
41 Reviews
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Robin Hood (2010)
It ain't all good in "The Hood."
23 May 2010
I would go into more detail about the plot, but frankly, I was so freaking confused by this absurdly complex story that I had enough trouble following it, let alone explaining it. The characters were one-dimensional enough that it was still relatively easy to figure out which one was Robin Hood, but beyond that, deciphering what the heck was going on was about as easy as playing Boggle in Mandarin. I can handle confusing plots - I loved Syriana, which is the king of complexity - but confusing and boring is a deadly combination, and Robin Hood has that in spades. The first hour of the film is incredibly dull, mostly because Robin isn't an interesting protagonist and John is a painfully static bad guy. After that, the battle scenes around which the film is built turn the story into a swamp of double-crossings and "shocking" revelations.

The most depressing thing is this: the battle scenes are the worst part of the movie! I have never been a big fan of Ridley Scott. I think his films contain no style whatsoever and unlike his peers Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg, he is less of an artist than he is a butcher. But the work he does in Robin Hood may be his worst. The final battle scene is the only comprehensible one because Scott ignores everything going on except for one sword-fight. With as bloated a budget as this film is reported to have, you'd think that Ridley Scott would have put more of an effort into actually crafting a well-made film, but it seems like that wasn't a concern of his.

Either way, I would not recommend this movie. Even the acting seemed abit off. I don't know, it just didn't focus on the audience feeling anything which was very disappointing. 3/10
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Loved the first two, didn't like the third one and didn't like this one.
23 May 2010
I loved the first Shrek. It was part of my childhood growing up. The second was when I was a teenager. The second one was just as good as the first one. Third one was a huge let down for me. As was this one.

Part of the reason why I liked this was because the whole cast return to do their character voices. So it's great that no one pulled out, fantastic! The problem with this movie is the humor falls flat as does the plot and characters. The first two we would understand and feel something for the characters. in this one you just don't care not one little bit. I wont explain the plot, but you will see what I mean. The whole plo9t just seemed pointless. It all ended up being predictable and you knew exactly what was going to happen. SOMETIMES things can be predictable and fun, in this one it's just predictable and stupid.

I really don't know what else to say. The script was badly written. Only thing I can recommend this for is if you are Shrek Die hard Fans who will love the characters no matter what! 4/10
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We all knew it was never going to beat the classic, but we were all expecting a good movie!
21 May 2010
Let me start off by saying i thought this movie was decent. But I expected a lot more.

We all know the story of Freddy Krueger. How he got burnt etc. In this one it's the same, but it's the change of Freddy's character that really lost my interest. Jackie Earle Haley is about as best as you can get at playing Freddy Krueger. No one will ever beat Robert Englund. He's just Freddy Krueger! I don't really need to explain the plot, you all know the plot, BUT, let me explain the changes. In the old Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy Krueger would always mess with people before he killed them. In this one he just kills them and doesn't mess around. Nothing humorous to say, nothing, just kills them. In the original he was a psychopathic killer who hurts children. In this one he's just a pedophile. Loves to screw all the women and girls. To me, that put me off. All this put me off. So Freddy's character changed a lot, but did it work? Not for me. Didn't work for me.

All the acting was decent and there's some gory scenes, all in all, not the remake I was expecting and had hoped for. Everything about it is decent, but nothing great. 5/10
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Old Dogs (I) (2009)
I was told by everyone I know and all the critics to not see this..and yet I loved it!
21 May 2010
I was told by everyone not to see this movie. I was told it was just kiddie, unfunny, clichéd, racist, boring and the acting was terrible! After hearing all this I refused to see this.

But, society was wrong! I loved this movie. It stars one of my best Actors and Comedians ever, Robin Williams and one of my best actors and dancers ever, John Travolta! I thought it was hilarious. I loved the camping trip where they have to play with the Frisbee! Them shooting off the statues head! Just brilliant! I went to see this in theaters and me and everyone else around me were just laughing our heads off! I didn't want to write a review, because sometimes when I see the movie on DVD I see it differently than i did in theaters. But, I still saw it the same. I watched it with my roommates and they all thought it was hilarious! I have no idea why everyone hates it.

The movie is clichéd, i'll give everyone that. So, because it's clichéd that means we have to hate it and not enjoy it? I have no idea why people hated it.

