72 Reviews
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Colors (1988)
Crime action
26 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In honesty I had expected better than what was delivered in Colors. Something about the movie felt misplaced. The chemistry between Sean Penn and Robert Duvall did't seem quite right. The music didn't seem to fit either. This doesn't mean its a bad movie. Far from it. I thought that it was solid. It seems more dated than it is but there are some extremely good scenes and some great moments of acting from extremely accomplished actors - unfortunately it seems like those moments are individual ones which result in a lack of on screen chemistry. A few misplaced moments also seem to allow the movie to lose its rhythm and coherence. This movie is watchable but not memorable. To be frank, there is a real lack of quality in it's execution, which essentially makes it a disappointing watch for me personally given it's lead actors.
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Interstellar (2014)
A little bit mind blowing
26 November 2016
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I thought that Interstellar was spectacular. It is quite terrifying in a mysterious way and makes the viewer comprehend possibilities that have now been given a fresh approach. I thought that one of the best features was the ability of this movie to create a feeling of other worldliness but within the realms of our comprehension. This enables us to digest what are essentially, extremely complicated theories. The running time is long but apt. The performances of the actors as a whole were great. I thought that Matthew Mcconaughey was accomplished but my one gripe would be the apparent fearlessness of the crew and the rapid progression and escalation of the mission that seemed abrupt and unexplained. It did dent the credibility of the story a little, but the overall vision of the movie and the spectacle itself was very memorable.
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Fargo (1996)
Fantastic movie
5 November 2016
I did something very silly. I never watched this movie until 20 years after its release, and also after watching the impressive first season of Fargo as a TV show. I wish I had watched it sooner. Fargo is absolutely exceptional in terms of its writing and originality. With this, some truly excellent cast performances make it a timeless classic. Every cast member is exceptional. They all deliver offbeat performances that ensure this movie encapsulates numerous genres. The script is absolutely flawless, and ensures this will always be a cult classic. The sense of humor, setting, intricate plot and outstanding acting performances guarantee you one of the most memorable movies you will ever see.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Unflinching, underrated, original Western
5 November 2016
I was very excited to watch this movie on the back of the trailer, and particularly because I've almost always enjoyed anything Kurt Russell has been in. I wasn't disappointed. Bone Tomohawk is a movie that has been vastly ignored and underrated for it's originality and quality. The acting performances are very good, and although it fulfills at times the clichés of a western it showcases an originality to the genre that is extremely welcome. For me, perhaps biased, Kurt Russell is the outstanding performer. His portrayal is terse and unflinching. The surprise in this movie is Matthew Fox. His performance is offbeat, slightly creepy and somewhat intriguing. In this movie the western genre is mixed with horror - to fantastic effect. It is otherworldly action that exists outside of the norm and is all the richer for it. There is plenty of action, and plenty of comforting camaraderie. The horror is an added bonus that gives this movie a unique feel. One that I have no doubt will be replicated in future.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Stunning Movie
5 November 2016
Drive is a stunning movie. It is violent, action packed and has a quality of depth to it that makes it unique and engaging. Ryan Gosling is superb. He plays a man that is disconnected, who involves himself in things above and beyond what is necessary. An intriguing character who we know very little about, save his willingness to live on the edge of control. Ryan is the main man but the supporting cast all deliver excellent performances that make this movie a cult classic. For me, Albert Brooks is absolutely standout - his no frills portrayal of an unassuming criminal controller is raw and hard hitting. There is an intensity and unconventional quality to his performance that makes it sobering and real. There are vital visual moments that coincide with a fitting soundtrack to make this movie, quite frankly, unforgettable.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
5 November 2016
It took me a while to watch The Revenant after it's release because somewhere deep down I just knew I had to pick the right moment to be ready for it. This is a masterpiece. No doubt about it. It's gripping, gritty, raw and remorselessly captivating. Leo Di Caprio and Tom Hardy are both excellent, and Di Caprio especially delivers one of film's most memorable performances. The location shots and visuals are absolutely stunning and the plot is excellent. It's too often the case that period dramas are simplified because of fear and lack of understanding. In this case the plot confronts the norm and delivers something so raw and hard hitting which gives it a timeless, heavyweight quality. Set some time aside to fully concentrate and appreciate a masterpiece.
