a fun, albeit, uneven rape revenge movie that starts off with as a serial rapist runs rampant; assaulting not only our cast of characters but many others who are only talked about over the radio. It makes for a feel that the city is in crisis as everywhere we turn a new assault has occurred, often leaving the victim in need of severe medical care. But since the identity of the rapist isn't known the revenge part becomes equal parts whodunit and Death Wish as our squad of assault survivors take it upon themselves to find the guilty party at all cost. It definitely suffers from some inconsistent pacing but the final act more than makes up for it as the film goes further than most viewers would probably expect from such a flick.
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Effectively grim and dirty
3 January 2024
This is a film that does a lot to build on atmosphere creating a gritty look at the sleazy underbelly of a city where the alcohol and sex are cheap and human life is even cheaper. We get this not only through some scenes that would fit right in with many proto-mondos movies that feature long lost 1960s nightclubs but also through the general grime as our protagonists travel around. The movie does switches gears from nasty Vegas travelogue to something more of a proto-slasher as the titular strangler does his thing with the women who are unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. The kills are actually kinda fun for the era but the film also gets fairly repetitive as it settles into the grove of showcasing a series of sex murders and we get less of the down and dirty tour of Vegas that the first act gave us. Still a decent time though and potentially even a good entry to roughies as this is a fairly tame one.
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What's Love (1987)
A padded and patchworked potboiler
2 January 2024
Here is another entry in Vinegar Syndrome's box set of previously lost films. This is a hard one to review as it offers little in the way of plot, opting instead to throw together vignettes, narrator reaction shots, and the type of bizarre imagery you might find in a Ken Russell film. I really wish that combination meant that this was some kind of psychotronic classic; defying categorization and providing an experience that can all be described as brain melting, transcendent, and/or truly unique. Instead it just feels like Godfrey Ho's crew at IFD got together to slice what footage they could buy, steal, or reuse until they got to a runtime that was long enough to try and entice a distributor with it. Some of the imagery is admittedly fun, offering up blasphemous vibes that Ken Russell more effectively evokes in The Devils and The Lair of the White Worm. Additionally some of the dialog and sex scenes offer up some unintentional laughs as the characters try to take the patchwork script that sporadically focuses on love and relationships and make it feel real with their wooden performances. But the lack of coherence, and the fact that so much of the film is padding, results in a movie doesn't really seem to have much of a point beyond just existing as some sort of messy and rather dull pot boiler.
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Noir adajcent and quite inept
1 January 2024
This is another lost film that was recently unearthed and released by Vinegar Syndrome. It features some grimy, wrong side of the track vibes that feel noir adjacent as we watch a pair of intrepid reporters try to find the delicate balance of doing the right thing and potentially ending up dead as they try to unravel the mystery of the black widow killer. They sort of feel like an echo of the cops from Blood Feast as they don't seem terribly smart but mostly make up for it with determination and a consistent habit of restating plot points for the benefit of the audience. Additionally there are even some fun characters and quite a few amusing moments of cinematic blunder as shots are poorly framed and audio clips are obviously reused. The film unfortunately slows down in the middle and drops virtually all of the high points described above so that we can get some more exposition.

