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Just don't watch this...seriously...DO NOT!
25 May 2021
Minus a million stars.

This Holiday Special is the stuff of fkn nightmares. It's actually disturbingly... If you love "Star Wars" steer WAY clear from this at all costs because it might just ruin it all for you. No joke!
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
25 May 2021
It's like "Scott Pilgrim" & "Kick-Ass" meets "Baz Luhrmann's" "Romeo + Juliet". The Camera angles/movements were all over the shop and jarring. I guess It's meant to be a switch off and enjoy movie like "Transformers", yet I found myself struggling to get with it. The majority of the jokes fell flat while the rapid pacing made the action scenes lack suspense. It's watchable but not very entertaining. Shame because there's some cool ideas but the execution was poor unfortunately.
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Awakenings (1990)
11 May 2021
A true story directed by "Penny Marshall" known for "A League of Their Own" and the timeless classic "Big".

Starring the late great "Robin Williams" & "Robert Deniro" this movie follows the care and treatment regarding the catatonic patients that fell victim to the encephalitis lethargica virus which circulated the world from (1916) - (1930).

"Robert De Niro" proves he can play just about any character with this outstanding portrayal as "Leonard Lowe", a patient who's been robbed of his childhood fighting this illness for 3 decades. "Robin Williams" who wasn't widely known for his serious roles back then delivers a heart warming performance as "Dr Malcolm Sayer". I also greatly admire the supporting cast for making this fact based feature that more real for the viewer as each casting and characterisation decision was obviously well thought out.

It's a film that takes you in and makes you think about the fragility of life. The writing, pacing, the cinematography and subtle score blend together perfectly allowing the story flow while making the emotional scenes that more impactful. Most of us can get up, dress, clean ourselves, go out, converse with people around us, eat as and when we please, yet it's easy to forget some people are denied these simple pleasures we all take for granted.
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Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007 TV Movie)
"Stuart: A Life Backwards"
28 April 2021
Directed by "David Attwood" A relatively unknown gem by a relatively unknown director.

I heard about this film a few weeks back. After scrolling through "Tom Hardy's" Repertoire I noticed this movie also starring "Benedict Cumberbatch".

Based on the true life story of "Stuart Clive Shorter", a homeless chap played by "Tom Hardy". His performance is really genuine and portrayed to perfection. It's beyond me how this movie went under my radar. This story is heartbreaking but not from the outset. Its from viewers perspective that you get to know "Stuart's" life, just like "Benedict Cumberbatch's" character "Alexander". Their friendship develops as does our understanding of "Stuart's" tragedy. The performances are soulful and so raw, it seems like a documentary. Some scenes are humorous while others are brutally saddening. It's a perfect contrast and mixture of emotions.

This is definitely one of my favourite "Tom Hardy" performances.
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Get it watched!!!
24 April 2021
"Milos Forman's" directorial masterpiece, also known for "Man on the Moon" & arguably his best motion picture "Amadeus". "Jack Nicholson" was a fantastic choice for this role, keeping me captivated from the moment he appeared on screen. The movie also includes, "Christopher Lloyd", "Danny DeVito" and "Brad Dourif". The film portrays the disturbing truth concerning how patients were treated in mental institutions back in the day, telling the tale of an inmate who desperately wants to break out and be free from the nonsensical practices with in grounds. The mental institution is presented as a prison opposed to a facility for the mentally unwell. "Milos Forman" did a realistic job of making that contrast powerful and important to the viewer. I was compelled from the opening frame, never taking my eyes off it. This film is a moving, cinematic experience, one of which I wouldn't miss out on. Every actor gives a stellar performance, the characters written to perfection, every section of dialogue and every shot is absolutely perfect. Great pacing and many unforgettable moments. 100% watch!
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"The Jesus Rolls" - down hill
1 April 2021
This movie has nothing going for it. Boring, Boring, FKN BORING! Wouldn't waste your time. Mediocre performances all round and it's down right shameful to think this attempted to be a spin off of "The Big Lebowski".

I have no more words...
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Psycho (1960)
28 March 2021
"Psycho" What a CLASSIC! It's just over 60 years old now and it still proves to be one of the greatest. Alfred Hitchcock is master filmmaker and "Psycho" is evidence of the geniuses work. The late "Anthony Perkins" kills it as the mamas boy motel clerk "Norman bates". The film is unpredictably intriguing and constantly showcases a vast range of challenges for the viewer. "Hitchcock" maintains a certain visual style, which is present in his other projects, such as 1963s "The Birds". The tone gets increasingly uncomfortable as the picture progresses. The camera work, script and musical score seamlessly blend together making the scenes more memorable. "Psycho" is up there with some of the greatest films ever made. Want a good movie to watch people, this is it...You'll not forget it.

"Bates Motel" adapted from "Psycho" is a prequel TV show. It's great! I also recommend watching that.
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ZS Justice League Reviewed...
25 March 2021
"Zach Snyder's Justice League" is an undeniable Improvement from the (2017) theatrical cut by "Joss Whedon". I admit it has its moments but unfortunately it was massively over hyped by the avidly defensive "Snyder" fans and "Batfleck" lovers who were going to rant and rave in victory about this 4hr cut regardless of the overall quality, plot and character development.

