Review of 21 Grams

21 Grams (2003)
Three lives
13 December 2003
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu has come out with another winner with this new film. The movie is co-written with his collaborator, Guillermo Arriaga, the one also responsible for "Amores Perros".

In a way, this film, if one compares it with the previous work, is a variation on the same theme, as in the other picture. Mr. Gonzalez Inarritu evidently has a knack for the kinds of stories in which fate is at the center of the action, or is it coincidence? What brings these three different lives together? He seems to be telling us these characters are very much connected, even though no has a knowledge of the others.

The acting is first rate. Naomi Watts is brilliant in her approach to Cristina, the young mother who is at the center of the story. This is a very talented woman who loses herself in whatever woman she plays. She is never boring to watch. Also, Melissa Leo. What an incredible actress! I have seen her many times on stage, but in this film she goes beyond our expectations.

The other incredible work in the film is by Benicio del Toro. He gives life to this Jack Jordan, a loser, who has seen the light and is trying to redeem himself.

Much has been said about Sean Penn's acting in this film, but his Paul Rivers is an enigma. By the end of the film we keep wondering about him, but only the other three keep haunting our mind. Mr. Penn is very good in the movie, but my feeling was that we never knew him, or perhaps the other characters are stronger and therefore one's reaction to this tormented soul he plays.

Let's hope the team responsible for this film won't make us wait very long for their next collaboration. Mr. Gonzalez Unarritu proves he is a talented director in his native Mexico as well as in the American cinema.
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