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Shiva Baby (2020)
bottled up baby
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Shiva baby is one of those films that I have a hard time reviewing because I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it's an excellent portrayal of anxiety shown through the eyes of the main character Danielle (rachel sennott), and on the other it struggles to stay afloat due to its overwhelming nature. It is overwhelming, but that's kind of the point.

As the audience we realize very quickly that she is uncomfortable in her situation, and we feel that with her at this post funeral gathering. The pressures of navigating the emotional rollercoaster of family, sexuality, jealousy, and fear in a claustrophobic setting accompanies a brooding score that facilitates an undeniably tense atmosphere.

I really like the portrayal of bisexuality in this film as it doesn't make a big deal of it. We see how her inability to escape her sexuality adds to the increasing dread of the day.

I enjoyed this movie, but the ending left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was very bleak, and ended very suddenly. There's more that I wanted to see, which felt a bit cheap, but I see the intention. Anxiety is a whirlwind of fear that seems to be ramping up to something horrible, but sometimes it amounts to nothing. Maybe this looming feeling of descent danielle feels could be over as abruptly as it began.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
the bystander effect
3 May 2024
The bystander effect - "a social psychological theory that states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim in presence of other people."

Soft & quiet is a movie that I love but rarely recommend. Why? It's excellent at what is aims to do, which is incite discomfort. If you are watching this movie and feel disgusted, that's the point. It's not a fun watch, and could be extremely triggering for several groups of people.

The film presents itself in real time, simulating one long take spanning the runtime. This was surprisingly effective and incited a feeling of dread that doesn't let up until the credits roll. The music is ominous and well fitting, the performances (especially Stefanie Estes) are remarkable - both in absurdity and subtlety, the acting is the strong backbone that supports the incredibly ambitious method of storytelling. I always like to support ballsy filmmaking, and this is a great example of how to properly execute an idea fueled by passion.

I think the less you know going in, the better. I will leave as much as possible a surprise, but I do want any new watchers to consider the bystander effect while watching and how things could have gone under different circumstances?
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Infinity Pool is a layered piece of bizarre and atmospheric horror that gives Mia Goth and Alexander Skarsgård a perfect platform to showcase their talents.
27 January 2023
This movie is incredibly well made. The music works perfectly and sets the tone from the start. The locations and setting are stunning and compliment the distinct cinematography that impressed me throughout the movie. The atmosphere of the idyllic resort is beautifully immersive and adds a lot to the dread and isolation of being in an unfamiliar country experiencing chaos.

The acting and direction is really top notch, Mia Goth and Alexander Skarsgård form a great duo for a film like this. They had great chemistry and both gave some of their most intense and polarizing performances. Everyone including the smaller roles were well cast and played their parts quite well.

As someone who normally gets bored in movie theaters, I really liked the pacing of the movie. I might not have loved every creative risk taken, but I think they collectively form a very one-of-a-kind movie that is anything but boring. I think this movie works on a lot of different levels, and while it's not for everyone, it's a unique and excellent addition to the horror genre.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Season 1 (10/10) - Effortlessly beautiful, raw, powerful - Season 2 (7/10) - Visually impressive, messy, uninspired
20 December 2022
Euphoria used to be my favorite show ever. The cinematography, the Labrinth score, the acting, the characters and their motivations were all immaculate. It seemed to have a very focused purpose to shine a light on the things youth are currently facing, but season 2 seemed a little indulgent. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't nearly as good as season 1 to me. I think the build up was exciting just for the finale of season 2 to be quite anticlimactic and lazy. It almost seemed like the story/themes were put in the back seat and it was just focused on visuals and being messy & entertaining (which it was), but left a lot to be desired.

As a whole, is Euphoria completely 100% exactly how everyone experiences high school? No definitely not, but to me it seems to take an expressionist approach. It's not showing how things completely are, but how those experiences feel in context of the age. The things in the show might seem a little extreme, but the feelings and dramatic nature are completely in line with something most youth can relate with nowadays.

The show is fast paced, entertaining, and addicting (hence the name) which all contribute to a huge popularity in young adults who have grown up in the age of instant gratification in the form of social media. Whether you love or hate this show, it is fact that most people will find it either relatable, powerful, entertaining, polarizing, beautiful, or even just well made. Season 3 will certainly be a treat, if not just for the music/cinematography/aesthetics and wonderful performances.
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The White Lotus: Arrivederci (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
Ciao, Sicily
12 December 2022
I was nervous that this episode wasn't going to tie up everything I needed answers for due to the slightly disappointing end of season 1, but I finished this episode feeling very satisfied. All the performances are incredible and add to the tension that consistently builds all throughout the episode. I really appreciate the fact that this episode was a bit longer, since there was a lot that needed to happen. I think the ending was equally shocking and anxiety inducing, as it should be. I had no idea what to expect but I love the direction it took. I don't want to say too much because the episode does a great job of wrapping things up here.