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Looper (2012)
Fantastic Movie
5 November 2016
Looper is one of those movies that escaped me for too long. This movie is filled with complexity, and keeps you on your toes from start to finish. The acting performances are absolutely stand out all round. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is superb, Jeff Daniels and Bruce Willis deliver accomplished performances and Emily Blunt is ever so slightly intoxicating. This feels very original, is packed with fantastic action and complex themes, and challenges the viewer in many ways. It doesn't feel like there is a wasted moment on screen, which is testament to solid direction and editing. Pierce Gagnan is also worth a deserved mention for his performance. A very real life take on the concept of time travel, and all of the complexities and complications that would presumably come with it.
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Better than expected given source material
5 November 2016
The legend of Tarzan was always going to be something that would be very, very difficult to depict and be taken seriously with human actors. Essentially there isn't really much that can be done to stop it becoming a bit far fetched and ridiculous, based on the original story. There are moments in this movie that are ridiculous and cheesy.In particular, during the ridiculous moments, there's an element of self awareness in the humor that is admirable for its honesty. This helps the movie greatly. The undertone of humor is entirely necessary for this to work. The actors do a decent enough job really but as if often the case, Christoph Waltz steals the show. His menacing portrayal gives a quality and depth to the story line that makes this story line work. He is a joy to watch. With everything taken into measured context, this is a solid and entertaining movie. I thought far better of it than I had expected to. There's also one hilarious moment in the movie with Samuel L Jackson that's so good I almost bumped it up another star for. Genuinely one of the funniest one liners I've seen in a while. A mixed bag really, but it works.
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Complex, intelligent and true to form
5 November 2016
I am a huge fan of John le Carre novels and only recently found out that this movie had been made. Having only recently read the book I was nervously excited about this. I was nervous because the book is extremely complex and was worried about how this would transfer to film. I also wasn't sure that I could see Connery and Pfeiffer in the leading roles but I was delighted to have my fears crushed by an extremely accomplished performance all round. The acting, the script, the location shots and musical score fitted absolutely perfectly. Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer were fantastic in their roles which I genuinely didn't expect. The story is complex and takes a fair amount of concentration and discipline to follow - but it's worth it if you want to make the most of this grossly underrated adaptation that's true to form and loyal to Le Carre's style.
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Breach (2007)
Solid espionage thriller
5 November 2016
Breach is a movie that I think is a bit underrated. It has it's far fetched moments, but it also has some really thrilling scenes and complex moments. I thought that Chris Cooper was the star of the show. I've often been impressed with him in supporting roles but it was very engaging viewing with him in the lead here. The fact that he is a bit poker faced only enhanced the espionage experience here which kept me guessing right up until the end. Ryan Phillipe was solid and I think this was one of his best performances on screen. Expect those thrilling twists and turns that always feature in espionage movies. There's also a depth and complexity to the script that is a bit reminiscent of Le Carre's writing - which is always a good thing.
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Frenzied,thrilling entertainment
5 November 2016
Fury Road is furious entertainment at break neck speed. From the very get go it's action packed with stunning stunt sequences and jaw dropping visuals. Despite the speed of the action we uncover a solid story line at the pace of which the movie moves. This gives the whole experience fantastic rhythm. The acting is good, particularly from Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult. However it's the direction, special effects and stunts that really steal the show and make this one of the best action movies in 2015. This is a movie that you could watch over and over again and still find thrilling. There didn't seem to be a wasted moment and the two hours flew by.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
Great story but execution is flawed
29 October 2016
The story of Louis Zamperini is incredible and deserving of a heavyweight spectacle. Somehow this movie just doesn't live up to it. I enjoyed some of it and it was entirely watchable. Louis's life is inspirational. I felt like a lot of the important development parts in the movie were rushed. It was very formulaic throughout and really lacked creativity in certain areas of the story. Jack O'Connell was good and is a good actor but there was a distinct lack of development with any of the other characters and no real chemistry. What we have here is a great true story. All the pieces have been put together that should make it a heavyweight movie. But something just doesn't fit. It's missing that skillful and creative direction which makes a memorable movie. For me this is a one time watch only.
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The Package (1989)
Cold War Conspiracy
11 September 2016
The Package is an enjoyable conspiratorial cold war thriller. I was extremely excited to watch when I discovered Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones were in it as I rate them both very highly. Hackman was excellent - thoroughly believable and accomplished. I thought Tommy Lee Jones was actually pretty unremarkable in this - perhaps because the nature of his character required some discretion for dramatic purposes. I always enjoy a standout performance from someone I haven't seen much or any of before. This time around it was Dennis Franz. I thought he was excellent and brought the movie back to life when it was starting to tire. Expect some twists and turns and also expect a few almost laughable moments that weren't needed. But overall it is a decent thriller with a couple of great performances notching it up a level from bang average. One criticism would also be the pace. I felt it lag a couple of times and almost lost interest - but the pieces came together eventually and it managed to reach its dramatic conclusion.
