How Dare They!!!
19 January 2000
Possibly the worst film ever made. Not just from of the content of the film, but because the film makers wasted over 100 million dollars making the film whose best aspect is that it shares the same title as the original.

Speed 2 consists of a two hour sequence of a bad story, supported by a lot of shallow acting and shocking dialogue. The first half has the feeling and depth of an episode of the love boat. Sandra Bullock displays the full range of her acting ability as she did in the first film, but this time the direction and script don't come to the rescue. Teaming up with Sandra is Jason Patric, who is relatively uknown in big money holywood circles and he shows you why. His acting is flat, shallow and uninteresting and most of the time you could care if he was water skiing naked off the back of the boat. From here the bad guy (Willem Defoe) starts to do his stuff and the show falls into a ramble of shodily put together events which seems to have little to do with each other or the script.

At this point the director probably could have saved the film by playing off the acting skills of Willem Defoe in a head-to-head type matchup of skill and wits. But the director chooses the special effects path for the film to take and wastes the characters of Willem Defoe and Tumuera Morrison and instead of running away to a speay climax, the film slows to a halt with a scene that explain where the majority of the film budget disappeared to.

All I can say is : How dare people waste the sort of money that goes into a such as this!! Was it made as a joke by some hollywood producer to laugh in the faces of smalltime unsigned film makers who could make 50 decent films for the price of this one ? I guess we'll never really know, since all we have as an answer is the two hours of awfullness that sombody called a film.
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