
8 Reviews
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48 Hrs. (1982)
Before my time but wow
9 September 2016
Now i will start this by saying I am only twenty three years old, therefore I was not even born at the time such classics like this were released. However I have watched every action movie to ever come out, despite the big budget blockbusters nowadays, that I still enjoy, movies like this will always stand the test of time. For these films weren't classics because of a budget, but for the characters. Anybody whoever in any way studied the art of writing knows that character is the most important part to any story ever told. The new action movies May have Better shootouts, but if you can appreciate not just that, but character and writing then this is a great film, if you don't agree then go to hell cuz you still don't know what a great action movie is. Shame on you if you can't appreciate action cinema at its finest. Seriously if you call yourself an action fan but hate this movie and others like it then just shoot yourself, because you will never appreciate true cinema
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Drive (I) (2011)
Poorly marketed, misunderstood but truly great
16 February 2016
I admit when this was coming out the previews I saw got me ready for a high octane action movie, and at first I was disappointed, but still couldn't get this movie out of my head for some reason. So after going back to rewatch it I take it for what it parts a homage to the 80s, but at its core a film that's only real storyline is that of its characters. Ryan Gosling isn't given much to say but that does not downplay his acting in this, he pulls off our nameless, dark and brooding hero exceptionally well. While the film may not be loaded with action scenes that's probably because the violence here wasn't meant as action, but as raw unflinching violence, and when I say raw I mean it. The very few violent scenes at the end of this film will shock viewers for the first time seeing them, and will leave quite an impression. All in all, if you want a Michael Bay style film then your in the wrong place, but if your in the mood to get sucked into the lives of characters, and root for a hero who says little, but can still be as cruel as any criminal in the film, then look no further. Ryan Goslings Drive is an incredible, character driven thriller that will leave you breathless.
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Deadpool (2016)
This changes everything.
12 February 2016
Ten out of ten doesn't even do justice. Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool have torn apart what you expect from a superhero movie and now offer you a comic book franchise that no other studio can, they have given you a superhero film for strictly adults only. There were 10-12 year olds in the theater, if you let anyone under 16 see this then you are a horrible parent. Deadpool earns its R rating the hard way, lots of brutal violence, lots of nudity and excessive language. Does anyone else miss the old days when our action heroes were in your face brutal, unforgiving and not afraid to use bad language? Take the original Blade for example, it worked brilliantly. Now imagine that with five times the language, more stylized action and a boatload of laughs. I literally laughed from start to finish with this movie, but still found our hero incredibly badass. What do I mean by this changes everything? Fox now has the one thing no other studio does, an over the top hero not only worthy, but demanding of an R rating. Now Warner Bros, Sony and even Marvel Studios will guarantee follow suit. I believe we could now get R rated Wolverine, maybe R rated Batman even. Point is that it is now proved that you can go true to your comic, aim for adults and not just succeed, but bring me back. I'm going tomorrow to make twice in 2 days. If your over 18 and don't like it, then hang yourself, cuz you'll never be entertained.
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Better than people think
15 January 2016
I just finished watching this and loved it. I understand it's historically incorrect but for once we have an action movie with two great actors, character development and good cinematography and you all trash it. The movie Spring Breakers has people saying 10/10 and this is 1/10 are you kidding me? First off Travolta steals the show with his new accent and is truly menacing. Someone said Deniro did horrible in this, don't ever talk about Deniro like that. Mans been going since the 60s and can still play a better tough guy than anyone out there today. Yes it is very inaccurate in the historical sense but I know that isn't the first time Hollywood did that so ignore that and what you have is a well filmed survival movie about two master hunters stalking each other through the woods. I found it intense, gritty and quite enjoyable
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One of the worst films I've ever seen
14 January 2016
If I could give it a 0 I would. No point in summarizing a plot because there is none. I thought Franco could save it but without an actual story and a shitty script he can't do much. Hell i am not even sure there is a script. I read a summary that says the four girls it centers around get caught in a "bloody turf war". Sounds cool but there's no turf war, there's no blood there's not even a hint of violence. Somehow the people who made this thought movies were considered action packed and cool show guns and girls. There's a lot of guns in this movie but they don't get used, just kinda there for show. I'm not sure why I kept watching I guess I did in hopes that at some point something would happen, finally it looked like something would and they cut to the aftermath of it, it's just one long drawn out movie of horrible dialogue. The 2 girls left at the end that I think we're supposed to root for are sociopaths who belong in prison. Spoiler alert...this movie sucks really bad.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Very stylish, but incredibly unsatisfying
14 January 2016
Before writing this I will say I'm not old enough to have watched the old show, which enables me to view this with more of an open mind. After finally watching this I could have and probably should have given it less than five stars. The only two saving graces of the film are Michael Manns directing, no doubt the film is visually appealing. After the directing it's Jamie Foxx who plays the role with a certain smoothness that gives his scenes an extra element of style. Unfortunately somehow during filming they must have forgotten he was there and decided to spend 45 minutes with Collin Farrell and his love interest that I could have done without. These two are supposed to be partners, they are never together, I wouldn't know their names if they weren't in the summary. No character development at all just a lot of bland dialogue. My expectations were raised by reviews on this site saying it's very violent and bloody. It's not. Yes there is blood but with a runtime over 2 hours I need more than one actual gunfight (i don't count scenes with 2 quick shots) before I call it violent, let alone very violent. It's slow moving, drawn out, the very few action scenes are completely predictable. If it wasn't for Michael Manns directing and the smoothness of Foxx Id probably give this two stars.
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Lockout (2012)
What action movies once were, what they should always be
13 January 2016
The only reason I didn't rate this higher than 7 stars is a few scenes, especially the ending could have been done with more action. That being said if you don't enjoy this, you've either never seen a real action movie or are too high and might to take it for what it is. This is a homage to the old days, when action movies knew what they were and embraced it, those with knowledge of the old days should recognize most homages instantly. Guy Pearce was a good lead for this, was he perfect? No I could think of a few guys who could do the role but it worked. Pearce stars as Snow...a chain smoking, hard nosed , wise cracking ex-special agent with one chance to regain his freedom. The movie is worth watching for the banter alone, it's constant and it's funny. There are some very nice action scenes, I expect no less from a guy like Luc Besson. However my main complaints are from a lack of brutality, an R rated movie centering around a prison riot should have plenty of that. My other complaint is the most memorable villain in the movie didn't get a very memorable send off. Overall I've watched this twice now and will again, take it for what it is. A homage to the old school action heroes, in that sense the film is near perfect
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Bandits (2001)
Slick, character driven romantic comedy about bank robbers
13 January 2016
If you rated this movie any less than 7/10 then your not sure what a good movie is. The storyline isn't exactly perfect but it works simply because of the characters. The three main characters of Joe Blake, Terry Collins and Kate Wheeler are impossible not to fall in love with. Bruce Willis as Joe Blake, though one of his least action packed roles is easily one of his most menacing, but funny and charming at the same time. Billy Bob Thornton as his high strung paranoid partner Terry Collins is unforgettable and hilarious, and it works great with Bruce. I've watched this 100 times and still watch it whenever it's on. Funny, smooth with a little action, a little romance and a very nice twist at the end. Watch this movie, if you don't enjoy it then like I said you don't know what entertainment is.

9/10 stars. Anyone smell burning feathers?
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