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Thoughtful Drama
11 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
'A most violent year' is an extremely thoughtful and measured drama. It isn't remotely violent and instead depicts a self made businessman who is trying to remain calm and make reasonable business decisions in the midst of a particularly violent period in recent NYC history. There are shades of gangster movie sentiments - where Abel wants to make his business legitimate (or seem legitimate). The lack of violence actually engages us in a greater human story about a man with the will to succeed at any costs. A man with vision, self- belief and measured decisions. Behind him is a wife with equal vision and more cunning. What makes the story work is some great acting. Oscar Isaac is very believable and extremely controlled. Jessica Chastain is unpredictable. Albert Brooks seemed too confined in his role but I always enjoy watching him as an actor. I also felt that David Oyelowo was underused and an intriguing story line could have been developed between his character and Abel. They never really came to a head. Overall I really enjoyed it and thought it was intelligent and thoughtful.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Style over substance
19 August 2016
I thought the trailers for Suicide Squad looked fantastic and was really excited to see this film but unfortunately this turned out to be a bit of a let down. When I think back to what the story line actually was and how I would explain it to someone I realise that it was all a bit confusing. Not in a perplexing or challenging way, but in senseless way that lacked real credibility. It felt like there was a great idea here, and with a heavyweight cast and some excellent visuals, the real possibility for something special. But it had no substance or execution. It felt rushed. A lack of genuine depth saw the latter scenes descend into farcical action sequences. The concluding action scene itself felt like stepping into an acid trip. Another feeling of - how did this get here?? Although I have made these personal observations I still rated this as a 6 because there are positives for the film, and overall it was visually an enjoyable experience. I thought Jared Leto was exceptional in his take on the Joker. He was menacing and unpredictable and I would have liked to have seen more. Margot Robbie was seductively playful and also enjoyably unpredictable. Viola Davis also deserves a mention for her sinister turn. Some of the visuals and action sequences were fantastic to watch. Overall verdict: Despite the huge build up this film really didn't deliver. Action sequences are lazily added to cover a lack of genuine plot. Despite the great visuals and some really enjoyable performances I felt my mind often drifting and wondering about why this was all happening. Essentially the action springs out of the premise of assembling a team to deal with a catastrophe but in doing exactly that create the catastrophe. It's a bit senseless as there was nothing to react to in the first place so the entire film's action is unwarranted and unnecessary because by the end there is no apparent or credible reason or explanation for any of it.
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No Way Out (1987)
Solid thriller with some excellent performances
19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched No Way Out I realised that I had distant memories of having watched and enjoyed this before at some point in my youth. I hoped as it progressed it would hold up and still be as enjoyable - it was. As a thriller it is very satisfying. There are some excellent performances all around. Costner and Young were both great - although almost over the top cheesy at times. Patton and Hackman were exceptional in their sinister performances. They really made this work as at times the story line verged a little on the ridiculous side and you couldn't help but wonder at the credibility of some of the characters decisions. There are some extremely fast paced and tense action scenes such as the chase scene and the building search scene that really are edge of your seat stuff. As the film continues the pace grows and grows until it explodes into a frenetic and frenzied outcome. Just when you think it's all done and dusted the final scene reveals the biggest shock of all. Personally I did like the twist - but think that it could have been done more subtly and effectively. Overall verdict: solid 80's corruption thriller with some excellent acting that gave the story weight and made it work.
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The Two Jakes (1990)
Long-winded sequel that has its moments
11 August 2016
The Two Jakes has the misfortune of following an absolutely exceptional original in Chinatown. Few sequels live up the original and one can only wonder at how different, and presumably better it would have been if Polanski had directed again. This is not a bad movie.It was nice to see the character of Jake Gittes again. It does have its moments of private eye noir and intrigue. Jack Nicholson and Harvey Keitel are always fascinating to watch. Some of the action and word play is really enjoyable. Unfortunately it has no rhythm. The plot is long winded, confused and tentative. On too many occasion's I felt my interest waning. However I decided to see it through and felt the pace gather a bit towards the end. The acting is good and there's enough in it to keep it fairly interesting, but at times I felt like I was just hanging in there watching and hoping for it to become great, which it never does. If someone asked me to explain what happened in the film I think I would actually struggle to make sense of it. Nicholson and Keitel make it watchable, but not memorable. It's not not great because Chinatown was so good. It's just not great full stop. It was an average sequel. Not the first and certainly won't be the last...
