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Came From Reality - Sixto Rodriguez - Stayed in reality
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story of how a musician can produce two gems, two "products" in Rodriguez' own words, for them to be largely ignored by the mass markets of the USA, Japan and Europe...and yet they spark into a life, a new life, all of their own in the late 1970s in what was one of the most oppressive regimes in the World at that time. Life-enriching is this documentary, drawing you unwarily in as it weaves the myth of Rodriguez' on-stage immolation/self-inflicted gunshot wound, as the white middle-class Afrikaans hail the revolutionary words in his songs and realise that their hero can help them overcome the governmental oppression. Then as the tale depicts the discovery of their musical hero alive and well, living at home in Detroit, Michigan, unaware of how influential his words became, it truly portrays how sometimes we can live day to day oblivious to how we can influence others. I found myself itching to watch this upon release on DVD, its cinematic distribution poor in the UK last year. I was in tears as Sixto takes to the stage for his first South African concert in March 1998, the stadium erupting as their musical hero took to the stage. The soundtrack CD has played every day since......then this morning I re-watched the DVD.....and the tears flowed again as the nature of how a simple man's life can be maintained, irrespective of the monies that he could have - and should have - earned.

One detracting point is the way the quest for the royalties peters out and is never really answered. Maybe Clarence Avant knows more than he lets on. Some have said that the simple graphic works and penmanship for the animation is too simplistic - yet I disagree, it enhances how simple a story this film portrays. It fits into the gentle progression of the story. But watch this documentary and feel it pull you into its story, told across near three decades. You will be tapping your foot and humming along as the film ends.....and if you think the comparison with Dylan is unfair, then please re-assess your thoughts. A truly inspiring story.

I Wonder.....
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Source Code (2011)
Well Thought Out Sci-Fi Thriller
1 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Another film by Duncan Jones...... Let me re-phrase that - another first-rate classic from Duncan Jones.

A man awakens in disarray and cannot understand what is happening, a good-looking woman talking to him - she calls him Sean, he corrects her, stating his name is Air Force Captain Colter Stevens....from there his mission starts, although he discovers more once the train explodes and he is drawn, via quantum mechanics and parabolic arcs, back into the future, namely later that day. There he is ensconced in a metal all-surrounding cell with a face on a screen issuing instructions (Captain Goodwin) - before being sent back to 7.40am that morning!

Confusing? No, the story opens itself relatively easily and progresses at a fast pace, taking the viewer along the same path as Captain Stevens, taking the woman (Christina Warren) along with him in a vain effort to save her whilst trying to succeed in stopping that days disaster.

The photography is stunning, showing a city and its environs, transportation links and countryside in clean, crisp images, offset by the dark, crowded, cramped, almost dingy interior of the Source Code Headquarters.

I smiled at the ring tone of Christina's phone - I guess Duncan Jones has a thing about that song; I am sure Mr Hawks will be smiling too!

Twists and turns occur, misleading the viewer into a thought process, before veering into another, during another eight minute intrusion into the past.

All in all the satisfaction felt comes from figuring out as Captain Stevens does what the inventor of Source Code (Dr. Rutledge) cannot know.

The end is a perfect conclusion to a great film. Thoroughly recommended and worth every point of ten out of ten. I sense greater things for Duncan Jones and look forward eagerly to watching his career unfold. Please let every film be as good if not better....
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I'm Still Here (I) (2010)
28 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A documentary showcasing JP's rap abilities as he suffers in his quest for recognition for his efforts.

Curious, I entered the screening and took my seat.

Having heard so much - is it real? is it fake? - I was open-minded, expecting something different.

And different it is. Surprisingly different. I can recommend it for its honesty and integrity as JP journeys from one career into another. He suffers for his art too, journeying around trying to hook up with P. Diddy, fighting his publicist and his PA and his friends, justifying himself in several lengthy monologues, to get them understanding why he MUST do this.

Real? Fake? Whichever; Joaquin's persona as JP captivates the audience.

And at the end, after a surprising good performance of the song "I'm Still Here", the haunting quality as he walks alone through the river, the music playing over the scene, you get to feel for JP, that maybe the audience he is playing to (us) can finally connect with him.

Thoroughly enjoyable. Sure to be looked upon in years to come with a sense of fulfilling wonderment.Casey Affleck's direction and positing of the scenes allows the full integrity to come through - so well done, Mr Affleck.

