
9 Reviews
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U-571 (2000)
Everything Das Boot Wasn't! U-571 Rocks!!
28 January 2018
I was pleasantly surprised by U-571. So much so that I personally thought it was a better made film overall compared to Das Boot. Das Boot seems excessively slow and choppy in terms of pacing. U-571 took every element of Das Boot and just made it better and cooler. I prefer this over Das Boot! Please check this film out if your into WWII films or liked Das Boot, you won't be disappointed!
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True, interesting, a sheding of new light on an on going horror story
18 April 2013
I've noticed with the Lutz family interviews that all of them including Daniel Lutz that they don't really explain or go into detail about the events that took place in that house in 1975 and '76. I feel as though in this film they really do more of a personality sketch and check on Daniel as they try to get him to explain in some way shape or form the events going on in the house.

This movie is dramatic, interesting and kind of gives way to how emotionally scarred this older guy is from all the press, media, and failing on George Lutz part as a parent. This movie will engross you more about the Amityville Horror and what really made these kids what they are today.
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Just TERRIBLE. Unnecessary sequel, pitiful writing and poor execution.
1 March 2013
The Last Exorcism Part II is simply put a terrible movie. I absolutely loved the first film but Part II is like the Blair Witch Project 2 of the original Blair Witch Project. Its unnecessary, it doesn't accomplish anything and it doesn't push the story forward. All this film was made for was to show you how Nell tries to recover after the events of the first film. THATS IT! The scares are few and far between the story is just downright dumb from the beginning and you never really feel for any of the characters from the get go. I wouldn't recommend seeing this film even for the fans of the first one. Besides a daring opening sequence, a few moments of suspense and interesting character moments this movie is a complete fluke. The Last Exorcism accomplished a sense of true horror and dread. You actually felt for the characters. Part II I see more of as a Dark Comedy. You can't even take this movie seriously at times. It seems the only reason this sequel was made was because the first film made 100 million at the box office. Thats it!

3 out of 10 stars. This movie was just bad. Simple as that!
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The Village (2004)
Thrilling, Dark and Visually enthralling.
25 January 2013
I'm surprised that Roger Ebert put this film on his most hated list. I watched this for the first time yesterday and was completely blown away. I went in expecting a horror film but it turned out to be a very well done thriller. As you start to believe one thing Shyamalan throws you another curve ball. I really appreciate the focus on the villagers. The film focused more on building relations with the characters within the village rather than focusing solely on the creatures. A lot of symbolism and literary terms within the film which I appreciate. The Village seeks your attention and your mind rather than just your wits and reaction. Its about understanding the people and understanding the story. I thought it was very well done. This movie was an almost perfectly made thriller. I would of thrown in some more creepy scenes but other than a few scares the movie is perfect. Underrated and misunderstood, The Village stands as one of the best Thrillers in years!
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Resident Evil: Retribution blows the last 4 installments out of the water!!!
14 September 2012
This installment to the Resident Evil series was simply put.....AMAZING! The action was continually NON-STOP! Was I ever bored throughout one single moment in this movie HELL NO! The visuals were dramatically well done, the 3D was used effectively and the music was fantastic once again for the 5th chapter in the RE franchise.

If you enjoyed the last 4 installments and aren't one of those annoying "It was SO bad because of this and that. I hate this because it ain't like the freakin Capcom games." type of people than you'll enjoy the living daylights out of this film.

From the moment the movie starts the action, the music and the visuals pick up intensity. We rewind through a scene where Alice is fighting the Umbrella Corporation on the Arcada and from there on out the action continues until the very last scene.

I truly have to give 50 thumbs up to Paul on this one. I never felt so entertained and exhilarated after seeing a Resident Evil movie like this one. The last 4 installments were missing something, you know that UMPH! To me this one got it! The fight scenes were incredible and the special effects in every scene were well done. The last scene where Alice has to fight Jill Valentine and where Rain has to fight Leon and Luther was just EPIC.

Did I feel like this movie did its job? YES! Would I go see this again in the theaters over and over YES! Did I enjoy this more than the last 4 installments? Yes sir! I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoyed the last 4 films and has a true interest in the franchise. If you have seen the last 4 films and have some kind of interest in the story of the previous films and of Alice you'll like this film all the much more! So stop reading these reviews and go watch the freakin movie!
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Not So Original, Not So Scary, Not....Enough
25 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a nice little premise going for it. Although Oren Peli sure as hell could of executed this little project a little more aggressively. Some dogs, some mutants and a random bear. OK...Crap we've seen in movies before just in Chernobyl. Add to the fact that they only gave us an hour and twenty minutes to begin with was obviously not enough time to really flesh out the characters, the story and especially the horror. I liked some of the visuals, the atmosphere and the tiny moments of pure suspense but other than that this movie is a quality flop. This film should of been much better and executed differently. Good concept, not so good film.

