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Straight to DVD comic book hero movie
1 April 2016
To save some time the trailer is pretty much the whole movie I'm not kidding, so I saw this movie with low expectations. By the end of the movie I was very disappointed. It was not that great it was mediocre it should of been released straight to DVD. This is the reason why.

They crammed about 3-5 subplots into this movie it was like watching a poorly edited film of snippets or deleted scenes put together to make a fan film hoping in desperation that it would work out as it plays along. Adding in dream sequences some good and some unnecessary that feel like Snyder or the writers wanted to throw all their ideas all at once. This is the problem some of this can be saved in future films I don't understand why they had to catch up with Marvel stop it DC take your time. The film suffers from story, structure, plot, pacing and character development.

Most of the actors were fine, unfortunately they miscasted Luthor played by Jesse Eisenberg and he ruined the whole movie he was playing himself and sounded like a brat who had no ulterior motives, like a poor version of the joker.

The cameos of the justice league shown on a computer screen felt out of place.

There is only two fight scenes with Batman and Superman one is on the roof and one is helping to fight against Doomsday which is the worst looking CGI. These fight scenes were brief. Wonder Women was meh, just thrown in as a cameo I would of love to see her origins first but DC is doing this all backwards.

The only good thing in this movie is Batman I am surprised that Ben Affleck did a better version in its own right, although there is a lot of irrationality of the character almost like a bully. There was not enough of Superman dialogue. The Superman franchise will greatly suffer because of DC (no spoilers), they made Lois look like a damsel in distress and her side quest in Africa was stupid. They were trying so hard to make this movie serious, but it stopped being serious to me after the Grandma's Peach Jar scene.

Your better off saving your money and watch a different upcoming superhero movie.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Convoluted movie, don't waste your time
15 January 2014
This movie is god awful I felt like scratching my eyes out after watching this movie its as if someone tried to make a pearl harbour remake and duct tape bits and pieces of film together to make a believable work of art. I would not even call this art its a catastrophe of cinematography this is amateur work. All the Japanese actors speak engrish (some might be Chinese)and put Neo as the hero of the movie.

It feels a mess, they tried to adapt a real life 47 ronin story, make it into a romantic tragedy and turn it into mythological. It would be fine if they stuck to history or make it a movie on its own. Might as well change the ending if most of the movie is made up.

I wouldn't even recommend it even for a b grade movie it should be scrapped. The dialogue is god awful, plot, acting, directing, cg etc everything is bad I cant even think of any good points the action is meh only brief nothing great. With or without Keanu Reeves this movie would still be bad.
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The Hero (2013– )
Started off good but then it became disappointing
2 August 2013
This show had potential to be a successful TV show but after it got near the end of the series they sort of rushed it to a final episode where the last few contestants were voted by America or facebook.

I don't know why they didn't add more episodes for the final contestants maybe it was because of budget costs or low ratings but for me that was a total letdown. So let me tell you what I like about the show when it was going great, one was I liked the Rock and his philosophy and beliefs to be a hero and thats it.

Unfortunately what I didn't like was the way the challenges are handled out to be a hero. If they had challenges where they are feeding the poor, helping the sick or have scenarios of what they would do in a real life situation it would make sense to name the show "The Hero". Instead we got challenges thats only self worthy of a survivor game show, they were rappling off high sky buildings which they did a lot and some other running around. The only thing the show was doing determining who was a hero or not was by testing temptation for money or give the money to the hospital.

That doesn't make you a hero if your completing challenges just for the sake of it, just to prove to yourself. They portray money as if its the key to helping people by giving it to the hospital which is not their money to begin with its the sponsors or studio.

Would I recommend this show no. Im a rock fan but I still felt cheated they didn't finish the show properly.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Why was this show Greenlighted, with such a poor script
8 August 2012
After I finally finished watching this movie it was like being on a roller coaster ride, it builds up to something, get adrenaline rush from all the action and thrills and it just keeps on going until you just want it to stop. An have a breather.

You know what I mean if you already seen it.

I have to admit the beginning of the movie had potential it was as if it was going somewhere, sci-fi or cyberpunk related theme or matrix innuendo with mind games etc with maybe a bit of philosophy, science or corporate greed whatever. Unfortunately it doesn't go in any direction its vacuous.