Robin Williams was great as usual! John travolta was great as the cool old guy! In fact they both worked together. Don't know why travolta was nominated for a Razzie for Worst Actor! DON'T BELIEVE THE CRITICS! I WARN YOU! IT'S AN EXCELLENT MOVIE! 8/10 P.S. Seth green is also in this. Not for too long, but he is hilarious as usual. Just listen to his scream when he sees a gorilla! LOL!
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Absolutely hilarious!
23 March 2010
It's worth mentioning, too, that, like McGregor, another actor has been doing some good, different, and mostly unsung work lately. After voicing Gerty the robot in Moon and making an unexpectedly amusing cameo in the Britflick Telstar, Kevin Spacey is just terrific as Larry Hooper, the cynical Darth Vader to Django's Luke Skywalker. And when Bridges, Clooney and Spacey are all on screen, The Men Who Stare At Goats feels most alive — like a military version of Anchorman, with a more subtle sense of stupidity — while Heslov's bright, heightened colour palette adds the sense of an almost magical, distant summer. Such moments are as close as the film gets to a point — like the custard-pie fight that was cut from Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, this is a black comedy about national security, and the ridiculous demands that paranoia will feed.

Despite its myriad minor pleasures, however, Heslov's film is the perfect showcase for the things Clooney does best. Arguably, this is his best comedy performance since O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and it certainly comes from the same stable. Like O Brother's Everett McGill, Lyn Cassady is a bit of a Dapper Dan, frequently in a tight spot. But where McGill was a likable fool, Cassady is more complex; like a Woody Allen superhero, he's a mixture of the daft and the divine, and the fact that his psychic powers do often come to the fore gives this material a weird, old-fashioned Saturday Morning Serial flavor, and this is what the film relies on for the final act. Just as Superman came flying down to save the maiden tied to the train tracks, we find ourselves waiting for Cassady to swoop down and tie up all those tantalising loose ends.

Though Heslov and writer Peter Straughan try their best, however, there just isn't a satisfactory end to this movie to be found, and the one they've come up with — as enjoyable as it is — is not only underwhelming, it feels like an obvious redeployment of everything we've seen, with a little sprinkling of sentiment that, though tongue-in-cheek, doesn't feel right. For the most part, though, The Men Who Stare At Goats, like Inglourious Basterds before it, marks a return to the long-lost idea that there ought to be some fun in movies, and it's a testament to George Clooney's willingness to experiment that, at a time when he really ought to be prepping for his next Oscar, he's up for a laugh and happy to share the fantastic time he's having. Will it be a big hit? It's doubtful. But even if it flops, Clooney won't be slipping to the number three slot anytime soon.

All in all, very much worth watching. Very underrated movie. 8/10
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
I'm sorry, but this movie was just terrible!
5 March 2010
I am a huge fan of Johnny Depp. So big, in fact. I even love him in movies that are crap, but this goes way beyond crap.

The story was just so dodgily told and all of of it was just laughable.

The effects were terrible, so bad that I couldn't bare to look at it. The acting was terrible and the writing was so rushed and not well told at all.

I normally don't write bad movie reviews, but this time I had to. Even The direction was terrible and I'm a huge Tim Burton fan! All the voice actors were so mis-cast (voiced) that I was just laughing at it.

Such a great cast, director, producers....what went wrong? 1/10
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The Wolfman (2010)
Over 100 minutes of great Horror Fun!
13 February 2010
This movie isn't really meant to be a classic in any way shape or form, but it's meant to be fun and entertaining and I think it succeeds perfectly! The acting is top-notch, especially from Anthony Hopkins (as usual). The story focuses on killings happening around a local village. Now, apparently they have been happening for over 25 years. A little death here and there. When Anthony Hopkins's son is killed, Hopkins sets out to find whoever did this to his son! Meanwhile his other son arrives to assist as well! Great horror movie with a few unexpected moments. I guess you could say it is predictable, but LOADS of FUN! 8/10!
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The reason why we go to the movies!
22 January 2010
This movie is without a doubt one of the best movies i've ever seen! I have never in my life encountered a man like Quentin Tarintino! This man is the worlds best Writer of Dialogue! The acting was brilliant from everyone casted in this movie. Especially from Christoph Waltz (who i've never heard of before). Christoph Waltz pretty much steals the show as a sly, cheeky, cold-blooded Jew Hunter! You always knew Christopher Waltz was up to something! The direction was brilliant! The style of it was excellent and the pacing was perfect. I did not want this movie to go faster or slower. As long as it was, every scene was necessary.

