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Cloverfield (2008)
Great Monster Movie!
26 January 2008
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Very cool monster movie w/hout the hokey bs you see in many monster films today.This one is a step above.Featuring mainly no name actors except for Mike Vogel & to most he is a no name actor this was acted very well & was downright frightening at times especially for being a PG-13 rated film. The monster was way huge & destructive & it's spider like symbiotes were equally as disturbing. Would've been better had it been R rated but was very well written.Drew Goddard of Buffy The Vampire Slayer fame wrote the screenplay & it was probably the first thrilling film I've seen this year. I was apprehensive about seeing it at first but was persuaded & am very glad I 've now seen it. I also like the fact you never knew if the monster was from space or the ocean's depths. Is left open for a sequel.**** out of *****
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The Mist (2007)
This is my favorite Stephen King story & i think it was done great ,even with the new disturbing ending.
22 November 2007
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Very well written & made for the screen from one of the best stories of Stephen King's "horror" stuff. Frank Darabont does with Mr King's horror story the same as he did for SKing's non-horror story The Shawshank Redemption & that is gives it justice. The new ending of David killing everyone is really the only change & then minutes after while awaiting one of The Mist's beasts to come & eat him he sees a military truck roll in. He realizes he's just killed everyone & now their being rescued.He goes mad with anguish. To top if off he sees the woman he leaves the store & goes out into the Mist, cause she left he kids alone to run to the stone in the back of the truck of the rescued & she glares at him hatefully was even more thought-provoking. Thomas Jane was great as the main character David & Marcia Gay Harden was wonderful as the religious freak villianess Mrs Carmody. Great special effects from Berger & Nicotero & this is of his horror stuff my favorite King adapted horror film so far. But how did the military fix it is what i want to know?That is never explained. Did they close the portal to the other dimension that they ripped open? Great film. The monsters (especially the acid-web spinning & slinging spiders as big as dogs) are the true stars of this movie.CGI looks very real.***** out of *****
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Wow! I really enjoyed this film. Best vampire movie I've ever seen
28 October 2007
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Except for may-be Dracula (1932) this is the best vampire film I've seen.Too long now have vampires been portrayed as sensual beautiful creatures instead of the throat-ripping beasts they deserve to be wrote as. These baddies in this film 30 Days of Night are the scariest vampires since Nosferatu & Kurt Barlow from Salem's lot (1979 CBS version,not the lame ass Sci-Fi network Rob Lowe remake). These were extremely terrifying in their displays of viscousness &complete disregard of mercy as they brutalized this small town of 150 =. One of my all time fav camera shots came from this film as the cameras has an angle shooting down from the sky as if you're in the air & looking down you see the town trying to defend itself but to no avail as the blood starts coating the snow white ground & you see it's everywhere. Very disturbing & haunting but AWESOME! Ididn't really like the lead casting of Josh Hartnett as the Sheriff character but he did okay.I also liked the infected are turned part of the storyline as it was reminiscent of azombie film this way. Also loved the mouth full of razor sharp teeth. They definitely killed any interest one might have in a fantasy sorta way about one wanting to turn into a vampire. And great gore.This is the goriest vampire movie ever made &has awesome make-up work. Loved the bleakness of the film. Very cool.***** out of *****
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This isn't for everybody but if you like well made B-movie horror.This is it at it's finest!
28 September 2007
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This is by no means meant to be taken seriously as a film as it's a film based on a silly tale of the Jersey Devil (like Bigfoot,Yeti,The Mothman) it's a bogeyman made up to keep people out of the desolate Pine Barrens region who from what I understand is miles upon miles of wooded area,that's easy to get really lost in.The old lady was supposed to be the ghost of the woman who bore The Jersey Devil,Mrs Leeds &it seems both she & 2 of her half-wit kids rob & murder anyone who's car breaks down & if they don't get you the Satanists who sacrifice their victims to the Devil & "his son"will.This reminded me of a great 80's B-movie from Troma called Mothers Day.The actresses are 2 of my favorites from previous B horror films.The lead is Felissa Rose from Sleepaway Camp fame & her sister in the film is Ellen Sandweiss from The Evil Dead, who is the chic who gets some horrible tree love & then is the first to go demonic in the film,well in this she is a terrorized Mom w/h a baby. Both actresses are NEVER going to be top Hollywood stars but to their fans after nearly 20 + years of not seeing them in anything it was a pleasant surprise.Also the old woman who plays Mrs Leeds was an extremely creepy old Italian woman who would've made a great witch & the daughter in the pigtails is one of the most nightmarish characters i've seen in a long time.You can obviously tell director Dante Tomaselli grew up on B-horror from his video store from the 80's as this film has that type of feel to it all the way through. Their are some seriously ridiculous moments in this film,like why would the cop HAVE TAKEN the girl back to the house where her whole family was murdered without any back-up?He wouldn't! And towards the end it seemed like they were running out of script ( or money) but this was a unexpected delight as if it sucks really bad i usually turn it off within the first 5 mins. And believe me there is a lot of horror out there you'll turn off cause it's so bad.Loved the scene where the old Mrs Leeds character was doing rails of cocaine but another question?Where did she get the coke from?Stolen from a dead victim? The SAatanists? The jersey Devil? LOL! But this film is good B-movie fun & Liked it immensely.*** OUT OF *****
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Not the best B-movie horror film out there but not all that bad either.
