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Resident Evil (2022– )
22 August 2022
Worse than the mila jovavich movies worse than welcome to raccoon city

-terrible, unlikeable characters -dumb, woke as F script -bad casting -EXTREMELY boring -laughably bad dialogue -ridiculous choices made by characters -uninspired and with very little reference to the games

+some ok special effects +lance reddick does his best, despite being terribly miscast

its like resident evil if it was done by the CW network and directed by tommy wiseau.

Easily the worst adaptation of the resident evil source material so far.
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most reviews are being too harsh
20 July 2022
I gave it a week before seeing it in theatres and didn't opt for imax this time around after hearing it wasn't as great as expected so i didnt want to get stung with expensive tickets for a film i might not enjoy.

Needless to say i did enjoy it and so did my partner. It isn't ragnarok but we still laughed a couple times, the story was ok and the action sequences were decent. Also it was nice to see portman come back and own mighty thor.

Yeah it isn't perfect. Yeah there's a bit too much forced comedy, yes gorr should have had more screentime and development. But the film doesn't deserve all these 1, 2 and 3 star ratings people are giving it. Its no less than a 6 in my opinion but ill give it a 7 because it was better than black widow but not quite as good as multiverse of madness.

In summary, a bit too much humor, not enough gorr. Natalie portman was good as mighty thor, good soundtrack, good action sequences and an ok story.

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it's good. it's entertaining. but it needed a longer runtime
8 May 2022
First of all, you basically need to have seen at least wandavision before you see this. It's the conclusion of her story after everything that happened post-infinity war and throughout that show. So catch up, refresh, whatever you need to do before watching this. I would also highly recommend you've seen the latest spider-man also as this picks up not long after the events of that movie.

That being said, for a 'doctor strange' movie, wanda shares essentially 50% of the screen. This isn't completely a doctor strange movie as it is 'doctor strange & the scarlet witch'.

Coming off the heels of spider-man no way home the expectations are extremely high going into this. Especially as this will be our first glimpse into the marvel multiverse; where essentially anything is possible and any characters could be introduced for the very first time.

The films pacing is very fast. And the villain is revealed very early on which i felt was a mistake but im not sure how else it would have been done. There is plenty of action, some jump-scares (this is supposed to be the most horror-esque marvel movie so far and it is sam raimi in the directors chair after all) and some wild spectacle and effects.

What lets this film down is it feels a little too rushed. We don't get much time to breath and there isn't really that much of a glimpse into the various universes or variants of characters we know. There also wasn't that many surprises with one of the biggest being given away in the main trailer. From that being given away i was really expecting even bigger surprises from the film but what we got was a little anti-climatic.

Overall the film is definitely worth seeing. There are some great battles, incredible effects, a few laughs and cool cameos. But don't set your expectations sky-high because they likely won't be matched in the same way No Way Home did.

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Morbius (2022)
its pretty bad, but not awful
3 April 2022
Went to the theatre to see in imax. I see almost every marvel movie in theatres and only really skipped eternals.

Morbius is another typical sony cash grab movie where you can tell there was no real passion or love for the characters. The story is kinda meh, the special effects are reaaaaally overdone and poor. You can barely tell whats happening during fight scenes because everything is just blurry CGI quick-cuts with the occasional slow-mo shot.

I really feel bad for jared leto, who will now have been screwed on both sides of the comic book world (dc with the joker and now marvel with morbius) and through no fault of his own. He makes a good effort with the morbius character and hes obviously a decent actor who deserves a better writer director for these sorts of movies.

At this point sony should just sell the remainder of their rights to marvel property and let more talented people who actually care about the source material do the work.
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one of the greatest superhero films ever made
16 December 2021
This might be better than spider-man 2 and into the spider-verse.

This film delivered almost everything i wanted and even things that i expected going in still managed to surprise me. I was grinning from ear to ear almost the whole movie (aside from the sad scenes, which there's a few).

This was a pure joy to watch on opening night and im sure i will watch it many, many more times.

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just too short ..
28 October 2021
Felt like it was over in about 30 minutes. From eddie talking with cleetus to him becoming carnage and then fighting at the end. It all just happens too quickly and feels like we have very little of carnage being carnage.

The film was rating 15 here in the uk, but there was really very little to justify this rating.