Overall I think this was a great season, and I prefer over season 1. I am very excited to see what happens in season 3.
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The White Lotus: That's Amore (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Aubrey Plaza is exceptional, give her all the love & Emmys
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show has continued to get better and better each week, which is something I highly respect. The music by Cristobal Tapia de Veer never disappoints, and is crucial to the vacation aesthetic of the show.

Despite the large number of main characters, each one complex and relatable. I always think it's such a treat when I watch something and can't tell who I'm rooting for. Each character is in a position that is uniquely challenging and poses a new piece of conflict, all intertwined by the resort. It's been great watching all the storylines overlap as we come close to the end.

I would say Aubrey Plaza was the star of this episode for me. Her performance in this show is one of the best I've seen in quite some time, and it seems to be so nuanced while still being powerful. Some of the more memorable moments involve almost no dialogue, and yet still say a lot just based on the characters facial expressions. We watch Harper become the thing she so desperately wanted to distance herself from, and yet I understand both Ethan and Harper's points of views. It's great to have a show like this that seems so accurate in terms of real life situations that we find ourselves in. I love this show and I will be deeply upset when it ends.
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The White Lotus: Italian Dream (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Exquisite in every way - Mike White should be proud
9 November 2022
I thought season one was decent, but wow, I really enjoyed last weeks episode, and this one was even better IMO.

The Sicily vacation vibe is spot on at all times, and the music couldn't be better suited for it. Cristobal Tapia de Veer is absolutely exceptional, and his music for both season 1 and 2 have both been gorgeous. The cinematography is also beautiful, some of the best I've seen this year. I noticed there's a lot of implied foreshadowing that works with the music to contribute to a darker tone, which I definitely like.

The writing is some of the best I've seen in a show in a while, in terms of characters and acting. The mystery of the dead bodies shown at the beginning of episode 1 has been very effective at keeping me in suspense, and with conflict coming from all directions it seems anyone could be the victim or the perpetrator.

Every actor does an amazing job at being funny, but also believable and complex. Despite the extensive cast, nobody feels expendable. I really like the performances from the actresses who play Lucia and Mia. I find them quite likable, and they have a really good dynamic as friends.

If this season keeps the momentum it has built throughout the first 2 episodes, I think it will sweep the Emmy's just like it did for season one. I couldn't be happier with the way it's going so far.
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American Horror Story: Something's Coming (2022)
Season 11, Episode 1
AHS has officially lost its spark - Murphy has too much on his plate to give this show the attention it desperately needs
20 October 2022
I really wanted to like this. However after watching the first episode, it seems more on par with AHStories, which is really disappointing. It made me remember when AHS was still incredible. It started out so promising, being stylish with great performances while being original and fresh (seasons 1-3). I just keep waiting for a season to reignite the flame of the first two, and it hasn't happened.

When the episode first started, I immediately liked the vintage aesthetic it had. Unfortunately, it kind of went downhill for me after that as the acting quickly came off as unimpressive and lackluster. Many of the characters came off as unlikable, and despite being a man in the LGBTQ community, I didn't identify with any of them. The whole episode had this sleezy, uncomfortably sexual tone that felt a little bit offensive towards gay men. I felt as though it painted them as overly kinky and sexual, and gave them no complexity.

The cast isn't doing much for me so far, and I feel a little but let down by the returning actors I was excited for. Zachary Quinto plays the partner of a famous BDSM photographer, and feels like a mix of his characters from season 1 & 2, but more campy and stereotypical. Billie Lourd doesn't seem right for her role, nor does Leslie Grossman. Russell Tovey and Charlie Carver are just okay, Patti LuPone just poorly lip-synchs the whole episode.

Overall, I feel disappointed in what I've seen so far. It feels as if nothing new has been presented here, and feels more gross and uncomfortable rather than creepy/intense. I've yet to see anything except weak performances that accompany a confused story, but wish nothing more than to be proved wrong. I feel let down by the lack of care and enthusiasm I feel from AHS in the recent past, but feel that it has to do with Ryan Murphy being connected to so many projects. That being said, I can't judge the entire season based on this episode, so I will hold off on making any definitive opinions until more has been released.
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Incendies (2010)
"One plus one. Does it make one?"
18 September 2022
This is one of the most emotionally moving films I've seen in a very long time. The performances are organic and powerful in a way that feels so genuine.

