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Confusing to say the least
30 May 2019
You don't know who is the good character and who is the bad. I went to see this with my niece and after seeing captain Marvel act like a rude self centered you know what for quite some time she asks me if she is the bad guy of the movie. I just answered "I think so. It's confusing isn't it?". Needless to say none of us really liked it. I sure wouldn't take young girls to see it as it either really confuses them or teaches them to act like they have antisocial personality disorder.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
A sad joke
30 December 2018
If you're going to cast a lot of big names wouldn't you take the time to write a halfway original script? Wouldn't you give the characters some real personality? You would think so but that's not what happened here. The characters (with the exception of Bonham Carter's) were all snobbish jerks. While the women were all trying to outdiva each other we are supposed to believe they worked together??? When you watch the original Ocean's movies you like the characters, you even want to be there and participate in all the fun, but with these character's in Ocean's Eight you feel like they're ready to spit on you at any moment.
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Good story, well made, unfortunately unethical and distortionist
25 December 2018
I have always liked Spike Lee as a director. He makes great movies as far as I'm concerned and I liked this one because it was historical and even though it was over dramatized at times, it was still based on true events. It has some great comedy that mixed in with a serious situation as well. Even at times when the scenes were intense it could be funny. The real shame it all is how Spike Lee added these edited clips of Trump at the end to present the idea that Trump is a racist. It's a shame to lie about people and take things out of context to try to ruin someone at the end of what was otherwise a really good film. It just ruined it for me. Present factual information or keep quiet.
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Tully (2018)
29 July 2018
What can I say. I just scheduled my vasectomy for next week. Wish me luck!
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Seems to be advertising Tesla cars
4 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a pretty green guy to start with. I watched this movie not knowing who was in it. Then sure enough Elon Musk shows up...wait a minute? This guy is supposed to be green? Not only that, but the movie seems to think Tesla cars are green!! How confused can they be. Anyone that bothers to think just slightly or perhaps do a little research would realize Tesla makes dirtier cars than any other company. Their cars run on electricity, therefore COAL!!! This documentary is a joke. They surely have enough sense to realize this. They surely also know that solar panels as a power distribution system cause a massive amount of waste versus the power they actually generate. (batteries, heavy metals, rare earth metals).

On top of this spin making Elon Musk look green they go to Asian countries and make these hunters look bad. The thing is these hunters waste nothing! Meanwhile the makers of this movie polluted more flying to Asia than these hunters ever will in their lives.

The whole movie reeks to high heaven of a advertisement courtesy of Elon Musk. The guy lives off taxpayers, keeping bankrupt companies alive courtesy of the taxpayers, and has to do everything he can to spin this idea that his companies are green when in fact they are extremely wasteful and polluting.
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Fireproof (2008)
Just plain pitiful
5 May 2013
The only Evangelical movies I had seen before this one were sports movies, and they're not bad but they're still silly because you always think wait...did the winning team pray to God and the losing team pray to Satan? Or did God just shaft the loosing team and not answer their prayers. Well this movie gets even more absurd because there are more elements to it than just teams winning and losing. All through the movie the husband is told by everyone he just needs God to save his marriage with none of these advisers knowing anything about his wife or his marriage. His wife could be a horrible person, she could be a serial killer, she could abuse him, and they'd all still say "you just need to find God and that will save your marriage". Well in the real world that's not how it works, and that's why the divorce rate is higher among Evanglicals than the general population.

The wife in the movie is never asked to change or adjust her behavior she's just asked to accept God and then everything is okay. She's also mad at her husband for looking at porn and like most evangelical nuts the writers of this movie want to portray that porn is bad. Now maybe the husband was addicted to it? That could've been the issue but how could he have time to be addicted when he's working round the clock at a fire station. Then the end of the movie involves him buying his wife back by taking the money he's saved and spending it on her parents. Now that's nice of him but lets look at it through the wife. One minute she thinks the doctor bought the equipment and she was ready to run off with him, then next thing you know she finds out it was her husband so she decides to run off with him. So a good "Christian" woman is supposed to be purchased? Wow.

