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Godzilla (2014)
This, Mr. Emmerich, is how you make a quality Godzilla movie!
16 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back from seeing the new long-awaited Godzilla from Legendary Pictures. After reading a few negative reviews from IMDb critics, I didn't want to set my hopes too high.

True, it did take a while into the movie before The Big G showed up, but it didn't detract from the experience. There was enough of a build-up to keep things moving, including the appearance of the MUTO wreaking havoc at the nuclear facility. At that point, the movie kicks into high gear and doesn't let up.

The pros: The movie clocks in at 2 hrs/3 min.; an ideal time for this type of action flick. The design of Godzilla is near perfect, close enough to Toho's version, yet unique in it's own way. (The same could be said about his roar). The MUTOs were very well designed- even if they did have heads resembling staple removers- I was very impressed. The fight scenes were very well done, portraying Godzilla grappling more as King Kong would. He only employs his trademark atomic breath 2 or 3 times in the whole movie, which was just enough. The GCI effects were top notch. Even the acting was well done (especially Brian Cranston). Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Ken Watanabe were somewhat commendable-no complaints here. The scenes with the rail cars-the passenger train in Honolulu, as well as the one carrying the nuke-were a sight to behold.

The (very minor) cons: Bryan Cranston, who gives the best performance in the movie, is too quickly killed off. The battle scenes could have been dragged out a little more. Also, I would have made Godzilla's feet a little bigger.

Other than that, Garth Edward's Godzilla blows Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, and even Peter Jackson's King Kong out of the water, which is still saying a lot. As for Emmerich's Godzilla '98, the less said, the better.
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Painful and Putrid
17 October 2011
If there ever was a visual equivalent of hemorrhoids, The Paula Poundstone Show would certainly qualify. I have never seen her stand-up comedy routine, so I can't really compare it to this, but after sitting thru this painful attempt at prime-time programing, I have no desire to find out how she stacks up to the likes of Jerry Seinfeld. The two examples that stand out are, a) a video tour of the outside of Leslie Nielsen's home, which, apparently was taken after dusk, as nothing could be seen, and b) a reading of "Where The Wild Things Are", which made absolutely no sense. The good news is that the viewing public was spared any more TV Torture Time since the network canceled the series after the first episode.

Rating: 0 out of *****
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Devil (2010)
A Modern Horror Film With Substance.
2 July 2011
"If the Devil is real, then God must be real too."

Since this was produced by M. Night Shyamalan-The man who gave us "Lady in the Water", "The Last Airbender", and the totally idiotic "The Village", I didn't want to raise my hopes too high.(In fact, it cost me nothing to rent, thanks to Blockbuster's customer appreciation promotion, so I had nothing to lose other than 1 hr. 20 min. of my hard earned time.) I must say, I was pleasantly surprised.

"Devil" is not your typical Shyamalan crap fest. With a cast of unknowns and a limited budget, it could easily have had a place reserved in Walgreen's bargain bin. Instead, in the capable hands of director John Erick Dowdle, containing certain elements of Hitchcock's "Lifeboat" and "Tales From the Crypt" this has "cult classic" written all over it. It's a modern day horror movie that's actually scary!(a rare quality in most of today's horror flicks which are heavy on blood and gore and light on creativity). In fact, if you happen to suffer from claustrophobia, you may find the "Saw" franchise a little more tolerable.

Take my word for it. "Devil" is well worth the time. So much so, I intend to buy a copy.

Sir Alfred Hitchcock would be proud.

Rating: ***** out of *****
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Yes, It's That Bad!
7 May 2011
When the movie starts out with a family on a road trip singing "Row,Row, Row Your Boat" I just knew I was going to hate this movie, but I just had to see for myself just how bad it was. Oddly, the only vaguely redeeming quality was John Reynolds portrayal of Torgo, you know, the guy with the goat legs who "takes care of the place while the Master's away".(which still isn't saying much).The rest is painful to watch. The characters are incredibly stupid, made all the more so, because their voices were badly dubbed.

As bad as it is, I'd still have to say "Mac and Me" (which I reviewed a couple of weeks ago) and "Underdog" are even worse. On the other hand, there are many reasons why "Manos" belongs on the #3 spot on IMDb bottom 100, one of them being that it may have even contributed to the untimely death of John Reynolds. The apparatus he wore to give him the "goat leg" effect (Torgo was supposedly a satyr) resulted in permanent knee damage and his subsequent addiction to painkillers. He committed suicide shortly before the film's premiere.

As to being "so bad, it's good", Manos is too bad to be of any good. It's not fair to compare it to "Dark Star" or "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera", two films I highly recommend. This, however is to be avoided at all costs.

