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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Very flawed but still enjoyable
18 March 2022
I'll keep it short, this movie is a mess plot wise but since it is free on a streaming service & I just wanted to see good performances I left the movie happy. It is definitely not a 8/10 (really a 5 or 6) I'm just giving it that cause it did what I wanted & I like seeing two actors act who are dating irl when the movie was made.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Trust the reviews
14 November 2021
I'll keep this short: I watched it for the "scene" most likely did. That scene is good and fine along with the whole 1st act but man did this movie go too far with the rest. I recommend don't watch it and if you still ARE curious watch a YouTube review to save time & see what we're referring to when we say we don't like it.
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Fallout 76 (2018 Video Game)
Doing my part
30 October 2021
I've never played or will play this but my friend prepaid for the collectors edition & was utterly disappointed so I'm here to do my part and review bomb a game that let us all down.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Reminiscent of a Nolan masterpiece
20 August 2021
Good movie that will keep you engaged but a little overly complicated with exposition describing the world.

For a directing debut, the creator of Westworld has done an amazing job. Great performances and engaging storyline carry this movie through the murky parts of it such as the overindulgence of how this world came to be. Im not going to describe it because no one reading this is here for the plot, just a random fans thoughts on a movie he waited all night for. Only cons were the love story was a little underdeveloped and some minor pacing issues in the second act but a great movie to enjoy with the family. Hope this helps sway anyone reading this to watch this unique concept.
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Underrated cause no one saw it
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Background info: I grew up in a house WITHOUT cable so you can imagine how little there was to watch and why I know jack about sports/spongebob for instant. With that said, one of my favorite channels/shows to watch on Saturday mornings was the "cw4kids". They easily had my favorite tv shows, ranging from: the TMNT 2003, Sonic X, and of course (last but not least) Karen Rider: Dragon Knight.

Review: So it's clear I love this and yet I will be going over LIGHT spoilers and/or negative aspects I can see others see. Sooo let's get started, this show is basically bootleg Power Rangers but different enough to distinguish the 2 if you watch enough of both. In this show there are dimensions in mirrors, "Yugioh" cards to summon weapons to aid them, and mortal combat finishers via the cards. I was blown away when I first saw this and found the designs of all 13 kamen riders (and monster designs) sooo cool. There are some neat plot twists of who you can trust and some of the riders were just oozed "badassery" (Wing Knight and Strike Knight specifically). The villain and some deaths of the 13 kamen riders deliver more of an emotional punch than you'd think. So with most of the pros said let's talk about some of the cons, 1) is the acting, while you can tell they aren't the best actors a lot are serviceable and not the worst i've seen. 2) the "bad" CGI, is acceptable and not noticeable (for when I was a kid) but for the most part holds up.

Conclusion, so all in all I love the show and recommend it if your a fan of stuff like Power Rangers. 10/10 for me, probably a 6.5/10 for anyone else who watches this lol
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
Great show even IF you don't watch Arrow or The Flash
22 January 2016
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First off, I loved comicbook movies/shows ESPECIALLY if it has a connected universe. I been watching the CW universe unfold on Netflix so as soon as I heard this was happening, I knew I couldn't wait for it to come onto Netflix 9 months later.

I have currently watched Arrow seasons 1-3 and The Flash season 1, both shows as great as this one. So I had not watched a single Arrow season 4 or The Flash season 2 episode at all, and started immediately watching Legends of Tomorrow without that helpful knowledge AND STILL understood what was happening without being lost.

The pilot episode has a great intro showing the level of damage Vandal Savage can do, making the world into a dystopia. It sets up the villain really well here and what the point of the show is as well. This show is like The Avengers with Time travel.

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Hamlet (1996)
Too long!
4 June 2015
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This movie is too long. The plot drags and drags as the movie progresses. 80% of this movie is someone saying a monologue to them self in an empty room. If this movie was 2 hours and 5 minutes, it would be tolerable, but IT ISN'T! All these Shakespearean works are relatively the same, someone dies and someone plots revenge as the another character is slowly going crazy because of some ghost or witch they saw which made them crazy. Honestly, if Shakespeare didn't have sorcery and/or witchcraft in his plays, they would probably stink because those characters are only there to fill in the gaps in the story. All in all, if you like Shakespeare go see this film. If you don't, don't see this film. Also, the acting is great from Robin Williams, Kate Winslet, and Billy Crystal.
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Kingsman: The Secret Blockbuster
19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've got to admit that this movie looks like a combo of Bond, Johnny English, and Austin Powers and this is the result. But the film however is flawless in almost every sense; good action and cast, plot was realistic, and some pretty dramatic twists that you couldn't see coming. The action is solid and entertaining to say the least, weather it be Colin Firth (Galahad) beating up thugs on his own and not breaking a sweat or Galahad just straight-up massacring a church full of Valentine's followers. The only downside to the action scenes is the obvious use of green-screen and CGI for the loss of limbs or fast punching, but that is very minor complaint compared to how well directed this film is. Also, the cast was well chosen. Sam L Jackson nails (basically) himself as a evil businessmen and Michael Caine and Colin Firth completes the classiness needed in order to be a Kingsman. The plot was great because it felt like a realistic for a comic-book movie. Finally, the 2 twists really make the you sympathize with the characters: when Valentine kills Galahad, you feel for Valentine when he says killing people is wrong or when it is revealed that Arthur joined Valentine, you see how people can be easily corrupted. Final thing, the end-credit scene is top notch. It shows Eggsy getting revenge on his mom's deadbeat boyfriend and his goons. This final scene really shows how Eggsy has evolved from being a British punk to being a well educated Kingsman.

