
4 Reviews
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The magic lives on
17 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Harry Potter means a lot to me, I've watched this movie when I was 12 years old after reading the 2 first books. Rowling's book was the first real book (no pictures, no big fonts, no pop-ups) I've ever read so when I entered the movie theater it was like entering a world I had seen before only in my imagination and I still remember that day now 10 years later.

Even though there's a lot of things different from JK Rowling's novel I wouldn't change a thing about this movie - Perhaps put some contact lens on Daniel, I was kinda disappointed he didn't have green eyes like Lily's- . First because you could never be 100% loyal to a book and second because I think Chris Columbus made a wonderful job.

I've watched this movie at least 30 times and each time feels like the first, and each time a piece of that girl I was at 12 years old comes back and it feels great to know I still have her with me. I hope one day taking my kids to a movie theater to watch this movie (since they'll obviously release again someday) so they will feel what I've felt 10 years ago.

Harry Potter lives inside the heart of a generation and it's amazing to see that his story came from the books to the movies without losing its magic.
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The Tunnel (I) (2011)
Waste of time
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You're not gonna see nothing new here, this movie is a bad mix of the Blair Witch, Cloverfield and countless other movies. But that's not what makes the movie bad, there's tons of good movies around that are not exactly original.

The acting is very bad, not convincing at all; the two main actors are boring to death and for me they just don't seem to be your usual horror movie type, which makes the movie seem too fake.

But for me the lowest point was the interviews the characters are giving through the movie that makes you already know who died and who didn't, maybe they thought it could be a original idea but it sucks completely. You don't want to know who survived, it's boring to watch a movie already knowing what happens. Plus the interviews are so not believable, they tell the story like they're talking about something like the stock marketing.

I could go on and on about how bad this movie. If you're looking for an awful movie, here it is! Otherwise, don't waste your precious time.
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Almost there
14 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a great movie!

Thomas and Francisco are half brothers and since their childhood are extremely close and over protective with each other, but still in a different way. Their parents realize how peculiar their sons relationship are and then they are just fine with it. For a moment you think there will be a struggle, at least a internal one; just for a brief moment their mother shows some concern but she seems to eventually just let it go. This becomes the movie biggest mistake: the lack of conflict.

The story jumps from where the boys are around 10 years old to where they are already grown men. That's when the movie loses itself. It just jumps the most critical and interesting part of what could have been: their teenage years. The discovery of sexuality, the actual realization of the boys feelings. How does it feel to realize at age 15 that you're not attracted to girls but you are deeply in love with your brother? What if he feels the same, how you both would deal with it? With your parents, with your friends, with the world? But mostly how each one of them would deal with themselves, the inner crisis that I imagine someone in this situation would experience.

It just lacks conflict at any kind. Their parents, their friends and everyone around them seem to be just OK with the fact that two brothers are in a relationship, like it's a daily situation we're all used to. It's like they live at their own magic world.

But the movie has its pros. The story is told in a beautiful, almost poetic way. The scenarios are beautiful and so are the main actors that have, by the way, great chemistry. The music is also beautiful.

I liked the ending, although incest is still a taboo, I do believe, as cheesy as it sounds, true love conquers all and I would love to see the boys ending up together, but first I would like to see some real conflict, as it would certainly happen in a situation like this in real life.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
trash trash trash
13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had low expectations for this movie of course but it's way worse than I thought... simply ridiculous. No plot, nothing, just boobs and a very unnecessary scene that was supposed to be a parody of a scene from "The Hunger" but it just made everything even more pathetic.

On one of the last scenes the guy and the girl are on a sinking boat full of flesh eating fish but they still can find time to hug and kiss while the piranhas are too busy eating what's left of another guy's body.

Predictable, horrible effects, bad acting... a waste of time.

Do not waste an hour and a half of your life with this, trust me. And I cant even believe it's rated 6,2 here... seriously?
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