Perhaps the craziest thing is that at the beginning of the movie the little Dove clip is suppose to symbolize this being a family movie, but how are any kids supposed to enjoy this or get anything out of this? If anything it teaches them a lot of screwed up "values" that get perpetuated by traditional distorted translations of the Bible, whereas kids that don't see this movie will have a much easier time of distinguishing between right and wrong on their own.
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Bachelorette (2012)
Tasteless and just not funny.
26 January 2013
I get really tired of movies like this one that provide a distorted view for young girls. The main characters are all beautiful and snorting cocaine and cheating on boyfriends. Real people that use cocaine, don't look like that for long and they end up with heart failure and many other health issues.

Aside from all that the movie just wasn't funny. I watched it because the fat girl was in it and I'd seen her in other things where she was pretty darn funny, but she's hardly in this movie. Instead the movie centers around the somehow beautiful cocaine addicts that can't land a joke if they even tried. Kirsten Dunst's character was probably the worst because it seems the writers thought it would be funny to have someone screaming and cussing a lot when it's just aggravating and makes you want to see a boxing match afterwards.
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Doesn't compare to the original
21 June 2012
The most important thing I can say is, just see the original Swedish movie. This one doesn't provide the same feeling as the original at all. Everything down to the score for the film is off. They aren't as clear when telling the story in this version either. Rooney, while learning the mannerisms and portraying Lisbeth to the best of her abilities just simply doesn't have the right look at all. She looks like a soft small child playing dress up rather than a worn abused yet tough young woman that Noomi Rapace portrays so well. Noomi has the sharp angular features that give her a tough serious look while Rooney is softer and sweeter looking. I probably won't watch the other U.S. versions once they come out. The Swedish version told the story right, created the environment for the story, and provided the feeling that made the movies so great.
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The Fountain (2006)
Great movie it just needed more length and more clarity
6 May 2012
This was a very creative and entertaining way to describe love, life, and death, but the movie in my opinion was too short and needed a little more narrative. Many people that have seen the movie complained that there was no narrative, but there was definitely a narrative, it's just that at times it was too vague. The other issue is that in some of the scenes they whisper so quietly you can't hear a word that's said. The story and the ideas put into this movie are really fantastic though. You will have to pay attention and definitely turn the volume up when they whisper, which is quite often. Also realize the narrative isn't complete and much of it is left to your own interpretation. My main complaint is that they left too much up to interpretation and that left the movie feeling incomplete. That said, I still give this movie a 7 because it still comes across pretty well.
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Senseless, just plain senseless
22 November 2011
Okay it's fine to have abstractions and surreal scenes when they contribute to the storyline. This movie however does nothing of the sort. Instead we're bombarded with random nature videos or clips of stairs, jellyfish, or whatever else they could get their hands on. All of this while listening to classical music and wondering when the storyline is going to develop. The movie seems to be an attempt to make an examination of the meaning of life, but if that's the case then the disconnected scenes make little sense. Sure we have galaxies, our solar system formed, then there were dinosaurs, then there was a meteor, but what does this have to do with the main characters who we barely get to know? There is just so very little substance to this movie if any at all. It was painful, what else can I say. With that said everyone involved in making this movie should re-examine the meaning of their life.
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Maneater (2009)
This may be how it is, but it's just sad to see it
28 September 2011
I should first admit the only reason I bothered watching this show was because Noureen Dewulf was in it.

The premise for the show is based on how American women live their lives nowadays. We know materialism trumps all but to see it on screen like this just makes it like a horror/documentary almost. Regular romantic comedies at least give us a dreamlike view of how relationships could be, and they tend to add in actual humor which this show had none of.

But avoid this show/movie. We have to see this sort of thing day in and day out now and we don't need to see anymore of it. It's just not entertainment, it's a sad reality we're already drowning in.
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Super (I) (2010)
Good violent humor.
3 August 2011
Really I wasn't too into this movie until Ellen Page's character got more involved. It was pretty good at first but the humor centers around the main character being so ridiculous. It's basically a plot we've seen many times. Main character is a loser that has to get some confidence and.... well fill in the blank.

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I was cracking up at the extreme violence and psychotic laughter from Boltie. Boltie makes the movie into the great comedy that it is.