Rating: 1/2* out of *****
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Mac and Me (1988)
A 90 Minute McDonald's Commercial
23 April 2011
I admit it. I knew ahead of time that this so-called "movie" (it's a commercial folks!) was going to be the most obnoxious time waster, even worse than "Underdog"! But I still had to see for myself just how obscenely bad it really is. So, I went to YouTube (no way was I going to plunk down one red cent to rent this piece 'o crap) and proved myself right.

Bad acting, shameless product placement,the most stupid looking aliens in cinematic history and totally unoriginal storyline (E.T. anyone?), not to mention an 80's break dance scene included for no apparent reason only makes one wonder how this could have made it to "straight-to-video" let alone theatrical release. And don't get me started on the ending!

In other words, I Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate, HATE this movie-uh,I mean this McDonalds commercial.

Rating: a redundant 0 out of *****
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A "Lost" Sci-Fi Classic
23 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A rocket apparently of extra-terrestrial origin threatens to destroy mankind by circling the earth at low altitudes and generating a million degree heat five miles wide incinerating everything in its path It's up to scientist Dr. David Loring (Robert Loggia) to formulate a last-ditch plan to save the world.

Clocking in at about 70 minutes with a lot of stock footage and less than spectacular special effects, "Lost Missile" is still an underrated B-movie classic which manages to use that stock footage and shoestring budget to great effect. I also found the storyline to be original, and considering the era this film came out, during the Cold War amidst fears of nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the U.S., I'm sure it hit home to those who got to see it back then. I, for one would love to see it remade, with modern special effects.

Rating: ****1/2 out of *****
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Scrooge (1970)
Thank You Very Much!
24 December 2009
Every year at around this time, I pull out my DVD copy of "Scrooge" (the 1951 Alistar Sim version) which, in my humble, bigoted, and narrow minded opinion, is a good deal superior to this one-which is still saying a lot. Ronald Neame, who was to direct "The Poseidon Adventure" a couple of years later, did a fine job on this one. I've just finished watching it for the first time in nearly 40 years. The catchy "Thank You Very Much" number where Scrooge is dancing in the street with the villagers- totally oblivious to the fact they were celebrating his demise-was probably one of the most memorable scenes in the movie, as I have never forgotten this scene, along with the "hell scene", deleted from most TV airings over the years.

I have to admit, though Alistar Sim had always been my favorite Scrooge, Albert Finney's incarnation was more diabolical, which truly enhanced the film. Alec Guiness turned in a fine performance as Marly's ghost, even though Michael Hordern's portrayal in the '51 version more accurately portrayed the tormented soul that Marley had become. I did not care for Edith Evans version of the Ghost of Christmas past, as there was nothing ghostly or ethereal about her.

Overall, most of the movie stayed true to the Dicken's story, with a few minor differences. I still highly recommend this version, even though it dose'nt hold a candle to the 1951 version.

Rating: **** out of *****, in keeping with the situation.
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Underdog (2007)
Worst Film of 2007
1 October 2009
When Underdog the cartoon debuted in 1964, at the age of 7 I was hooked immediately. He was Top Dog (pun intended) in my book-(that is, until Batman premiered on ABC a year or so later). Even when it was clear that Disney was going to make a live-action version of the once popular Saturday morning cartoon, it was equally clear to me that it was going to be a piece of crap. Even reading the reviews in the papers seemed to confirm this. However, I made it a point to: a) never attempt to write a review unless I have seen the movie from start to finish; and b) never to spend one red cent on a movie that I'm almost certain I will hate.

Thanks to YouTube I: a) am fully qualified to write this review; and b) it only cost me 84 minutes of my hard earned time.

It also proves my point, namely, that this movie is not merely a piece of crap. It's a steaming pile of dog droppings. It resembles the TV series in name only, even though they almost got it right with Simon and Cad.

All in all, Underdog is a huge waste of time- and money, which thankfully, I didn't have to spend.

Rating: 1/2* out of *****
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Good Clean Holiday Fun
25 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While Santa Claus 3 is far from #1 on my list of holiday faves (that honor goes to the 1951 version of Scrooge), it's still one of those feel-good films that are well worth the time. The crew from the original are back, including a grown-up Eric Lloyd reprising his role as Charlie, as well as Judge Reinhold and Wendy Crewson, along with some new faces: Martin Short as the diabolical Jack Frost, and newcomer Liliana Mumy, daughter of Bill ("Danger Will Robinson"-"Fish Heads") Mumy.

