Review of Eye See You

Eye See You (2002)
I-C-U U-C Me He-C All
15 March 2004
******SPOILERS****** The movie "Eye See You" or "De-tox" has a new twist to an old tale. A serial killer who was stopped from murdering prostitutes by a determined Federal Agent Jack Molloy, Sylvester Stallone, take up killing policemen instead,just to get under Agent Molloy's skin. The killer goes as far as murdering his live-in girlfriend Mary, Dina Meyer, as Jack is forced to listen in on the phone helplessly and being unable to save her drives him to have a nervous breakdown.

Becoming an alcoholic and suicidal Molloy finally agrees to be sent to a De-tox center in the wilds of Wyoming at an old underground command post converted into a hospital for burned-out and severely depressed law enforcement officers. Molloy feeling that he'll get help for his mental illness as well as much needed rest at the center soon realizes that the killer who made his life hell and put him there in the first place is there himself impersonating a burnt out police officer!

The movie keep the audience guessing to who the killer is as he knocks off the policemen at the center as well as the attendants that work there. Still the movie is so unconvincing that when the killer is finally revealed towards the end of the film you almost forgot what the movie was all about in the first place to really care.

The gloom and darkness and what seems like a never-ending blizzard outside of the compound makes you unable to recognize anyone inside or out to know who the killer is even when you finally see him. Sylvester Stallone, Jack Molloy, does a good job acting in the movie that rivals his fine acting in his film "Copland" in 1997. Going from bravado to sensitive to suicidal and down-right depressing and finally to redeeming himself by getting back his nerve and courage.

In the final fifteen minutes of the movie Molloy has a furious life and death struggle with the killer where he impales him twice, not once, on the snow moving equipment, that made me lose my appetite for about a week. As good and convincing as they were Stallone as well as Kris Krstofferson Tom Berenger and all the other good and competent actors wren't enough to save the film.

One of the most unusual scenes in the movie took place in a bar before Molloy went to rehab. His boss in the FBI Agent Hendricks, Charles S. Dutton, takes out a gun and slides a bullet inside the barrel and tells Molloy to blow his brains out like a man. When Molloy points the gun up to the celling and harmlessly shoots a bullet into it Hendricks becomes so shocked that he apologizes to the bar owner as well as the costumers for what Molloy did? Would Molloy's action in blowing his brains out all over the bar be much better in Agent Hendrick's opinion?
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