"Snyder's" cut fails to be aesthetically pleasing, the aspect ratio and colour r grading did nothing but further differentiate it from its weaker predecessor. The CGI for "Steppenwolf" appeared better than the original granted but it's a far cry from decent, he was distracting and cartoonish, especially the mouth and eyes which are crucial for conveying the appropriate emotions so scenes can flow. "District 9" came out more than 10 years ago, the use of CGI for the aliens was and is still incredibly realistic. That was achieved with a fraction of the "Snyder" cut budget which is mind boggling. Some plot points and characters were well fleshed out but the last section seemed abruptly rushed in a desperate attempt to set up a sequel.

It's not all bad though, some scenes work well and the redeeming factors mainly lie with the great cast performances. I don't believe this is what we would've seen if "Zack Snyder" was able to complete his original version back in (2017) but I'm glad he was given the opportunity to improve on his vision.
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Whiplash (2014)
17 March 2021
"Whiplash". Written and directed by the fairly unknown, up & coming "Damien Chazelle" Who is recently known for his involvement in "10 Cloverfield Lane" & "First Man". Staring "Miles Teller" & "JK. Simmons" this picture is set in modern day New York City, centring around a university for music/arts. "JK. Simmons" plays a Jazz teacher "Fletcher" and "Miles Teller" is our sensitive protagonist & one of "Fletchers" many students, "Andrew". My favourite aspect of this movie is the intensely brutal and sometimes awkward atmosphere created by the collision of these two characters. The tension is formed through the cinematography, dialogue and the excellent performances alone. "JK. Simons" Is ridiculously intimidating in this role, constantly pushing the ambitions and emotions of "Tellers" character to absolute breaking point with his ferocious temper and teaching methods. The scenes are performed so well it's as if you're sat in the rehearsal room/concert hall with these characters. "Miles Teller" also plays the drums for real which makes the performance that more realistic and captivating for the audience. I watched this movie upon release back in (2015), I'm not an avid fan of Jazz music but after my initial viewing I could admit I gained a new found appreciation for the genre and have since rewatched the movie 4 times. It's value unsurprisingly never decreases after a revisit which is a testament to how groundbreaking "Whiplash" truly is. I highly recommend👌🏼
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Take Shelter (2011)
This one had me drawn from the moment I pressed play!
17 March 2021
"Take Shelter" Directed by "Jeff Nichols" I have thought a lot about this movie since viewing it for the first time a couple of days ago and I can't find a single fault with it. Starring "Michael Shannon" as Curtis, a working-class man whose life takes dramatic turn as his hauntingly realistic dreams and visions concerning one big storm begin to consume his everyday life as he fears it may all come true. It's full of great dialogue and I feel the content of some scenes allow the viewer to have individual interpretations and ideas of what is genuine with in the story. The conclusion left me feeling uneasy yet moved to say the least and Its all down to the brilliant story and performances. Its a movie that flows and I know I'm going to see many more times. I honestly don't know how some of these great movies go under my radar for so long, I cannot wait to see more work from this masterful Director/Writer.
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Buffalo Soldiers
27 January 2021
Underrated "Joaquin Phoenix" movie directed by "Gregor Jordan". Im not to familiar with "Jordan's" work and I feel this one kinda went under the radar. "Joaquin's" performance really carry's the movie and the supporting cast make the story believable as the movie is based on actual events that took place in the US army during the 80s. Much like "Joaquin's" role in "Gladiator" the character is a dodgy sort but it's played in such a way that you almost root for the success of his evil ways. It's got something for everyone, comedy, bit of action and romance, just an great watch overall. Definitely worth a watch!
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Green Book (2018)
Green Book
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by "Peter Farrelly" who is mostly known for making goofy comedies gives us something completely different. Based on a true story "Viggo Mortensen" and "Mahershala Ali" make it real with "Mortensen" playing "Tony Lip" an Italian American and "Ali" prorating the rich, eccentric pianist/doctor "Don Shirley. The movie takes place in the deep south of America during the 1960s and it's accurately depicted. The two main characters journey from state to state as their unlikely friendship begins to form. The film deals with important subject matter and there's some scenes that truly demonstrate the division between people during that time. The cinematography is great and everything comes together nicely in this film, I highly recommend it!👌
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Love & Mercy (2014)
Love & Mercy
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Directed By "Bill Pohlad" known for "12 years A Slave", "Into the Wild" & "Brokeback Mountain". I only just seen "Love And Mercy" Very recently and I was shocked I hadn't seen it before or heard about it. It's a biopic about "The Beach Boys" from the 60s up until the late 80s/early 90s, focusing on the life of "Brian Wilson" played by "Paul Dano" as the younger version and "John Cusack" in his later years. While these two actors don't resemble each other at all, it's one of them movies that break the traditional mold movie makers go for and I think it works well as the two portrayals are from different points in his life. The story alternates between these two timelines seamlessly which makes for a surreal experience. There's some dark scenes that really delves into "Brian's" personal life and the fragility of his mental state after the bands initial success, these scenes feel very down to earth and the moments where "Brian" is working on his compositions are very realistic too, almost like you've been transported back in time. The creative process of that is shown unlike most band biopics which can come across quite cheesey. This film is emotionally gripping and deserves more praise. Even if you aren't a fan of "The Beach Boys" it's worth a watch for the performances and the vision of "Bill Pohlad".
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Fight Club (1999)
"David Fincher's" FIGHT CLUB
27 January 2021
Sorry for breaking rule 1. I won't say too much! From David Fischer who gave us "Seven" & "Zodiac" just to name a couple. I was a late comer to "Fight Club" but was always hearing great things about it, I was aware of the buzz surrounding this movie for years and couldn't wait to see it. It was a lot deeper than I initially presumed. I thought I was gonna be watching a simplistic, gritty, underground fighting movie and as it turns out, I was very wrong. I was taken by surprise to say the least. The casting was perfection. "Brad Pitt" and "Edward Norton" really lead this movie to greatness, no one could've played it better. Shot for shot this film is in of its own and completely unique and definitely calls for multiple viewings. Recommended👍
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Ladder 49 (2004)
27 January 2021
"Ladder 49" directed by "Jay Russell".