Best movie i've seen in years. Definitely hard to choose between Avatar and Inglorious Basterds, but this movie is definitely either my number 1 or 2 movie of 2009! Quentin Tarintino you are a star and we need people like you to keep making movies like these! 10/10
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Excluding the cameo from (CGI) Arnold Scwarzenegger and the last fight scene it's terrible!
20 January 2010
Christian Bale is just terrible. He's a terrible, loud-mouthed, greedy, violent acting SNOB! He sounds just like Batman in The dark Knight with his annoying deep voice. Sam Worthington wasn't even good. He was HEAPS better in Avatar! The effects are good, I guess. But it ain't enough to call this movie good. The pacing is terrible and the direction is horrible. Very little action in this movie. There is action, don't get me wrong, but there's so little of it. We needed to see more fight scenes with the Terminators (esecially from the CGI cameo of Arnold).

The plot is too simple and too predictable. I knew straight away how it was going to end the moment it started. Acting is horrible and the movie just drags on! I wanted to see more of the CGI Arnold and the last fight scene with him in it is totally the best scene in the whole movie! 3/10 Nothing beats Terminator 1 and 2!
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Up (2009)
Seriously...i hate Pixar movies...but I LOVED THIS MOVIE!
20 January 2010
Yes, I know, I'll admit it...I hate Pixar's work, but for whatever reason I loved this movie. Everything about it is so well done. The 2 main voices are excellent. I've never even heard of the guy who plays Mr. Fredrickson's voice. I've seriously never heard of him before, and now I need to check more of his work out, because his voice was spot on! I know of Christopher Plummer. Another excellent choice! The plot is about a kid named Fredrickson who wants to be an explorer and along the way he meets a girl named Ellie, who also wants to be an explorer. They both got married and spent their whole life together! In the end she passed away and Mr. Fredrickson is now an old man and he is lonely and just downright depressed. When the retirement village are ready to take him away he takes off with his house with flying balloons hoisting him into the air! Along the way Mr. Fredrickson meets a very annoying kid named Russel. They are now in Paradise Falls and they encounter talking dogs! But how? When? And who do they belong to and what do the dogs want with them? Excellent, funny, cute and very sad and heartbreaking movie! I recommend it to anyone of all ages! 10/10!
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Hocus Pocus (1993)
Bette Midler was born to do this role!
20 January 2010
I saw this movie when I was 6 years old and I loved it. It was one of my childhood movies. I'm now 19 and just rewatched it. I have to say it's still as good as ever! I still love it, but just in a very different way of seeing it than I did when I was 6.

I swear Bette Midler was born to do this role. I never ever EVER saw her doing a role anything like this, but she did and she was so Oscar Worthy! Very underrated performance. The other actors are good too, but the 3 main witches Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker are the best actors and all of them are well casted.

Great fun Halloween movie. Sure, it's unoriginal and we've seen it before, but it's fantastic Halloween fun! Still love the movie 13 years later! 9/10
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Zombieland (2009)
The first half: 10/10! The second half: 6/10.
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me start off saying that I loved the first half. I LOVED IT! Pure genius and just so clever and unpredictable. How the kid goes through his rules of survival and introducing the characters. Very clever. After the first 40 mins or so I thought there was a huge change.

I found it to be predictable, not as fun and just plain boring. I'll admit the Amusement Park showdown (the clown zombie) was fun, but just so predictable. I didn't like the cameo from Bill Murray either. I didn't like the way they just threw him in. They just pretty much said "Because it's Bill Murray and because he'll get shot it'll be funny", but it's not. I knew he was going to get killed minutes before he got killed. Second half: Predictable, but fun.

All in all it's worth watching. All the acting was good. So, yeah, why not, check it out.

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Avatar (2009)
I've seen this in the movies 3 times and (each time the audience including myself) clapped!
8 January 2010
This movie is the best movie I have ever seen. The acting was brilliant, the pacing was brilliant, the direction (by James Cameron) is brilliant, the writing is brilliant and most important of all...the effects are just incredibly well done! I don't know anyone who could have done effects like that. Just incredible! And if you dare Dis the CGI...LET'S SEE YOU TRY TO MAKE EFFECTS AS GOOD AS THIS! The plot is simple, about a man named Jake Sulley (Sam Worthington) who is replacing his brother's position in the army in regards to the fact that his brother has died. Jake has an Avatar body and he must discover the inside of the Avatars and gain their trust. The head Sargent in charge (Stephen Lang) is promising Jake a great reward if he can tell him how to gain their trust and then lead the rest of the army to them so they can kill them! But Jake doesn't want this. He wanted to help the Avatar people and stop Stephen Lang from killing them.

