Review of Don't Look Now

Yes, this movie is a cure for insomnia!
4 August 2003
Man, I thought I'd seen some boring overrated movies before, like Polanski's "Repulsion," but this one must be the worst. After a nice opening scene, "Don't Look Now" proceeds to show some characters, who are mostly uninteresting, walk around and have little day-to-day type problems, have a little sex, blah blah blah. Oh trust me, there's no story at all. And there's not a trace of suspense or surprise until the very end, which comes out of left field and is very silly.

This is the kind of movie where normal, everyday events are supposed to be scary merely because a stinger was added to the musical score. If you watch it with the sound off, I guarantee you will fall asleep in minutes!

The other really annoying habit of this movie is its tendency to show something innocuous, like a broach, and zoom in on it as if this is something important that we're supposed to be interested in. In every single case it turns out to be completely irrelevant. As a result, the viewer is actually conditioned to ignore the movie's details...if the director won't play fair by giving these scenes a payoff, why bother paying attention at all? Overall, the only emotion this film can create is confusion and a deep, deep desire to shut the damn thing off half-way through. 3 out of 10.
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