"Joaquin Phoenix's" performance is great but underrated as this movie is relatively unknown to the masses. It doesn't have the best score, script or cinematography but the essence of the movie is simply courageous! Firefighters going into burning buildings will never not be bold and the cast really makes it worth while for me.

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The Shining (1980)
A Kubrick Masterpiece
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a massive fan of the horror genre but this film resonates with me like great music. "Stanley Kubrick's" masterpiece "The Shining" is a Classic that stands out to this day. I've seen it many times and I get hooked from start to finish every time! Kubricks style of film making here is designed to make you feel isolated and vulnerable along with the very few characters in the film. Every shot is iconic, the score is haunting and "Jack Nicholson's" performance is mesmerising. His acting is unpredictably creepy as his character "Jack Torrance" descends into madness. 100% worth a watch!
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Raging Bull (1980)
"Scorsese Classic"
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another "Martin Scorsese" Classic and one of my personal favourites. Based on the Book by "Jake LaMotta" himself played by the great "Robert DeNiro" This movie has got to be the best Boxing Film of all time. The story of "LaMotta" is portrayed convincingly as his life begins to deteriorate because of his rampant temper while excelling within his professional career boxing in the 1940s. There's some outrageous moments but I'd always find myself sympathising with "LaMotta" which comes down to "DeNiro's" flawless talent under "Scorsese" direction. The black and white format "Scorsese" used was definitely a risk at the time but it only works to his advantage. The cinematography and score is powerfully operatic, pairing up perfectly scene for scene. I don't believe it would've had the same affect in colour. "Raging Bull" is an overall masterpiece!
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Drive (I) (2011)
Drive - Nicholas Winding Refn
27 January 2021
From the dude who brought us Bronson, "Nicholas Winding Refn" shows he can work with multiple styles of genre, crafting us something completely different to what we've seen from him previously. I can't get bored of seeing this, it's soundtrack enhances the style of the movie making it timeless! "Ryan Gosling"suits the role to a T giving a fantastic performance that gets really intense as the film progresses, it's definitely some of his best work to date. Go to movie!
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Robert Eggers - The Lighthouse
27 January 2021
Had a good time with "The Lighthouse". Rewatched it many times and with each viewing I find something enjoyable to take away from it. I wasn't too familiar with "Robert Eggers" work until this. The way he tackles film making really stands out stylistically. The film definitely benefits from being in a black/white format and the aspect ratio gives the film an old fashioned feel, evoking the era that's being portrayed. "Willem Dafoe" and "Robert Pattinson's" are the only actors performing. Their acting is eerily captivating and there's some scenes that are truly mind bending. Get it watched!
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The Master (2012)
27 January 2021
A "Paul Thomas Andersons" film "The Master". This stands at the top of my list. The duo between "Phillip Seymour Hoffman" and "Joaquin Phoenix" is perfect, the scenes they share are incredible. I was engaged the second I pressed play. The theatrical score is great and really works with each scene.

It's a film that's fascinatingly thought provoking, the subject matter is truly gripping. I don't know much about famous cults or beliefs but for those who like "Phoenix" and "Hoffman" you'll love this one. The performances are outstanding. I've re-watched "The Master" about five times and it never gets old.

I Highly recommend giving it a watch.
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Goodfellas (1990)
"Scorsese Classic"
27 January 2021
The best mobster film from the 90s. It's a true mob story and the actors completely sell it. "Robert DeNiro" and "Joe Pesci" make it real! It's great from start to the finish. Everything comes together perfectly, the script, acting, soundtrack and pacing all flow seamlessly. "Martin Scorsese's" "Goodfellas" is a fkn classic. Get it watched!
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