If you feel like watching some extremely inept that also feels noir adjacent than this might work for you but it is definitely going to appeal only to fairly niche tastes.
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Psychotronic kiddie matinee
29 December 2023
This is another previously lost flick that has recently been unearthed and released by Vinegar Syndrome. I am a little surprised this didn't get wider distribution early in its life as it feels like it is odd enough to garner something of a cult following. For those who have ever delved into the weirder side of kiddie matinees this definitely offers up some reasons to become a classic: surprisingly detailed lore, ridiculous looking costumes, some lavish set pieces, some amazing shooting locations, a fun animal sidekick, and a finale that is far higher stakes than you'd ever expect. I'd rate it higher but the low points are pretty bad and basically just feature some characters walking around while they banter. Additionally the cast of characters isn't as colorful as you'd expect from the initial psychotronic first act which makes things like the walk and talk approach to filler all the more patience testing. Still this is at least memorable as it is fairly weird but I'm not sure I'd suggest it to anyone who isn't already into psychotronic kid matinees as this is too poorly paced to make a convert out of most people.
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Red Midnight (1966)
So dull that you'll be asleep by 9pm
25 December 2023
There are some genuinely fun moments at the beginning when the protagonist starts elaborating about his crazy idea of how vulnerable American cities are and how just no one will listen to him (hmm, I wonder what motivated this movie to be made). Sadly that's basically the high point as the film mostly just meanders along while we follow these characters around. There are a few sleazy hi-jinks and some bizarro dialog to accompany them but as a whole this is extremely slow. I'm not even sure who I'd suggest watch it as it has so few redeeming qualities to it. Some of the plotting scenes are fun but the filmmakers didn't have enough of skill with storytelling (or perhaps they just didn't want to inspire copycats?) to make an engrossing procedural drama. Instead we get a clunky character drama that doesn't feature enough scenery chewing or psychotronic energy to function as an entertaining piece of cinema. I hesitate to even suggest it to red scare propaganda fanatics as it is so bloated with filler and I'm more inclined to just give a blanket suggestion to avoid and not watch.
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39 Stripes (1979)
Not even prison is this bad
18 November 2023
A mostly dreadful piece of Christian propaganda put out by Ron Ormond towards the end of his career. This features all of the slow, dreary, and preachy portions his Christian movies were known for and none of the fun stuff that made his more psychotronic classics (Grim Reaper, The Burning Hell, If Footmen Tire You, The Second Coming) not only tolerable but enjoyable. We get flashes of the Ormond's more enjoyable output but is never as graphic, silly, or hilariously inept as any of the aforementioned entries. I'm not sure who exactly would like this as none of the characters seem like they'd be compelling for most audiences. Steer clear unless you are on some sort of Ormond completionist journey.
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Solid Filipino action flick
21 June 2022
A group of idealistic freedom fighters, the sparrow unit, decide to go out into this big beautiful world of ours to make a name for themselves. But instead of trying to find steady jobs and start families they opt instead for popping Filipino military & police officers in the head. They continue to along with their reign of terror without consequence until a counter unit is formed to hunt them down. The plot continues forward from there but rarely gets any more complicated than that. No big bads are really introduced, no character arcs are followed, and no real twists ever happen. Instead the viewer is treated to scene after scene of clandestine assassinations plus waves of mooks being mowed down. This is, unsurprisingly, not a very intelligent movie. It is however very fun if you like action movies filled to the brim with squibs, bleak stories, and a pile of bodies that reaches to the moon.
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Surprisingly Fun and Clever
21 April 2022
I'm not one to typically praise HGL as the man mostly created uninteresting garbage, even by exploitation standards, but this film almost rises above average. The plot is mostly an excuse to string together a series of sex scenes, but the dialog actually has a bit of wit to it. The flubbing of lines and stumbling dialog actually lends itself to a more credible experience as the actors come off as people who are a little too drunk but still looking for a good time. Even with the, unintentionally natural performances, the dialog sort of works at times with some of the characters actually showcasing a bit of wit that doesn't spiral into the absurd. I wouldn't suggest that one go out of their way to watch this but it is leagues better than most of the pot boilers he made through out his long career.
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Were you expecting for it to be good?
21 April 2022
Like the vast majority of Herschel Gorden Lewis's 37 films, Bloodmania is kind of a stinker. Lewis isn't exactly known for being a cinematic masterpiece, even among those fans who have only seen his popular gore films and Bloodmania won't be changing anyone's mind. This is a cheap production that seeks to cut corners on not only the budget but also on things like character development, acting, and writing. A few of the shorts sort of capture a modern take on Lewis's mid century classics but overall they have the feeling of trying too hard to become some sort of cult classic. I'm not sure I'd suggest this to anyone other than a Lewis completionist as they offer very little in the way of novel ideas, scenes, or effects.
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Abandon all hope ye who watch this
12 March 2022
If you thought that your appreciation of strange kiddie-matinees or HGL's well known films meant that you should watch this than I am so sorry for the huge disappointment you guaranteed to experience. Films from the above two camps both had some craft and skill put into them. People showed up and tried to make the films work, despite their limitations.

This though, is some kind of abhorrent, ungodly abomination that offers almost nothing of value. No one tried here to making some good or worthwhile. Someone found a disused stage at a children's school where only the worst children attended. The film makers aimed their camera at the stage and the world's worst thespians descended upon this god-forsaken place, beckoned by something that was beyond their understanding. Costumes were made from cheap and soiled garments, likely stolen from the local citizenry, and were combined into an obscene pastiche; a mockery of what modern society calls acceptable.