The lady Avatar Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) is the one Jake falls in love with. Zoe Saldana was so good at this performance! She proves she has great talent and can act Oscar Worthy. At times she had the theater in tears. She even had me in tears at one point. I really believed that she was serious...but she was acting! Excellent actress! Hope to see more of her! All in all a great film and i would watch it 600 times a year until the day i die! great/fantastic movie and flop or no flop it's number 1 movie on my list! 10/10!
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Childhood Memories
17 May 2006
It was around, I think late summer, early fall last year, that they were showing Reruns of this cartoon on Boomerang, and because I saw something rather familiar when I saw my sister watching it, I decided to watch too, and I couldn't believe it, a show that I used to love as a kid, a show that I had forgotten so much about after all these years, A rush of all my memory just fills my mind. I decide to watch to see if I will still like it, or if it will turn out cheesy and be one of those "I cannot believe I used to like this crap" scenarios.

I watched, and I loved. This is definitely an animated show for almost all ages to enjoy, it is not at all childish, but then again not so risqué either. It's just perfect. Sure people, or shall I say Anthropomorphic Cats are shot at, killed, beat up or blown up, its not bad for kids aged 8 and up. The Animation is well done, It may come off as one of those American shows that tries to be an anime, but it does so with honor, it's something different and I really do believe it deserves to be adapted into an animated film. I love this show, I love the Characters, and most of all, I love that kickass Turbokat fighter jet that T-Bone & Razor fly. This is not a cartoon: It's a innovative piece of animation... supirior to Thundercats, I can't believe it was not as successful!
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9 April 2006
Clever, Funny, Witty, Entertaining. Curse of the Were-Rabbit is one of the better films to come out last year.

To tell the truth, I am not a fan of claymation. I prefer good old fashioned hand Drawn. However, this was every bit as good as chicken Run and the older Wallace & Gromit Movies. It was good to see something rather original as opposed to so much crap they release now adays. And from an Animated film. G-Rated, yet can appeal to almost anyone, even older audiences. The film Contained so many witty gags, that you have to watch it more than once to get them all. They can be pretty funny once you think about them.

The voice acting was done well. A cast of good actors whom have good voices, fit their characters perfectly. I personally liked Helena Bonhem Carter the most, she fit the Role of Totty just dead on. Not many flaws here. If you enjoy British Humor, than I say go ahead and check it out. You will have some fun for 85 minutes. I know I did.
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Inside Man (2006)
Entertaining to the max and so many twists, you won't know what hit you.
5 April 2006
That pretty much sums it up. This film is very tough to describe without giving away important plot details in which the viewer must experience for him/herself. Everyhting about this film was brilliant: The storyline, the surprises, the acting, the camera movements, everything.

I have never seen such a film that has surprised me at every turn the way this one does, and nothing truly far fetched happens. That' s how smart this film is. Plus; it has more comic relief than many serious films tend to have nowadays, and nothing was overdone, it has hilarious jokes and lines that come just at the right moment, Oh, and Clive Owen is just Amazingly brilliant as the bad guy. That's all you need to know.

Tell all your friends: Inside Man Kicks ass!
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In every way: Better than The Matrix.
18 March 2006
The Wachowski Bros. are talented, and the Matrix was a great film. But I found this to be far supirrior. It was true to its original subject matter, the acting was top notch, special effects top notch, the story: interesting, emotionally gripping, and downright perfect!

The film made so many great points about government and war and other political problems that are nothing more than bad things to our society, and the heroes, the people who see behind the lies of the media and politics and fight back by sending a true message to the people: that's what V For Vendetta is about.