19 September 2007
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First off so far out of the 3 films i've seen under this Films To Die For Horror series Penny Dreadful,Dark Ride, & now this one The Gravedancers,this is so far the best. 3 friends reunited for the funeral of an old friend decide to go walking though the cemetery at night & find a letter of poems that sound like a celebration of life but is instead a curse. And by dancing on the graves of 3 dead folks who didn't lead very good lives a demon/spirit posses these 3 dead souls into exacting revenge on the living. They are played well by Dominic Purcell,Josie Maran & Marcus Vance.The ghosts they make crazy are: one is a judge who raped his jailed victims & use S/M instruments to torture the girls to death. The 2nd ghost is a school teacher who found her husband cheating on her & kills the mistress & her husband w/h an ax. And the 3rd is a child who was a firebug,who burned himself & his family to death on purpose. Sothatis how the 3 so called "Gravedancers" are then attacked in similar fashion until they are dead.The ghosts once they take on human form are grotesque &very creepy.Especially the S/M judge. Good gore scenes but nothing that I'd say was too extreme to be not shown in American theaters as advertised. But it does have a well-written story,though it is predictable in spots & I never understood why the wife of Dominic Purcell's character played by former Buffy the Vampire Slayer actress,Clare "Glory" Kramer. was why she didn't say "Forget this.You danced on the grave not me! I mean you'd have to really love your husband to want to stand by him why 3 ghosts are gonna kill you.Could've been written better,but considering the B-movie director Mike Mendez did this, this a 1000 times better than the too over the top camp horror/comedy The Convent" that he directed in 2000.The only cool thing in that film was Adrienne Barbeau. Soif you like creepy ghost stories or good B-movie horror, heavy on the B, with 1 sorta big name actor then you'll like this. Though I don't think you'll die for this film, as advertised.*** out of *****
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Halloween (2007)
Get over it people.By the time Hollywood's done every horror classic will have been remade
1 September 2007
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I always groan when I see their remaking another favorite classic horror film of mine & a lot have sucked.The only one I went completely crazy about was Dawn Of The Dead. I mean where are the original ideas? But,Rob Zombie came out with a whole new way of telling his version of Halloween & how it went down & I liked his version better than what the original Halloween franchise did.First off I really felt pity for poor Michael as his home life really sucks.The only kind one to him is his Mom, Sherry Moon Zombie (who was awesome in this role as she got too show some acting chops finally playing a decent character whose not psychotic for a change) & he just begins to loose it by hiding away his ugliness behind his masks,he just slowly introverts into his brain,losing all compassion,& sense of what's right & wrong especially after his Mom kills herself & the one burning thought that he left his baby sister"Boo" live still.15 yrs later he escapes, kills a whole mess of people (way more than the original)& in a whole lot more brutally of a fashion too & eventually meets up w/h Baby Boo, now Laurie Strode.Once again it's a fine story but this IS NOT JOHN CARPENTER'S version.It's Rob Zombie's & he warned fans of the original that this would be different. RZ once again uses actors from various favorite horror films of mine in small roles as the whole cast of The Devil's Rejects are in this as security guards,janitors, & graveyard caretakers. Also the wonderful Dee Wallace gets to play Laurie's mom & let's out a bloodcurdling scream as good as any young scream queen out their when Michael goes to knife her. Also he used one of my all time favorites Sybil Danning as the Nurse who young Michael forks in the jugular. And Danielle Harris who played the child Michael was after in the previous Halloween franchise of films 4 & 5 I believe is back but in this one is playing a teen & at 30 she looks way older as Annie than the other 2 actresses do. They kill Michael with Laurie sitting astride him & blowing his brains out as she screams in to the night so I don't see no sequel but that's okay as to me that is what killed the original films creepiness. I liked this.I thought House of a 1,000 Corpses was OK,Devil's Rejects kicked ass, & Halloween is definitely a future horror classic 2-0 Mr Zombie keep on rolling out the "Hard R"horror, just if you could do it from your own imagination with a completely original horror concept as the remake thing is very risky. And people just don't like things to be remade.Or remake the all time gore-fest Zombie for American audiences & go all out & get a NC-17 rating!! **** out of ***** Miss Kory Kane