All in all, I would say this movie will get a sequel and is slightly better than Bond (just Skyfall). I really want to see if SPECTRE can beat my expectations and raise the bar even further than Kingsman has done. Take care, bye-bye.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Once upon a time: Best or Worst show ever?
16 October 2014
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This show is entertaining to say the least. It has good plots, characters, and jokes. Overall it is a fairly awesome show. Each season has a new villain and story through-out the season, season 1 was Emma breaking the curse, 2 was Cora and people discovering Storybrooke, and season 3 is rescuing Henry from Never-land/Peter Pan. Season 4 seems to be focusing on Elsa and her powers. This shows does a lot of good; it shows what exactly has been going on for each character personally. Snow White relationship with the Evil Queen (which is more than what the Disney movie established), how all the fairy tales are connected in their own way to each other, and how reality is quite different than the Enchanted Forest. Also, this show is great at giving one character a back story while in the real world. One bad thing about this show is the CGI. The fairy-tale background's look fake most of the time, the magic is also easy to see it isn't realistic, and some characters are CGI like a wolf or a chimera look SO fake. Otherwise, this show is flawless making me give it a Best show ever because the fairy-tales are realistic and you can relate to what the characters are going through.
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Transformers Dark of Moon- Best or Worst movie ever?
13 October 2014
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This film is a great Micheal Bay/ Transformers mash up. It being the longest of the 3 (before Age of Extinction), has THE most action and second best plot of a transformers movie. It feels like the movie is a great Transformers movie action wise, although it is a bit too long. This movie (from best to worst) goes 1,3,4,2. This movie did a lot of good compared to TF2. It has funny comedic people, John Malcovic, Patrick Dempsey, and Mel Gibson. I just kidding of course about Mel Gibson. It runs to about 2 hours 34 minutes and for a kid it feels perfect. It has some great action moments, like Prime versus Sentinel Prime and Megatron.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Best or Worst movie ever
1 September 2014
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles isn't all that bad. This movie does a lot of good, good origin story, good acting, and fun scenes. This movie does have it's fair share of bad elements. 1. Splinter's teaching. Splinter is a good guy proved by the TV shows and comics, but in this movie he comes off as weird with his motives. He wants his sons to protect the city of New York by stopping crime, but prevents them from going to the surface, so how are they supposed to save the day. He also is weird in how he teaches his sons ninjutsu perfectly from a how to book. 2. The Shredder. This guy is the main Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villain, who is scary for his actions and personality. In this movie however, the real Shredder is seen like twice and never again, unless in his armor. The only thing that is scary about him is his armor, and this shouldn't be the case. This movie gets a Worst movie ever for the fact being Splinter forbids his sons going up top, bur yet he can get Domino's pizza in the sewer.
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Transformers 4: Best or Worst movie ever
1 September 2014
There are a lot of things to like about Transformers Age of Extinction; new cast, better actors, gun-face was cool, and interesting plot enough. Transformers AOE isn't perfect though, lets name some things wrong with this film. 1. It's WAY TOO LONG! This film being 165 minutes is only 11 minutes longer than that of Transformers DOTM. This movie has moments that feel like they never end, scenes like when they argue weather Shane can date Tessa. 2. the Dinobots are wasted and are terrible. All Transformer movies have an allure, 1st being transformers, 2nd being Devastator, 3rd being Patrick Dempsey, and this being the Dinobots. The reason they are bad is they're in the film for about 15-20 minutes, which is inexcusable. 3. Structurally same, again. This movie is the same as the previous 3, you got the underdog, hot chick, they need to stop the government from doing something bad, etc. This movie gets a Worst movie ever because despite Lockdown having a gun for a face, he isn't called Gun-face.
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Gremlins 2: what a f*cking train wreck!
17 August 2014
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This movie is by far, one of the worst movies I have ever seen. This movie is far worse than the first film, the first being mediocre and the second one's new subtitle suits it best! What makes this movie SO bad is the fact that the gremlins change versus the first movie, black gizmos, bad jokes, poor plot, and plot holes are VERY visible. This movie is sorta a copy of the original (plot wise) because in this movie there is an EXACT gremlin like the first one (Stripe) is back, except being a BLACK gremlin this time around. This movie's redeeming qualities are Gizmo being cute and adorable a being Rambo, some jokes are good and there are some good acting / actors in the movie.
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Screwballs (1983)
Best movie to feature all girls topless
8 August 2014
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Excellent! All the main female leads go topless throughout the movie! The best one being at the end. (Purity's boobs). These ones go topless: Purity, Bootsie, Rhonda and others. Best movie with nudity ever! Also, the girls are hot, sexy, and topless in this movie time and time again! Most guys will enjoy this movie because it has girls, perverted guys, topless girls, and some sex scenes. The only thing that could make this movie better is if the has famous female actresses in the movie, like Phobie Cates. I'm rating this a 10 because of how badly it did on IMDb. Also, there is a sequel in which there is more nudity (hopefully). I love this 80's movie!
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4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw the Everything wrong with Daredevil, and loved it!

He is an average movie go-er with things that he thinks are problems in movies. He's done a verity of videos over the years, such as: Hunger Games, Avatar, Frozen, The Avengers, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit, Spiderman, and X-men.

WARNING: His films do contain spoilers about a movie he is doing. It does at the beginning the video has spoilers.

His videos contain such sins as: clichés, plot holes, factual errors, real life experiences, and discount certain actors, etc.

At the end of each video, he has a judgment rating for the movie. Such as, quotes from the film, or Wilhelm scream.

He also has a phone to call him up for movies you want him to sin.
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