The best thing about the film was banter between venom & eddie, and obviously the post-credit scene and what it means for the future of the franchise.

I was super excited for woody harrelson to take on carnage because he did a great job in natural born killers but it seems like he was holding back a little or like i said he just didn't get enough screen time. This was likely a budgeting issue as im sure it cost millions just to show as much of carnage and venom as they did.

All-in-all it's worth watching as a fan but i can't see this being one of those movies i'll come back to many times.
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Walking Dead: World of Snoozefest
28 October 2021
Ironic that the zombies in this show are called empties because that's exactly how I'd describe this walking dead spin off. Empty. Empty of any sort of character.

The show is woke as all hell trying to fill the show with every possible stereotype. Black female lead? Check. Gay supporting character? Check. Interracial relationships? Check. And so on and so on. It all feels forced. The acting sucks. The story sucks. The characters all suck and make horrendous decisions. There's very little action instead this focuses on the characters and the drama which just doesn't work. The show is BORING. How can a show set in a zombie apocalypse be boring?

Well, this is. And unless it connects to the main show in some big way I'm gonna give the rest of it a wide berth.
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everything you'd expect from a film 11 years in the making
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Avengers endgame is the culmination of over 10 years of film making, dozens of heroes, hundreds of characters supporting characters and a huge huge story that will likely continue for decades to come. this conclusion had a monumental amount of pressure to deliver a satisfying end to the first 22 films in marvel's cinematic universe. and it did.

the film continues almost exactly where infinity war left off but opens from the point of view of hawkeye as he's chilling with his family at the moment thanos snaps his fingers. and as you can imagine, things dont go very well from his point of view.

the first half of endgame maintains the slow steady pace of the opening scene, with a few brief moments of action as our heroes try to figure out a way to correct what thanos has done to the universe. eventually, with the help of scott lang aka ant man (who finds himself 5 years in the future having been expelled from the quantum realm with a little help from a passing rat), bruce banner and tony stark's minds, they come up with a clever plan to snatch the infinity stones from the past, use them to bring everyone back in the present, and then return them as if they were never gone. rounding up all the heroes is paced very nicely and every scene featuring thor is comedy gold. once everyone is together they are assigned their points and locations in time and we get some very clever scenes with some characters running into their former selves or relatives at points we saw in previous movies. the storytelling here really is top notch.

the final act is nothing short of spectacular as virtually every hero from all the films so far is on the battlefield at the same time, with one character cleverly stating "is that everyone?" before they charge thanos and his army.

i have very few complaints with the film. one of which is that with a film this huge it was impossible to really make the final battle as satisfying as it needed to be. there was just SO much going on that the camera had to shift focus every second from one hero fighting to another and you'll find yourself wanting to see more of whats going on in one place. everyone viewing this film will want to see a little more of their favourite hero fighting their own battle. for me it was spider-man and although i was happy to see him get some screentime fighting with the iron spider suit, i wanted more of that.

my other minor issue was that i felt the female heroes scene was super forced and cringeworthy. another example of the desperate need and clear pressure on filmmakers lately to satisfy the needs of the politically correct crowd. we get it, there are female heroes too. yes they are valued just as much as the male ones. but did we really need a shot of them all coming together around captain marvel as if they all finished fighting whatever they were at the exact same moment for a glory shot of female empowerment? it was bad enough in the captain marvel trailer with the play on words around "her" and "hero" .. i just felt like this shot was completely forced and unnecassary.

my final little nitpick (and this is really a personal one) was with the passing of the cap shield. i know that in the comic, steve does at some point pass the shield to falcon, but i was really expecting him to pass it on to bucky. it didnt make sense to me him passing it on to sam as sam is already recognised as falcon. bucky would have made more sense as the next cap in my eyes. but i loved the way they wrote chris evans out of the mcu by him simply staying in the past and growing old with peggy. that was fitting, beautiful and perfect.

all in all the film satisfies virtually everything you would expect it to. if you're invested in these characters in any way over the years you'll love the conclusion to phase 4 of the mcu.