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I liked this as it was the first film I saw from the After Dark Films Horrorfest series
4 August 2007
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I don't understand why so many people hated this.I loved it! Granted the plot was a little waning after an hour of Rachel Miner's whining & crying but she is terrified of being in a car, since as a child her Mom was killed in a car wreck. And,Mimi Rogers as her doctor decides to take her back to the spot it happened at to help her relive the memories & see if it helps her overcome her phobia.And considering most people would cry & scream if they to were locked in with their worst fear I thought it added to the psychological intensity & horror of the film.Especially once Mimi Rogers gets murdered & Penny realizes she's alone, w/h her Dr's body in a car that has been placed between 2 trees so she can't get out.And the killer does terrorize her mentally.My favorite part was when the killer goes through the trunk & slits the backseat open enough to get his/her (?) hand through & grab the unsuspecting Penny's hair for a good scare as I wasn't expecting that at all. The ending lacked a bit as I wanted to know who & why the killer was & why they were attacking Penny but all in all i WAS VERY HAPPY W/H THE END RESULT. *** OUT OF *****
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Lonely Hearts (2006)
Really good direct to DVD release
4 August 2007
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Really good work from John Travolta but the real star of this show is Salma Hayek who as the murderess Martha Beck,she plays the character as cunningly evil & with as little remorse as a shark feeding on it's helpless prey. She is so in love with Jared Leto's character of Raymond Fernandez that just the thought of him even remotely feeling anything for his victim who he is conning throws her into a murderous rage. Jared Leto has the role of his career, playing the murderous con-man Ray.Looking very unsexy for a first time in any of his films( though while playing a junkie in Requiem for a Dream,he wasn't hideous but way to skinny) he as a toupee wearing thin mustached geek swoons these unsuspecting widows out of their panties & money & then Martha & Ray off them. For a pretty guy actor he plays down his looks as he is very geeky as Ray but he has charm & of course Mr Leto has awesomely blue eyes & the film has very suspenseful moments & just out right disturbing moments for a crime drama.Why this wasn't released theatrically, I don't know. It's definitely good enough.**** out of *****
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God do people hate this movie! i actually liked it for it being a schlocky B-Movie.
30 March 2007
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I mean TDHTL is not by no means a great horror film.It is what it is.A low-grade B-movie but it has it's moments of being a cool horror film even w/h it's name-dropping. And it's thankfully a short film though i would like to seen a sequel to see what happens to the 2 main characters after they enter the land Of the Dead. i mean i 've seen way worse horror films, watch death tunnel & you'll think this one is a gem.Good directing from Dave Parker & i actually liked the storyline though the acting was a bit lame. Reminded me at times of low-grade 80's horror but all in all it's what i expected.I think these bad reviews are from people expecting B-horror to be good horror & films such as this one,Boo,nIGHT oF THE Demons etc are not really meant to be good.They appeal to a lovers of B- grade horror films. And w/h this being a horror comedy it's meant to be cheesy.For those who are trying to say it should've been serious well stick w/h more mainstream or actual scary HORROR FILMS.IDO WHEN I WANT TO SEE THAT TYPE OF MOVIE. But when you watch a B-movie you know is a horror comedy don't compare Dead Alive,Evil dead & all the classics as that's not what these movies are even trying to become. I liked this & would recommend it to true fans of silly Horror comedy.And if you hated this stay away from the Sleepaway Camp trilogy.** out of *****
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Turistas (2006)
I think this film is getting a bad rap.It's not that horrible.