There is literally 'no pacing' in this movie except the first few mins and the piano scene, if you decided you wanted to take a leak, by the time you get back the action is still going. "Did I miss anything of the story?" No, because there is no story, I thought he was trying to get to Mars at one stage, but then it got weird like Bourne Identity, Minority Report, I Robot, Stormtrooper weird. And Douglas Quaid is still stuck at the airport and on Earth.

I give this movie good points for the graphics and the action but only to an extent, I actually thought there would be a sequel to explain more in detail because I knew the movie was going to end without explaining anything. No main villain (played by Bryan Cranston) would show up in person infront of the main hero unless it was strictly of importance, his got no hierarchy of henchmen or subordinates doing his ill will except for Kate Beckinsale's character and even she was acting alone, being all terminator throughout the whole movie. You exactly feel the villains are going to die abruptly just because there was too much running around and explosions throughout the movie.

There's no room for dialogue. Wished they actually gave character development.

All I can say is, if you have already seen the original Total Recall, and was hoping it would have better graphics but still retain some of the story, you will end up having mixed feelings.

For people who haven't seen the original you're lucky because you can see this Colin Farrell version as a prequel and then watch the Arnold version afterwards. Frankly watching it the other way around kinda spoils the mystery, even before I saw this reboot or remake version.
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So Bad You Wished There Was a Remake
2 August 2012
Throughout this whole movie all the actors were so terrible at acting it was like they weren't even trying. Even Kurt Russel, only had a few words to say and he only murmured.

The music is so annoying its like listening to a worse version of techno and its happening throughout the whole movie. The pacing of the movie is all over the place, its skipping scenes as if its running out of film. The movie is not fleshing out the characters, story or details its being rushed. There is barely any story, action and dialogue.

The reason why people like this movie is because of the concept and the iconic eyepatch on kurt russell, but doesn't change that it was not up to standards for making a movie.
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So many plot holes, loses its edge of darkness and mystery
28 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First things first there is no Riddler, that ruin my expectation to begin with from gossip news. The movie could of be done without Catwoman didn't add anything to the story except being as a cameo and used up precious time which could of been used on something else.

Its like when someone has so many ideas, they want it all in the movie instead its a mess and they forget to summarise. The end result is too many plot holes. e.g. thousands of police go underground and get trapped and have to get out and fight their way above ground in human wave formation against guns blazing? Trying to get kids across bridge with school bus? willing human sacrificial pieces? etc etc just so many irrelevant ideas. Why wait for a few months until winter arrives, why stick around when the bomb goes off and all of a sudden Bruce Wayne travels across the planet to Gotham in time with a teleporter?

Biggest problem is not enough character development or background details, for example Bane. There was an opportunity to explain why? At least it was explained with the Joker. Stop trying to show all perspectives from all non-main characters like extras. Just focus on the villain, hero and subcharacters thats it. Not on the army, reporters, stockbrokers, children, president of the united states or some well in the desert.. oh sorry jail pit with a rope to climbed.

I like the mystery about batman's identity but its ruined when just about everyone close to contact with Bruce Wayne knows his Batman (facepalm). I enjoyed the brief fight between Batman and Bane but I wished it ended with Batman making a comeback from his spinal injury and defeating Bane. Instead Catwoman had to interfere by shooting off the batmobile. Poor Alfred was not even around when batman got snapped, he cant even stopped by and say "how you doing, master Bruce?" Bruce:"Nothing particular Alfred just got my ass whooped where were you?"

This movie doesn't resemble batman from its predecessors its lost its batman theme of staying hidden in the shadows and in the end of the action scenes it was like watching michael bay's decepticon wingfighter (it was bat hover flying vehicle). If the title is The Dark Knight Rises what is the epitome, Nightwing? If you want to see it that badly see it on DVD otherwise don't see it at all.

An unsatisfying end to a trilogy 'Cafe' and water platform? Just show me the Batman basking in his coolness (dark theme music playing).
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Modest Review about The Movie
11 May 2012
The car chase scene in the beginning is alright but 20 mins afterwards it gets boring but later on the story picks up.