Marks out of ten - nine. Highly recommended.
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Somewhat eventful but leaves a feeling of wanting more.....
27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I picked up on a couple of reviews of PERRIER'S BOUNTY in the daily newspapers and thought - that is worth a look over!! Good cast - Brendon Gleeson Liam Cunningham Jim Broadbent Cillian Murphy et al - and a story of the shady underworld inhabiting Dublin......drugs, guns, violence, dog fights and other such delights.

So today I packed myself off to the local multiplex and gladly bought my ticket.

The premise goes that Michael (Murphy) owes Perrier (Gleeson) a sum of money, which he hasn't got - two of Perrier's thugs tell him he has four hours to find the money - or he will have two bones broken. That sets him haring off to the local dive looking for The Mutt (Cunningham), the local loan shark. The Mutt tells Michael he is short - but is doing a job that night and needs a third man...

So starts a hectic forty eight hours for Michael as he has run-ins with his father (Broadbent), the girl in the flat below, her on/off lover, two sadistic car clampers, the local dog fraternity, the snooker hall drug pusher, the ASBO-dodging car thieves.......I could go on, mentioning the double-crossing and the underlying love story triumvirate.

Funny in parts but more chuckle-some than guffaws, the whole leaves you wanting more meat to chew over - there is not much to bring you in to the story completely. When it concludes - and I had a doubting question over the way it ends, up in the hills (not to give it away but there WOULD be repercussions after the fact) - it leaves you with a sense of it having just petered out.

I give this film a seven out of ten - the violence is gritty and realistic - Brendon Gleeson is a marvel! - but is bogged down by unnecessary plot angles and sidelines. A tighter script would have made this experience more enjoyable.
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Moon (2009)
Absolutely one of the all-time greats!
6 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went along with great expectations for this independent sci-fi film - having read the reviews online and in several publications, drawn up some idea of the concept and background, noted that it was by Duncan Jones......all these thoughts whirling in my mind as I took my seat in the cinema.

Nothing - repeat, nothing - can prepare you for this movie.

Yes - compare it to 2001, or Solaris, or any other great pedantic sci-fi film. Yes - marvel at what has been achieved for so small a budget ($5 million).

But....this film left me awestruck. It takes you up and involves you from start to finish, never exploding into mindless violence or loud fiery explosions. It shows just how a single person (if you could call Sam Bell that) is affected after near three years of isolation on the dark side of the moon; how the big corporation milks the small man (possible dig at the big studios????) until that person can no longer operate in a normal, day-to-day fashion; how the progression of the human race can actually be backtracking at times.

Do we not all lose a little of ourselves with each passing year? Imagine doing that when all of a sudden you discover that you are not who you think you are and the only honesty emanates (eventually) from your only companion in that isolation, an A.I. unit.

The scope of the whole film remains small but the greater aspect of its message is huge - as at the end when Sam has to decide between himself (!!) what to do for the greater good whilst also wanting to be reunited with his family.....which still turns out to throw up greater questions back on Earth.

I was blown away by just how thought-provoking the film was. And yet it presented the future with that great 'retro' feel, that sums up many a great era of film, as Sam Bell repeats the same processes, the same daily grind, holding on to the thought of finally meeting his baby girl..

I thoroughly recommend this film to any person with even a minor interest in film - yes, go watch your big blockbusters, but to see a truly great film, MOON wins hands down every time.

Given nine out of ten for this - there are a couple of noticeable slips and errors but they do not detract from great storytelling.
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The Fall (I) (2006)
Sumptuously mesmerising
1 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film literally washes the world around and about you with the most striking and stunning colours, a depth of field that almost blinds; you cannot help but let your jaw drop.

If there is a film to take you places and stretch your mind and visually stun you, The Fall will manage that and leave you slightly numb with how varied and spectacular it is.

Tarsem Singh has managed to evoke a sensibility of awe in the viewer that I myself have not felt over a film in quite a long time.

From a vibrancy to a subtlety, the tale of the five heroes on their quest to oust General Odious, as envisioned within the imagination of the young leads imagination, tempered all the while with the words of the paraplegic male patient - they take themselves from the drab white and gray of the hospital and explode into the exotic land. As the tale progresses and it becomes more evident why this friendship has been struck - he seeks a release from that which ails him, whilst she yearns for the fulfilling life she sees in others around her - the climax and turnaround literally surprises in a clever yet satisfying way.