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The Predator (2018)
biggest disappointment of the year
28 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film is easily the biggest disappointment of the year in film, perhaps even the biggest disappointment of the decade.

i had some reservations after seeing the trailer but i still had high hopes. shane black is not a bad director (see 'kiss kiss, bang bang' and 'the nice guys', even iron man 3 was ok) and he was actually in the original predator as one of the marines.

so what the hell went wrong?

the film is a disaster. this was supposed to be a flick that reignited the predator franchise after it fell off back in 2007 with 'avp requiem'. all black had to do was rewatch predator and maybe predator 2 and go from there. all i can think is that he was given a piece of crap script and thought 'meh ill still do it' .. like where is the passion? the characters despite being introduced relatively well just don't go anywhere and you literally don't give a damn about them.

in one scene a couple character deaths are even supposed to be funny. i dont mind a little comedy in a movie like this but it felt so incredibly out of place it just left me confused. there are a lot of scenes like this that make you shake your head in disbelief and disappointment. in the original predator even though the characters were a little cliché you still felt a little something when they bit the bullet. here we have characters just being murdered for comedy and even characters who have never killed people before just go blasting away with no apparent remorse.

honestly the film just feels like it was rushed together by someone who kinda saw avp or the original movie a few years back and threw a couple predators into an action movie and said "that'l do". there's no passion here and the film adds literally nothing to the predator franchise.

the only positive things about this movie are there's a few nice fight's, some nice effects and there was like ONE tense scene near the beginning where the lead female character is hiding from a predator that just woke up and massacred everyone else. after that there is no suspense, no build up to anything unlike in the original predator where you could sense the fear in every character because they knew they were being hunted by something nigh-on unstoppable and they were doing their best to get out of the jungle. here the characters chase the predator like WTF WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE?

i dunno this thing had a lot of potential i liked the idea of a predator coming to earth and being hunted by an alpha predator that even had a couple predator dogs. the story could have gone somewhere but after the first 20 minutes the film was just a train wreck that i'll probably never watch again.

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if you're a fan, you know what to expect
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
this review may contain spoilers.

going into this as a fan of the series since the beginning i knew what was in store and thats the bottom line here. if you're a fan of the series or you just enjoy a crazy action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously you will have fun here.

my only gripes with this movie, and this as i said is coming from a long-time fan, are that you can only suspend your disbelief so much before it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. and that is what many of the action scenes in f8 do. i found myself on more than one occasion with the words "oh come on" on the tip of my tongue while i sat in the theater. such as the scene where cypher remotely drives a thousand cars almost perfectly in sync toward a vip motorcade or the penultimate scene where one character is rescued from their drowning lambo by way of holding on to a doorpanel that was hit by a harpoon wire (yet he still managed to communicate via radio that it was cold while several metres underwater).

but on the positive side, fast8 is for the most part very entertaining. it almost never lets up, slowing down for a few brief scenes here and there to let the audience catch their breath.

besides the welcome return of statham who i love (and his banter scenes with dwayne johnson are hilarious) charleze theron is probably the best antagonist the series has had so far and in my opinion she gives the best performance here. i just wish we had a little more background on her character and got to see her in a vehicle instead of just watching her plodding around her plane barking orders at her minions with her little headset. but hey fast9 is already in production right so maybe we'l see more of her?

i give fast8 a 7/10. it isn't the best entry in the series but it certainly isn't the worst. it's just slightly let down by a sub par story, far too ridiculous stunts that border on laughable and some weak effects here and there. but if you love f&f you'l have a good time with this.
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false reviewers
8 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly multiple false reviews have been submitted for this movie so let me give you a genuine one after sitting through this.

So movie opens with some teenagers screwing around as they do, doing some drugs blah blah blah. They get high and we get opening credits. Scene has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie and none of the characters in this scene beside the 2 lead females are in the remainder of the film. So moving on these girls are headed to some farm so they can work and earn money to go to new york for a shopping trip? They wind up making the clearly terrible decision to catch a ride with 2 stranger dudes to this farm as opposed to getting their scheduled bus and wind up getting drugged, kidnapped and thus begins their ordeal and they supposedly get raped and tortured (but you wouldn't know for sure because the movie fades to black anytime anything bad happens so basically everything is suggested ) and we watch as they make their miraculous escape and carry out their revenge.