If you seen Prison Break in Panama where the prisoners can generally roam around without being noticed. The same happened in this movie except with more freedom they have mixed prison (all genders and ages below 10 and up) and have communities, rent slots, prostitution etc. Its an odd concept because if prisoners can do what they want whats stopping them from escaping (besides the watchtowers) and whats the privileges and rules. Something that is lacking they could of elaborate on.

At times it felt like Mel Gibson was holding off his acting the way he expresses himself or with restriction whether its because on behalf of his character or thinking how the audience will think of him and so we get emotionless 'dunno face' that shrugs his shoulders or raises his eyebrows and looks down. He doesn't get angry, frustrated, swears or jubilate when his in character its almost he's being overly cautious.

It had similar 'Payback' feel to it and there was a cheesy western shootout which felt forced and out of nowhere, and at the same time feels tamed unlike from the prison shows (there's no swearing or racial conflict in this movie) which made it B-Grade, I still enjoyed the outcome of the story. Its only worth seeing once and that's it.
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Bad Ass (2012)
One Good Action Movie
14 April 2012
At first when I saw the trailer and the movie poster I thought to myself 'oh its another one of those B-Grade movies' lately I haven't seen a lot of B-Grade movies that were up to standards. But after watching this WOW. If you lived or seen the era of bad ass movies such as Patrick Swayze, Kurt Russell, Chuck Norris etc in the early 80's this brings back memories of how macho movies were without the need of cg graphics for explosions, excessive slow motion cutscenes or without the need of bodybuilders. This is a feel-good movie of what it is to be a man, a character that doesn't have to rely on how he looks but on his personality and how he gets by, such as helping others and being self reliant.

Danny Trejo has done a superb job of his character with his persona and his acting. Throughout the whole movie your not sure if his a vigilante, neighbourhood watch or a hero in everyday clothes. The action is protagonists against a hero who has previous combat experience as a Vietnam veteran. There is one flinching moment but its OK because afterwards the hero jokes about it in a black humour way.

At times there were funny moments but not cliché moments of catch phrases that you would see in action romp movies. The script is fairly basic but if you expect it be really sophisticated then you chose the wrong genre (no thriller or mystery elements). I would consider it better than Machete and recommend if you just want to watch it as a popcorn action flick and have a few laughs.
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Over-hyped Movie Adaptation
27 March 2012
If you've already seen movies like Predator, Running Man, Gamer, The Condemned, Gladiator/Spartacus shows, Deadman Wonderland etc about people pitted against each other for survival and only one can be the victor you got an idea what the movie Hunger Games is about. But not as good as I thought this movie would be with the hype.

I was skeptical because I felt originality was amiss and I don't want to watch a group of teens thrown in a melting pot with gore action. Which I heard Battle Royale was like. If this movie taught me anything is that authors like to throw in a Teenage-Romance in the midst of fighting for love to increase sales on books and movie adaptations. I went to watch this movie with an open mind an hr later it felt like watching the grammys with talk show hosts and fashion statements, another hour later footage of romance themes and cutshots/glimpses of action. Lots of plot holes, weak character development and weak story to begin with and to end with. Worse it's a trilogy it felt like Twilight.

What's weird was that the contestants didn't look hungry in the movie like they were starving for food in order to survive or cannibalize. It doesn't fit the description of the movie. I would recommend not to watch this movie, if anything it deterred me from reading any of the books if there all going to be the same.
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Good for a B-Grade Movie
21 March 2012
This was a good movie to watch I recommend it if you know what the story is about or even read books about it, I knew they weren't going to go into every single detail of what happened because it would be too much to put in the movie. Although it won't be close to the real thing with gore, brutality and historical accuracy you have to consider the movie went for over two hours and was made on a budget you should know this beforehand when you watch the movie don't expect it to be like Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan.

Don't be discouraged by critics if they say its boring, in my opinion it was the opposite and the film was engaging all the way through dialogue and action with a steady pace. I don't expect the acting or portrayal to be Oscar winning but it wasn't so contrived as having an American teaching filipinos of "this is how it's done" with an American flag flying in the background in the end. So not for propaganda use. They didn't ignore the filipino support in the daring raid and at least showed some acknowledgement to all the war heroes, even at the end of the movie with a dedication.

