
7 Reviews
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entertaining film
18 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
caught this movie on netflix streaming video and it is a good watch for 90 minutes of your time. miss gilbert is very pretty and mr. penny makes for a good conflicted bad guy. lots of mafia stereotypes but that is to be expected. the ending is predictable and thus not a surprise, he was not going to run away with her. seeing talia shire in her prime was an added bonus. she was beautiful in her scenes and very convincing. i have a weakness for raven haired women and she is one of them. would not have expected her in a TV movie after her success in the rocky films.lots of familiar actors you have seen before in other mafia films. i guess they recycle them or they are typecast. the helicopter scene was a little over the top but entertaining none the less.
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Blind Spot (I) (2008)
very scary documentary
14 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
no reviews for this film? i am surprised. no one wants to hear bad news or the truth. it is too frightening. what will we do when the oil runs out? there are very few practical answers. i think it will turn into a MAD MAX world. too many people not enough resources. at that point it really becomes a dog eat dog world. this film is very informative, but most of all it is frightening. cheap oil has led to massive increases in population. what happens when the oil goes away and the populations remain? answer: WAR! we are seeing it already in the middle east and other places. there is blood for oil, just no one admits it. i caught this film on netflix and suggest you do to. if you really want to know what is going on. your government is lying to you.
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Samson and Delilah (1984 TV Movie)
eye candy, but not much else.
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucks, but not entirely. The MAIN reason to view it is for the title characters played by Hamilton and Bauer. If looking at beautiful people is your thing then this film is for you. Strange that both these actors went on to have short Hollywood careers so there is not much of their work for us to enjoy. Hamilton was gay and died from aids and Bauer was typecast and apparently tired of acting quickly. Too bad for us. Max Von Sydow overacts and is not very interesting in this. The 1949 version is a superior production in terms of visuals and acting. Victor Mature and Heddy LaMarr were also attractive to watch and that is what holds your interest in these productions. We all know the story of Samson and Delilah and this film sticks to that story fairly well but is still boring and tedious. This makes it difficult to watch in one sitting. Thank God for home video! Once again, the two leads are beautiful but there is not much else here. If they can hold your interest then this film is for you. RIP Mr. Hamilton.
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The Hit List (2011)
Cuba is bad ass again!
22 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I really don"t know why some people are giving bad reviews to this movie. Cuba hasn"t been this bad ass in years! of course he is the deranged hit man who doesn"t care anymore if he lives or dies. that can be extremely liberating. if you do not fear your own death then what else is there to fear? people spend their whole lives trying to out run death and in the end it gets us all anyway! that is why suicide bombers are so difficult to stop. Cuba was very convincing in his role but Cole Hauser was such a wimp that i was hoping Cuba would shoot him in the head and put us out of his misery. anyway, i could use my own personal hit man because there are a few people i would like eliminated. just a fantasy, right? lots of action and the suspense builds slowly till the terminator like ending where just about everyone gets wiped out. two thumbs up for this one. you won"t be disappointed. Cuba is bad ass! did you notice how much Cuba looks like a ghetto thug on the DVD cover? that is a good look for him!
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very slow tedious movie.
18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
let me start by saying that i"m not surprised that no one has reviewed this stupid movie before me. I came to IMDb to read other reviews and there were none. big surprise. this movie is very slow and tedious. you keep waiting for something to happen and nothing really does. all the actors look old and tired. i am a fan of Robert Patrick since terminator 2 and he has been in some good films but this is not one of them. here he just looks old.real old. you look at some people and wonder what happened to them. he is just here for the paycheck as are all the actors. this movind could be described as slumming for them because they are all well known. this is one movie they should leave off their resume. it is an embarrassment for them. very very low budget. nothing to see here, move along please, as a policeman would to you at an accident scene. this film builds some suspense but there is no pay off at the end. nothing to see here, move along please!
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Skyline (2010)
this movie stinks worse than a dog turd!
9 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
where do i begin about how much this movie sucks? there is no story here. you have seen it before in independence day back in the 90"s. alien invasion movies are almost always cool, right? not this one! the budget was 10,000,000 dollars and they spent it on the fx which is the only good thing about the movie. a cast of no name actors that i cannot stand such as Eric Balfour and David zayas and some chicks that you do not care if they get killed. the highlight of the film is when a character is squashed while trying to get your money and stay away from this movie! i watched it on the internet and would have killed myself had i paid $11 in a movie theater. talk about getting ripped off! the directors and producers should die of embarrassment for having greenlit this film. where did they get the money?
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
this movie stinks!
2 February 2011
this movie sucks! that is not a vampire joke because it really does suck. it is very slow paced and you wait a long time for anything to happen.the young actors are good and probably the only redeeming characters in the film. the special effects are minimal and dull. it could have been much scarier. i cannot believe that it had a budget of 20,000,000. what did they spend the money on? there was not really any suspense and i am sorry i spent five dollars to watch it on pay per view. i truly wish i could get my money back because i am a cheap person and do not like being ripped off! do not waste your time or money to watch this. if you do then remember i warned you.
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