10 March 2007
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I mean their have been a slew of PG-13 rated horror films like Cursed,Boogeyman,etc in the past 5 yrs that sucked on so much higher of a scale than Turistas did. I think the storyline was very creepy as a group of tourists run afoul a group of Brazilains who o don't like Americana whitey,except to drug us,abduct us,& then rip out our organs to use on other Brazilians.As in most other countries the idea of an organ transplant is nearly non-existent. So to expediate the matter whenever a group of American or European tourists show up they drug you & play with your insides.Very brutal scenes where the one girl character is drugged but in detail told by the Doctor what he's gonna do w/h their organs.Another brutal scene is where the Scandanavian girl gets loose runs from the bad guys through the jungle blindly,not knowing where she's going & runs off a 100 ft cliff,while you watch her head bash up against the rocks.All of these films like thiso new & Hostel & even Wolf Creek definitely make you either not want to travel at allor at least be made weary that their are some major sickos out there in these poorer countries who will do what they have to make a buck.The only problems have with this film is it's director John Stockwell (one of my fav 80's actors)directs this like he has his other teeny-bopper films like Crazy/beautiful & considering that most of these folks are in their mid to late 20's,a different shot focus would've been what this film needed.That & they rushed the script at the end.But not a bad horror film just not awesome,** out of *****
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Masters of Horror: Valerie on the Stairs (2006)
Season 2, Episode 8
Clive Barker wrote this?Why?
3 January 2007
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Not a very good entry in the Second Season of the Masters of horror season.I am a huge Clive Barker fan but really don't see his creative imagination at work in this drivel of a story about a unemployed & unpublished writer staying in a hotel that is for a group of writers to live in until their published. He starts to see some naked girl named Valerie who is pulled away each time by a demonic being(played by Tony "Candyman"Todd).Turns out their characters that were written by 3 of the tenants & the Beast doesn't want to be written away or written that he is killed as he loves owning Valerie & doesn't want things to change. And is the main character guy really himself or is he a character from the story? Just not your usual awesome Clive Barker work. What? Out of all of his amazing stories this was what they picked? This reeks of Mick Garris's work & only his.Maybe Clive just produced & Mick thought more people would be interested if he added Clive's name to the project as this is supposed to be Masters of Horror. It has a few good gore scenes but that doesn't redeem this piece of crap. If they don't better this horror anthology series,I personally don't see it coming back for a 3rd season. And that sucks as cable can do so much that network TV can't. * out of *****
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Little Athens (2005)
Not a bad indie but could've been better
25 December 2006
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Not the worst indie film I've ever seen.And it does have it's moments of being funny.Rachel Miner was DECENT as the best friend of Erika leerhsen's character where she's cheating with her cop boyfriend cause she's willing to give him anal sex that he so craves. Then you've got Jorge Garcia who is awesome on Lost but in this film just seem wasted as a character.It was stupid the way he'd speak Spanish words mixed in with mostly English.It's like he's trying to say "I'm Mexican though i look like a fat white dude."And, once again DJ Qualls gives a decent quirky character performance & once again shows why he's one of the truly ugliest actors I've ever seen. Is reminiscent of the party scene in Dazed & Confused but that film is wayyy better. Too dark in parts to see much of what's going on, i feel this film would've been better had they had less characters. ** out of *****
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Masters of Horror: The Screwfly Solution (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
THE best of SEASON 2 so far
10 December 2006
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Very disturbing story of an plague brought to Earth & unleashed on the male population where if they become aroused in any way they turn violent on any female around them & savagely murder her so the alien race can wipe out mankind as without females they'll be no reproduction.Very cool story idea & much better effort in my opinion then Joe Dante's 1st Season effort Homecoming which I thought was just plain silly.This is at times terrifyingly to watch & reminded me that this was the horror movie director of my all time favorite classic werewolf film The Howling. Pretty gory at times.And surprisingly Jason Priestley puts in a decently acted performance. As does Elliot Gould. So far Season 2 has some stinkers but this one I'd highly recommend. **** out of *****
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Was okay but just OK
10 December 2006
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I liked the characters & felt bad for them when they died so that's saying som ething i guess.Cause in some horror films I hate em & am rooting for them to go on & get killed. This one i was bummed but thestoryline seems very rushed & that's not good.Roy Ermey once again played an awesome sheriff.Very menacing. And Andrew Bynarski played LeAtherface just as good as Gunner Hansen. The gore was definitely more prominent in this one than the remake but really none of these needed to be re-made as the original & even the goofy but classic sequel were still & are still better than what these remakes have provided. i wouldn't no t recommend this but I doubt I'll but this either** out of *****
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Masters of Horror: Pro-Life (2006)
Season 2, Episode 5
What the hell has happened to John Carpenter?