Even if the movie flopped in the box office nobody watches war movies but it's there if people have a pique interest and its better than most B-Grade movies put out today. If you liked or disliked the Pacific Series you should watch The Great Raid afterwards.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Straight forward movie
4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Before I saw this movie I thought it would be great I'm interested in sci-fi or back to the future etc. The problem is the movie is predictable and it was obvious that everything Bruce Will's character(James Cole) did no matter how he change it, would remain the same. From beginning to the end, virus is released no matter what happens.

The movie was too B-grade characters ordinary, music dull, dialogue is very average nothing interesting. They don't cover philosophy, science, physics, consequences or technical terms so the movie is very dull. I would recommend Deja Vu or Paycheck both good movies with better story and characters. IMDb has overrated this movie like Seven and I think its because of Brad Pitt or people just like straightforward plots if you like that then watch this movie.
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Ronin (1998)
Boring B-Grade Movie
17 February 2012
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First off I thought this movie would be good because of the high rating, after seeing it I found out it was a B-Grade movie. If you already seen the bourne movies think of the car chases but without the story and there is your movie Ronin. Just watch 15-30 mins of it in the beginning and if you think its boring don't watch the movie any further you will be asking youself if this movie going anywhere. 2 hours later nothing else has happened except guys chasing after a briefcase which btw has never been opened or revealed what's inside. Why is it important, why do these people want the case it's never mentioned at all.

There's no character background so we don't know why they are working or motives are. The title Ronin is misconception it has nothing to do with the characters or story, poorly chosen title. A character was painting his samurai miniature and talking about the 47 ronin which had little to do with anything.

Ronin went for too long and nothing added up to anything.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Don't Judge a Movie by its Actors
27 January 2012
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First off when I found out the movie had Liam Neeson I thought it would guarantee some action and have suspenseful story like Bourne or Taken. Well just like a book I judged by the cover, the rating in IMDb and the synopsis I thought this is so cool the character is going to beat some people looking for answers to find out who he is along the way, was I mistakenly mislead.

First off Liam Neeson aka 'Who Am I' loses memory bumps his head against the taxi window because of a colliding refrigerator (I know sounds silly), reclaims his memory with the help of a taxi driver who just had to be a stereotypical bad female driver who drives over the bridge into the river instead of just stopping the car. Liam Neeson finds out that he was suppose to kill a scientist who can bring world hunger to an end but how does he do it he plants a bomb to wipe out the whole building and make it collateral damage just to kill this one guy who has no protection. There wouldn't be a story if he just shot the scientist and let that be the end of it, but no it has to be elaborate because..well there is no reason the movie is just bad to begin with. Anyway when he regains his memory he doesn't go through with it.

In short the script would of lasted few mins but was stretched out to go for over an hour. There's not much to say because its poorly made, the dialogue is bad, story unintelligent, 5 villains are not that threatening and died straight away without uttering a last word or what their intentions were. If you see this movie its like a sparkler when it fizzles out you say "that's it?" and you're left disappointed.
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Not as Good as Expected It To Be
13 January 2012
The only good thing in this movie was Forest Whitaker, its funny because its a total surprise seeing him at an earlier age and when he wasn't that famous up until now. For me he was the highlight of the show but he was only a sub character. The rest of the other characters where boring even Sean Pean, sounded more of a lame version with a 'gnarly' accent.

I expected it to be storywise, comedy or romance etc there's no story in this movie other than highschool and sex with underage girls that chase older men so that they get pregnant and go for abortion its like the movie Juno. Problem with this movie it tries to come up serious and funny at the same time but doesn't click well, in the end it feels awkward.

I've seen lots of teen flicks that are just as good, funny and with chemistry and teens getting into mischief. I recommend The Breakfast Club or Patrick Swayze movies. If you think this will be like Porky's, Screwballs, Bill & Ted, Revenge of the Nerds or Weird Science its not even close.
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Poorest Storytelling for Audiences
26 December 2011
After I finished watching this movie I still couldn't understand what was the story? Visually I can see it but it was empty its like they spent so much time to make it visually appeasing that they didn't bother putting a story in at all.

