
5 Reviews
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Really good, like every other Marvel film
14 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this movie. Saw it last night and I really enjoyed the way they portrayed a superhero that doesn't have any powers. Captain America is not really a superhero, just a super soldier, he doesn't get tired and he heals extremely quick. The acting was very good, what with all the big names in there, and there is always the humor that is enjoyed throughout these Marvel films. Some stuff was unnecessary, like the way they have Captain America just go and be an idol and people not think he can do anything. But I really liked it, and I would recommend it to everybody who likes any of the Marvel films. Anybody who can't stand these films like Spider-man or Iron Man, really shouldn't expect anything more than another superhero movie.
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WALL·E (2008)
Another great Pixar movie
21 July 2011
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I have always been the one to love Pixar films. If its from Pixar I will always love it and laugh because Pixar produces the best films ever. Wall-E is a perfect example of this. Its fun, funny, and has a storyline that could happen eventually. The idea of giving robots voices is great, but to give them the personalities of humans, was amazing. Making them feel emotional that you start caring for the robots and that you want them to succeed in whatever they are trying to do. The humans are totally oblivious to what goes on around them, and somehow a company seemed to take over all of mankind, and they didn't even see it coming. Wall-E is great and I highly recommend that everybody see it.
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Great ending to a great franchise
20 July 2011
The harry potter franchise has gone on for ten years and it has been the most anticipated and rewarding franchise for people all around the world. The second part of the last installment is easily the best in the series, and is also probably one of the best movies of all time. If you've read the book you know exactly what to expect, because it is almost a movie just poured out of the book. If you haven't read the book, I will tell you this, the other movies in the franchise don't even compare to this one. This movie is emotional, action-packed the whole way through, and immensely satisfying for a conclusion to a franchise that has been going for over ten years. If you are a fan of harry potter or not, you should still see the movie because it is that good.
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Zookeeper (2011)
Pretty funny, but a little familiar
19 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I usually try to stay away from movies in which the animal talks, however seeing this is extremely different. As most movies go where the animal talks the movie ends up being pretty dumb. Zookeeper was actually pretty funny, the animals have their own personalities thrown in with the people that voice them. One that stands out in my eyes is Adam Sandler voicing the monkey, which happened to be the funniest animal in the film. The story is very familiar and ends up being very predictable but any movie these days are hardly original anymore.

As other reviews say it is a family movie and tends to aim for the kids entertainment, but there is still some things for the adults. Kevin James plays his usual physically challenged hero and the rest of the cast did their part,even Joe Rogan who played an over jealous ex boyfriend who is trying to be better than everybody he sees. Overall it was an entertaining movie and I highly recommend that people should see it.
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One of the best movies I have ever seen
17 July 2011
This movie, like Revenge of the Fallen will get a lot of criticism, just because it is a Michael Bay film. It has a hot chick in it, the storyline is questionable, and it has a sh*t-ton of action in it. I personally think that it was better than the first movie, and that it was a lot better than the second. I actually happened to be one of the few who liked the second movie, also. The action in this movie is unbelievable, the way that it goes into slow motion, and the absolute violence of the robots fighting just blew my mind. Although there were some disappointments, like the fight between Optimus and Megatron could have gone on for a little longer, it was still really great. The characters are still the same, throughout the series, Shia Lebouef was still his goofy self, and still kind of trying to impress people throughout the movie. Rosie Huntington Whiteley did a good job for her first acting career and was a good replacement for Megan Fox. And of course there are the transformers who are always the same and then there are the crazy ones meant to be there for the little kids. The storyline was pretty good and had a few questions to it, but the way I see it is why would you go and watch a movie and ask yourself why would someone do a certain something in the movie. Just enjoy the movie for what it is, a summer blockbuster meant satisfy the minds of people who want to see a sh*t-ton of explosions and robots beating the sh*t out of each other. So I recommend that everybody should go see it and that they should just enjoy it and not be predetermined to say that it sucked, because it really was one of the best movies that I have ever seen.
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