So now that i've summarised the terrible paper-thin plot lets talk about the acting. To cut it short, some of it was OK the rest was truly shake-your-head terrible. The script was dumb as hell and full of holes and there was at least half a dozen moments where i sat there wondering if i should just switch off or grit and bear the rest of the movie. The 2 leads did OK with what they had and that's why I'm not completely down rating this movie. The terrible script puts them in stupid situations and they make the best of it (for the most part) but sometimes they say things or do things that just make you think "what the F. Really?"

shame cos it did show potential but it was one of the poorest most predictable horror movies i've ever seen. Just a much weaker version of i spit on your grave / last house on the left. Go watch those instead or something like martyrs (original), frontiers, inside, switchblade romance, or any genuinely solid horror movie.

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entertaining, but shallow
24 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Avengers: Age of Ultron had a lot to live up to after the success of Avengers Assemble, Captain America: Winter Soldier and most recently Guardians of the Galaxy. I went into it with high hopes and was super excited after watching the trailers.

In short, i didn't feel it lived up to expectations. I didn't walk out of the movie thinking about any particular scenes or thinking to myself "that was amazing, i want to see it again".

I think the problem was the story and the character building. There was so much action etc going on in the majority of the movie that it left a lot to be desired. Prime example is the 'romance' between Bruce Banner and Black Widow, which felt like a forced afterthought, thrown in for the sake of it to try and make us care about them more. The acting sequences in this movie could probably have been wrapped in a week or two, with the rest just being post production and special effects. i didn't see the movie in 3d because i didn't care about these exact things.

On the plus side, the action was decent so it was by all means an entertaining movie and it was cool to see a few new faces with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

James Spader did a good job representing a very menacing voice for Ultron and the Vision was pretty cool also; but again i felt like these characters needed more room to develop.

In conclusion the movie felt like it made similar mistakes to Spider-man 3, with so much crammed in and the character relationships and primary plot were very thin. This is worth seeing at the cinema just the once, and I may even buy it on Blu-ray for the sake of completing a collection, but it doesn't come close to the awesome Guardians of the Galaxy which was probably the best Marvel movie so far.
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War of the Dead (I) (2011)
honest, accurate review for 'war of the dead'
24 May 2012
the best way to describe this movie is that it's a B movie coated with A movie presentation. the special effects and the acting are the only things really holding it back from its true potential. the acting or dialogue is at times so bad and the accents so inconsistent that you wonder why the director didn't just choose to re-shoot some of the scenes and put a little more pressure on his actors. the special effects are sometimes good, but sometimes bad. this is made clear at the start of the movie when some men are gunned down in a hallway yet there is no sign of any bullet penetration or even sound effects here and there. some men just fall to the ground, we'r shown close ups of some weird nazi character grinning as he walks out of a lit-up doorway like a freaking angel or something.

the best thing about this movie is its presentation. the cinematography and camera-work is pretty 'up there'. like one of the quotes on the DVD cover states, it is 'like an episode of band of brothers with zombies'. and yeah, it is; just with much less impressive actors.

the story is unoriginal yet interesting enough to warrant your time and it looks like a lot of effort went into this little B movie. the characters all look fantastic (just like any soldier out of saving private ryan or band or brothers) and at times gunfights and explosions are convincing. its just a shame the acting and occasional iffy effects let it down.

so in summary:

presentation - 8 special makeup effects & sound - 6 acting - 5 script - 6

overall - 6/10
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The Dead (2010)
finally a zombie flick reminiscent of the good ol' days!
19 September 2011
this movie is great. i briefly recall seeing the poster for it a while back but i'd since forgotten about it up until the other day when i took a gamble on watching it and was happy within the first 10 minutes after seeing the style and effects.

like another reviewer stated, the movie is shot on 35mm film, not on digital like modern Hollywood flicks. this gives it a very classic look and feel, reminiscent of the George a Romero film like dawn of the dead in '78 and day in '80.

the zombie effects and makeup as far as i could tell used no CGI whatsoever and the gore, though not too frequent, looks great when it's on screen.

the undead are also nearly always on screen, and combined with their excellent makeup, great camera work and complete lack of unnecessary music, have a very menacing feel as they creep up on the films 2 protagonists.