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Cop (1988)
Great story line. Flawed execution but Woods is excellent
11 August 2016
I thought the story line for cop was excellent, which isn't surprising given that it's based on James Elroy's Blood on the Moon. I haven't read this but I really enjoyed the actual story line itself. I feel like the execution of the movie lets the story line down in many ways. There are parts where it is brooding and tense, and then there are parts that are plain ridiculous (such as Llyod picking up a girl straight out of a murder him and his partner committed!). The moments that are a bit ridiculous detract from the overall tone and quality of what could have been an excellent movie. What keeps the movie alive and gives it credibility is James Woods. He is spectacular overall and saves this from becoming substandard. He is unpredictable and at times mesmerizing. The opening scene and closing scene are both really memorable moments of him and it's a pity the rest of the film doesn't match up to his quality. I do have to mention that some of the support acting was also strong enough to hold up and make the film more credible. Lesley Ann Warren and Charles Durning were both solid as the slightly creepy Kathleen and the stereotypical cop partner Dutch. I was going to rate this a 6 out of 10 in my mind as it approached the last few minutes. However the final scene itself was so unexpectedly clinical and enjoyable, that it merited another notch up the rating ladder. If you watch you will see for yourself.It just enhances the performance of James Woods and makes you regrettably realize that this movie could have been so much more.
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Light hearted, visual spectacle
11 August 2016
Jurassic World is light hearted in tone and nature throughout. This consistency makes it enjoyable for the wider audience, and I enjoyed it myself as a spectacle. There isn't any real depth to the film - the story line is comfortingly predictable and it has the cheesy one liners to accompany it. The cheesy one liners are a bit tongue in cheek - they are are geared to have fun with the audience and it works. The cast works. Chris Pratt plays the hero effortlessly. The one person who stood out for me and gave depth to a role was Vincent D'Onofrio. He was intense and quietly sinister. The visual and special effects make the movie a real spectacle. Some of the sequences are great to watch and give it a real blockbuster quality. It doesn't offer anything deeper than that and doesn't try to. It lacks the tension and genuine quality of the original but it's still enjoyable viewing.
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The Hunters (1996)
Steady thriller that veers toward the unbelievable
11 August 2016
The hunters is a steady and mostly enjoyable thriller. I liked some of the acting and I liked the sense of the setting as well. I thought Rolf Lassgard was solid as Erik and Jarmo Makinen was actually a standout in his villainous role. The story line on paper is good and I felt like it was heading in a direction that I really liked but as the film went on I ended up feeling a bit let down. I expected a darker and more brooding tone than was actually delivered. I felt that as it progressed parts of the storyline and acting started to delve into the unbelievable and as a result of this it detracted from the overall quality of the thriller. I feel like the tone wasn't serious enough to coincide with events in the film and at various stages in the film things started to veer towards the ridiculous. The villains were over exaggerated, which turned it from a credible murder story into a story line that escalated too quickly without real substance. Overall I felt a bit disappointed and underwhelmed.
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The Rover (2014)
Mysterious, bleak dystopia
25 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Rover is unflinchingly bleak in it's portrayal of a post apocalyptic Australia where society has regressed into a mistrusting and primal way of life. The world as we currently know it is gone and many of the things we now take for granted are in decline, and consequently expensive and sought after. Violence is prevalent in such a world - and a way of life - just as it has been so in the past of human history. The story focuses on Eric played by Guy Pearce. His car is stolen - and he goes about retrieving it with a violent vengeance as he discovers that Rey, played by Robert Pattinson, is the injured brother of one of the thieves they have carelessly left behind. Eric and Rey form an unlikely and uncomfortable bond as they journey towards the climax of the movie, and it is this bond that gives the story any form of hope and redemption for humanity. Pattinson is very good in his role as Rey. He plays a very simple and incredibly fragile man forced to take actions unnatural to him to survive. Pearce steals the show with his gritty performance. He is mysterious, brutal and intense. The world he lives in has hardened him considerably. But he still has love in his heart which is proved both with his relationship with Rey, and the final moment where we discover just what made him want his car back so badly. The Rover is underrated, and a triumph for Australian cinema.
