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27 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the rating on IMDb and being a fan of kill bill decided to watch it.

What can I say, this movie is very very very long, 3 hours felt like 6, there is just so much filler and talking about nonsensical crap which adds nothing to the core plot. The plot, which takes a whopping hour to be revealed, is to destroy a cinema whilst Nazi leaders are watching a pro Nazi war movie premier.

The movie starts off with a farmer safe-harbouring Jews being interrogated by the 'jew hunter' played by Christopher waltz, his performance and 'coolness' outdoes this scene, sadly this comes to an abrupt halt and your left being dragged though a hour and half of nonsense until the next good scene which takes place in a tavern, however if you given up on the film by this point, your sat watching 5 people taking for 40 minutes... 40! and all of it boils down to 1 sentence of dialogue contributes to the story!

Cut to the final scene, which I admit brad pit is pretty funny at his terrible job at faking Italian, it is in no means worth waiting 2+ hours for. But you cant help but notice the annoying surreality of the situation, if Hitler is there, why are there only 2 guards?

At this point I couldn't of cared less and just wanted the whole experience to end. Its too long, and spread too thin, to leave the audience bored stiff-less. 2/10
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Mean Girls 2 (2011 TV Movie)
23 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Being a straight to TV 'sequel' I did not have high hopes, but carrying the name Mean Girls 2 after the original Hit film, I decided to give it a try...

First off How do you do a squeal to the original hit mean girls? Well the movies answer to this tough question is: Just repeat the exact same plot and hope no one will notice... However within 5 minutes of watching you realize it is a copy/paste job, and start to pick the holes apart, and believe me this movie is fantastic for hole picking.

Now For the actors: Meaghan Martin, as the lead often seemed excruciatingly wooden, and many scenes painful to watch, especially in the workshop romance scenes. Jennifer Stone as Abby played her role pretty well, subtle, not over the top and connectible. Abby's character is stark contract to her rich background but acceptable never the less.

****SPOILERS>>>> The mean girls, Whilst being plastic, which come on is not a hard act, seems completely lackluster compared to the vindictive nature of the treo portrayed in the first film. Their 'pranks' are over the top, unbelievable and just results in loud groans from the viewers, the final straw incident is just lacking any real motivation on why they would wreck jo's fathers career, no build up no nothing, just cut to the scene and cut away again if nothing happened.

The whole payback aspect of the film is unrewarding (which ultimately is what this film is about), the 'ultimate payback' for destorying her fathers career and $1000's of damages somehow equates to Holding a spite party at the same time as the plastics. Come on... when stakes are raised to that level you have every opportunity to do a something actually creative, clever, and well thought out. (which is why mean girls 1 was such a hit)

It then rushes into the plastic spawning of jo after 2 pranks (yes they even copied that from the original film). Then Jo gets framed for something she hadn't done (Hmm sound familiar to the original mean girls? Yes thats copied as well) and has to win support of her friends again to save the end of year ball (OH COME ON) SPOILER END<<<<<

The whole film is ultimately unrewarding and completely pointless in light of mean girls 1, Had this film been named anything else then it could of avoided direct comparison, and maybe viewers wont feel so deceived by being fed the same story again. If anyone is in any doubt this film isn't just a cash cow, look at the first sentence of the trailer "Remember mean girls 1?" i.e remember how awesome that movie is, now go spend money on this. Most amusing thing of all is the only time I laughed in the trailer is when they showed the clip of mean girls one.

1/10 Avoid, don't waste your time or money on this desperate corporate attempt to cash in.
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Mind Numbing
19 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, what the G, i, joe...

How, just how did anybody approve this, or it was beyond fixing, they just released it for a quick buck?

It is so unbelievably corny, its just painful, not 1 line of dialog isn't made of fermented dairy.

I saw the trailer on top gear, and though, wow that looks great. failed to see it in the cinema so caught it now, and glad I forgot to see it. Where to begin... First thing that came to mind, the SFX, I know that is not the be all and end all, but it's worse than star wars, and thats saying something. The first action scene was so incoherent, I nearly turned it off, wish I had done.

So the plot: Some green goo from any cliché sci fi movie gets stolen, oh no... so great, you can see its got stolen, now lets spend 10 minutes explaining to the viewer that its stolen... Thinking back, I don't think anything beyond the obvious is explained, the audience is treated so lowly, it just injects searing boredom into you. so yes, green goo stolen, sterile love interest is introduced, 10 minutes spent looking at holograms bla bla bla boring.

The characters are as deep as the underside of a mug, none of them connectible, or even worth bearing a thought whilst they are off screen.

So plot is boring, characters are boring, sodden in clichés, sfx is painful to watch, surly the cool gadgets are good? 'its the future', these ideas are worse than the ones in the electrical isle in pound-land, my god they are stupid. But not as stupid as they look when they break all laws of physics, sensibility and suspension of disbelief.

If your expectations are though the floor, then you may have the vague hope of enjoying it, if not steer clear.
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Epic Movie (2007)
Just awful
14 December 2009
2 years after its release, and it all-ready premiered on channel 4, Just goes to show how bad this movie really is.