The cinematography is gorgeous, the soundtrack is incredible. Starting the film with Radiohead's "You and Whose Army?" was a perfect way to set the tone. It immediately immerses you in the setting and mindset of the film.

I have thought about this movie almost constantly since I watched it, and the more I think about it, the more I love it. Denis Villeneuve's direction is brilliant and drives the film, much like his other works. This direction and the aesthetic together remind me of his previous film Sicario, which I loved.

Yes the film is foreign, and might confusing for some at first; but, by the end is solidified as a wonderfully crafted, fully fleshed out story with powerfully brutal real world parallels. Don't miss this one.
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Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
the epitome of euphoria
8 March 2022
This episode is a PERFECT representation of what the show as a whole is about. The episode is centered around Zendaya's character rue, and she gives an Emmy worthy performance to say the least. Her depictions of an addict are probably the best I've seen. The intensity starts at the beginning and is maintained throughout the whole episode. The cinematography as always was amazing, the music was absolutely on point and effective in leading the story where it needs to go. This episode featured the most emotional content of the whole series but yet still also contains the most intensely thrilling and anxiety inducing moments of the season. This is the height of season 2 and possibly the entire show.
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Superbad (2007)
A near perfect comedy
4 March 2022
This movie is massively funny, and in my opinion, and instant classic. It's vulgar, iconic, memorable, and perfectly raunchy. If you haven't seen it, make it a priority and be ready for some incredible one liners.
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Parasite (2019)
This movie has everything
4 March 2022
As someone who has found themselves watching more foreign films than English speaking ones following the release of squid game, this is the best foreign film I've ever seen. It has everything that you could want in a film. It has comedy, likable characters, brilliant writing, great music, INCREDIBLE set design, heartfelt moments, and even touches on modern issues like socioeconomic status.

Most years that I follow the academy awards, I always found myself thinking that the best picture winner is a bit too abstract for my taste (shape of water), but this is absolutely not. It's nuanced without being too direct, and massively entertaining. I expected a boring but insightful watch, and was massively thrown for a loop.

If you like foreign films, this is a must watch. Even if you've never seen a foreign film, this is a great place to begin.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
jean-marc vallée
4 March 2022
I think people are a little confused on what this show is about. It is a murder mystery, but that takes the back seat a lot of the time, and focuses more on the psychology of our characters. This is a show about trauma and the way it affects people, especially Camille (Amy Adams). It can be gory, but doesn't really show much active violence. It's thrilling, but definitely isn't action packed.

This show isn't for everyone, but there's no denying that it's extremely well made. This was Jean Marc Vallee's final completed project before his passing in late 2021. The director and assistant editor, also known for Big Little Lies season one, really knows how to tell a compelling story.

The direction is amazing, and since he has a large role in editing both shows, it has a similar editing style to Big little lies that is very effective in the demonstration of trauma. We see flashbacks in short, few second bursts that give us insight into what a character is thinking about, which lends itself for an incredible viewing experience.

If you want a dark murder mystery that puts the psyche of its characters in the drivers seat, this is for you.
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Joker (I) (2019)
One of the best theater experiences in my life
4 March 2022
If I could go back in time and wipe my memory to watch any movie for the first time again, this would certainly be a contender. Visually STUNNING, incredible direction, strong performances, and a pretty impressive interpretation of Gotham city makes for a great watch. The film does a great job of utilizing every second of screen time to advance the character arc of Arthur, which in my opinion leads to one of the best endings to a film in memory.

P.s. If you're like me and have played the video game Arkham city, I think you'll share some of the nostalgia this movie brought me.
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The Shining (1980)
Truly one of the best horror movies of all time
4 March 2022
This is a near perfect horror film. The music, cinematography, intensity, all combine so well to create a masterful film in a genre that's so difficult to do well.

I don't even need to say anything for the performances, they speak for themselves.