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Moon (2009)
Multi-layered, thoughtful film making
25 May 2016
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Moon is one of those movies that I had only heard about through word of mouth by people of trustworthy taste. I finally gave it a watch and can see why it has a cult status. There is not a lot of action. Instead it delivers a slow build up resulting in mind blowing, climactic scenes. Sam Rockwell delivers an outstanding performance throughout every scene which gives immense credibility to his actions throughout. We witness a man who is completely alone in space - with only the focus of the job in hand and the prospect of returning to his family at the end of his three year contract keeping him mentally strong, and able to keep going. We are encouraged to comprehend such levels of isolation and lack of human interaction and how that can affect the psychology of a person. I genuinely expected the movie to build towards a continuing mental unravelling of Sam Bell resulting in full blown madness - but the story line takes a direction that I would never have anticipated. The result is poignant and tragic. Sam Rockwell totally delivers as a person torn apart by circumstances outwith his control. The madness - it turns out - is not within him - it is in what he discovers and he is prey to it. The movie raises a lot of ethical questions, and is quite rightly a sci fi cult classic.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
Dark, brooding and thoughtful story. Underrated.
25 May 2016
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Foxcatcher was not what I was expecting. I had no knowledge before watching it of the true story that it is based upon so I wasn't sure if I was going to see a glorified sports movie or something deeper. Thankfully it was something deeper. Foxcatcher is a slow building story - etched with tension and foreboding throughout - which results in an astonishingly dramatic climax. Although it is about a wrestling team the actual action of wrestling is not the prominent feature in the movie. Instead it focuses on the main characters - and all three give absolutely outstanding performances that give this story the weight it should have. Channing Tatum gives an excellent turn as Mark Schultz. He is extremely withdrawn, brooding and unfulfilled. I haven't seen Tatum in such a role before and his portrayal of Schultz's torment was formidable. Steve Carell was also cast in an unusual character role. The result was fantastic. He is extremely uncomfortable to watch in every scene. He casts a foreboding shadow throughout the story line with his unpredictable tension. It was clear to me from early on that something was not quite right with him and I think this movie tries to show that Mark Ruffalo as Dave Schultz was also aware of that. Ruffalo arguably outclasses the other two in his supporting role. His portrayal is understated. He is the family man, concerned older brother and protector of his family. He shows genuine concern for others - especially his brother, and shows all the attributes of a good man. He is the true hero of the story and carries the role effortlessly. The story ultimately ends in tragedy, and shockingly so. What this movie also focuses on is mental health and the extremities of human nature. Some people will watch it and bemoan a lack of action or drama. But the drama is within the slow build up. You have to focus on the characters and their behaviour to realise that this is also a study of human psychology. We get an insight into the voluminous toll that pressure to perform takes out on a person's mentality. It makes us consider mental health and how easy it is to spot when someone may be suffering. It is not an easy watch but it is a worthy piece of film making.
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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
It's good fun...
25 May 2016
Dirty Grandpa is good fun to watch. I was hesitant to bother with it as I saw quite a lot of negative reviews towards it but I'm glad that I did. It is a pretty basic comedy. Raucous, outrageous and vulgar. Some of the dialogue is really quite good and made me laugh out loud and some of it is a bit too try hard and almost cringe worthy. Some of the better dialogue reminded me of Superbad. Yes, there are a lot of moments of Zac Efron with his shirt off. But he is in great shape - so fair play to him. He actually comes across as genuinely good fun in this movie and him and De Niro actually strike up a pretty good partnership as they play off of one another and you can sense a genuine affection between them. This is what makes the movie enjoyable for me. It will never be considered as a great comedy movie but it has the feel good factor and is fun to watch throughout. It's definitely better than it's given credit for.
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Atmospheric yet disconnected deep south thriller
17 May 2016
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Atmospheric is probably the best summation of this movie. There is a recognizable sense of southern atmosphere - dark and brooding, that permeates constantly throughout the story. This is also the best thing about the movie. The story line itself comes across as disconnected and disjointed. Whether this is intended or not; it doesn't work. I always felt like it was missing something. Developments seemed to happen without explanation. It almost feels watching it now that it was approaching something as weighty and hard hitting as the dark quality of True Detective's first season in moments - but it just never got there. I enjoyed Tommy Lee Jones but thought that his character should have been consistently harder and darker. John Goodman was shaping up to be quite enjoyable as a mob boss but he never got enough quality screen time or character development. Both their performances deserved better. I did enjoy the movie as a whole - I just felt a little disappointed afterwards because I feel that it could have been something great but too many moments of inconsequential sub plots cluttered and devalued it's brooding atmosphere. Also the music score was really ill fitting and I rarely ever comment on that.
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