In this third entry, Jack Frost attempts to hijack Christmas and is foiled by little Lucy-a warm hug saves the North Pole from a major meltdown! All in all, it's good clean sappy fun (unlike the totally obnoxious "The Night They Saved Christmas") Rating: *** out of *****
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Cloverfield (2008)
I Was Not Disappointed
19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Before seeing Cloverfield today, I read a few reviews on IMDb; not that that in any way would have influenced whether or not I would have gone to see it. (At the same time, I wish I had read the comments on "Stinger" before I plunked down 5 bucks at Blockbuster a few weeks ago-I totally agree with "IMDb 3972"-getting a tooth pulled or an enema would be preferable, but I digress).

Anyway, for my money, (5.75 for the twilight matinée) Cloverfield is well worth the time. It's not fair to compare it with the overrated "Blair Witch Project" or "Godzilla '98". The concept of New York being attacked by monsters has been done to death since King Kong paved the way in 1933. Since then, we've seen the city wrecked by giant comets (Deep Impact & Armegeddon) blown up by aliens (Independence Day) briefly invaded by Rodan (Godzilla: Final Wars), and tragically attacked by real life monsters on 9/11-no doubt there are elements of that seen in this movie. The concept may not be original, but the way it was handled by J.J. Abrams is certainly groundbreaking. The whole film is made up from the footage of a hand held video camera found after the events of the film are over. There is no explanation of where the monster came from, the ending is very anti-climactic, which, in my opinion enhances the film.

The design of the monster was handled so well, it's almost impossible to describe-you just have to be there. I guarantee you haven't seen it anywhere else, not even in "Stephen King's The Mist".

The special effects are top notch. New York never looked more devastated. This is one bad-ass Kaiju.

It's what "Godzilla '98" should have been.

Rating: ***** out of *****
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Stinger (2005)
Welcome to "Crapsterpiece Theatre"
29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The crew of a nuclear submarine are massacred by a horde of giant, poorly CGI-rendered scorpions. It's the job of a team of scientists, along with a few marines and an idiot-savant mechanic to secure the cargo and return with a few specimens. Of course, it wouldn't be much of a movie if everything went according to plan, now would it? The storyline itself is pretty decent; no happy ending here since no one survives. The special effects are what ruined the whole thing. When the scorpions are blasted away it all takes place offscreen, owing to budget restrictions and a severe lack of creativity. The ending, though predictable,(the lone survivor of the submarine crew ending up as a human incubator) could have been shocking if not again for the horrific CGI-it was embarrassing to watch.

If your'e into the "giant bugs attacking mankind" genre, see "The Mist", or even any of Bert I. Gordon's 1950's epics. Don't waste your time or money on this crapsterpiece.

Rating: * out of *****
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Low-Budget, High Quality, Intelligent Sci-Fi Must-See; Need I Say More?
19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Filmed over a period of six weeks on a shoestring budget, Village of the Damned is proof positive that you don't need mega-millions to make a million dollar movie.

*****************Major Spoiler Alert********************** In an English village, every living thing falls into a coma for about three hours. No explanation is given for this phenomenon, and about two months later, every woman of child-bearing age gives birth to children who are clearly not normal. With their telekinetic powers and blazing eyes (the only "gimmick" in the film,) they take out any of the villagers they perceive as a threat to their survival. Gordon Zellaby, (George Sanders), the father of one of the little fiends, takes matters into his own hands with the help of a brick wall and a few sticks of dynamite.

As for the performances, they are top notch. George Sanders plays a kindly school teacher who tries to reason with the alien children, no small feat, since they can read the minds of anyone within reach. One can't help but compare his character to that of Van Helsing in Bela Lugosi's "Dracula", being the only one able to stare down, and eventually destroy the threat to mankind.

Barbara Shelly,(who, speaking of Dracula, was to become one of his "brides" in "Dracula, Prince of Darkness" a few years later)portrays Gordon's wife, and the mother of David Zellaby, the head creep (played to perfection by young Martin Stephens,perhaps the finest British child actor of that era). His portrayal as David, who betrays no emotion throughout-except for a hint of terror at the moment he realizes that he and his alien brood are about to be blown to smithereens-is stand-alone.

The screenplay and directing, by Sterling Silliphant and Wolf Rilla, respectfully, make this a true sci-fir/horror classic. Like "Horror Hotel" and "Mr. Sardonicus", both of which came out at about the same time, there is a claustrophobic feel which adds to the overall tension.

If you're looking for a thriller with intelligence, this is a must-see.

***** out of *****
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Infection (2004)
Horror Hospital
9 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For my money, KANSEN (aka INFECTION) has to be one of the most intelligent, frightening, and entertaining horror movies I've seen in years.