This movie is somewhat like Defendor, but it's definitely more violent and less appropriate for kids.
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Catfish (2010)
Definitely not a documentary
27 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The whole time I'm watching this movie I didn't believe any of it. Here you have tech savvy guys that clearly know how to use a computer and you expect me to believe they didn't know how to use google?? They supposedly believed the stories they were being told by a sad homely old woman in Michigan. The woman claimed her daughter was a famous painter, yet these three tech savvy guys never bothered to google her name? The entire movie just fell apart for me because I realized the guys were just acting. So it's clearly not a documentary except for the fact that the woman in the second half of the movie was being documented. The issue with the movie is that it sells itself as a documentary, yet the actor has a grin on his face the entire movie, never disappointed or sad that he's been scammed. The moral of the story is don't pay money to hear this story.
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So little laughs made it seem so long
21 May 2011
The main problem is the main character, he's just not funny at all. I had seen him in other movies as a random sideshow and sometimes he's slightly funny in those cases but still more corny than anything.

Oddly enough Kanye West or P diddy or whoever that was did provide some laughs. I can't tell them apart because they both do the same dumb things to try and act cool (like wearing sunglasses indoors at night). But he was funny and did a good job acting hypertensive and crazy.

Jonah Hill is normally a really funny guy when given the right role, but in this case he has to try to make something off his interactions with the main character which is hard to do when Russel Brand just brings nothing to the movie for him to work with. It wasn't a good role for Jonah Hill.

The movie does have quite a few cameos that I guess they hoped would engage the viewers more, but I was so annoyed and disappointed by the lack of comedy that I just didn't care.
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Sweetgrass (2009)
Worth seeing but a bit bland
9 May 2011
I know a lot of people say this documentary uses the raw filming to tell the story, but it's just too bland. What they could have done was interviewed the cowboys more. Had them show us how they do some of the basic things involved in the scenes. Instead we're stuck watching for nearly 5 minutes straight as a sheep sits there, then is dragged to a separate pen, then the farmer stands there and just looks a while, then drags the sheep a little more. I mean this is not good film work at all. It's boring plain and simple. A lot of the movie is like this. And you will see the o so genius critics rave about it (while they give movies like The Shining, Fight Club, and Sucker Punch horrible reviews). So understand critics are very susceptible to group think while they also like to pretend they see something you don't (when many times they miss the obvious while thinking they're so awesome). So the movie is slow, poorly made, and horribly edited. But what makes it not matter is the scenery and the fact that you're watching an actual sheep drive.
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Big Stan (2007)
One of the best comedies I've seen.
20 April 2011
I know it may sound crazy, but I thought this was one of the best comedies I've seen. I don't see how there's not more of an interest in this movie to be honest.

Well the movie definitely plays of Rob Schneider's fear of anal rape, which makes for a hilarious setup. The interactions between Schneider and "the master" are hilarious. David Carradine can really do about anything. He was incredible in Kill Bill and he plays this part perfectly as well.

All I can say is if you watch this movie and don't laugh you might need to get your sense of humor checked out. That or you're too young and you shouldn't be watching it anyway!
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The Dilemma (2011)
Bad just bad.
20 April 2011
Normally if you go to a movie and then discover that the Mexican food you ate is doing a number on your stomach you get disappointed that you might have to miss some of the movie while you destroy the bathroom at the theater. That was not the case with this movie. I sat through the first 15 minutes because I wanted to at least see what was going on. At the 10 minute mark I thought I was going to blow up, but I held it in while hoping something funny would happen. Another few minutes went by and I rook a step out to give the janitors something to cry about. When I came back I asked my friend if I missed anything and he said he was about to leave.

I kept watching and laughed maybe once, kind of. I couldn't believe Jennifer Connelly was in this movie and it was sooo bad. Not to mention Vince Vaughn being a funny guy but providing no laughs throughout this whole movie. I guess that worked out well though because after another 20 minutes I was ready to blow again. Had I laughed hard at any point during this movie I would've need a gallon of bleach and a trip to the laundromat. But this movie sure didn't deliver it. After my final trip to the bathroom I came back to find my friend had left. Many others in the theater left throughout the movie as well. I sat and watched the rest, but mostly because I wanted to hold still and hope my stomach settled down.
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Brüno (2009)
What an idiot
9 April 2011
I don't know what else I can say. I saw this movie only because I was at a friends house and it happened to be on while I was eating. The bad news was he wanted to watch it. What a joke though. This guy is not one bit funny. He even tricks people into doing scenes by lying about his intent then runs the scene without their consent. I hope someone sues this D-bag for fraud. Fraud for lying to people and then using their scenes. Along with fraud for claiming to be funny when the entire movie is just one big joke.