I don't have the strength to continue, haven just barely made it through this god awful wreck, but please take my advice and never watch it.
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Skippable "sexploitation" from HGL
6 March 2022
The Girl the Body and the Pill is an H. G. Lewis sexploitation that attempts for something of a coming-of-age, slice of life drama surrounding the a controversial sex education class. While that might be the kind of elevator pitch that gets HGL fans lining up, the actual film will leave most disappointed. Unlike his well regarded classics (BLOOD FEAST, TWO THOUSAND MANIACS, WIZARD OF GORE) this film has almost no psychotronic aspects, no gory deaths, and no zany character acting in it. Its mostly a by the numbers story with a few lurid details thrown in. The closest thing to overacting we get is from Bill Rogers (the villain from A TASTE OF BLOOD) who seemingly tries to channel Lawrence J. Aberwood's infamous SCUM OF THE EARTH rant but it feels very out of place in the sweet, suburban setting the rest of the film exists in. Perhaps that was the point? Beneath suburbia is all of the nastiness of humanity (alla David Lynch's BLUE VELVET)? Perhaps, but the point is lost in a film that tries to do too much.
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Sundelbolong (1981)
Suffers from padding
20 February 2022
SUNDEL BOLONG is yet another in a long line of black magic/occult focused horror movies that were made in 1980's Indonesia. While many of these are truly unique and psychotronic fare due to their colorful violence, amusing dialog, enthusiastic effects, and bizarre sights. SUNDEL BOLONG contains all of these elements, to some degree, but it is horribly padded in between the scenes that most viewers are actually tuning in for. The film is plauged with scenes that go nowhere, characters that are developed only to become completely irrelevant, and side stories that more a frustratingly slow pace. The film does feature some quality scenes here and there but its hard to recommend this to anyone who isn't already a die hard fan of either this sub genre or the two principal actors Barry Prima (THE DEVIL's SWORD) and Suzzanna (QUEEN OF BLACK MAGIC).
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Rimba Panas (1988)
Sub par genre flick
20 February 2022
JUNGLE HEAT aka RIMBA PANAS is another Indonesian film pastiche that borrows elements from various other genre films that came before it. While these concoctions can often be very unique and entertaining, this entry is heavily weighed down by its lesser parts. Its part action movie, part jungle adventure, part cannibal movie, part fantasy, and part romance. While it features a number of effective and/or hilarious scenes final part is easily the worst of the bunch. It is given far too much screentime for what amounts to a cheap montage and its execution, while poor, isn't bad enough to be entertaining. But if you are desperate for jungle cannibal films, than this might be worth a watch for you. This is light years better than Indonesia's other addition to the sub-genre PRIMITIF aka PRIMITIVES as there is actually cannibalism and multiple scenes of psychotronic goodness and hilairously inept film making.
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Weird and fun
20 February 2022
This is another bizarre, yet memorable, genre film from 1980's Indonesia. It combines romance, comedy, fantasy, horror, and musical numbers all into something that more or less works. I'm not sure I'd suggest this to anyone who isn't already into bizarre, genre fare but for those who are this might be worth seeking out. Its not as bloody or black magic focused as some comparable movies such as QUEEN OF BLACK MAGIC (1981) or HUNGRY SNAKE WOMAN (1986) but it is also never slow. The deaths are fun, the black magic stuff is silly but enjoyable, and one of the musical numbers is highly memorable.
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Dreadfully dull
8 October 2021
You'll definitely want to track down the Rifftrax copy of this else you might not make it through this short without falling asleep. Even at just under 7 minutes this one is a chore to sit through. Between the monotone narrator and just how uninspired this old thing is there is almost nothing that makes it worth it.
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Mondo Inferno (1964)
Solid Mondo
23 May 2021
From automobile owning sex workers to child brides, this film showcases a massive range of sights, sounds, and customs from all around the world. Of course being an Italian produced mondo the content is all handled with the reverence and care that one would only expect in this sordid little genre. Almost no subject is safe from the narrator's relentless, though admittedly amusing, mockery as he positions himself to be obviously superior to any that he may examine.

This mondo also treats you to other genre staples such as outright lies and some truly odd sights. Notable sights include weird restaurants, bull fights, odd aspects of women's lib (circa 1960's), hickish Italians, and depictions of sex work from around the world. This mondo was slightly inspired by its "sexy nocturne" siblings as it has several strip teases that it features. I have yet to find a copy that actually shows any nudity in these scenes but that could be because of the year that it was released. This mondo does feature some real life violence but the vast majority of it is against animals that are either being prepared for consumption or are part of a ritual. Those looking for something rougher then that might be disappointed with this entry.

