3 Reviews
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Do yourself a favour and don't bother ...
4 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, on a whim my friends and I decided to see this. Mistake.

The movie kind of starts of interesting, talking about a Korean legend of Dragons. Fair enough. But when the villain came in with mythological beasts that were a poor man's rip off from movies such as LOTR, I lost interest. That and the fact that despite it being set (in this part) in medieval times, the beasts could launch rockets. Yes, rockets.

Then we cut to the present day, I thought at least with Jason Behr I'd have some eye candy. I'm shallow at times, but even this couldn't save it for me.

The snake/dragon had now been transported from Korea to being a fossil in Los Angeles. Of course. And Jason Behr just HAPPENED to recognise it. Because he had an ancient Korean medallion that led to a long and windy flashback, culminating in him being the reincarnation of the protector of a girl who had to be sacrificed in order for a GOOD serpent/Dragon to absorb her special energy thing and thus save the world. Riiiiiiight.

He manages to locate the reincarnated girl, and after 5 minutes together they're on a beach and having an obligatory kiss. He just HAPPENS to know a doctor who can help her to regress, to understand her dreams about the past.

Meanwhile, the FBI are searching for the girl. They eventually locate Jason Behr and the girl, they know all about the serpent because 'The FBI have a very good paranormal section' (Guess Mulder and Scully are still working?).

Anyway, they have to get to this cave, but before they do the bad nasty serpent and its owner find Sarah (the girl) and Mr Behr, transporting them to this magical realm (sooooo the point of the cave?) ...

The medallion grows a pretty colour, but Mr Behr doesn't really save the day. The girl does, it's horrendous and basically the movie made me groan.

The special effects, whilst I suppose I should commend them, are light years behind other movies.

Overall it's a bad, bad movie that hopefully will NOT be released in other countries.

I wonder if Jason Behr regrets making it .. because I know I would if I were in it.
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Doctor Who: Doomsday (2006)
Season 2, Episode 13
Superb. (Spoilerishy?)
8 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was really cunning. I mean, we thought Rose was going to die (even though I was sure I'd read that BP said she didn't want to die). Yet, technically speaking, she DID die. Very sneaky that one Dalek has escaped .... will we see them in the next season???

As for the ending ... I almost wanted to cry. I couldn't believe it. He really felt something for her, but he wasn't able to say it. I nearly thought at the ending that she was going to be knocked off by the Dalek, especially with it being Bad Wolf Bay and all, but no ... Great cliffhanger too. 170 days to go!

I'm really looking forward to seeing it, though I'm not sure how they intend to explain the new companion. She's certainly not who I thought was going to be the next one!
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Silent Hill (2006)
What a waste of time.
21 April 2006
I can't believe I was so excited about this. I really was. The trailers looked soooooooooooooooooooooo good. Then I saw it and was bored of my mind. I just didn't think it was worth watching. My friend and I walked out of it, thoroughly disappointed. We were both hoping for something great and yet, we received something terrible. Sean Bean, I love. But Sean Bean ATTEMPTING an American accent, I hated. Even Hostel was better than this! A poor video game adaptation. Can see why it was released simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic. I was initially surprised that there were no reviews of the film available either, but having sat through that film, it is clear why this was the case.

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