the films setting is beautiful and a fantastic change from the norm's of busy city streets and urban environments. it is shot in west African locations such as Burkina Faso and Ghana, as well as the Sahara desert. it really is a breath of fresh air in the zombie movie genre.

the story is fairly simple. an American military engineer washes up on the coast of west Africa after his evacuation flight crashes. as the sole survivor he attempts to reach a northern military air field to re-attempt his escape, and runs into a soldier of the African military who is trying to find his son during the chaos.

overall i give this movie an 8 out of 10. and that's only because i wasn't keen on the acting by the American protagonist played by Robert freeman, and a couple small sections of the movie are quite slow.

the film does leave itself open for the possibility of a sequel and i would be more than happy to watch it if it mirrors the quality of this.
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worth the money to see on the big screen
21 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK so if you didn't like the last two transformers movies you aren't going to like this. but this is pure action entertainment and just the kind of movie people like to see at the cinema this time of year.

as most people know megan fox was replaced by rosie huntington-whitely and although this seems a little odd at first it doesn't really matter because all we really care about is the autobots and decepticons ripping and shooting the crap out of each other.

the second half of the movie has this almost none-stop with explosions after explosions and amazing slow-motion shots, such as one where bumblebee is driving on the motorway with sam and his girl when he suddenly transforms, throwing them in the air to avoid something that slips my mind, and then catches them again as he changes back into vehicle mode. the film is litered with these kind of epic moments and you have to see them on the big screen to fully appreciate them.

the story is quite decent, playing on the space race of the 60's where man first went to the moon. the plot surrounds a mystery space craft that crashed there and when the bots learn of its existence they race to get to it and its secrets, while sam witwicky tries to find purpose in his life.

all in all i give this a good 8/10 as it was a thoroughly enjoyable cinema experience and i hope for another entry in the series which im sure will happen if this is as successful financially as the second & first films.
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Husk (2011)
an acceptable evening horror with some neat touches
18 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
husk is a movie that, starting out, i felt was going to be the same as every other slasher in the genre. its cliché right off the bat but around 1/3 in it starts to get rather interesting with this whole supernatural side of things going on and not just some dude in a mask with a taste for murder.

the acting, direction, script and dialogue is all at times questionable such as characters doing the things you know you'd just not do in such a situation. they say things you wouldn't say, or at times Don't do things you WOULD do such as panic, cry, or just do whatever it takes to get the hell out of the way of whats butchering your friends.

all-in-all though id give HUSK a 6 out of 10. its quite worthy of a watch if you can look through a couple cliché's and some dodgy actors/direction because there's some really neat touches, scares, and new takes on the genre.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
best series of 2010 and a perfect homage to the zombie genre
6 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK lets get straight to the point. if you like zombies, you're probably already watching this. if you aren't, what the hell are you doing reading reviews for to convince you?

this series is just blowing me away every time and im on episode 6 which just aired. i have read all of the graphic novels up to volume 10 and although the series doesn't follow it page for page, the changes aren't drastic enough to make fans of the comic upset. there are new faces in contrast to the novel, the characters visit different areas and different events occur but the core plot seems to be intact and of course the main characters are spot on. rick and his family are present, rick's partner shane, andrea, old man dale, glen, carol and her daughter sophia, and i imagine more of the characters will be introduced as the show goes on.

the first few episodes wrap up most of what happens throughout the first 5 volumes in the graphic novel. rick wakes up in a hospital, ventures back home, ends up in the city, gets overrun, gets rescued by glen and gets brought back to the camp where his wife and son are. after this the series goes off on a subplot not covered by the graphic novel and things since this have been quite different but the fact of the matter is that the show is so well directed, cast and shot like a big budget movie that you don't care about the changes and the story itself is going quite well.

oh, and one last thing; the violence. OH the violence. it doesn't come too often since too much violence and too little story makes a bad film (or show in this case). but when you get violence and zombie killing, it looks GREAT. and this was one of the things i was really worried about. but anyway, enough reading. go watch. now.