In this movie everyone is carrying a MP40 as if it was widely available, motorbike with side carriage chase scene was identical to H.Ford and S.Connery and that tank just came out of nowhere, with an arch ontop of it? Captain Haddock became a drunk scott, they used too many puns in one sentence at times, felt like he was a liability instead of a helping hand, wont mention too much about the plane scene 'physics' burp for fuel?, crane wars? what were they thinking. Even the pirate scene didn't help there was more to it than just that. All the characters were better portrayed in the cartoon than the movie they don't have them all like the professor. I remember the twins Thomson and Thompson kept changing their disguises, Haddock had hiccups (*hic*) when he was drinking, snowy was more adorable had thought bubbles on dogbones or what would happen to him or trying to explain to tintin what he was saying. Tintin was not much of a sleuth in this movie everything just happened to fall into his lap, originally I'm sure he sometimes said "lets search for clues" and he pulls out a magnifying glass and starts elaborating on his findings etc and each clue would lead to another, which was better told in the comics than the movie.

Its so bad you could fall asleep, the only thing good was the introduction with the paintings reminiscent of Tintin and in one scene tintin had just one bullet to take down an airplane that was so funny in a corny way.
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Not as Good as the First Two Predecessor Movies
21 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you seen the first two movies and expect it to be the same comedy and shenanigans Harold and Kumar get themselves into from getting high or from racial profiling then don't see this movie. If your new then you probably like it for being a standalone Christmas, family movie. First of all the story sucks Harold's Christmas tree catches on fire and they have to find a new one, very basic. Different from going to different escapades from a variety of incidents involving getting high or being chased by a protagonist/racists. It felt like a b-grade Christmas movie in a rental store that nobody would want to borrow out, too much attention was involved to the 3D that they just couldn't bother writing scenarios for the movie. It felt boring through the scenes seeing objects fly towards you like confetti, eggs, cocaine, honey.

What it should of focus on was stereotypes and comic relief that gets them in a problem and they somehow get out of it. It felt like it was also lacking jokes that the writers were scrapping from the bottom of a barrel to find any. That they had to have a baby involved such as getting high on marijuana but after that took it a step too far with cocaine. There's no stereotypical jokes or shows Harold and Kumar trying new stuff out. The character development was lacking even for Harold and Kumar it felt like they had no bond between them because the creators had to bring two other boring characters such as Todd (with a baby) and Adrian, one for Harold and one for Kumar feels like they needed one white card each. The Ukraine mafia was too slapstick and didn't chase Harold and Kumar around like they were with the CIA.

Rosenberg and Goldstein had a short part and one was converted to Christianity, why not Islam or some other religion that's just typical for a Christmas movie. The only thing funny in this movie was the claymation of Harold and Kumar, Neil Patrick Harris (as funny as always) and the waffle robot which seemed to replace the imaginary marijuana bag of Kumar's fantasy. Also Harold having his genitalia stuck to a pole and scolded with hot coffee. Just saying that I recommend to just skip to those scenes or off youtube clips you don't need to see the whole movie.
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Killer Elite (2011)
Loosely Based on a True Story or Fiction
3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off I was excited to see this movie because of the action stars and the movie poster. The movie stated as a 'true story' I thought that was cool, that being said it ruined the movie for me because of my expectations of the events. Its better off they didn't mention it at all because watching the action sequences e.g. (jumping roof to roof) made it unbelievable that it actually happened, the same with conspiracy and politics.

If its your first time watching this movie don't expect it to be like Mel Gibson's Conspiracy Theory, Salt or Jason Bourne movies with explosions and shooting all over the place. There is too much pacing and talking of little interest and unimportance, it felt like enduring 2 hours with a badly written script and a average storyline, which is why it felt b-graded.

What is good is the action stars with the dialogue from Jason Statham (Danny) and Robert De Niro (Hunter), everyone else seemed mediocre either that or there roles weren't as important. They should of at least focus more attention towards other characters that felt left out like the Sultan or his sons. For some reason they have mix nationalities of hit men such as an American, welsh, englishmen and an associate who is angolan (I assume). The question is why, its not like they explained how they met together like the Expendables.

It gives the benefit of the doubt that an American would consider helping an englishmen without a reason or stabbing him in the back. Which I thought Robert De Niro's character was going to do in the end. So there is no twists in this movie.