If you are unsure of whether this film is for you - clear your doubts! This film is a pleasure from intro to end credits!!!
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
AHEM! Dan In Real Life - Where do I truly start to express the merits?
10 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How can you sum up just exactly how feelgood and right and touching this film is?? For several weeks this DVD leaped off the shelf at me every time I went in the store - having seen Steve Carrell in a couple of films previously, I didn't want to smear my thought process of him - so I resisted and resisted, until finally I grabbed it up with a 'What the hell!' attitude! And how surprised was I! I just wish I had purchased it earlier. Having watched it three times in two days I am still smiling at how the portrayal of a widower struggling with three daughters, yearning for that which is missing since the passing of his beloved wife, who thus meets an intriguing woman, charming her in such a profound and interesting (dare I say bookish?) way, throws a whole different light onto life that makes him realize she is what he has been searching for.

The snag of that woman being his brothers girl complicates matters - which portray Dan comically shy and with a heartfelt chagrin, seeing his "someone special" bringing such fun and enjoyment into the family home as well as his brothers life. You just really begin to feel for him.

Then when the blind date occurs with Ruthie Draper - that is the turning point in Marie's estimation of Dan!! The look she gives him when he repeats her comment, about not liking Ruthie - sheer Green-Eyed Monster! Triggering an absolutely hilarious scene as the two couples compete on the dance floor! This sequence is one of the most well-crafted as Dan starts to loosen up with regard to Marie.

Other gut-wrenching scenes - Dan returns from the Book and Tackle Shop, confronted by his brothers, begins to describe what has just occurred....when Dan's face drops it brings a sharp intake of breath!!

His youngest daughter Lilly making the present celebrating their love for Suzanne, his late wife, brings a little heartfelt warmth and a little gulp as Dan realizes just what he has lost in life.

When Dan plays guitar and sings at the Talent Show....his voice cracking slightly as he reprises the song....absolute gem!

The acceptance of what occurs late in the film by his daughters...they all three love their father and want to see him happy, will not let him deny his love for Marie; the desperateness of Dan not to fail his daughters because he is their rock, their stronghold...and tell him so much more than that with just a few words.

I could go on and on but I will leave it for now - maybe return and add more comments here in the near future....but I will end by saying....

....if you want to watch a film that is just so damn good, with twists of comedy to lighten up the drama, that never feels forced or crass, that comes over as a genuine portrayal of a man discovering new life - not just with a woman but also with his extended family, then look no further.

DAN IN REAL LIFE - 9 out of 10 for such a well-rendered cinematic experience with a score by Sondre Lerche, that intimately takes you there throughout whilst never being intrusive, with fine performances by the ensemble cast. I cannot wait to re-watch this again!!
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S. Darko (2009)
S. Darko - A Donnie Darko Tale - NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
6 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
S. Darko - A Donnie Darko Tale.......the full title pretty much sums up the writers and directors thought processes when they decided to make a sequel to one of the most compelling, innovative and involving films of the last ten years. 'Let us focus on the younger sister......put her name up as the title....add Donne Darko too so that people will know it is a sequel - hell, no...let us shorten the name of the that Darko is mentioned that people WILL know it is a sequel...'

It is just a shame that they did not put any thought into the script, the characters, the casting, the effects......all they did was rehash the best of Donnie Darko - BADLY!!!!!

The scroll at the beginning sets it up when it mentions about the jet engine being untraceable, from the first movie....HALLO!!!!!! That matter took place in the Tangent Universe....the investigation in the Now Universe was never portrayed on screen!!!!

Why has Samantha got the Time Travel book?

Why does Samantha die - twice??

Why are the cast so two-dimensional that we don't really care about them or their actions?

Why would Roberta Sparrows grandson be involved?

There are numerous references to the first film - rehashed as I mentioned - basically word for word dialogue that seems so contrite as to not make sense, even in the context of this shabby movie. The effects are not up to scratch - what exactly are the meteorites for? How come the water spears are acting independently of their hosts, when they should be tracking the hosts path into the near future (as in Donnie Darko)? Why would there be a water barrier between Iraq Jack and Samantha atop the water tower? (Is she a Manipulated Dead at this point? Probably - but then she comes back to life!)

Maybe in time and with several viewings under my belt I will come to appreciate this film more - I rate it at a two from ten film, purely for the audacity of the makers thinking they could match the original!

Well, I think I need to go lie down to recover now.......
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