If you have nothing better to do I suggest you go see this movie on Netflix or something but honestly don't waist $7.00 to go see this in theaters. REALLY not worth all that time and money. I guarantee you.
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Chronicle (2012)
Fresh take on an ongoing genre
3 February 2012
I really liked Chronicle mainly because they fleshed the story out and made a "big" film. Many of these found footage films are very minimalistic and small in their takings. Chronicle slowly builds up the "BIG EPIC" feel of a film that so many other found-footage films don't even adhere to. The characters were believable and you felt the pain these characters were experiencing. It was a fun ride and this "found-footage" genre has finally gone somewhere else other than just to demons, ghosts or zombies, which was nice. Plus the ending was satisfactory. It was short but "BIG" and it left a little light and the end of a tunnel to explore this storyline further.

Of course it had increments of CGI placed all over the film but with a storyline like this, well what else could you do? One of my biggest pet-peeves with the found footage genre is the length of these films. There so damn short, ranging from just an hour to an hour and half. With a movie like this, a bigger budget and a more lengthy film would of made this movie a golden gem in the found-footage genre of cinema. But then again a lot of these "found footage" films tend to shorten up the film and use shock value as their key support. That to me is what lessens these movies from being even greater. There incredibly short and leave no time to expand on the characters and flesh out the storyline.

Overall, Chronicle was a fun-ride. It was like experiencing the origins of some superhero but through the lens of a camera. The powers these three characters conceived showed just how dangerous they can be if not disciplined to "think before you act". Chronicle also gave these three teenage characters the ability to act out a "realistic" life style in this film without having them to suit them up as Batman or Superman. It wasn't far-fetched. I would say Chronicle is like, "What if a few teenage boys discovered some superpowers and didn't know their limits." That is a realistic portrayal of a superhero. Every DC or Marvel Superhero is somehow able to discipline themselves and never go outside the box when discovering their powers. This film took you out of the suit, out of the fantasy world and placed a superhero in our world today. Thats what I really enjoyed about it. Chronicle gave you a glimpse of the true potential of a person with such powers who didn't abide in a world of limits. Plenty of action and suspense. A fun Friday-night film to see with your friends if you have got nothing better to do. I'm sure you won't regret it.

My verdict: A fresh take to a continuing genre of cameras and shaking action/horror. Gives a super-hero twist to these kinds of films and really emboldens what a young superhero is all about in a realistic kind of way. I give it a 7 out 10. It wasn't a perfect gem of a film but if you enjoy "Found Footage" movies like myself, you will most likely really enjoy this.
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it was OK!
20 December 2011
I've never read the books or seen the original Swedish film but all I can say is that it had a decent story and the acting was superb. David Fincher did a great job molding this piece together. It wasn't terrible but it could of obviously been more.

I sat through a 2 hour and 45 minute movie that was fairly slow in pace and very inactive. It had interesting and captivating moments but it really wasn't something to kill over. Honestly, if you have never read the book OR seen the original Swedish film than I can fully say as an audience member you can pass on this one.

Wasn't terrible, it wasn't excellent, just a standard film that isn't something I would go crazy over.
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Soothing, Heartwrenching, and Inspirational. I never liked Country Music but I loved this.
21 August 2011
The characters in this film were just drew you in right from the start. The tone and atmosphere the movie sets up gives you a warm and tender feeling. Everything in this film worked out. After watching Country Strong with my girlfriend I throughly enjoyed the film. It was very enjoyable and very emotional in some scenes. It gave you moments of happiness and then you felt the sad undertones of the certain characters from within the story. This is HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY, underrated movie. I can't stress that in any other way. I'm a huge horror movie and action buff and watching this film I would of never expected such a moving and touching film.

If you have the chance please watch this with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Its definitely the film to watch with a partner or a good friend who loves country. By the way you DON'T have to love country to like this movie. I never was very fond of Country music. That didn't make any difference though because it was the story and the characters and the atmosphere the movie created that help me fall in the love with it so much. So please give this movie a chance. Don't judge it by its pathetic rating here on IMDb or the cover it offers you. Judge it by its creative content. Thanks for reading!!!!
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