In a hospital that is grossly understaffed, a burn victim dies due to negligence. The doctors stage a cover-up, setting off a chain of events involving a flesh-eating virus. "Been there, seen that", you might say, (especially if you've seen CABIN FEVER). I say, give this one a chance. This is not some mindless slasher flick with the usual teen cliché's, but one that is handled with skill and maturity. All of the action takes place in the hospital, giving the film a creepy, claustrophobic feel to it, not seen in many movies of this type. Rather than being picked off one by one-a standard in countless horror/sci-fie flicks, the victims meet with a far more horrible fate, involving a more spiritual/psychological horror that more or less leaves it up to the imagination of the viewer. You may even have to see it twice to get the full benefit.

I, for one, intend to buy a copy of KANSEN.

It's a horror movie that dares you to think.

Rating: ***** out of *****
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War of the Worlds (2005 Video)
Mars Attacks! Again
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This version of WOTW is well below par when compared to Spielberg's modern day classic. It's an even darker depiction of the alien invasion complete with skeleton-littered landscapes and a still living victim sheared in half. Rather than focusing on "money shots" (which are mostly non-existent, this one having been shot on a limited budget), this version depicts the journey of George Herbert(C. Thomas Howell) attempting to reach his wife and son after the initial attack, and the horrors he encounters along the way. While I can't enthusiastically recommend this version, if you must see it, check this one out before seeing the Steven Spielberg blockbuster, otherwise, be prepared for a letdown.

Rating: **1/2 out of *****
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Spielberg Still Has It.
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was not disappointed. Steven Spielberg's version of War of the Worlds, unlike the endless barrage of remakes of movie classics, delivers what it promises. Instead of wasting precious time on unnecessary character development, it shifts into high gear and never lets up. The scene where the first alien death machine appears is a sight to behold. The performances are outstanding-Tom Cruise's character returning home for his kids after the initial attack, obviously in a state of shock, not quite believing what has just happened. Dakota Fanning turns in a stellar performance-a most realistic depiction of a 10 year old child witnessing the end of the world as we know it. Even the extras involved made it look like this was more of a documentary of a world gone mad-literally. The design of the aliens was very well executed, certainly not your typical run-of-the-mill Hollywood bug-eyed slime spewing killers. Finally, the cameos of Gene Barry and Ann Robinson,- the stars of the original WOTW-added a nice touch. Thanks to Mr. Spielberg, we have here a popcorn movie with intelligence.

If only he directed Godzilla: Final Wars.

Rating: ***** out of *****
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Second Thoughts
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After reading numerous negative reviews about Final Wars, I went in with low expectations. Because I was part of the annual GodzillaFest (a must for any G-fan) I was able to see it last Saturday at the Pickwick Theater. The line outside had to be about 2 blocks long, and there was hardly an empty seat in the theater.

After it was all over, I was asked what I thought about Final Wars. I responded "***1/2 out of *****!" That opinion changed after I got back to the "real world". First of all, Godzilla gets precious little screen time. Also, the battles between the monsters are far too brief, while the fights between humans and/or aliens drag on and are poorly executed.(I mean c'mon, haven't we seen enough Matrix-style hand-to-hand?) Also, Rodan's attack on New York is one of the bright spots, but still too brief. And let's not forget King Seesar, who resembled a slimmed -down Cowardly Lion executing bad Kung-Fu moves.

GFW may not have been the worst Godzilla movie, or even a bad one. But it still fell far short of what it should have been.

Revised Rating: **1/2 out of *****
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Millions (2004)
A one-in-a-million movie
7 May 2005
Millions is a film that deserves a spot on IMDb's Top 250. Danny Boyle did a bang-up job on this one. All of the cast members turned in performances that truly helped to justify this film as the best-reviewed movie of the year so far.

Alex Etal steals the show as Damien, a young lad whose imaginary(?) friends are not that typical of a seven year-old. Lewis Owen McGibbon is excellent as Damien's older brother, Anthony, and Danny Boyle's direction makes this a cinematic masterpiece(really hard to believe he's the one who gave us 28 Days Later, a * answer to George Romero's ***** zombie classic Dawn of the Dead, but that's another movie.)

I cannot recommend this film highly enough. Mr. Boyle, you deserve an Oscar-just leave the Zombies to George Romero.

Rating: ***** out of *****
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Roger Ramjet (1965)
Even Better This Time Around.
3 March 2005
It was only a matter of time before ROGER RAMJET was released on DVD, just like most every classic TV show that ever existed (MY MOTHER THE CAR, anyone?). The bad animation and goofy dialog(much of which appeared in words on screen- often misspelled on purpose)add to the appeal of this lost classic cartoon series. I can more fully appreciate the humor now than when I was eight years old and took cartoons more seriously. I would highly recommend this series to anyone who feels the same way I do-believe me, it's that much better 40 years later.

You won't escape the awful fate of proton's mighty fury! Rating: ***** out of *****
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