Other than that the main highlight of the show was the assassinations of three SAS carefully executed. You wont like the movie if you expect a lot of action or a story that is complexing, just an average flick.
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Batman: Year One (2011 Video)
Not Worth Watching As A Batman Movie
26 October 2011
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Before I watched this movie I was looking forward to it only because it had the voice of Bryan Cranston as Commissioner Gordon. The whole movie itself wasn't about batman if thats what your looking forward to than skip this movie. The only good thing about this movie was Gordon because it shows him fighting police corruption and protecting his family, if you're Breaking Bad fan than you would like this subplot but not as a whole movie.

They shouldn't of focus Gordon's life to commissioner for whole story that felt stretched out but rather as backdrop that supports a main storyline with a villain and batman as the lead. They could of change the title so it doesn't say Batman. Even batman was uncharacteristic like breaking trees down with a kick, working 24hrs on the job and doing acrobatics on bars and jumping on rooftops without gadgets or not hiding his face that would give away who he is. Catwoman served no purpose for the movie other than a cameo there is no reason why she was working with pimps and hookers and personally I hate catwoman that resembles Halle Berry.

The artwork is boring something it lacked was tone and shadow and the movie could of looked better if it was just noir at least it would capture the atmosphere of Gotham and the characters. It lacked character development and voice acting, batman sounded boring.

Any graphic novel that says done by Frank Miller doesn't mean it will be good as a movie or as a good read it might suit other people but doesn't guarantee. This movie was below average I give it 4 stars only because Bryan Cranston's voice was the only one that sounded decent, the rest of the movie you don't gain anything by watching it.
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Ironclad (2011)
Exhausting, Cliché, Melodramatic Film
14 July 2011
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For viewer purposes the torture scenes and the burning alive pigs might distress some viewers. Story is moronic 20 guys (not all professional warriors) garrison a castle without a moat, have to wait for reinforcements which take several months and they have little food, equipment and they don't even have English longbows against a thousand danish viking warriors with trebuchets, siege tower's, ladders and heaps of archers.

Why did the small unit of rebels even bother occupying a castle to begin with. They don't come up with a plan or discuss it. The castle is not huge, its not even built on a hill or a mountain. Its like watchin someone dig a hole that they cant get out of. The rebel unit traps themselves inside the castle walls without any sort of idea how to go against incredible odds and then not use fear as a tactic or allude enemies into thinking you have a higher number of men. Not even have countermeasures against a battering ram. Instead they just get mowed down one by one just like that korean movie Musa.

Its all melodramatic throughout the whole movie because everyone is nearly dead and its cliché in the end were the only surviving knight gets the lady and his companion squire lives. King John is evil but doesn't even bother mentioning King Richard not even once even though the knight himself is a templar.

If you liked Game of Thrones this is definitely not for you its more like the movie Centurion in terms of action and gore but even then not as good as that.
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Age of Heroes (2011)
Loosely based on a true story and ending inconclusive
16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just seen this movie little bit disappointed how British commandos can be easily captured and in quantity even the torture scene with the captured SAS soldier was just awestuck took sean bean long enough to keep him quiet. They don't even wear winter smocks for camouflage and there standing out in the open with 'just shoot me' all written all over them. They don't even hide the dead German bodies or their parachutes or at least try to sniper the SS officer.

I can only say that when it gets to the end you become disappointed. You don't know what happens to sean bean's character and his companions, did they ever evacuate and what about the secret information they stole is unknown. There is not even a quote or written details in the end to say what happened or if there is going to be a sequel, it was as if it was cut short.

The actual true story is set in France not Norway and it was named Operation Biting not Operation Grendel not that I know of. Don't expect it to be clint eastwood style like that movie 'Where Eagles Dare' they probably didn't had enough money to make a movie similar to that.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Leaves you answering more questions to the end
21 April 2011
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This movie has some good action scenes, girls and cgi but the story is not straight forward so the audience cant understand what is what and its because of loopholes.

By that you cant tell what is the main story from the dream story that is made up from Baby Doll's head (main character) or its from the lobotomy (before or after), split personality disorder, envisions of how things turn out, is it one person or different perspectives from characters or go with the flow type movie.

