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Scream 4 (2011)
New Decade, New rules, thats for sure.
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers

Lets begin with the first scene, the very big opening sequence what Scream is known for. Well first we start of with Shenae and Lucy and then at first I was like, wait, the call from the killer was lame. Shenae was funny though. Then once Shenae dies and then Lucy dies Iam like what the f*ck? That was it! NO! Then we figure out it was a scene in the movie Stab 6 or 7 idk. Then we have Anna and Kristen, I loved Kristen she was funny. Then Anna is on talking about how the movie Stab was lame then Kristen starts stabbing her and her line was hilarious! Something like " Shut the f up and lets watch the movie" Then we figure out oh wait its another Stab 6 or 7. And Iam like what the hell ;/ And THEN we have Aimee Teegarden and Brittany Robertson. Then we have Aimee go investigate a strange noise up stairs, sooner or later the other girl Britt dies but you don't see it you hear it from the cell phone. I don't think this opening scene was very good. We have Aimee crawling on the floor stabbed in the back and she get her hip broken by the garage door and Ghostface pulls her. I was disappointed. I felt like that was it? Where was the gore, the tragedy, you hardly felt anything for her! I really felt that they edited a lot of the scene's out. And they should of kept some stuff!

Lets go on. I thought Alison Brie's character was funny! I loved seeing Sydney back! And also Dewy and Gale. I felt like Dewy was hardly in this. I felt like he was excluded and he didn't really get any good action. I thought Anthony Anderson and Adam Brody where really good in this! Especially "Betty Crocker" I mean Marley Shelton. Jill seemed nice and innocent, Olivia seemed like a slut, and Kirby seemed like the smart one. Acting was excellent. Again and seeing TV spots, trailers, and stills they edited a lot of stuff :( I knew this movie had a lot missing. The music was decent. This movie was really funny. I loved how Gail was back with her old mean ways! Haha

Now lets get into the deaths. YUP! After the disappointing begging scene, we have Oliva who dies first. I liked her death cause I felt kinda sorry for her as the killer stabs her and she has no way out. And also how the two girls watch her being killed. And her guts are out and its just gruesome!! Then we have Alison's characters death. Her was kinda thrilling but she just gets stabbed and thats it. I liked how her body was thrown from the building! Next is well idk. But there are the cops death scenes with Anthony and Adam. Adam just gets stabbed in the back. Anthony's death was so unrealistic. He gets stabbed in the forehead and he gets out of the car and when he finally drops dead he says " F*ck Bruce Willis" And i'am like really? Mary McDonnell's was sorta good, but one thing.... how did the killer know she was on the floor? And this time it was Gail's turn, it usually Dewy but now shes the one who got stabbed. And she lives :)!!! Now Erik Knudsens death. His was kinda funny but far stretched like Anthony's. No one would say a dumb line before they die. Now Kirby's, I really felt sorry for her to be honest I liked her. Sucks she dies.

Now this I did not see it coming but the killer is Charlie who kills Kirby cause she thinks he was going to killed but she unties him since he was tied like Steve was and he stabs her. We then find out that the other killer is in fact...... Jill. I did not see it coming. You will have to see the movie to find out her motive. I didn't get Charlie's motive but I guess it was like Stu's in the first. They try to frame Trevor, and they kill him the worst way possible, Jill shot him in a mans special area and then in the head. I think Jill is just flat out co co crazy and wants attention. It was crazy this movie.

At first I thought to myself, what was this? Then I think, It was pretty good. Its a new decade.. New rules.. I felt like this movie was more like its own movie. So don't expect this to be the exact Scream movie cause its similar but in its own in a special way. One thing I will never forget from this movie it what Sydney said which was something like" One rule about remakes... YOU NEVER F*CK WITH THE ORIGINAL" That made me smile. Sydney, Dewy, Gale are truly like a family. I hope there are more Screams to come and I hope they continue to top the first and this. This movie was a Scream and Way better then other slasher movies. Well It all began with a scream over nine one one and ended in a blood bath.

My grade for this movie: 8 out of 10
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Mean Girls 2 (2011 TV Movie)
This movie is soooo not fetch!!
25 January 2011
Mean girls was a classic, hilarious, and one of the best comedy's of this generation. Mean girls 2 just f*cking sucked!! No joke. There has been some bad sequels, but this is one of the worst. If it were its own movie with a different name, then maybe it would have been OK. But since it was compared to the first... This movie wasn't funny! It was a little kids, preteen movie. I loved the first one and I wanted to like this movie, but its just not possible. It comes no where close to touching the first! The acting was decent. The " meanest girl" was OK, but Regina was the best! I didn't like the fact that it was turned into a clean, cheesy, Disney movie. With stars like Jennifer Stone ( Wizards of Waverly Place), Meaghan Martin ( Camp Rock), and more. IF you watched the new one without watching the original and liked it, then you need to watch it ASAP!!! Iam just gonna take my original and pretend like this never existed. THIS IS NOT FETCH!
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I Really Enjoyed this!
9 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was kinda unsure whether or not to rent this movie because of a lot of the negative reviews. But I did and I was happy about it.