Watch this, soon.
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Black Swan (2010)
A near perfect film
4 March 2022
This movie hits all the right notes for me. It's dark, passionate, visually stunning, brilliantly acted, and shocking without losing touch with realism. This is a great example of a film that just continuously builds to the end, securing its place as probably the best third act of a movie I've ever seen. It could possibly be my favorite movie, and I've seen it at the very least least 5 times. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis are both so organic in this film and keep it grounded. Please don't miss what I consider to be Darren Aronofsky's best film, and a masterpiece in every since of the word.
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Feels like episode 8 of a 10 episode season
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This would have been a great episode in the season, if it wasn't the finale. The season just feels unfinished because of all of the loose ends. I am one of euphorias biggest fans, but I was definitely disappointed. There were a lot of story lines that were needing to be wrapped up, but instead it wasted time on things that we either didn't need, or could wait for season 3 (Elliot's unbearably long song). The music, cinematography, acting and atmosphere of euphoria is sublime, I'm never let down in that department. I think one of the big problems is that the show has a way of building lots of things to be important, and so we wait for it to dive deeper. It builds things up that have no reason to be, like Nate taking the gun and threatening his dad when he had already called the police on him. The scenes with Jules and Elliot are irritating because they've made us upset with these characters, and then expect us to care about them just because it's the finale. It's as if Jules doesn't have a storyline outside of her relationship with rue, and Elliot was only there to wreak havoc on the both of them.

List of loose ends (it might seem like I'm being tough on the show, but it's only because I know it's potential and had such high expectations)

-how was rue able to get clean? What happened to her at Laurie's? Did the cops really never connect her to the break in? (you have to remember she committed grand larceny)

-where is Laurie? Rue says she "stayed clean the rest of the school year" so Laurie never tried to get her 10k back? Is she really as dangerous as she was built up to be if she just floats 10k for no reason? We could wait for season 3 but why would that make sense?

-where is Samantha? What purpose did she serve, besides talking to Maddy in the pool? What was the point of the obvious sexual tension between them? Was her giving Maddy the purpose dress really the only reason we saw the camera in the clock?

-what happened to fez and faye?? Why in the world did ash do what he did in the bathroom? Did he just want to die? Avoid jail? Why would ashtray start shooting through a door that he knows fez is on the other side of? What was Lexis reaction to fez being shot?? What is happening with grandma now?? Was her only purpose in the season fez backstory?

-why does Cassie feel guilty one minute, and call Maddy the C word the next minute? She's constantly flipping her moral values. Is Maddy going to try to be friends with Cassie again, or is she just being the bigger person?

-where did kats cam career go? Sure she was dating Ethan, but to just not mention it until episode 7 in a confusing way that may or may not be Nate's dream sequence seems redundant since we gave up on that plot line a while ago.

-where's Leslie? Where's Gia? Where's Ali? Where's Jules dad? In fact, where are all the parents (besides suze lol)?

A lot of these things could be answered in season 3, but we have to remember all the plot lines abandoned from season 1, and realize that we most likely won't get closure on most of these things. In case you forgot about how many plot lines were abandoned, here's a bit of a refresher.

Abandoned plotlines from S1 -Jules/Nate relationship -Cals "meet ups" -MCKAY -Cassie's abortion -Jules journey with her gender identity -Nate's sexuality -the jacobs family third brother from the family photo (really upset this wasn't visited) -TYLER CLARKSON -Daniel

I think the reason this upsets me so much is because I know if the show had went a different route with season 2, they could have made it the last one and if done right, could have gone down in history as one of the best shows of all time. Now, I fear, that even if season 3 is even better than season 1, it won't matter.

Season 3 wont come out until 2024, at which point the actors will no longer look like high schoolers (Alexa demie will be 33 years old). They could make it college age, or not in the setting of a high school, but then it wouldn't even be the same show anymore, and everything we originally loved about it will certainly change shape.
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Euphoria: A Thousand Little Trees of Blood (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Building up to something massive
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every scene in this episode was so emotional, there's a lot of unspoken feelings with this cast (Gia and Ali in particular). It's so hard to not have strong opinions with these characters, and it's shot as beautifully as ever.

There is tension coming from all directions as we get to the last two episodes. Every character's fate seem to be building to something really big. Different from the last season's more gloomy finale, it seems that a lot of various conflicts among various characters will converge at the end.

I'm very excited to see where these characters are going, and I think that's the point of the show. You may not love all the characters, but you're eager to see where they go. Nate, is evil, but I'm so curious to see where his future takes him. Cassie is off the deep end, but aren't you curious what she does next? This show doesn't define characters by their choices, and rather than trying to "redeem" the bad ones, it shows us that characters aren't "good" or "bad" but simply human. We all sometimes make bad choices when nobody is watching, and this show is just honest about it. When a character does something bad, they aren't doing it in spite of our presence, but because they have no obligation to do the right thing behind closed doors. We have moody, intense teenagers living intense lives and you're bound to find at least one person you can sympathize with, even if it is someone who makes choices you don't agree with.