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worth seeing if you liked shaun of the dead
16 August 2010
dance of the dead is a fairly low budget zom-com with no widely known actors and there is virtually no media coverage for it either. needless to say it is well worth seeing for zombie or comedy fans.

the acting is overall fairly good. the cast does a good job of filling their roles and for the most part you care about what happens to them. look out for the cool high school bully and the gym coach. 7/10

the dialogue is a little hit and miss. sometimes the characters come out with cringe worthy lines or just things that are completely unconvincing and silly at the time or just cliché. other times characters come out with some funny and appropriate lines such as the coach with "ill have this place wired like a crack-head drinking' a red bull". id say the dialogue is half cheesy half decent/funny/cool. 5/10

the special effects are top notch. the sets, makeup, gore and general effects are all really good for this kind of movie and there isn't a whole lot to complain about. towards the end there is some pretty nice head squashing/crushing/splitting etc. 8/10

the camera-work and editing is also good with little to complain about. you can tell here and there that its a low budget film from hand-held movements, one too many premature cuts to black, etc. 7/10

the pacing is pretty good throughout, the film takes around half an hour to get going before the zombie action picks up but from then on, there's always something to keep you interested as the film develops. 7/10

overall the the effects, the acting, pacing, camera-work, and dialogue come together to make a far above average b movie zom-com. it isn't quite on par with shaun of the dead, but it isn't too far off. think 'teen shaun of the dead with a lower budget centered around a high school prom' and uve got dance of the dead.

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Oh my GOD What Happened
26 July 2008
I'm already wondering, minutes after the credits rolled why i kept watching. Maybe it's just cos i was expecting it to get better and it never did. Maybe its cos i was waiting for the great action and gore scenes i saw back in Starship Troopers 1.

Where to begin with the bad? What stands out most is the incredibly, laughably and undeniably the worst special effects I've seen in any film made in the past 10 years. Starship Troopers 1 was light years ahead of this. The scene where the Q-Bomb takes out the bug planet actually made me think "WTF" and burst out laughing. I could have done a better effect in MS Paint.

The acting was bearable but still not fantastic. I like Casper Van Dien but the other characters i was happy for them to die and wanted it to come but they NEVER DIED IN A DECENT WAY. Almost every bug kill was off-screen, clearly because they didn't have the budget for the gore and effect. I just wanted to see some limbs flying off soldiers and crap like that from ST1. All i got was off-screen munching and cheap screams. I mean what the hell? The film was just poor .. Nothing at all seemed realistic and i wanted everybody to die. I was rooting more for the bugs than anything else. The story was just dire and if they could kill 10,000 bugs by building a few kitted-out robots it makes you wonder why they didn't do that in the first place. My score is 2/10 .. 1 point cos it had Casper Van Dien in it and another cos its better than Starship Troopers 2.
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Them (2006)
15 April 2008
Went to see this at the cinema a while back with an ex partner and didn't really know what it was going to be about as i hadnt seen any trailers or anything (just wanted a scary film to watch with the girl). And i was really really impressed and creeped out. What an amazing twist and climax at the end. There isn't much of a story other than a couple are living in the middle of nowhere together and start getting attacked by hooded figures. The actors are spot on, the tension and atmosphere is flawless and the setting perfect. There also isn't that much talking so if you don't like subtitles then it isn't that much of a problem.

8/10 See it
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Why Does this Have Such a Low Score?
10 April 2008
I went to see this with the missus tonight, even after i saw the 2.6/10 on here i thought id give the film a shot, and I'm glad i did.

2.6 for this film is really harsh. Granted it does have a few moments with poorly acted dialogue and its very predictable. But the atmosphere in my opinion is very good, even when you know something is coming with the music build up, it still made me jump a few times and there's some pretty creepy stuff happening throughout. It's similar to the jumps and scares in the Grudge and other Japanese horrors.

In the end it is a typical jump scare movies with a different approach. It is predictable, it has poor moments, the haunted phone thing really isn't as bad as it seems and the ringtone is awesome.

