
5 Reviews
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Star Trek (2009)
Finally, a memorable, amazing Summer Blockbuster!
29 May 2009
I thoroughly enjoyed STAR TREK but let me start off by saying I fully understand the flaws most people find in it, but you know what - I LOVED IT! The characters were great, the action was phenomenal and the way they brought in Leonard Nemoy was fantastic. I can see how the story could come off as contrived but I liked it anyway, much like last year's IRON MAN. I thought Bana was cool with what he had to work with and Chris Pine's Kirk was friggin awesome! The one thing that bother me in the whole movie was this: Kirk lands on the (Hoth-like) planet, meets old Spock, meets Scotty and beams aboard the Enterprise which is still in Hyper drive? Seriously? What's the point of Hyper drive if it takes forever to get there? Ha. Anyway, I loved the film, and I give Abrams an A+ for trying, even if STAR TREK was only an A.

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Trail Mix-Up (1993)
23 April 2006
I liked the tree falling on Roger miles away. I liked Roger getting squashed with the falling logs. I liked Roger getting sawed into a million little Rogers, and I liked Roger flying into a national monument especially when it screams back at him, but even with all of that, TRAIL MIX-UP had to be my least favorite. I dunno, it just felt to all over the place, like it didn't know where it was going.

I also didn't like the hidden poster with the play boyish woman straddling the saw, that just made the cartoon a little less enjoyable for me.

It is though one of the only THREE Roger Rabbit shorts, so if you like him, you should watch it.

Adios, Amigos
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Tummy Trouble (1989)
Brilliant I say old chap, Brilliant!!!
23 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Man oh man, this is just one of those classic toons that just can't be explained. Along with Bug's Bunny's "Rabbit Fire" and Tex Avery's "Swing Shift Cinderella" this is just a classic!!! All the jokes are hilarious!!! When Roger is dancing and his fluffy little cotton tail is grabbed by the male nurse. And then when they pass through all the doors which have words that all end in Ology until it gets to Burbank. Then, "ANISTETIC" and then a mallet to the head. All of them are just classic well done jokes, it's a must see for any Looney Tune, Tex Avery, Tom & Jerry and Roger Rabbit fan!!! A big TEN from the Rizz man!!!
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What a Ride!!!
23 April 2006
I'm 14 and I STILL love Looney Tunes, I have all of the collections and I watch them constantly. I'm also a BIG fan of Tex Avery, his mind was all over the place. Now when I got old enough to find out Roger Rabbit had his own cartoon shorts, I jumped for joy!!! Now, I had seen the "Tummy Trouble" cartoon when I was young since I liked "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" But it never occurred to me that it was a Roger Rabbit cartoon. I finally found out when I re-rented "Honey" and it said "Tummy Trouble" on the cover. After that, I went out of my way to find the others. It wasn't till just a few days ago that I finally saw all of them!!! I've watched them about a million time and "Rollercoaster Rabbit" is my absolute favorite one!!! Here are the reasons I love this cartoon, Spoiler Alert: 1: It's like Tex Avery to the extreme, especially when Roger is at the top of the roller-coaster and his eyes pop out of his sockets and wiggle around in the air.

2: The jokes are original, like when roger files smack dab into some barbed wire, he says, "That was bracing" and smiles to show us his barbed wire braces.

3: It's all over the place, with Roger getting shot at, getting stuck in the grinders, it's just plain hilarious!!! I loved it, it's probably my favorite cartoon now, I can't believe Disney and Steven had to finally pull the plug!!! That just chaps my hide (sorry, my Dad uses that phrase.) One of my favorite lines comes from Droopy, "Curses. Foiled again" HA, I laughed.

Well, I've taken up enough of your time now, just be sure to go out and watch this cartoon. Buy the new DVD which has just come out, even if it's only to see all 3 shorts!!! It'll be worth your money, I would do it, if my parents allowed me to buy "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." Adios, Amigos
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4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a teenager, and yes I still love Looney Tunes. No I'm not a dork or a geek who sits in his house all day watching cartoon (Unless I'm sick) I'm just a good, old fashion Looney lover.

So when I first saw Space Jam like a year after It came out (I was pretty young back then) I was like "WOW!!!" It was the greatest movie I had ever seen. I remember one day when I watched it 5 time (Yes that was overboard) I was Awesome!!! OK now enough of my life story, on to the movie review. So when Back in Action came out, me and my family saw the first showing on the first day (I'm Homeschooled) When It started and It went right to a cartoon without boring me with the humans (Like at the beginning of Space Jam) I said, this one is so much better.

*SOME SPOILERS INSIDE* I still like Spcae Jam, until I watched it a couple day ago. I didn't know what it was but something wasn't right. And then I found it out. THE CHARACTERS!!! The Looney Tunes were not their original Characters!!! Bugs Bunny go thrashed on the court. Porky Pig was nice and weird (Usally he's mean) Yosemite Sam didn't chase or shoot Bugs. Elmer was almost a right hand man to Bugs and Taz didn't try eating anyone up. The only character that was a little bit like the original was Daffy. It was all messed up. But Back in Action stays true to the characters. Bugs is slick. Daffy is evil and selfish. No Lola. Taz is mean and stupid. Elemer is trying to kill Bugs. And Good old Sam is as greedy as ever and still hates that rabbit. I liked that!!! I like that even though Elemer was an actor he was secretly evil. I liked Wile E. Cyote chasing after Road runner. And I like the Humans, Brendon Fraiser played a hilarious part (My favorite was when he stated to be in the Mummy Movies more that himself) Jenna Elfman has always been one of my favorite actresses (Since Keeping The Faith) and Steve Martin is HILARIOUSLY GOOD as the evil head of the ACME corporation. It's the way Looney Tunes should be. And I liked the concept of Daffy feeling down that everyone love Bugs for doing nothing and all he gets to do is be thrashed and smashed by him and have people laugh at him not with him like Bugs. I liked that, It gave even more character. So that's why, even though Space Jam is still an OK movie, I liked Back in Action BETTER!!! In the words of the great Porky Pig...

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