Overall, this episode is a great representation of what the show does best... developing characters. The point is to have us relate to/feel for these characters so strongly that at a certain point their actions can influence their moral compass, but not the person we know them to be. No matter what rue or Cassie does, they will always be the ones we became attached to in season one, and we come to see their struggles as hurdles to life rather than these irredeemable character developments.

We care for these characters as if we knew them personally, and that's such a great thing for a TV show to do. I cannot wait to see the back half of euphoria.
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High highs, and low lows
20 December 2021
This movie is a bit of an enigma to me. I seem to change my mind on it every time I see it. Sometimes I see it as an exhilarating ride with great acting and impeccable social awareness. It seems to very cleverly say things about the problems with society and mirror the Salem witch trials. This accompanied with Sam Levinson's direction, it feels like a wildly ambitious but thrilling experience.

I found myself so impressed with with this movie, but simultaneously cringing at some points. And yet sometimes It feels like a "not for everyone" movie and I find myself cringing while I watch it with my friends. Some of the dialogue seems odd and clunky, but the message behind it is really good. I think a lot of the problem lies in the lack of subtlety. Sometimes it feels like it's being shoved down your throat, which kind of takes away from the umph of it.

There are intensely exciting scenes, moments of great cinematography, and even relevant social commentary, but it is overall undermined by the weak moments. Much of the pacing is incredible, but at the end, things seem to happen very quickly and too lightheartedly for the rest of it to pack the punch it could. At the end of the day this movie has good direction and intensity, sometimes being brilliant, but the brilliance is far too wishy washy to feel like a coherently "brilliant" film experience.

PS, if you wonder why I still give this an 8/10, I would say because of how much it reminds me of euphoria. It's the same director, and both projects remind me of each other. It's gritty, it's fast paced, and hard to watch at some points. If you want a movie that is anything but boring, and will force you to take a strong position, watch this.
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Scream Queens (2015–2016)
7.1, you're kidding!!
29 August 2021
I love this show, season 1 taking place on campus and season 2 in a hospital during a murder mystery is the perfect way to showcase these brilliant writers and actors. Truly hilarious, makes me laugh more than any other show I can think of (in particular the dynamic between Chanel and Chanel #5)
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American Horror Story: Pale (2021)
Season 10, Episode 2
Is this the same show???
27 August 2021
I haven't been this impressed by a season of AHS since asylum. After a good few years of mediocre and campy seasons (not without their cult followings), we get a gripping season with a distinct atmosphere and a very different formula. You might even find yourself forgetting it's American horror story, and not a new HBO frontrunning thriller with a massive budget.

After watching a very little bit of American Horror Stories (not AHS) , I got nervous for this season. However, the soundtrack, cinematography, and casting are above anything in the show's recent past.

At this point, I can only comment on the first two episodes; but, I am already more intrigued/invested in this season than I was for any other recent season. The direction is incredible, even masterful at times. Given that this season has less overall episodes, and includes another separate story, the shorter runtime of Red Tide (6 episodes) could allow it to build and maintain momentum until the end. If done right, it could find itself as one of the better seasons in AHS history. They have me eagerly waiting for next weeks episode for sure.
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The White Lotus: Arrivals (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Made me laugh
12 July 2021
I had a few moments where I laughed, not sure why people are poorly rating the whole show based on the first episode! Great cinematography with a unique style, well fitting ORIGINAL music, and a great cast. I have lots of hope.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
It's as perfect as everyone says
17 April 2021
In my opinion, and many others as well, this is the best show ever created. I think it will be a long time until we have a show that maintains this level of quality and realism from the first to the last episode. The way it builds momentum and connects puzzle pieces is unlike any other show I have seen, and every time I rewatch I find another reason its so highly rated. So many of these characters have a brilliant arc that makes them so real and easy to connect with. Vince Gilligan is so good at presenting something in a casual way that seems irrelevant, but could actually be an enormous plot point later down the line. And because these things are done in such a realistic way, they go right over your head, until Vince is ready to pull them back into play.
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Euphoria: Fuck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob (2021)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
I never write reviews
24 January 2021
This show has been one of my all time favorites since the 4th episode. Somehow they step it up every episode. This is the most masterfully created and ambitious episode of the series and exceeded all expectations. I am THRILLED to see what Sam Levinson does next. And as for hunter schafer, she really brought a level of realism to it. I won't get into the specifics, I'll let you see for yourself!
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Everything I want from a psychological horror
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Beautifully shot, strong performances, great editing, satisfying ending. If you're on the fence, just watch it; It's only an hour and a half and is sure to creep you out at the very least.
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