There really ins't a whole lot that I can honestly say about the film except I love, I love, I Fukin' love the film. In my humble opinion, this movie is one of the top 10 films to come out in the last 10 years! It is up there with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Sin City in my book! This film deserves to be on the IMDb top 250 and to win an Oscar and be one of the top grossers of the yeah hands Down!
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Alexandre Aja will be the next Wes Craven
16 March 2006
A remake it was... yes a remake, and of a classic horror movie too that was good enough as it was, however... in a world of terrible remakes and sequels, this was something that was far from terrible. I would like to say first and foremost, that I was pleased with Aja's first film "High Tension", the man has talent, and he put it to good use here: A gory, insane, slasher type horror thriller that was the opposite of cheesy. It really was creepy, and that is extremely hard to do these days. It had great character structure, you can identify with and care for the people who are going through this hell. Not many horror movies do that, it's not even their job, however, it worked for this film. now that we know the character structure was believable, The story, oh yes, the story itself, which we already seen in the original, was a bit far fetched... but it was interesting and thrilling. In a way, believable, because there wasn't much of anything in the movie happening that one would refer to as bull**** like what tends to happen in most of the rather bad films they make nowadays. Great fight scenes, well choreographed, great realistic, really disturbingly graphic looking gore FX, the acting for both the victims and the killers all done well by these mostly relatively newer, lesser known actors, who all did great jobs at portraying. All that I can say about this film, in my humble opinion is: one of the thrilling, more fun horror films that has came out in the past few years. Right on par with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this beats the hell out of crap like the Ring, The Grudge, Boogeyman, The Fog and other watered down, pussified horror remakes. If you want scary, than see this film. But I must warn thee: It is definitely not for the faint of heart, so leave the littl eones at home.
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Hostel (2005)
Rotten, disgusting, sick, depraved, yet bold and AWESOME!
20 January 2006
Yes, Hostel is definitely not one of the better films of the year, but I still felt it was just kick ass. Entertaining to the max, and enough thrills to keep you on the edge of ur seat.

Okay, so there wasn't much of a point to it, other than to shock and disgust us, but, I think Eli Roth did that and more. The Film is in a sense.. believable for the most part, and the killings were so powerful and graphic that you can almost feel this happening.

A strong stomach is required if you are to enjoy this film, but I assure you, it is one cool movie none the less. I was entertained all the way through, I enjoy a good ol' gory horror film once in a while, and this one wasn't too cheesy, it actually had a few surprises for us, and coul often be pretty funny at times. So go check it out!
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Innovative and Amazing.
27 December 2005
I will admit, when it first came out last year it did not appeal a whole lot to me, but after all this talk of how great it is, I am letting everyone know that I regret not seeing this one in the theaters!

It was a beautiful film, very different, very realistic, very crazy, and trippy, however, although it is strange, it is one of those movies that you can understand what's going on without it throwing you off to badly, leaving you saying "WTF?!?!" No, this is a fantastic movie with excellent character structure which I recommend to anyone, anyone who loves movies. However tis is not for the low intelligent people out there who wish to only see blood and explosions, while those kinds of things are entertaining, they aren't much without a story, and this was a movie with a lot of wonderful story, and it wasn't quite 2 hours!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is living Proof that the best stories are not found in big over priced Hollywood popcorn movies, but with people who put time, effort, and love into writing a script, and producing a movie that will both entertain, shock, and leave the viewer speechless with how thought provoking and moving the film truly is. Eternal Sunshine is definitely one of the top 5 movies of 2004 if not THE BEST one. Great Job Jim, Kate, Kaufman and Gondry!
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Very well done raunchy comedy
5 November 2005
I have to say... I am impressed. Now, it actually isn't quite as sexually dirty as one may think, but it sure is Funny! It's almost like Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson were born to play these characters, their acting was top notch and believable. I could not stop laughing, Vince Vaughn is just too funny for words, I love him!

I found the storyline to be pretty well thought out, and a bit different, it's nice to see something that we haven't seen to much of prior to this really good little film. I cannot wait for the DVD, I hope there is an unrated uncut version like there will be with 40 Year Old Virgin!

Go see this movie, you'll have a good time! One of the year's best films!
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Jarhead (2005)
Compelling, thrilling, funny, innovative... Welcome to the Suck
5 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I Just got back from seeing it with a friend, and I have got to say: it is one of the greatest films I have ever seen! What makes it so good is how it is very different, and not what one would expect from a war movie. This was more drama, dark comedy, and anti war than anything. It kind of felt like watching Full metal jacket, only with better character structure. This was really a refreshing thing to see a film of this type that makes you laugh with the Well crafted usage of the F word (yes, although it is used a LOT in it, it doesn't sound too bad the way it's used in this film), and other insults, and it grips you emotionally, because you can almost feel for yourself the unforgiving events that the characters must go through, it feels like we are watching the war from a journalist's video camera, it's realistic.