1 December 2006
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Well out of all of his films or even anthologies films like Body Bags this, other than the gore SUCKED!!! i've seen more convincing looking monsters on Buffy/ANGEL & THAT'S REGULAR TV! The storyline seems very rushed together & other than a few gory highlights this wasn't no where as good as J Carpenter's 1st season endeavor Cigarette Burns. That was excellent this is drivel. This season there really hasn't been anything done very good on the 2nd season of Masters Oof Horror. Which is sad as that means they probably won't renew for a 3rd season. And that sucks as theirs no really good horror TV shows now that Buffy & Angel & classic shows like Tales from the Darkside & Monsters are gone. Supernatural is even lacking sorely in it's 2nd season.Considering this is cable the Showtime network went all out on the gore in this episode as the shotgun blasts look totally real & Ron "Hellboy" Perelman as the vengeful father trying to get his demon impregnated daughter out of an abortion clinic & goes in w/h his ons full guns blazing & brutally murders the abortionist doctor by making him have a man-made vagina that he aborts his tissue out of! Sick it is but a great gory idea it is! The demon once he comes for his absurdly looking born love-child is just so fake looking he belongs in a low-budget 50's b-movie. Please if there is a 3rd season John do us your fans a favor & do something good please!!!!!!** out of *****
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Saw III (2006)
Great on the gore scenes but it seems like the plot was churned out to get this movie out for this Halloween.
27 November 2006
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Not a bad horror film though i have to say the first film is still the best in the franchise & Saw 2 is a better film than this one in the storyline department but the gore in this film is better than it's 2 predecessors. Great gore scenes where Jigsaw gets brain surgery & the lady Dr has to very graphically open up his brain & the scene of Dina Meyer's Detective character getting her ribs ripped open was extremely brutal if kinda disappointing as the cameras pulled away at a crucial moment. Also the judge having to slowly drown in the rotted pig corpses was especially gross & very inventive. And the storyline of Amanda being the one who was doing the killings for Jigsaw explains a lot as i used to wonder how in the hell a sickly terminally ill man could kidnap & then concoct these elaborate torture devices/bombs to pull these people apart. Not a bad film but I heard they are planning on a Saw 4 & i don't see how due to the death of Tobin BELL's Jigsaw character at the end of this one but please don't make Angus megaton's Character a follower of Jigsaw's methods.That would be LAME!!! ** out of *****
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Feast (2005)
This one I'm a little mixed on as it has it's moments of being a decent horror film
20 October 2006
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It has it's moments of being a decent horror film but the fast paced action with the bad lighting left me going "Huh" in to many places as to what was going on? The gore was very decent especially the scene where Jason Mewes gets his face ripped off. And J did not have a very long scene in this film at all. And come to think of it neither did "McSteamy" Eric Dane as he got his head bit off within the first 5 mins. Also,i like any horror film where the kid gets eaten as it's usually frowned upon having a child killed, & Krista Allen's little boy characterToby gets ripped from her arms & out the window to be chomped on by one of the monsters before her disbelieving eyes & screams of horror. That was Cool! But this one seems to rushed together & to me is definitely not a memorable horror film. Though all of the characters have some decent comedic moments. But,this is not a scary film at all & is barely acceptable to a gore-hound like myself as it could've been better. That & Krista Allen isn't as good enough actress to be a top-notch scream queen. So if you really like action packed monster movies you might want to see this but I'd recommend The Descent instead. *** out of *****
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Masters of Horror: Jenifer (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Dario does it American style!