Well it starts of with a stockbroker type of guy(Paul Rudd) who works in a big office who want's to be one of the big guys. He then runs over a guy (Steve Carell). And apparently wanted to pay Rudd's character for running over him. I really found some of the scenes in this movie funny. I usually don't like comedy movies nowadays because they're just not funny!! Steve Carrell steals the whole movie with his mouse diorama or whatever you wanna call it. The whole thing with Darla( Lucy Punch) was really funny too! Well Skip to the end in the dinner scene, really made laugh, because of all the other weirdo's especially Octavia Spencer's character who can communicate with the dead( animals). The ending was somewhat touching and sweet. This movie has its stupid moments but good to watch when your down in the dumps. But don't expect it to be like LAUGHING SO HARD THAT YOu CANT BREATHE AND YOU JUST SH*T YOUR PANTS but its a fun, entertaining, comedy that will leave you warm inside and all that cheesy bull sh*t.

So there you have it. I give this movie a 7/10 :)
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Step Up 3D (2010)
Sick A** Dancing
27 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well first of all, this movie is NOTHING like the first one or like the second, its more like its own movie. Only one thing that this movie has in common with the others is that it has good music. It doesn't go anywhere near the school and its not as real as the others. It has a story, and the big battle and the 2 characters who like each other (havent you've herd this before.) The movie is very predictable, I mean everybody knows they're gonna win. This is a really fun movie with Hella awesome dance moves, nothing like you've seen in the first one. But this movie has its cheesy moments, like its very " LETS BATTLE IT ON THE DANCEFLOOR" type, the first one was more dark and realistic. The acting was average but the best would have to be Adam G. Sevani's character Moose. Another thing I liked was that that some of the dancers from the second were in it. I only wish Brianna Evigan could have had a cameo or a least someone from the first. I think the movie was a good fun movie and what the movie is really about is the dancing, its a lot of fun, it had its dramatic moments but you can't take em seriously.

I grade this movie a 6/10. :)
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Its a Fun Ride.
23 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My Super Psycho Sixteen: part 2 was a good movie. It had drama. mystery and gruesomeness.

It starts of with Skye going to her mothers house who apparently abandoned her. THere was the Innocent girl, and there was the bitch as usual. Skye really seems the same, but just more calm. I loved that some of the characters from the first one where in this. Like a certain bitch ;].

The deaths must be more gruesome, of course it's a sequel, but the blood was just so fake. When someone got stabbed the blood would squirt out like if you squeeze a juice box and the juice squirts of the straw. But one particular death I just love. And I deff loved Stella Maeve in this, though she looked like Kesha in this, and she played her character well.

Now the end was nice, you learn new things, and I wont say much but the end was an OK ending. The the very last minute left you wondering if they're gonna make a 3rd movie. And last but NOT least was the music. It could have been WAAAY better.

so my grade of this movie is : 6/10
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90210: Confessions (2010)
Season 2, Episode 22
9021 woah!
3 September 2010
OK well the season was pretty much boring, n I knew some sh*t was gonna happen at the end of the season finale, as most the CW shows do ( The Vampire Diaries, Gossip GIrl) And i must say that I liked how it ended not as in I wanted it to happen but I liked the surprise. Serets are led out, peoples true colors show and its just drama. I wont say much about the ending but you wont be very shocked but still you are left with "WHAT! WTF DOES SHE GET.... WAIT... WOAH..." This episode was fun but there has bein better episodes. I think a lot of people will enjoy this episode. And I personally can't wait for the next season and see how things turn out. Well its not much but here is my ( not so good) review of the season finale of 90210 season 2.

My score 8/10
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Nothing New But Refreshing
13 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK I know there's a lot of people who absolutely hate this movie, because it wasn't as good as the original. I loved the original and Freddy has scared me since i was around 8 or 9. This movie was good and entertaining. The Characters are likable so you hate to see them die. There's a lot of cheap scares and i loved them. Acting was great especially Kyle Gallner and also Jackie Earle Haley. The new Freddy was GREAT, you could tell he is out for revenge and he is leaving no survivors. What I didn't like was the deaths, like Kellen Lutz and Thomas Dekker's. 1 was to predictable and the 2nd wasn't as graphic as i wanted it to be. And I kinda wish Freddy would have tourtured the characters more, it would have fit with whole he wants them to suffer thing. Also what annoyed me was that the character Kris does moust of the research, that Nancy should have bein doing. But I liked the remake of Tina's death! I liked the dreams but they could have being better. The storyline was OK, not the best. This movie wasn't anything new except the story line, but it was good to bring back Freddy. I give it a 6/10 but I will put 8/10 because of what people rated it.
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