All in all I'd recommend this to fans of early mondos.
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A strong start and finish
11 May 2021
TOUGH BEAUTY AND SLOPPY SLOP (1995) is a Hong Kong action movie trying desperately to succeed with minimal resources. While the film starts and ends with some very enjoyable action scenes (high body count, tons of squibs, very stylized), the middle is almost entirely devoid of anything memorable. There are even action scenes in the middle but they lack so much punch and end so quickly that they are almost not even worth mentioning.

There is a big twist in the film that is discernible almost immediately even though the film continues along as if the viewer doesn't know. There are few almost effective, cloak and dagger scenes as the undercover cops attempt to hide their true identities but none of it is executed well enough to be very thrilling. The plot also goes all over the place in a style reminiscent of Godfrey Ho and the other geniuses at IFD. Sadly, TOUGH BEAUTY AND SLOPPY SLOP doesn't have the psychotronic vibe that Ho's better work has.

You could definitely do worse when it comes to low budget, Honk Kong action but there's so much out there that is better I'm not sure I'd really suggest this to anyone who isn't a die hard fan of some kind.
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No Way Back (1990)
Hits all the right notes
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Note: this review is for the English dubbed version of the movie.

NO WAY BACK (1990) follows a hero cop as he goes deep undercover to avenge his slain colleague. It's well paced with a plot that feels like an inspiration for INFERNAL AFFAIRS (2002). The film features many hallmarks of the heroic blood shed genre: hyper violent deaths, handguns galore, high body count, focus on brotherhood, cynical world view, and a downbeat ending. It also has several scenes that are highly memorable, specifically a bloody shootout at a shopping mall and an assault on a police station that was likely inspired by TERMINATOR (1984). While its not quite at the same level as genre classics such as HARD BOILED (1992), NO WAY BACK is a pretty fun heroic bloodshed movie.
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Could have been better
9 May 2021
THE MAGIC FOUNTAIN is an uneven but not overly dull kiddie matinee from 1961. It follows the adventures of a prince as he strives to always do the right thing. Along the way he meets some magical friends and encounters some magical items. Unfortunately the film's minuscule budget is easily seen as the sets and costumes are not on par with the type of output that Childhood Productions classically gave. So don't expect to find any ridiculous animal costumes or lavish sets here. Similarly don't expect any zany characters, everyone is rather dull, or psychotronic scenes While there are a few scenes that rise out of the drudgery of mediocrity they are the exception rather then the rule. Still, if you are nostalgic for this feature or you just love retro kiddie matinees it might be worth checking out.
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A wuxia drama that is bogged bown by its overly serious tone
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Note: this review is for the English dubbed version

Hears Shed No Tears is a Shaw Bros wuxia flick that is much heavier on the talking then it is on the action. Alliances are formed, broken, and reformed as a set of top martial artists scheme against each other. The principle characters each have their own shtick that helps to make them feel unique and each get a decent amount of character development. Being a Shaw Bro.'s production the sets and costumes are gorgeous.

Sadly it is not very enthralling due to several issues. The stakes are not clearly defined as they are seeking to be the best martial artist but nothing is ever said of why this is important. The voice actors who did the dub offer little in the way of excitement or energy and they all deliver very forgettable performances.

Another point against the film is the writing. The dialog is often repetitive with characters restating their intent multiple times in a single scene. Many of the twists come off as lazy with writers choosing to no build up to the twist, opting instead to have the twist come out of nowhere. Much of the dialog revolves around angst of the characters and how they sad they feel, which does not feel terribly heartfelt given some of the above stated issues.

Some of the fight scenes are fun as the choreography is decent and there are a few instances of weird weaponry being used. The fights are not terribly violent as the movie only uses very mild blood effects (e.g. Someone is stabbed/slashed and their clothes will now be bloody). None of the fights are terribly psychotronic with this going for being more of a serious, historical drama then something zanier. The film does break from this tone in one scene when a dancer does cut off her own leg to get back at her partner (!) and then proceeds to indigently hop away (!!).

If you like the idea of Shaw Bro.'s putting on what is essentially a some kind of serious, stage play but with sword fights then you might like this. Otherwise my suggestion would be to skip it.
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