24 August 2006
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Dario Argento the great Italian "giallo" horror film director & producer of horror classics like the original Dawn of the Dead & both of the Demons films, does his work for the Masters Of Horror series, with the episode "Jenifer" about a deformed girl who as her lovers try to rid themselves of her by killing her, a strange man comes to save her & kills the man trying to kill her but somehow becomes obsessed by her in the process. Steven Weber plays a cop who saves her, & after being horrified by her deformed face, becomes mesmerized in a sick way with her hot body, brings her home to the wife & kids. The wife puts up with her barely, but wants her out when she finds jenifer eating the cat in the bathroom,& she scoops up a large mass of intestine & offers her male savior some. Thus the wife & kids leave, & he begins a jsu close your eyes & feel on her hot body sexual relationship with the girl-freak. Then when he comes home he finds his wife being eaten by Jenifer in the basement & takes her off to a remote cabin where after eating a young boy he takes her out into the woods to kill her to end the horror of this gut chomping Momma & he's killed by a hunter who once looking into the face of horror that is Jenifer becomes mesmerized & thus it starts all over again. Dario's films usually have a strong European feel to them & this one really doesn t in this as it's done more Americanized than any of his previous films have been. Though the ending has a European feel to it the story doesn't. I liked this one as the gore factor is very high as she likes to eat guts! The storyline is better than Homecoming & dREAMS iN tHE wITCH-HOUSE as those 2 stunk in my opinion but isn't as good as Pick me Up,Incident on & oFF A Mountain road & Cigarette Burns. I just hope the 2nd season of Masters is stronger than the 1 st season.*** out of *****
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The Descent (2005)
Very Scary! Great & well written horror film from Great Britan.
18 August 2006
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I don't scream anymore at horror films & rarely am i ever even scared, but I actually screamed out 5 times int his film as this movie fills you with a sense of dread, from the enclosed darkened narrow tunnels they are having to travel through to the time the creatures begin to attack the girls.Great gore scenes. Great deaths. Neil Marshall once again has a great horror film like his debut film Dog Soldiers. If you haven't seen this go see it IMMEDIALTEY!!!! The ending's a little confusing & leaves the story open for interpretation. A lot of people are saying she never escaped, i disagree with this. I think it was her guilty conscience regarding the Asian girl she left behind in the caves.Great horror film. ***** out of *****
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How can you not like a film with classic lines like " I had to eat a rat raw!"
26 July 2006
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Granted as a trilogy film, if you go in expecting some mind blowing horror film that oozes originality, then you'll be disappointed.If your like me & just expect to see gross out mayhem where a skin wearing psycho named Leatherface runs around killing poor victims trapped in the forest around their house then this film's for you. Kate Hodge is the main scream queen as she's terrorized by Leather face & his new family members (where the hell did these folks come from? A family reunion?) kill a group of friends Ms Hodge along with future horror movie director William Butler as her boyfriend. Also out in the boonies for hunting is (THE ALWAYS GREAT) Ken Foree who instead of battling zombies (Dawn of the Dead) or mutated scientists from other dimensions ( From Beyond) here he's battling hill-billy cannibals. And he kicks major ass! Also, up & coming actor extradoniare Viggo Mortensen is in this a cannibal family member looking oh so fine I might say. But the best part of this movie's the dialouge with the scene where Ken Foree finds a survivor who's been chased for 7 days through the woods & as he's talking to her, she says " I Had to eat a rat raw yesterday & some berries that tasted like they've already been throwed up!" & when Kate Hodge's been captured & is in the lair of the crazed killers, the Momma Cannibal says" Junior sure likes the ladies! He knows what to do with em female parts!" Great ! See this if you haven't but steer clear of the 4th Texas film. I t stinks! *** out of *****
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2001 Maniacs (2005)
Very cool Horror/comedy. Best Robert Englund horror film since the Nightmare films!