Overall 7/10 "Good". Worth the watch
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Rambo (2008)
I was surprised, impressed, shocked and entertained
27 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
From the trailers and taking into account Stallone's age, i was expecting this to be a bit of a mess. Though i was proved wrong once the action started to get going, and the film just felt really well done. I'm not without my criticism though. There's 3 things i felt stopped it from me giving a 9 or 10. Those are: Run time, Camera, and the fact that Stallone isn't really the lone hero type Rambo we knew him as once. He doesn't really take on a million enemies alone like he did in the previous films. He has aid, and just doesn't do very much. For the first half of the film he just takes some people in a boat, he does a little solo after that, taking out like 5 guys in the blink of an eye but then he is always with other people, and at the end just sits behind a mounted machine gun mowing down people while some American mercenaries pick others off with AK47's. Then it's over. When there's action and death, this movie is virtually unparalleled. The gun kills (specially the .50cal sniper and the mounted machine gun) are so brutal it really 'wow'd me and that doesn't happen often when i watch an action film. The one other thing i was a bit P'd off with was the camera at times. Was very shaky at points id rather have just been able to see what was going on from a steady-cam. If you love action movies though, you love Rambo or just want something cool to watch for an hour and 20min, don't miss this one.

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To kako (2005)
2 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a film i have ever seen. And to think that some commenter's have the audacity to compare this to a George Romero flick.

The first thing you notice is the acting (or lack of it). It is some of the worst i have ever had the misfortune to watch, and i just didn't know what to say. Lets take an example: a girl sees her dad go ape sh_t and then eat her mother. What does she do? She stands up, watches with absolutely no expression of shock on her face, and slowly walks out of the room. WHAT is movie making coming to? Is it not possible to make somebody show a spec of emotion in their acting? Pathetic.

It is not possible to follow this film and take it seriously. The lack of any acting skill coupled with the inconsistent transitions from scene to scene and down-right unrealistic actions makes it unwatchable. I have seen bad films in my time and i rarely EVER turn one off but this made me tap out before the half way line.

The film takes a plunge into the pit of crap with its consistency. Again, there just isn't any. There are basically two sets of survivors from the off. They somehow avoid the whole city turning into zombies by sleeping in an alleyway and a car park respectively. Only one group encounters a single zombie before they make their way, and they miraculously act like they all know each other perfectly the next morning. The dialogue, the acting, the events, the consistency, EVERYTHING i can think of about this film is bad except the camera work which is borderline respectable.

At times it comes across as a decent flick with good angles and some good cues of music but these things are all made useless because there is no pacing. Its like one minute you will see the survivors talking by a car, then it will cut to a desert setting with them talking about how the infection started, then cut back to the same people somewhere else by the same car they left. Another example is when the survivor groups meet up. We don't see it at all. We hear a gunshot when a survivor of the army meets group B and group A run towards the camera after hearing it and claiming "we're saved". End shot, next scene somewhere completely different.

I am just lost for words at how to explain this film. Its like it was made without a director and the people responsible just filmed a load of crap they thought might work and then threw it together in movie maker.

Do not watch this film, ever. You will only waste the time in your life up until turning it off.
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Outlaw (2007)
Top Notch British Movie
14 July 2007
If you are someone like me who hadn't seen the trailers for this or hadn't actually heard of it, and aren't used to films of this type (i.e. British setting based around violence and crime) then you are likely to really thoroughly enjoy this movie. I thought it was one of the greatest British films in a long time, and is up there in my mind with 28 Days/Weeks Later and the like.

The acting is pretty top notch. I thought Danny Dyer and Sean Bean were fantastic unlike a few of the other commenter's, and their dialogue and actions were pretty moving and inspiring. I thought the camera work went well with the type of film it was, and aided in conveying the action, violence and attitude of the movie. There wasn't too much violence nor too little, and at times i was kept on my seat, cringing ready for the next punch, hit with a bat or pipe, or any other act performed.

The ending was pretty cool too and wasn't what i predicted to happen. It left me grinning and i was just really entertained throughout the film.

I think for the people who were looking forward to the film it was bound to not be as good as expected, but if your after something interesting or something different to your typical action or horror flick, and you like British movies, you should really give this a shot. You wont regret it.
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One of the Greatest Achievements In Movie History
7 January 2007
It takes a lot for me to actually feel a need to post a comment about a movie but this easily deserves it. This is just one of the most moving and amazing films i have EVER EVER seen. The character of V is incredible and the whole concept of the movie just amazes me. The film mixes action, emotion and political aspects effortlessly and they work together to make one of the best films you could ever see. Hugo Weaving conveys the V character extremely well and i just adore his personality. Natalie Portman is incredible as well. Her acting is superb in scenes such as after she realises V tricked her with the torturing. I was incredibly moved by that whole sequence.
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