First few minutes of this is junk, then, Hey its Kal Penn, from Harold and kumar, maybe this wont be so bad after all.... Oh how wrong was I,

Kal Penn Literally sold out his movie to this piece of junk, its sickening, for 1 half assed joke.

Nothing, funny, or original, 1/2 the movie is just filler, obvious filler, as if they were trying to stretch the movie time to the 90 minute mark with 30 minutes of content. Glad I did not pay to see it, and waited for it to be on TV. I would certainly feel completely ripped off if I had spent a penny on it.

1 chuckled at 1 thing, Just 1 thing.. you make funny movie... not oh wait, that was mine.
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Zombieland (2009)
Watchable but not the best
10 October 2009
Its a subtle blend between Shawn of the dead and 28 days later, if you try and compare this film to them you'll be disappointed. Mild comedy, and mild zombie action, for a mild result.

Perfectly watchable for someone who doesn't want to be scared and wants to have a good time.

Its a good movie, but not as awesome as critics put it, but most importantly I wasn't bored at any point in the film. Only thing that made me groan was the cameo of a certain actor (avoiding spoilers) filled a good 20 minutes, which was too long for the tiny comedic relief.

7/10, worth a watch.
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18-Year-Old Virgin (2009 Video)
3 October 2009
This is the single worst movie I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. I'm Glad I did not pay to see this, Even then this is a complete money grabbing wh**re of a film, and I feel ripped off.

Nothing was remotely funny, entertaining, interesting, sexy, dramatic. It is a pathetic excuse for a film, and coining the title from 40 year old virgin, is just sick, expect nothing like that film, expect 1.5hrs of brain numbing garbage, that physically hurts your head its so bad to watch.

The script is just cut and paste of every major teen sex movie, such that there is no transition or filler, it just jumps from extract to extract, pure laziest way of script writing possible.

The lead cannot act and does not have any realistic reactions to the situations presented to her.

In-fact there's not one thing good about this film, except the DVD case can make a good paperweight, or a spare case for a free newspaper movie.
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Surrogates (2009)
Okayish movie
3 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers

One comment, this film ended before it got anywhere. I personally think this film could of done with an extra 1/2hour, and slow things down enough. You see the vast leader of the non surrogates, 10 minutes later turns out hes a surrogate, but there's no shock value, no build up, nothing to even make that scene any use or relevance to the audience.

There are many plot holes and questions that could of easily been filled up if they spent a little longer.

The idea however is fresh, and for something so fresh, it wasn't explained, or fully exploited. The idea that no one really could be trusted if their surrogate was hijacked could been played a lot more. Kinda like the matrix's agents ability to assimilate anyone connected to the matrix.

I did like the ending though, he did what was right for us (as the audience) and still did what the bad guy intended. I thought this was very well done.

sadly the ending is the only memorable thing of the whole movie, after a hour I could hardly remember what happened.

Too fast and not enough time given to detail.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Words can not describe how bad this is.
6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Luckily I saw It on TV, and did not pay my good money to see this utter garbage.

Tron was beyond acceptable for its time in 1982, This ups the graphics ever so slightly, I stopped watching just to find out when it was released so It could have a redeeming factor, and maybe I could appreciate the visuals for their time and sit though the rest, but no, it was released in 2006. 90% of videos on youtube have better quality green screening and CGI. This day and age there is no excuse for something so appalling. 'It had a low budget' No excuse, they had awful 3D artists, and should of scrapped them.

For anyone who has the privilege of not seeing it, the quality was basically a gradient background or pattern with an overlay of some real action, there was no depth of the city, the Big tower about 15 minutes in, just had a chrome texture applied, and the whole thing visually was (excuse my French) crap. It wouldn’t mind if it was the odd action scene, but Every single shot has this horrible cgi and green screening, the whole movie looks like it was done in some kid's garage.

Acting, Heavy use of French accents to hide the non existent character development or portrayal, basically French = evil, and that’s it, its something from a 80's sketch show would do.

The action scene with the vampires was just laughable, to start of, I counted 3 minutes, of zooming in to each characters bland expressions. Then every bad guy shot each other somehow missing violet in the middle of it all. I gave up after this scene.

Shocking use of holograms to build fake emotion and suspense, cheating the audience of any real build up.

A cartoon style zoom in of the workings of the gravity device is shown every single time it is activated, this greatly annoyed me as it lasts about 30 secs, and you just want to see action, not a mini black hole form.

I think about 25% of the movie is wasted doing close ups and pans of characters poeses before they fight, somehow ignorantly believing the audience wants and enjoys this and is helping us get pump'ed for the action. And Its sadder the action is about 1/2 as long as the 'build up' phase.

If anything they should of cut these scenes, and restore some coherency.

The dialogue is beyond corny, its horribly wooden, fixed and forced. and only pars the terrible visuals.

If your gullible to try and sit though it after the motorbike scene give up, its not worth watching all the way though, you will be left confused annoyed and 88 minutes of your life shorter.
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