18 July 2006
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Very well done b-movie horror/comedy about a group of Northern tourists getting "detoured" into a small Georgia town where they are proclaimed the guests of honor. Then one by one they are dragged off to their very imaginative but effectively gory deaths. Very cool sequel/remake of the 1960's horror/cult classic 2000 Maniacs who's director i have to say should be thanked profusely as i don't think horror would have the gore scenes that it's had in the past 40 yrs if not for H G Lewis classics like 2000 maniacs,Blood Feast, & The Wizard Of Gore. Robert Englund is just awesome in the Mayor Buckman role. After starring in a bunch of bad horror films in between doing the Nightmare on Elm Street films here is a horror role worthy of his great acting ability. Also Lin Shaye was great as Grandma Boone & Gisueppe Andrews was hilarious as Harper Alexander. My favorite death scenes were the gay guy getting skewered from the rectum to the mouth with a metal rod & the girl Ms Pussy getting drawn & quartered by the horse as harper tells her "Frankly,ms Pussy. I don't give a damn!" Awesome! Gory enough to make goremeisters happy & funny enough that even my Mom who hates those kinds of films really liked this. If you haven't seen this SEE THIS!!!! **** out of *****
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These Girls (2005)
Very cool indie dark comedy about 3 very dangerously horny teen girls
12 July 2006
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Very cool dark comedy about a teen girl having an affair w/h the guy she's babysitting for when her 2 girlfriends find out, they decide they want some sex from him as well & at first he thinks he's hit the infidelity jackpot but when he decides to end it they have different thoughts on the matter & begin blackmailing him for sex. It has some very funny moments & as I'm one of those women who are totally infatuated with David Boreanaz, the sex scenes & finally the steamy vision of his naked butt & frontal nude scene made this film a recommended film from your truly. I felt sorry for David's character Keith but then towards the end your realize he's just as big of a jerk as the teen girls are manipulative wenches so it all works out. I thought it was gonna suck but it turned out to be a pretty decent indie after all. *** out of *****
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Night Watch (2004)
I so loved this film! Best foreign horror/fantasy since Brotherhood OF The Wolf.
25 June 2006
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Way cool Russian vampire-supernatural "others" film, where a whole sub-culture lives amongst the humans, some working for the good or the " light" or the dark or "evil" side. And battle they do with some of the most amazing cinematography I've ever seen. Great acting! Great story! I just noticed this came out in 2004 & was just released here theatrically like in May of this year. Are we going to have to wait 2 yrs to see Daywatch?I hope not as I'm looking forward to seeing it a whole lot sooner. I really want to know what happens with Yegor & if he's going to start battling with his father. I'd recommend this to anyone who's into horror,sci-fi,fantasy or just good occult storytelling. ***** out of *****
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Death Tunnel (2005)
Well ,i saw the documentary first on THE Sci-fi NETWORK & really liked it but this.....
23 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film's choice of location was filmed in a place creepier than Danvers State Mental Hospital where the awesomely made atmospheric horror film, Session 9 was filmed. That gave me the creeps watching it as did the documentary that this film's director Christopher Boothe, did on Waverly Hills. That in turn made me seek out this film, Death Tunnel, which was filmed in Waverly Hills. And, even though I appreciated that he was trying to put the ghost stories of Waverly's history into the film's plot line, it just came out really weak. The acting is so bad I 've seen better acting in porn films. This film takes the creepiness of the place & just drains it of any suspense whatsoever. And girls of this film,the uh hum so called actresses, you gals don't even have it to make it as B-movie actresses cause ya'll sure ain't Linnea Quigley,Brink Stevens, or Julie Strain. So, I'd call up your agents & tell em you're ready for porn, cause with ya'll's acting skills, it's a safe bet for you is my advice. Save your $, don't rent or buy this. Instead, rent or buy the Waverly Hills documentary & turn out the lights & let the real stories of eyewitnesses that have walked the actual halls of this place, tell their tales & creep you out. But, this film just sucks!!!! * out of ***** p.s You can tour the inside if your traveling to Louisville,Ky on the weekends & they even have it to where you & a guide can sleep in their from 12am-6am.I'm going to save $ to go to check this place out. I so love that kind of scariness! Call me crazy!
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Awesome documentary! I want to go to this place now so bad!
10 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Very cool documentary based on a horror film crew who while looking for a very scary place to film there new horror film, " Death Tunnel" they found Waverly Hills Sanatorium located on the outskirts of Louisville,KY. it was a place of suffering where over 60,000 poor souls died from TB & later was used a convalescing home for the elderly & crippled who were treated so badly they had to close the place down in 1981. So, after sitting for 25 yrs & just recently it has started to be used for a haunted house attraction during Halloween, a film crew came in to film a horror film. They found a lot of paranormal activity. Now it could be just shadows & overactive imaginations but due to the large amount of deaths that happened there there is probably a lot negative energy there. But,the way they told the backstories of the former employees, the patients that had died there, the patients who are still around today, & the current owner & his security staff & their run ins with the weirdness of what they've seen. It's an awesome place for a horror film to be filmed. I just hope they don't tear it down or make the building into something else. I'd love to go there on a tour. Great documentary Booth Brothers. Can't wait to see your film "Death Tunnel". So if you want to get really creeped out, turn out the lights & get ready to hear a story of a tragic time in US history & about a mesmerizing building that still stands like a book just ready to share it's story. **** out of *****
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