Usually there is an indication if there dreaming, like a totem, they feel pain or a trigger switch to wake up there was none of that. There was only the chef with a missing knife, the charred fire on the wall and a few other things that happened. You cant tell after the caretakers say stuff that only Baby Doll herself would know. It leaves you answering one question after another. I can only recommend that you just watch the action scenes everything else wont make a difference. I wish it was one sided and people wouldn't have to make there own conclusions.
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Had Potential, Builds Up Halfway and Then What
9 April 2011
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I wanted to see this movie in high hopes it had an interesting theme had the homeless or unemployed worker (Rutger Hauer) he wants to start a new life in a place name Slumtown for whatever reason they don't say, they could of explain it so that it would add more momentum to the character and the story.

It continues on he sees a lot of bad things happening and then afterwards he wants to get justice and retribution against the villains who did him wrong and the innocent who have been harmed. The pros in this movie is that Rutger has done a very good job of portraying his character despite not having the backdrop of his past history and plays to be a one man's army or the only guy that actually does anything. The same go's with the main villain Drake. Both characters had excellent characteristics and facial features to live up to. I liked what the hobo said in the maternity it will be the most memoriable quote I've ever heard you can see it in the trailer.

Despite all this build up from the introduction of the main characters and the hobo beginning his rampage against the baddies it doesn't ellaborate halfway through the movie instead we got stupidity after another and not in a good or funny way. I think its because they ran out of ideas and used excessive violence (which was way overboard and not justified), had little to do with anything and didn't make sense even to the end. I don't want to spoil the end but it got stupid with a lawn mower and an abrupt end like the sopranos which it didn't deserve.
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Not a Pro-Christian Movie Better than I Expected
13 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen two movies recently one being Black Death and Season of the Witch this movie is far better for not having the evil priest win in the end. This movie is an action thrill ride got from being adventure to supernatural near the end because their fighting demons so expect to be B Grade through the movie.

I enjoyed most of it throughout but slightly not right at the end they could of done without the female narration saying that that the deaths stop, pestilence wasn't the reason and she will tell her story. Obviously that wouldn't be a good idea otherwise the christians probably have an excuse to kill her. Ignore the IMDb reviews that say cgi was the problem I've seen worse but that shouldn't give a reason to hate all of it. If you like Hellboy 2 you will like this movie it has the same actor Ron Perlman who has done a good performance in this movie.
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The Eagle (2011)
Gets silly halfway through movie
20 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this movie I didn't expect much on the account of the actors, first watching few minutes into the movie it was apparently noticeably that the romans had American accents which is a bit cliché from what they usually sound in roman films 'english accent' but that didn't bother me too much. Halfway through the film it was good with the battle scene against the celts but in the other half it was getting stupid.

When he went to retrieve the Eagle standard he encountered a hostile tribe and that ruined the movie because the natives were all slender, skinny people, coated themselves with white powder, had hair that was neither mohawk but placid from head down and had weapons like caveman. From that description they looked like the Na'vi from Avatar, none of them looked old enough to be warriors but in their adolescence age it was like watching Lord of the Flies. What got more stupid was that the survivors of the ninth legion (all now veterans) happened to engage combat with the white powder natives, it's unbelievable so many veteran romans were killed just by a few adolescent teens with weapons that were no match to theirs.

There was one thing they never clarified and that was what the chieftan last said or who he was, before the roman killed him. It was never mention again, so it leaves a question unanswered. Overall I consider this a B Grade movie so don't expect too much from it although more could of been done. It was a snatch and grab eagle with natives in hot pursuit for them, they could of at least made the tribe more warlike.
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Black Death (2010)
Unjustified Actions and Ruined by a Bad Ending
20 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The bad ending in this movie acts like a domino effect and it easily ruined the whole story. It's the black death, it go's from sean bean asking a priest (main character) for assistance they go on their endeavour to catch a necromancer who they accused for causing the plague and plan to capture/put him in a human torture catalyst and bring him back alive to be further tortured and then killed. In my mind I'm thinking "oh no" I hope they don't succeed because that would be unjustified, too immoral and nobody would learn anything.

Well that basically happens in the end nobody learned anything, the priest that was good became a hypocrite because he killed his own sister because he thought she was the walking dead. So he made a mistake, you would think he would learn after that but he doesn't. He becomes a inquisitor in the end and just torches literally anyone that he feels like, as long as it justifies in the name of his god.

Not only that they typecast the pagans as cruel near the end which I can't understand in light in comparison to christians at the time. Christianity had pagan influence how are they different from any other. Season of the Witch is way better than this.
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