We All walked out on this One!!!
23 July 2000
I am 52 years old and have loved movies all my life. There have been only 3 movies I have went to see that were so terrible that I got up and left the theater without making it to the end. I saw it on opening night. When we left I said "stop" "I want to count heads." There were only 7 people left in a sold out show!! The next day I was so shocked at the comments and reviews that I went with a second group of people and tried to watch it again, hoping perhaps I just had an "off" day. It was worse the 2nd time. I have never seen such poor film work ever. Soon into the movie I assumed the film was "matted" wide-screen because I saw many scenes with the characters foreheads cut off at about the hairline. I was stunned when one of the big waves hit the boat and knocked the main boom over. I thought I was watching an old 60's Godzilla movie. And then as the perfect "tri-wave" storm begins pounding the boat the scene moves to the inside of the ship. The crew is anxiously deciding what to do. They are SLOWLY LEANING from side to side. And behind them, outside of the main windows are these 40 or 50 foot waves slamming down just feet from the ship. Nothing on the tables are moving etc. etc. This is not to mention that the scenes were too chaotic to really see what was going on. They also were shot in deep brownish hues that were far from natural. That's not even getting to the fact that there is never an attempt to develop any of the characters. And the acting was "B" movie horrific. When both my groups left, after about an hour or more, I made the comment that "I hope this boat crashes and takes everything with it, especially the film reels at the theater." I then recanted and said "I don't even care what happens to anybody in this movie." If you want to see a good movie on the perfect storm, watch the "White Squall" or "Wind". Don't even waste your money on renting the video. I love George Clooney, but not here. I also want to note that I was hoping that at a 2nd theater, the movie at would at least display a proper aspect ratio. "Maybe the first show had over-scanned the projection so as to cut off the tops and bottoms of scenes". I was wrong. It was just as terribly displayed there. It is either being played back in 35 MM, matted to give us the 2:35 to 1 appearance of 65 or 70MM. Or it is just a terrible Camera man's eye for the scope of the viewer. Boy, I am sorry I am so negative, but this movie was that bad. I have heard many other comments from people who completely agree with me. Simply, one of the worse movies we've seen. And I like almost all movies in some way or another. Except "The Perfect Storm"!
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