The characters were very well portrayed. Jake Gyllenhaal remains one of my favorite young actors, and he plays the main character so well. Jamie Foxx was great, funny, and believable throughout, you can't help but love his character right off the bat.

The movie is so awesome, you'll be loving it, just within the first 2 minutes, with the hilariously brilliant open scene in boot camp, which is a direct homage to Full Metal Jacket, which also happens to be one of the greatest war movies I have seen. This is a powerful film, and you will not be disappointed.
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I went with High Expectations... and they were SURPASSED! Tremendously!
21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Carrel Proves himself to be a great leading man in this wonderful, original, raunchy breath of fresh air. I about wet myself at how geniusly hilarious it was.

Basically the movie's title says it all: Andy Stitzer is a 40 Year- Old Male who works at an electronics store. He is a bit of a nerd who loves videogames and Comics, and has the biggest collection. His Peers that work in the store with him find out that he's a Virgin during a rather sex dialogue filled poker game, and then Andy has to go through a rather funny as hell Odyessy of rude sexual awakenings, but always screwing up which leads to him not losing his virginity, but he eventually gets lucky in the very end.

Leave the little ones at home, But Take the entire family to see This awesome Romantic Adult Comedy. It will have you hooked and cracking up from the very beginning, and by the time it is over, you will be wishing you wore your extra thick absorbent undergarments. Only other thing I can say about it is Too bad Steve Carrel wasn't recognized as a leaving man 20 years ago. He is definitely gonna win best breakthrough male performance in next years MTV movie Awards. You can bet your hard earned dollar on that, people!

I Give this one a perfect 10!
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Sin City (2005)
The Reason why we go to the movies
1 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is an incredible, moving, beautiful film. It combines a good storyline, intense action, stylish violence, and interesting characters and the result is a thrill ride of the century!

I did NOT want this film to end! It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I loved every second of this film. it shows America for what it truly is: A corrupt, bleak, cynical world filled with crime and hatred. That is a very good reason to why the film's important.

Not only that, but the action was non stop! right after a well done scene of uniquely written dialog, there was a thrilling, in your face action sequence that just blows you mind! This was one of the most violent films ever, but the violence was in good taste. And it was all stylized with the comic-bookish colors.

The Characters were great! The way they were portrayed, you can't help but love them, even though most of them are ruthless criminals. The Dialgue and Narration was beautiful, they left out a lot of swear words to make room for smart, unique, well written dialog and narration which will have you hooked the moment you listen to it while watching the screen which is filled with really cool looking colors and textures.

I have never seen a more thrilling, excellent, beautiful, stylish, disturbing, bold, brilliant, kick ass flick in my entire life!

10 out of 10!
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The dark Sideof the fore is a pathway to many abilities some believe to be un natural
30 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lucas has redeemed himself since the last 2 prequels. I wasn't disappointed with TPM or AOTC. Sure, TPM's character development was't the greatest, and Clones had some pretty bad dialogue, but they were both thrill rides. But neither can compare to the bold, brilliant, and totally kick ass thrill ride that was Revenge of the Sith.

Better acting, more storyline, more action, and overall darker tone makes this the best star wars film. There was hardly any dialogue between Padme and Anikin (And the little bit there was, was the movie's only weak point) Yoda kicked so much ass in this one. He looked less funny and more serious this time around, Mace Windu gave a great fight before his fall, all plot holes from the previous films are resolved, and there is a really cool villain this time around. General Grievous was really neat. It's too bad that he had to be a coward. But, oh boy can he sure spin a lightsaber.

I was expecting the opening space battle to be a little longer, but boy was it intense and nicely done. And not only that, but they gave us plenty of good dark comedy in the beginning with Artoo just to make us all happy until the real trageties near the end come.

Overall; The Script was good, the directing was good. The Acting was good. The action, effects, costumes, and lightsaber duels were SUBLIME!

The ending Lightsaber duels between Boi wan and anikin, and Yoda and Palpatine were excellently choreographed and very intense and entertaining.

The movie is a hell of a ride. It's definitely the best film of the summer. The only film in my eyes that is even the slightest bit of better would be Sin City. I Give Revenge of the Sith a 10!
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