Hopefully none of us will have to see such awful films even by accident again.
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It doesn't get much worse than this
10 January 2011
The only reason I watched this movie was because someone let me borrow it. I was sick with nothing to do so I figured why not. That turned out to be a bad decision. All this movie did was make me sicker. It's as though the script was written in a day. On top of that it looks like it was written at a third grade level. To make matters worse the entire movie looked like a tai chi exercise video gone horribly wrong. Actually I could have watched a tai chi exercise video and suffered less than I did through this.

Thankfully the movie is short so the pain will be over soon. But the same as bad days seem to be the longest this movie will seem to take forever.
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Bad acting, too many corny parts
16 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I give this movie a 3 out of 10 simply because Jackie Chan did save some of it. However Jaden Smith was painful to watch. I'm a firm believer that a good portion of the population could act if they had some acting lessons, however there are some people that just don't have the right frame of mind for it or the right attitude. The problem we've ran into as we have so many times before is an actor getting jobs simply because of their connections and not their abilities. This is what hurts many Hollywood movies and it certainly hurt this one.

The storyline of this movie was actually pretty good, but the problem was the completely corny scenes that were thrown in. I mean we're seriously suppose to believe they took a 45 minute bus ride to just go running on the great wall where there were no other tourists? The fight scenes at the end were not much better. It was extreme over the top showmanship type fighting rather than anything realistic. Then there's the fact that a severely beaten, hobbling kid comes back out to fight and somehow the mother is cheering for him rather than worrying about his ACL being damaged for life and no one calls child protective services (if China has one I don't know). Anyway, it was ridiculous.
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A Single Man (2009)
What a bore!!
4 August 2010
This was one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. The main character not only made me want to shoot myself, but he was such a lame character not connecting with anything that I had to wonder.. why make such a movie? Sure the point was that he was in such great love and he meets people along the way that supposedly make him think about the decision he is about to make, yet they don't actually make him think about anything other than his past which is a boring enough story on it's own. He loved a guy a lot, then he died, that's as far as the past story develops. The present doesn't even develop either, it's just a passing of one boring encounter to the next. Now I'm depressed because I watched this movie and that's not because it is depressing, but because it's so bad and it wasted my time.
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The Hangover (2009)
It didn't do it for me
18 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not only did I think this movie was awful, but most of my family did too. We thought it was completely awful, and didn't laugh once. I even tried to force myself to laugh, of funny there's a tiger in the hotel room, wait that's not funny, or is it? But the odd thing about this movie is other people I know thought it was hilarious. I watched it on my own so I'm confused about what parts others found funny. I guess what this movie lacks for me is wittiness, it's more of scenic humor possibly. I don't know how else to explain it because quite honestly I'm confused and just wish I hadn't watched it. I'd like to hear someone that understands what makes people laugh explain why it is that this movie gets so many laughs from some but none from others.
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Like a charlie horse that starts to go away, then comes right back.
28 November 2009
Romantic comedies are just going downhill these days. It's disgraceful for me to see this top the box office when it's not only lacking humor but completely lacking any moral fiber.

Vince Vaughn tries to pull of some comedy with his typical rants but honestly they just don't work. This movie brings nothing new or original and relies on humor from situations we've seen over and over again now.

If it were a cheery Christmas movie then at least it could pass as a decent family movie but that's all ruined within the first five minutes.
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Dance Flick (2009)
What were they thinking??
28 August 2009
I've always been a huge fan of the Wayans brothers. Their sitcoms have been hilarious along with most of their movies. I mean Major Payne was great. But I don't know what on Earth happened here. We know they have talent. We know they can be funny. When it comes down to it, this movie was just plain corny and not funny.

There were a few funny parts but I mean very very few. I would have thought they'd watch this movie themselves and realize if they released it things would be a disaster. It was just painful, and I don't know what happened. I hope the Wayans brothers can rise up after this failure and make some good stuff again. As far as this movie goes, the instant I finished watching it, I took the DVD out and broke it in two so no one else would ever have to suffer.
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If you need a easy movie to watch and a good laugh
13 August 2009
I don't see how people can say they hated this movie.

There is some gross stuff in it but I must say peeing in the shower is actually sanitary so maybe Larry is smarter than we realize. I mean after all he was the health inspector.

But this is a good easy movie to watch, get some good laughs, question what goes on inside his head and just have a good time. There honestly haven't been too many good comedies lately and this one while not being a high budget major Hollywood film did actually provide the laughs and that's what counts. So I say good job to all who worked on this movie it did what it was made to do.
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