Pandora's Box (1929)
19 March 2004
I have to say I disagree with those who consider Brookes' acting to be wooden, the range of emotions her face portrays in this film is staggering, and she glides across the screen like a dancer (which, of course, she was). German Expressionism produced some fantastic films, but this is has to be just about the best. Pabst obviously knew how to get the best out of her, as she performs better here than in any of her Hollywood vehicles. Her acting is really understated, which led many people to say she wasn't doing much, but her face expresses so much. Francis Lederer is pretty good as Alwa, except for the scene in which he finds her in his father's house after the court trial and completely hams it up, pulling the most excruciating "moolie" ever seen on a cinema screen. Louise Brooks was one of a kind.
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